oodwind Choir SERVICES PETITIONS NOMINATING STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS Irregular Means Present Annual Of Electioneering ( INCLUDE Tonight INCREASE; DEADLINE ANNOUNCED FOR TODAY AT 3 cert Student Council candidates leaders, Charged At Meet and four court peti- kaid, a freshman from Liver- SPIRIIUA woodwind choir un- reached a 1,11-piere total of 16 yesterday tions. of Th as more majoring in history. The Charges by Dave Atkinson, Stu- ervices direction with will be he the filing of six more pe- For the latter, students must Student Court candidates are snd arranger, will dent Council member, that the Theater director titions with sign for only one male and one Don Campbell, a sophomore at noon annual con- Election Judge their tenth female junior AWA is using Student Body funds Doug Haywsrd Gene Judge, and the Psychology major from San at 11:15 o'clock In the Long. Also turned In weight same number of seniors. Jose; Don Hass, to back council candidates, and R. L. were San Jose jun- Irwin Will Theater. three Student Court and PETITIONS COUNTED ior majoring in commerce; Jane the two-class instead of the three- sermon has personally one yell leader petitions. entitled . Eagan Counting the petitions turned Jilinon, a junior social science class election proposal of Hank th." allnumbersar.eight Charlotte Noe DEADLINE TODAY in yesterday, there are now 16 major from Palo Alto, and linsen turned lad night's Student presented. For the past ten a group of sem ws II The on file for the seven Student Marshall Kelley, political sci- Council meeting into a session of attempted to gain deadline in which any (.:, has Council seats, four for ence junior from San Jose. led,I (Is ." petition the four fireworks. %Cajon of his instrumentation can be turned in is 3 --wni an judgeships, and one for the CANDIDATES r; Swing Los, IL- to standard- o'clock Councilman Atkinson brought ewrae . choir In order today. Long announces three yell leader openings. Student Council petitioners the charges against the associated lieroughout the nation. that students may sign seven Yesterday's candidates a r e are: Marjorie Behrman, junior Student Council, women organization, claiming that se liartdegen worked for ty..erarsthe to three yell For yell leader, Edward Kin- (Continued on All eel hi" page 4) it was backing three women can- the music n el' upon the pin, didates for the Student Council elle choir. The publishers feature will be A 1 with funds that were in their ""ttivred it very highly but, Dvorak's treasury but which was Student New W te ease with new type of Body money allotted to the organ- The services was difficult to estab- treimic, n ization by the Council t May by the _ AWk l' COUNCIL VOTE to appear with the sown The Council voted to send the Thomassen, violin- Al. irii Dorisse AWA a letter asking that the fied "Prelude to the Del- paying practice be discontinued if true. Saint-Saens. She will _Jan _To.eLe_ _State_ -. by ColLaqa__ Hank Imsen presented a peti- 1031E MEAD( accompaniment. woodwind THE NOBLEST MOTIVE ---- THE PUBLIC GOOD tion signed by 400 students for an ne meals will be eil PROGRAM amendment to the constitution in wind instruments VOL. XXX SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1942 Number 136 Monday, May It yitra State for having two class elections a year street. lirendig, -Ch. Lefehre. instead of three. The proposal was ill Col. 1353. iierro, Andante. Intermezzo. presented before and accepted by ern) Na. I Ii MajorW. A. RED SOPHOMORES, ,Wiltberger, Police the Council by a four to three FOR RENT School Head, To Worart. vote. ioni and garage Nikita,. GREEN FRESHMEN AMENDMENT 'essor or two wit bonne Woon, Flutist Leave June 1 For Service In Army However, failing to present the vats' home. 30 ad Woodwind Accompaniment Mr. William A. Wiltberger, for eight years the head of the amendment signed by at least It) liarden SuiteTh. Dubois. VIE FOR HONORS college police school, will leave June 1 for active duty with the per cent of the Student Body as 14444;FI4-siliftillit Bird,,, The Little Visitors, Red neckties and ribbons will demanded by the constitution, it Drops of Rain. army as a civilian worker at the U. S. Army air carps depot at elaborate the sophomore mixer was declared invalid. teir to the DelugeC. Saint- Hill Field in Ogden, Utah. goers, and green will distinguish The Council voted for the pro- *ns. the freshmen students when the Mr. Wiltberger will be in the plant protection department posal last night by a 4 to 2 mar- Donne Thomassen, Violinist sophs and frosh meet for their an- at the air base. His status as a civilian worker stands until gin. Thus under provisions in the Woodwind Acconipaniment nual mixer, "In the News," to he his commision, which is still pend- constitution it will have to be *Recollections. Op. 61. No. I held tomorrow evening at 7:30 in passed by a two-third vote of the D. Popper. ing, goes through. The move for the Men's gym. Student Body at the next meeting audio. the appointment to the air base (Continued on page 4) node. ((p. 51. No. '5-1). Popper Rivalry between the classes dur- has been under way since last ikon Moderato. ing the year has put the sopho- July. Mille, Op. 33I). Popper. more class out in front by 33 DISTINGUISHED VISITORS points to the frosh's 25. This hi Hagenie)er, Violoncellist An enviable record has been es- Navy Reopens V-1 means that in order to win the Blinn Woods, Accompanist tablished in the police school in cup at the mixer the freshmen I for Woodwinds, Op. I56F. the eight years Mr. Wiltberger has To College Men acquire 20 points while the Lochner. must been in charge of the classes. Po- 12. The Navy department yesterday nitro Moderato. Scherzo, sophomores need only lice officers from all over the announced the reopening of the nal, Four class events will be run off United States and the rest of the V-7 procurement program for ob- during the day of the mixer. The world have visited the school. His taining applicants from college for inen's bag brawl will be held at Majesty's Inspector of Police of Ir deck officers. The program, closed Corps Officers 11:30; girls' softball game at 4; England once visited the school. May I. will be opened for an in- 1 waterpolo for men, 6; and the Col. Frank Brooks of Scotland o definite length of time. Give Campus men's basketball game at 6:45 Yard was here In May of 1036. The plan is still the same, allow- modeled by p.m. The rest of the competition Another visitor was the Chief en Examinations ing college seniors and juniors to will be continued at the dance. It Constable of Manchester, England, join the Naval Reserve and remain inor 4. K. Montgomery and will last from 7:30 to 9:00. Danc- who was appointed by his country tudents in school until graduation unless from Stockton Field will visit ing will continue until 10:30 p.m. to study American police methods. the emergency becomes greater. riotous Friday, Saturday, Nicholson, president of A total of 481 students have Loren At the present time the V-1 pro- /1(1) and Tuesday to give phys- class, stated, "The William A. Wiltberger, for (Continued on page ,D the sophomore Mr. gram is rapidly filling the ranks uunhuations and screening on page 4) years head of the police (Continued eight and they will soon supply all the ler enlistment of college will leave for duty with oon men si hoot, JOHNSON HARD AT needed applicants for the V-7 no Army's new Air Force June I. Re- the Army, class. f program to train flight and COURSE FEES DUE WORK ON REALISTIC will be the dead Enlistments of college juniors crew officers. Tomorrow SETS FOR COMEDY the paying course fees. The who became juniors prior to April "Program is open to all col - line for Sneak Week Joint are payable in the Busi- Sets for the production of "Pride 15, and who were not eligible for .11 and high school seniors fees office, Room 2. After and Prejudice" to he presented in enlistment in Class V-1 while they Pan the physical examin- ness High Command late were sophomores, shall also con- iirl have 'Thursday there will be a the Little Theater May 28, 29 and the necessary ['e- until the closing. $1. Unless fees are paid 30 under the direction of Hugh tinue lls. The plan will allow fee of Formulates Rules inon by May 22, your registration W. Gillis, have been designed by to obtain their de- Bulletin: Rules and regulations be cancelled. Thereafter Mr. Wendell Johnson of the iiiress the world situation is will up at for Sneak Week will he set Robinson Directs hanged there will be a reinstatement Speech department. and will allow a meeting of the joint class Sneak oil fee of $3. Three sets will be used for the seniors to complete at committees today in the Student Evening Concert play, all of which will be on the year of college. at 4 o'clock, reads a com- Ile l'nion stage at one time, each being re- The seventh annual evening of present living representatives will be at high com- CHI SIGMA munique issued by the chamber music under the direc- cirrotilleiteu all BETA moved to reveal the one behind. day. For further mand.
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