PENGUIN BOOK S JANUARY–APRIL 2011 P E N G U I N CLASSIC CLASSIC PENGUIN PENGUIN BOOKS A member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. A Pearson Company P E NG U I N BOOKS 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 www.penguin.com ISBN: 9783001162892 WINTER 2011 Cover Illustration: Jen Munford Detail from the back cover of the Penguin Ink edition of The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter (see p.16–17 for more about Penguin Inks) CELEBRATE 75 YEARS OF PENGUIN BOOKS Visit www.penguinbooks75.com W i n t e R 2 0 1 1 Penguin Books January 6 February 34 March 46 April 64 Penguin classics January 90 February 100 March 103 April 107 ClassicsfromPenguinAudio 111 P e n g u i n Bac k l i st Penguinauthors’upcomingandbacklisttitles 115 index 122 ReVIEW COPY INFoRMATION 125 oRdeRing inFormation 127 New york times Bestseller stones into schools PromotingPeaceThroughEducationinAfghanistanandPakistan ForewordbyKhaledHosseini g R e g M o R t e n s o n n ANew York Times,Wall Street Journal,Publishers Weekly,USA Today,Los Angeles Times,San Francisco Chronicle,Washington Post,andBoston Globe bestseller n Morethan4millioncopiesof Three Cups of Teainprint n Visitwww.stonesintoschools.com n Alsoavailableasane-book ISBN 978-0-14-311823-7 $16.00 ($18.50 CAN) Current Events 1 7 5 /2 x 8 /16 448 pp. 16 pp. color photos; b/w photos and maps throughout Rights: E30 Pub history: Viking hc 978-0-670-02115-4 On sale: 10/26/2010 G r e G M o r t e n s o n isa humanitarianandformermountaineer whobelievesthatthebestwayto 12-CopyFloorDisplaywithspecialheader peaceisthrougheducation.Heisthe 978-0-14-750742-6 $192.00($222.00CAN) founderofthenonprofitCentralAsia InstituteandPenniesforPeacechildren’s 24-CopyFloorDisplaywithspecialheader program.HelivesinMontanawithhis 978-0-14-750743-3 $384.00($444.00CAN) Photo: Khyber Mortenson wifeandtwochildren. 24-CopyMixedFloorDisplaywithspecialheader (12copiesStones into Schools,12copiesThree Cups of Tea)978-0-14-750744-0 $384.00($444.00CAN) NationalPublicity 10-CityAuthorTour NationalPrintAdvertising LargeLectureVenues RadioAdvertising 2 c lassic Penguin n o V e mb e R The much lauded follow-up to the #1 New York Times bestseller Three Cups of Tea in Three Cups of Tea, GregMortensontoldtheremarkablestory ofhiscampaigntobuilddozensofschools,mostofthemforgirls,inremoteregions of Pakistan. 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ISBN978-0-14-750777-8 $384.00($480.00CAN) 24-CopyMixedFloorDisplaywithspecialheader (12copieseachofCommittedandEat, Pray, Love) ISBN978-0-14-750778-5 $384.00($480.00CAN) OnlinePublicity 10-CityAuthorTour NationalPrintAdvertising 6 LargeLectureVenues RadioAdvertising c lassic Penguin j a n u a ry The #1 New York Times bestselling follow-up to Eat, Pray, Love—an intimate and erudite celebration of love at the end oF heR MeMoiR Eat, Pray, Love,ElizabethGilbertfell inlovewithFelipe,aBrazilianlivinginIndonesia.Thecouplesworeeternallove,but alsoswore(asskittishdivorcesurvivors)nevertomarry.However,providenceintervened intheformofaU.S.governmentultimatum:getmarried,orFelipecouldneverenter Americaagain.ToldwithGilbert’s trademark humor and intelligence, this fascinating meditation on compatibility and fidelity chronicles Gilbert’s complex and sometimes frighteningjourneyintosecondmarriage,andwillenthrallthemillionsofreaderswho madeEat, Pray, Loveanumberonebestseller. “Entertaining and illuminating.” —Curtis Sittenfeld, The New York Times Book Review “ Smart but not intimidating, wise but not smarmy, kind but imperfect, funny in a way that makes us feel better about ourselves.” —The Boston Globe “ Smart but unpretentious, funny, warm, and generous. By the end of one of [Gilbert’s] books, you feel as if she is your friend, too.” —The San Francisco Chronicle “Inspiring . deeply compassionate and often laugh-out-loud funny.” SuggestEd order —Dallas Morning News Also AvAilable froM PenGuin: Eat, Pray, Love (movie tie-in edition) 978-0-14-311842-8 $16.00 The Last American Man 1 978-0-14-200283-4 $15.00 unabridged Cds • 7 Cds, 8 /2 hours Pilgrims 978-0-14-314575-2 $29.95 ($37.50 CAN) 978-0-14-311337-9 $14.00 1 unabridged download • 8 /2 hours Stern Men 978-1-10-115446-5 $29.95 ($37.50 CAN) 978-0-14-311469-7 $15.00 7 c lassic Penguin j a n u a ry “A trove of well-wrought, luminous, soul-bracing gifts.” —Thomas Lynch (on the 2010 edition) TheBestSpiritual Writing2011 EditedbyPhilipZaleski IntroductionbyBillyCollins WITH SELECTIONS CHOSEN from a vast range of journalsandmagazines,The Best Spiritual Writing 2011gathersthe finestpiecesofspiritualwritingtoappearinAmericanpublications during the past year. 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Billy Collins servedtwotermsasthepoetlaureateoftheUnited
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