INDEX Bacharach. Hava/Eva, 134 A bat, meaning of, 303 n. 63 Aberlin, Rachel Mishan, 170, 196 Bat Ha-Levi of Baghdad, 54, 62 abolitionist movement, 242, 268–269 Beatrice de Luna, see Nasi, Gracia Abrabanel, Benvenida, 104, 107–108, 121, Beila of the Blessed Hands, 224 123, 125, 127 Bellina of Venice, Madonna, 105, 109 Ackerman Paula, 275 Benayah, Miriam, 188 adultery Berenice, 30 in biblical law, 43 Beruriah of Palestine, xi, 26–28, 30, 39, in rabbinic law, 43 284 n. 284 in Christian Spain, 96 betrothal, gaonic, 64 Aguilar, Grace, 204–205, 206, 223, 225, Bible Teacher of Fustat, 54–55, 61, 64, 66 231, 232, 250 “bitter water” ordeal, 43, 285 n. 62 agunah problem, 122, 154, 229, 266, 300 n. blessing of the bride, 68 98 Brandeau, Esther, 240, 244 Ahimaaz ben Paltiel, 103–104 Brazilian Jewry, 238–239 Alexander, Rebecca, 271 bride price/payment Aliyot by women, 101 Bible, 12 Allegra of Majorca, 77 Elephantine, 6, 12 Alvares, Judith Baruch, 268 rabbinc era, 40 amulets and charms, use of business women in antiquity, 4, 19, 20 Elephantine, 5 in rabbinic era, 46 Babatha archive, 5, 223 in Islamic era, 71 Christian Europe, 87–88, 97 in hasidic courts, 234 Italy, 117–118 see also magic Ashkenaz, 149, 150 Anna the Hebrew of Rome, 108, 118 Ottoman Empire, 185, 186 Anthony, Susan B., 260 early modern Europe, 223 anti-Semitism United States, 263 Christian, 74–76, 130–131 Muslim, 49–50 C American Jewry, origins, 239–243 Cairo Genizah, 51 Arabian and Yemenite Jewry, 49–50 Canadian Jewry, origins, 240–241 Arnstein, Fanny von, 202, 205–206 candlelighting, commandment of, 38, 159, d’Arpino, Anna, 108, 127 232 artisans, Ottoman Empire, 186 captives, 62, 311 n. 111 Ascarelli, Deborah, 106, 108–109, 127 see also slaves (Jewish) Ashkenzaim, definition of, 166 Carvajal, Francisca de, 238, 244–246 Cassia daughter of Shephatiah of B Southern Italy, 104, 109–110, 121 Baal Shem Tov (Yisrael ben Eliezer), 133, Caylar, Esther de, see Esther de Caylar 134, 136, 162, 163 Ceti of Saragossa, 77, 102 Babatha of Mahoza, 4, 5–6, 12, 13, 14, 16 charwomen, 238 Babylonian Jewry, 1, 4, 24, 282 n. 9 Chera of Winchester, 99 347 348 Index Cleopatra of Jerusalem, 30 Islamic era, 62–63 Conat, Estellina, 110, 118 Christian Europe, 9 concubines, 69, 123, 193 Italy, 119–120, 127 conjugal rights, rabbinic law 43 Ashkenaz, 152 conversion, 235 Ottoman era, 188 conversion, forced, 104, 166, 199, 200, 238, early modern Europe, 225–227 270, 271; 319 n. 1, 319 n. 3 United States, 241, 263, 264, 271 cosmeticians, 118, 186 education, secular court Jews, 130, 144 in antiquity, 12 Cultural Judaism movement, 203 Islamic era, 63 custody, see guardians Christian Europe, 91–92 Cypros, mother of Herod I, 34 Renaissance Italy, 105, 120–121 Ottoman era, 188 D early modern Europe, 224–226, 229 Dahiya Kahina of North Africa, 50, 55–56, United States, 263–264 71 education in Yiddish, 152–153, 226 Daughter of Joseph of Baghdad, 56, 71, educators 128 Egypt, 61, 63 De Lancy, Phila Franks, 248, 265 Italy, 118–119 desertion, by wife, 93–94 early modern Europe, 223 see also agunah, rebellious wife United States, 263, 264 divorce, civil, 266 Egyptian Jewry divorce, Jewish Hellenistic Diaspora, 23 husband’s grounds, 40, 65, 94 , 96 under Islam, 50–52 by moredet, 66, 285 n. 54 Eidele of Belz and Sokolov, 206 ransom divorce, 66 Eleazar of Worms, 78 Reform divorce, 266 Elephantine (Yeb, the Fortress), 2–3, 7 wife’s grounds, 40, 95, 96, 123, 229, Eliezer ben Hyrcanus, 30, 32, 33, 39 284 n. 53 Eliezer ben Natan of Mainz, 97 woman’s right to initiate, 7, 8, 10, Elizabeth I, 175 13–14, 40–41, 65, 190 Ella bat Moshe of Dessau, 135, 152 doctors, healers, and surgeons Ellus bat Mordecai of Slutsk, 135, 162 Christian Europe, 88, 89 English Jewry Italy, 117 expulsion, 75–76 Ashkenaz, 150, 152, 153 money lending, 90 Ottoman era, 186–187 Esterke of Opoczno, 84 Dolce of Worms, 77–79, 101 Esther de Caylar of Arles, 79, 82, 99 Doris of Jerusalem, 28 entertainers (Italy), 119 dowry expulsions Elephantine documents, 6, 7, 9, 12 northern Europe, 75–76, 129 Babatha archive, 6, 9, 13 Spain, 76, 104, 107 geonic law, 64 Italy, 106, 107 Islamic era, 71 Ezrat Nashim, 276 New Spain, 244 Dreier, Mary, 243 F dress factory workers badges and headdresses, 126, 151 Alexandria, 11 head-coverings, 124 United States, 263 in Krakow, 157 Falk, Bayla, 136, 152 Ottoman era, 189, 190, 191 farming, Christian Europe, 87 see also sumptuary laws Fatimid Empire, 50–51 Feige of Southern Poland, 134, 136 E Feminist movement, 243, 276 Edel, daughter of the Baal Shem Tov, 133, femme couverte, 230 134–135, 136 firzogerins, see prayer leaders education, religious Fishels, Roizel, 136, 152 rabbinic era, 37, 38, 39 Floreta Ca Noga of Aragon, 79 Index 349 Francesa Sarah of Safed, 170–171, 196 Herz, Henriette Lemos, 202, 208, 223, 228, Frank, Eva, 206–207, 232 235 Frank, Hannah, 206, 232 Homburg, Blümele, 158 Frankel, Sarah bat Joshua Heschel home-centeredness Teumim, 207, 231 Christian Europe, 98, 99 Frankist movement, 232 early modern Europe, 223, 227, 232–233 Franks, Bilhah Abigail Levy, 240, 246–249, United States, 263 263, 264, 265, 266, 271 Horowitz, Sarah Rebecca Rachel Leah, Freh. a bat Avraham of Safed, 171–172, 188 140–142, 233 Friedan, Betty, 243 Hurwitz, Bella, 142, 152 fringes (tzitsit), use of, 100 Frommet of Arwyller, 79 I Ima Shalom of Palestine, 30–2, 33, 35, 39, 43–44 G inheritance of property Gaudiosa of Palermo, 110, 126 Elephantine, 3, 15 Gela bat Moshe of Halle, 136–137 Babatha archive, 6, 15 geonim, definition of, 49 rabbinic era, 44 Gershom of Mainz, rules affecting Islamic era, 71 women, 74, 90, 94, 95, 96 Christian Europe, 98 get, see divorce United States, 268 Glikl bat Yehudah Leib of Hameln, 132, innkeepers, 223 137–140, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155 Inquisition, 179, 238, 245, 246 Gnendel of Bohemia, 140 intermarriage Goldman, Emma, 243 Islamic era, 69 Goldschmidt, Henriette Benas, 207, 217, United States, 242, 265 226 Islam Goldschmidt, Johanna Schwabe, 207–208, rise of, 47–48 224, 235 status of Jews, 48, 167 Gratz, Rebecca, 240, 243, 249–250, 263, status of women, 48 264, 265–266, 269 Israel groom’s payments, 64 pre-exilic, 1 guardians of children Persian era, 3 Babatha archive, 6, 7 Hellenistic era, 3 Italy, 126 Roman era, 3 Ottoman era, 194 Ottoman Empire, 166, 167 United States, 268 Italian Jewry Guta bat Natan, 101 origins, 103–104 Gutman, Sarel, 140, 141 expansion, 104–105 H ghettos, 105–106 h. alitzah ceremony, see marriage, levirate J h. allah, commandment of, 38, 159, 232 Jacobs, Frances Wisebart, 270 Handali, Esther, 172–174, 175, 185, 196 Jamila of Safed, Dona, 192 H. annah, granddaughter of Rashi, 85 Jehoishma of Elephantine, 6, 12 H. annah Brakhah, daughter of Sarah Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, 276 Frankel, 207 Jewish Socialism, 203 Hasidic movement, 163, 203, 233, 234 Jews, communal organization Hasmoneans, 21–22, 29 Babylonia, 4, 24, 48–49 Hasmonean women, 28, 29, 44 Arabia and Yemen, 49 H. ava/H. ana of Manosque, 79 Christian Europe, 73 Hays, Esther Etting, 240, 250–251 Europe in early modernity, 203, 227, Henndlein of Regensburg, 79 239 Henry Street Settlement, 243 United States, 239–243, 271–272 Herod I, 23, 31, 33–34 Jews, legal status Herodian women, 23, 28, 30, 31 Austria-Hungary, 201–202 Herodias of Northern Israel, 30, 35, 42 England, 200–201 350 Index France, 199–200, 202 Germany, 201, 202 M Islam, 48 Ma’aravis (Maghrebis), 166 Italy, 104, 105–106 Maccabees, see Hasmoneans Netherlands and Belgium, 200 magic New Spain, 238 bowls, 4, 18, 19, 20, 46 Ottoman Empire, 165–167 in Talmud, 46 Prussia, 201 see also amulets and charms United States, 239 Maid of Ludmir, see Werbermacher, Johanna of Egypt, 6–7, 14 H. annah Rachel Jonas, Regina, 275 Maimonides, Moses (Moshe ben Maimon) Joseph, Rachel Solomons, 251, 264 attitude to women, 52, 61, 65, 66 “judaizers,” 238 family of, 51–52, 57 Julia Crispina of Egypt and Judea, 7 works, 52 Malchi, Esperanza, 174–175, 185 K Malkah of Belz, 206, 208–209 Kandlein of Regensburg, 79–80, 99 Melkeleh the Triskerin, 218 Katz, Hannah, 142 Malkiel, Theresa Serber, 243, 263 Kaulla, Madame, 158 Malthace the Samaritan, 30 ketubbah, 13, 44, 64, 65, 66, 184–185, 186, Mansi, Paula dei, 110–111, 121 188–189, 193, 194, 280 n. 37, 280 n. Maria Hebrea (the Hebrew) of Egypt, 39 32–33, 283 n. 22 of abused wife, 96 Mariamne, daughter of Shimon ben of deserting wife, 93 Boethus of Alexandria, 30, 34 of rebellious wife, 65 Mariamne of Judea, 28, 33–34, 35 see also bride price, marriage contracts Marion, daughter of Isakios, 7, 11 kieras (court women), 166, 167, 185, Marion, daughter of Jakoubis, 12 195–196, 307 n. 5 Markel-Mosessohn, Miriam, 209, 227 Kohut, Rebecca, 243, 269 marriage, arranged Kurds, 166 rabbinic era, 40 kvitlekh, 234 geonic era, 64 Italy, 121 L Ottoman era, 188 labor organizing, 243, 263, 269 early modernity, 227–228, 264, 227 Landau, Resel of Prague, 154 marriage ceremony Laza of Frankfurt, 142–143 geonic, 64, 68 Lazarus, Emma, 251–154, 256, 264, 269, marriage contracts 270, 272 development of, 280 n. 39 Lazarus, Josephine, 269 Elephantine, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 40 Leah Dreyzl of Stanislav, 143, 162 in Babatha archive, 5, 9, 13 leconomancers, 197 Islamic era, 70 legal liability see also ketubbah for damages, 118 marriage, of cousins, 121 married woman 96–97 marriage, levirate legitimacy, 43, 68 biblical era, 67 see also paternity Hasmonean era, 41–42 Licoricia of Winchester, 80–81, 90 rabbinic era, 67 Liebmann, Esther Schulhoff, 130, 143–144, geonic era, 67 150 Christian Europe, 96 Lilith, 18, 19 Italy, 122–123 “Little Gracia” (Gracia the Younger), 181 early modern Europe, 154, 156 livestock ownership, 11 Ottoman era, 191 Luis, Rachel, 268 marriage, of minors Luria, Isaac and Lurianic Kaballah, antiquity, 13, 280 n.
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