(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,781,648 B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,781,648 B2

USOO7781648B2 (12) UnitedO States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,781,648 B2 Wang et al. (45) Date of Patent: * Aug. 24, 2010 (54) RESISTANCE TO SOYBEAN APHID IN 5,569,834 A 10/1996 Hinchee et al. ............. 800/312 EARLY MATURING SOYBEAN GERMPLASM 5,574,210 A 1 1/1996 Saghai-Maroof et al. .... 800/265 5,584.807 A 12/1996 McCabe ...................... 604f71 (75) Inventors: Dechun Wang, Okemos, MI (US); A R 2. C t - - - - - - - - - - - - - ty R wk 4 Tl2S Cal. 8ED"S.R. MI 5,763,241. A 6/1998 Fischhoff et al. ............ 800,279 s s 5,824,877. A 10/1998 Hinchee et al. ............. 800,294 (US) 5,846,795 A 12/1998 Ahlquist et al. ............. 435/468 O O 5,861,543 A 1/1999 Lambert et al. ............. 800,279 (73) Assignee: Board of Trustees of Michigan State 5,866,785 A 2/1999 Donson et al. .............. 800,298 University, East Lansing, MI (US) 5.965,794. A 10/1999 Turpen ....................... 800,288 5,977.438 A 1 1/1999 Turpen et al. ............... 800,288 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,981,839 A 1 1/1999 Knaufetal. ................ 800,287 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,981,840. A 1 1/1999 Zhao et al. .................. 800,294 U.S.C. 154(b) by 426 days. 6,051,757 A 4/2000 Barton et al. ............... 800,294 6,096,944 A 8/2000 Vierling et al. .............. 800,265 This patent is Subject to a terminal dis- 6,143,550 A 11, 2000 Lambert et al. ............. 435.243 claimer 6,384.301 B1 5/2002 Martinell et al. ............ 800,294 6,538,175 B1 3/2003 Webb ......................... 800,265 6,541,448 B2 4/2003 Isaac et al. ..................... 514/2 (21) Appl. 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