Standard Form For Hembers of the Leq1s l ature 2. Harria9e (s) date place """ . I 3. Si9nificant events for example: A. Business /9tjtf I I c. 4. Church membership _______________~~~ -~~~· ~~~~--------------------- A. Local ______________________________________________________ __ B. State ______________________________________________________ __ 7 . 8. 9. Kames of parents _________________________________________________ Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. lO.Education --- ------- ------ Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. sources Loq For Leqislation Entries Applicability Source Non Applicabl.e Applicable Information obtained V J · I I / - ~~~~~- ~~~~~~~· ~9~~~/~qG~, ; 9~·~· ~ ·~- ~~~~~---------------- . ;1 . : ...... Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. • • inal reading on Sept. 19. Recycling Center. is scheduled to open in Oc­ state requirements without building a recycl- city staff to rework the tober. Its operation will coinCide with the start . ing center. · . ceep the rates as low as of weekly curbside collection of recycables. "I felt strongly we should have waited," / I Construction of the recycling center was Callendar said. than $3 before we're driven by state mandates that require cities to But other council members said the city has recycle at least 25 percent of waste collected. a responsibility tO deal with an issue the ne,...t~d a $3.50 hike, Curbside pickup - which will be voluntary public cares deeply about. ·at1 1m $5.50 to $9. Of - is projected to raise recycling frorp 14 per- "We have an obligation to recycle," Coun­ ;e, ~""' 70 had been ear­ cent to 26 percent. \ cilman Harry Keairns said; "We owe it to our ; of a new recycling pro- Councilman Loren Callendar, who cast the lone vote against the rate increase Monday, SEE STAFF lion Siouxland Regional again argued that the cit.y could have iplet the continued on page A14 Former U.S. SenatorI Jac~ : Miller dies at 78 a total of 17 years at the state and During his Senate career, Miller Sioux C·ityan nationallhels. once said · he 'was the "f~ther'' of He won re-election to the Senate automatic cost-of-living increases in . in 1966, carrying every county. He Social Security benefits. He said he served 2 terms ran up the second-highest Senate plu- pushed for the provision for years rality in Iowa history. · and got it inserted into the in Senate He announced his campaign for Republican Party platform at the Former U.S. Sen. · Jack Miller, re-election in 1972 by walking into 1968 Republican National Conven­ formerly from Sioux City, died the Associated Press office and ask- tion. 'Congress · passed the cost-of- Monday at a retirement home in ing to borrow a typewriter. He typed living P.lan in 1972. Temple Terrace, Fla., after suffering up hiSl own press release, handed 1t to Wh1le in the Senate,. Miller offered a heart attack. · l a desk editor and · walked out the an amendment providing for a mini­ door. mum income tax on\individual tax- He was 78. '' ~-; ·. Miller, a conser- :f'·• . He was defeated in that election by payers. The amendment was adopted valive Republican, ·· _, Democrat Dick Clark, who was con- and became part of the Tax Reform sat on the U.S. · sidered an underdog. \Clark cam- Act of 1969. Court of Customs · paigned by walking across the state. Miller was the ranking Republican and Patent Appeals ' .. In 1973, President Richard Nixon on the A~riculture Committee and in Washington, ·, · · 'nominated Miller as an associate third ranking on the Finance Com­ D.C. after he was judge of the U.S. Court of Customs mittee in the Senate. He also served defeated in his bid and Patent Appeals. The Senate con- on the Senate Anned Services Com- . mittee \ for a third term to 1finned his appointment. Miller said the Senate in 1972. at the time he was the first Iowan to Known as a fiscal conservative, · He retired from the serve on the · court, which was estab- Miller often was at odds with Demo­ bench in 1982. \ Miller lished in 1912. The court was based cratic administration economic . - In 1960 Miller, in Washington. policies, but voted for civil rights then an Iowa state senator, ran as an In October 1982, the U.S. Court of bills and conservation measures and underdog against Gov. Herschel Customs and Appeals merged with to Loveless for the U.S. Senate - and the U.S. Court of Claims to fonn the SEE MILLER ~ho won. He served in elective office for Federal Circuit. continued on page A 14 nee Iowan is charged New riverboat. fC\9es.delays •·· .• By Patrick Lalley · · ' · · . · ~ ( for killing officers , Journal staff wrtter -.· The arrival of Sioux City's neW · He d~scribes killings in chilling detail floating casino has been ·delayed until at least Sunday, the bOat's', n­ Source:ST. Iowa PAUL, Territorial Minn. and State (AP) Legislators ·- CollectionAn will compiled convene by volunteers Sept. and 7 staffto at thedecide State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. tid. operators said Mond!ty ~ - Iowa man, who in chilling detail whether to indict Baker on the The Belle, a 1 ,200-passenger, 1t an -' - - - - 'L-...1 L--·· L- -""'' """ ~~ p,..,J char1:1es. Folev said. naddlewheeler. ·w M schcaAnled 'o · ing in the dry August weamer. Staff will try to cut exper ' recyclables from surrounding cities ago after t and counties, which would shoulder riding collid from page one part of operating and capital costs. that allege< Scott fiid he believes such revenues right-of-wa~ kids to recycle.'' . will be higher than currently "For everyone who's opposed to budgeted. · Under the paying .more, there is an equal The council postponed a vote household ' number who ·are concerned about Monday on the proposed $566,979 50 cents pe1 recycling,'' Scott said. ( recycling center budget that covers settlement. Scott said he earlier ,met with the balance of the current fiscal year. insured, isst Utilities Director Steve Hoambrecker In addition to recycling, the pro­ waste rever insurance re and Solid Waste Systems Manager posed garbage fee increa~ will cover 1 John Green for more than 1 12 hours mcreased costs of operatin~ the land.­ ···• Councilrr to scale back the proposed rate in­ fill - driven by new envlfonmental had receive crease. mandates ~d to pay part of a $2.5 constituent5 Staff will try to cut expenses, as million out-of-court settlement the increase. well as plug in "more realistic" rev­ citr recently awarded to an Elk The COUJ lost·from his · enue projections, Scott said. The Pomt, S.D., man. Kevin Biederman the second dog Sunday, city-run center is soliciting was permanently disabled two years waste fees, 301) nd·.! Miller began political Career Sh< with election to Iowa House· chief counsel of the Internal Revenue pro :t.s from page one Service in Washington in 1947 and 1nths ago. 1948, while teachin~ law. at George· Washington Univers1ty. He taught at chc J Ko<li in the supported the United Nations. the Notre Dame law school from showin~up In 1972, he received the first WASH sappeanng Distinguished Service Award of the then until 1949, when he returned to senior mi Sioux City to P.ractice law. From ~yard is a national Water Resources Congress. mended t 1949 to 1960, M1ller ran a private tax d. Miller was born June 6, 1916, in crew mer. law practice in Sioux City. for their :II taken care Chicago. He moved with his parents Miller began his political career in · think he may to Sioux City in 1932. His parents downing 1955 when he was elected to the helicopte1 )t away' and l originally were from Wood River, Iowa House of Representatives, rep­ Neb. He received his undergraduate Pentagon is way home resenting Woodbury County. He Twent) degree from Creighton University in served tWo years. He was elected to a · 1938. 15 Ameri :avis and four-year term in the Iowa Senate, April 14 During World War II, he served in where he served from 1957 through ated the the Air Force in the China-Burma­ one of 1 Sunday night. 1960 when he ran as the Republican losses in 1 India theater and taught logistics at 2-hour nominee for U.S. Senate. the Army Command and Staff Col­ "This t the group, and He married the former Isabelle recomme lege, attaining the rank of lieutenant "Jerry" Brownins of Windber, ~orne from the colonel. He retired from the Air convenin; g, Kieta. Penn., in 1942. senior I Force Reserve as a brigadier general. In addition to his wife, he is sur­ :ntire family Following the war he received his spoke on tpf · about vived by one son, Jim; three daugh­ That a law degree from Columbia Univer­ ters, Janice, Judy . and Jaynie; 11 sity in New York. He also took Force ge !ver even been grandchildren, and one great-grand- recomm. post-graduate work at. the University child. of Iowa College of Law. This story contains information from whether t ther act --------'Source: Iowa Territorial andHe State worked Legislators in Collection the officecompiled byof volunteers the andThe staff Associated at the State Historical Press. Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. \ . judicial s: -- - - The. l \ MILLER, Jack Richard (1916-1994) Biographical
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