B. List of Fieldwork Reports Submitted in 2060

B. List of Fieldwork Reports Submitted in 2060

The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies B. List of Fieldwork Reports Submitted in 2060 (2004) Name of the Sudents Title of the Feldwork Report Agandhar Subedi Kff]v/fdf ko{^g Joj;fosf] dxTj tyf jtdfg{ cj:yfsf ] ljZn]if)f Amar Nidhi Paudel >L ;fjhlgs{ dfWolds= ljBfnosf ] sf ] ;u&gfTds+ ;/rgf+ M Ps cWoog Amirit Gosanwali Analysis of Internet Uses in Pokhara, (a Case Study of bbb.com), Pokhara Amrit Kumar Shrestha Njf• ;S^/df] cGgk)f" { ;/If)f+ Ifq] cfofhgfsf] ] ljsf;sf sfos{ dx?| M Ps cWoog Amrit Shrestha cGgk")f{ kmfO{gfG; sDkgL kf]v/fsf] lgIf]k ;+sng ;DjGwL M Ps cWoog Amrita Pokhrel /fli^«o jfl)fHo j+¤,} zfvf sfofno{ kfbL{sf ] ¥lgIf]k ;sng¦+ M Ps cWoog Anand Paudel dxGb] | dfWolds ljBfnosf ] M Ps cWoog kltj| ]bg Anil Ligal Kff]v/f kmfO{gfG; lnld^]*\sf] cfjlws shf{ nufgL Anjan Pokhrel A Case Study of Role of Women in Rural Area of Annapurna Conservation Area Project Unit Conservation Office Lwang Arjun Prasad Adhikari Dff%fk'R%\/] ljsf; ;+#‹f/f ;+rflnt ljBfno ;/;kmfO { tyf :jf:Yo lzIff sfo{s|d M Ps cWoog Asha Ale DffR%fkR%' /\ ] :^fgsl^•] O‡{ kf=| ln= sf ] pTkfbg tyf jhf/ Joj:yfkg Asmita Baral S[mifL ljs; j+¤} If]qLo sfofno{ kf]v/fsf ] shf { nufgL nIo / kutL| M Ps cWoog Balabhadra Kunwar >L lqej' zfGtL dfWolds ljBfno M Ps cWoog Bandana Gurung c~hnL' jfl*] •{ :sn' M Ps cWoog Basanta Mani Dhakal Nf]vgfy ax"p@]ZoLo ;xsf/L ;+:yf lnld^]*\sf] pTkfbg tyf ljlqm ljt/)f ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Basant Raj Adhikari KfmhLofdf' ^«]S; P)* PS;lkl*;g kf=| ln= dfkm{t ;]jflng ] ko{^sx?sf] cfudg M Ps cWoog Basanta Raj Bhattari Smflnn]s bUw' pTkfbg ;xsf/L ;+:yf= ln=ld^*] \sf] ;+u&gfTds ;+/rgf / ls|ofsnfk M Ps cWoog Bed Bahadur Rarie Organizational Structure of Snow-clad Traveller's Services (P) Lltd. Bhagabati Kumari Sharma >L ljGwjfl;gL pRr dfWolds ljBfno, kf]v/fsf] ljBfyL { ljj/)f ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Bhakta Bahadur Gurung cGgk)f" { ;+/If)f cfof]hgfsf ] ¥clen]v Joj:yfkg¦ ;DjGwL M Ps cWoog Bhanu Bhakta Lamsal A Case Study on Community Development Foundation Bharat Chandra Ghimire DfWo d:of•bL{ hn \ ljBt' cfofhgf] ndh•' lhNnfsf ] cfofhgfsf] ] ofhgf] ks| ofsf[ ] M Ps cWoog Bhim Bahadur Baraili >L lnl^n:^]k cfjlzo pRr dfWlds ljBfnosf] M Ps cWoog Bhim Singh Khatri Kfm]jf hnljB't u[x kf]v/f M Ps cWoog Bhisma Pratap Gurung >L d•nf pRr dfWolds ljBfno ndh•' M Ps cWoog Bhupendra Shrestha xl/of ] vs { c:ktfn kfv/f] ckf•x?sf ] nflu sltd[ c• klt:yfkg| M Ps cWoog 112 Miscellanea Bijaya Adhikari ;hgf[ ljsf; sGb] |, l;dnrf}/ kfv/fsf] ] M Ps cWoog Bijaya Shrestha KflZrdf~rn ufld)f| ljsf; j+¤,} b'n]uf}*f M Ps cWoog Bijaya Thapa >L 5 sf ] ;/sf/ tyf hfOsf‹f/f{ ;+rflnt ;fdbflos' ljsf; tyf jg hnfwf/ ;+/ If)f cfofhgf] Bijendra Gurung /fli^«o jfl)fHo j}+¤, kfbL { zfvfsf ] lgIf]k ;+sng tngfTds' cWoog Bikram Ranabhat Hfglko| dfWolds ljBfno, ef^vfnf] :of•hfsf ] ljlQo ljZnif)f] / dfgj ;;fwg+ Joj:yfkg Bikas Shrestha xl/of]vs { c:ktfnjf^ pkrf/ ul/Psf s'i& /flux?sf] ] ;DjGwdf ePsf] Ps cWoog M xl/of]vs{ c:ktfn, kf]v/f . Bimala Khatri A Case Study on Rural Energy Development Programme (Branch Office, Myagdi) Bimala Thapa >L ho dgsfdgf jrt tyf C)f ;xsf/L ;+:yf kfv/fsf] ] M Ps cWoog Bindu Sharma l;ljg kfv/fsf] ] sd{rf/L egf{ tyf %gf}^ k|lqmofsf] M Ps cWoog Binod Bhandari Kff]v/f kmfO{gfG; sDkgL ln= kf]v/fsf] ;+ktL tyf bfloTj Joj:yfkg ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Binod Khawash A Case Study of " SOS, for Orphan and Helpless Children "SOS Children's Village Gandaki, Rambazar, Pokhara. Binod Paudel >L af/fxL pRr dfWolds ljBfno dfn]kf^g, kf]v/f ‡ 5 , sf:sL ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Binod Koirala >L wd:ynL{ lgDg dfWolds ljBfnosf] M Ps cWoog Birendra Pun Kf|h' P)* ;G; k|f= ln= kf]v/f vl/b ljlqm ljt/)f ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Bishnu K.C lztn Puf| ] kf| *] S;\ /fgL kfjf} dfusf{ ] k/Dk/fut vfWoj:t ' pTkfbg tyf ljlqm ljt/)f M Ps cWoog Bishnu Prasad Adhikari Smlif[ ljsf; js+} , jls•} sfofno{ kfv/f] zfvfsf ] ;sng+ sfoqmd{ M Ps cWoog Bishnu Prasad Bastola DfT:o cg';Gwfg sGb] | , j]ugf; ‹f/f ;rflnt+ -df%f pTkfbg tyf jhf/ Joj:yfkg_ M Ps cWoog Bishnu Prasad Gautom >L hg;jf] jrt tyf C)f ;xsf/L ;:yfsf+ ] jrt tyf C)f nufgLsf ] M Ps cWoog Bishnu Prasad Khanal Development of Human Resource, a Case Study of "Escol Information Pvt Lltd. Bishnu Prasad Pahari >L hg hfut[ dfWolds ljBfno ;u&gfTds+ ;/rgf+ ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Bishnu Prasad Subedi l(s/' kfv/L] ufp† ljsf; ;ldltsf] cfDbfgL tyf vr{ ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Bishowmani Dhunganga >L gljg dfWolds ljBfno kfv/fsf] ] M Ps cWoog Budha Gurung k|zf;lgs tyf n]vf Joj:yfkg K[fYjL /fhdfu { a; ;~rfnsM ;ldlt -k|wfg sfofno,{ kfv/f_] Budha Laxmi Gurung If]qLo kz';]jf lgbzgfno]{ klZrdf~rn‹f/f ;+rflnt ¥lhNnf kz;' ]jf Budhi Maya Thapa A Case Study of Shree Panch Ratna Rajya Laxmi Kanya Madhyamik Vidhyalaya Budhi Prakash Baral lzzjf' kfylds| :jf:Yo sGb] jf^| ;~rflnt kl/jf/ lgofhgsf] c:yfO { ;fwg kof| ustf] { ;DjlGw M Ps :ynut cWoog k|ltj]bg 113 The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies Budhi Prasad Sharma Kffv/f] /fon] ;xsf/L ;+:yf lnld^]* \ M Ps cWoog Chabi Raj Adhikari >L df%fk'R%] | pRr dfWolds ljBfno M Ps cWoog Chet Nath Sharma Job Analysis System of Nepal Rastra Bank Branch Office, Pokhara Chetan Prasad Arayal cGgk)f" { ;'k/ dfs^{] k|f= ln= kf]v/f M Ps cWoog Chiranjibi Paudel Kff]v/f pkTosfdf tof/L rfp † rfp†sf] pkef]u , v'bf| ljqm]tfsf] b[li^sf])f M Ps jhf/ ;jIf)f{] Chiranjib Acharya /fli^«o jfl)fHo j•,+} zfvf sfofno,{ kfbL { sf:sLsf ] C)f ljt/)f kjfx| kls| of| ;DjGwL M Ps cWoog Chis Kumar Shrestha o'gfO{^]*\ OG;f]/]G; sDkgL -gkfn_] lnld^]*sf\ ] khL'† ;/rgf+ Chudha Mani Budhathoki A Case Study of Employee, Recruitment, Selection and Socialization on the Nepal Co-operative Society Lltd. Damayanti Parajuli Gf]kfn :jf:Yosf] nflu kfgL - g]= jf=_, IfqLo] sfofno{ kf]v/fsf] ;+u&gfTds (f†rf ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Dambar Bahadur Chhetri Gf]kfn j}+s lnle^]*\ , l;l^ clkm; kfv/fsf] ] lgIf]k ;+sng ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Damodar Baral lgdn{ kfv/L] ufp† ljsf; ;ldltdf :yf= lj= sf ] ‹f/f ;~rflnt ufp † ljsf; sfos{ |d M Ps cWoog Debendra Dhital Kffv/f] pk‡dxfgu/kflnsf sfifsf] ] >ft] Pj+ k|ofu] ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Dev Bahadur Bishowakarma Zfx/L ljsf; tyf ejg lgdf)f{ ljefu ljefhg sfofnosf{ ,] sd{rf/L gLlt lgodx?sf ] ¥Ps cWoog Dev Nath Lamichhane >L ;kg] l;/fg rf/} lgDg dfWolds ljBfno ;u&gfTds+ ;/rgf+ M Ps cWoog Dhak Bahadur Thapa >L 5 OGb/fHo| nIdL dfWolds ljBfnosf] M Ps cWoog Dharma Kumari Chhettri Industrial Investment of Annapurna Finance Limited 114 Miscellanea Dharma Raj Gurung A Study on Deposit of Pokhara Finance. Dhurba Chhetri Gfkfn] j}+¤ lnld^]* \ , ju/ zfvf, kf]v/f >f]t tyf shf{ ljt/)f M Ps cWoog Dhurba Lamichane A Case Study on the Role of Andhikhola Samraksan Krisaksamuha (ask)- Syangja for the Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Environment Dibash Singh Thapa Loan Distribution of Agriculture Development Bank (Branch Office, Prithwi Chowk) Dibesori Chalise Gfkfn] kl/jf/ lgofhg] ;+# sf:sL zfvf kf]v/fsf ] M Ps cWoog Dilip Neupane A Case Study of Diamond Boarding School, Pokhara. Dilly Raj Gurung Acquisition of Human Resources in "Paluwa" HIV/AIDS Counseling Centre Pokhara (INF) Dilmaya Bhujel Kfmjf] *•f'+ Joj;foL ;u&g+ sfofno{ jbfd} ‡ 6, kfv/f] Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL+ M Ps cWoog Dinbandhu Pokhrel ;fN^ ^l*•«] skf/{] zg] lnld^*] \ c~rn sfofno{ , kfv/f] , ljlqm ljt/)f M Ps cWoog======= Dinesh Pun A Case Study on Loan Investment Policy and Practices in Nepal Development Bank Limited Dipak Paudel ;hgf[ ljsf; s]Gb‹f/f| ;rflnt+ dlxnf n#'C)f kl/ofhgf] lsofsnfk| M Ps cWoog Dipak Pokhrel A Case Study on Deposit Collection and Loan Distribution of Oriental Co-operative Limited, Branch Office, Pokhara Dipak Puri Kffv/f] kmfO{gfG; lnld^*] \sf ] shf { nufgL M Ps cWoog Dipendra K. Lamichhane >L hgrtg] dfWolds ljBfno M Ps cWoog Dipendra Shrestha Gfkfn] gqlxg] ;#+ sf:sL zfvf M Ps cWoog Dipendra Subedi Kff]v/f /fon] ;xsf/L ;+:yf ln= kfv/fsf] ] shf { kjfx| M Ps cWoog Durga Parajuli Kff]v/fdf Rofp† pTkfbg tyf jhf/ Joj:yfkg ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Eka Narayan Sapkota cGwfcGwL ;fdbflos' ljsf; sGb] | :of•hfsf ] M Ps cWoog Famos Thakuri Nff]s ;]jf cfofusf] ] klZrdf~rn Iflqo] lgb{zgfno,] kf]v/fsf ] sd{rf/L egf{ %gf}^ tyf l;kmfl/; ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Firoj Gopal Bajracharya Organizational Structure of Sichar Treks and Expedition Pvt. Ltd. Gaitri Acharya Gfdgf" art tyf C)f ;xsf/L ;:yf+ lnld^*] \ kfv/fsf] ] , lgIfk] ;sng+ ;DjlGw M Ps cWoog Ganesh Bdr. Rana Magar A Case Study on Charging and Discharging System of Western Regional Library Ganesh Bhandari >L hghQm' zfxL dfWolds ljBfno M Ps :ynut cWoog Ganesh Bikram Karki K[fYjL /fhdfu { a; ;~rfns ;ldltsf ] sfo { Ifq] M Ps cWoog Ganesh Prasad Acharya /fli^o« jfl)fHo j¤+} zfvf sfofno{ , cfBf} lus] Ifqsf] ] lgIfk] ;sng+ sfoqmd{ M Ps cWoog Ghana Shyam Adhikari Kfbd gl;•xf{ d] kf=O| e{ ^] ln=ld^*] sf\ ] sdrf/L{ / lj/fdL Joj:yfkgsf ] M Ps cWoog Ghana Shyam Bhattari Production and Distribution System in Private Sector ( A Case Study of Everest Noodles & Him Shree Foods (P) Ltd.

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