TheThe Piarist Piarist FathersFathers PastorPastor Rev.Rev. DavidDavid PowersPowers Sch.P.Sch.P. Parochial Vicars Parochial Vicars Rev. Andrew Berinyuy, Sch.P. Rev.Rev. LuisAndrew Alberto Berinyuy, Cruz, Sch.P.Sch.P. VeryRev. Rev. Luis Fernando Alberto Cruz,Negro, Sch.P. Sch.P. Rev.Very RichardRev. Fernando Wyzykiewicz Negro, Sch.P.Sch.P. Rev. Richard Wyzykiewicz Sch.P. Parish Staff Parish Staff ParishParish SecretarySecretary Mrs. Rosemarie Ortiz Mrs. Rosemarie Ortiz Business Manager BusinessAnne Kathy Manager Rice Anne Kathy Rice Facilities Manager FacilitiesLillian Nazario Manager Lillian Nazario saint Music Director MusicMr. Daniel Director Ambe Mr. Daniel Ambe Musicians Mr.Musicians Jim Donaldson Mr. Alex Henriquez Mr. Jim Donaldson Helena OctoberMr. Alex— HenriquezNovember Mass Schedule (Horario de Misas) January-February2019 2020 St.St. HelenaHelena’’ss SchoolSchool (718)(718) 892892--32343234 http://www.sthelenaelementary.orghttp://www.sthelenaelementary.org EarlyEarly ChildhoodChildhood (Pre(Pre--KK forfor All)All) ElementaryElementary SchoolSchool (Grades(Grades KK--8)8) Principal:Principal: Mr.Mr. RichardRichard MellerMeller 20502050 BenedictBenedict AvenueAvenue Bronx,Bronx, NewNew YorkYork 1046210462 HighHigh School:School: MonsignorMonsignor ScanlanScanlan H.S.H.S. (718)(718) 430430--01000100 Arrangements must be http://www.scanlanhs.edu/http://www.scanlanhs.edu/ made at the Rectory for Baptismal Principal:Principal: Mr.Mr. KrisKris KeelinKeelin Class. Bring a copy of the child’s Birth 915915 HutchinsonHutchinson RiverRiver ParkwayParkway Certificate and Godparent documents. Bronx,Bronx, NewNew YorkYork 1046510465 Arrangements for weddings should be made as soon as St.St. HelenaHelena Rectory:Rectory: possible at the Rectory. 13151315 OlmsteadOlmstead AvenueAvenue Bronx,Bronx, N.Y.N.Y. 1046210462 All Catholics Phone: (718) 892-3232 who live within the parish boundaries Phone: (718) 892-3232 should fill out a registration card at the Fax:Fax: (718)(718) 892892--77137713 Rectory. www.churchofsthelena.com Email:Email: [email protected] Alumni:Alumni: [email protected] Alumni: [email protected] ST. L BRONX, Our Lady of High Grace from conception to natural death. Dr. King’s work reminds us that There will be a celebration at 1:30PM being pro-life is more than opposing abortion and euthanasia: it is today in the gymnasium in honor of Our creating a world in which the dignity of every human life is upheld. Lady of Altagracia. The Dominican Racism is necessarily part of the pro-life conversation because we Republic, where the evangelization of the cannot be pro-life if we value some lives over others. In imitation of New World began, is under the protection Jesus, Dr. King calls us to lift up those who are most oppressed. of the Virgin under two titles: Our Lady of Mercy, the principal patroness who was so During his life, Dr. King worked side-by-side with many Catholics, proclaimed in 1616 during the Spanish including priests and religious sisters. He was propelled forward by colonial rule, and the Virgin of Altagracia, his love of Jesus, and he recognized that this was common ground Protector and Queen of the hearts of the he shared with other Christians. Instead of focusing on the beliefs Dominicans. "Tatica from Higuey," as the that made him different from Christians of other denominations, natives of Quisqueya fondly refer to her, Dr. King sought out that shared love and used it as a foundation has her story and legend. There are for activism. historic documents that prove that in 1502, in the island of Santo Domingo, the Most Blessed Virgin was In his book Strength to Love, Dr. King said, “Darkness cannot honored under the title of our Lady of la Altagracia, whose portrait drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out had been brought there from Spain by Alfonso and Antonio Trejo, hate, only love can do that.” This is a beautiful Christian message brothers who were among the first European settlers of the island. that we should take to heart, remembering that Jesus is the Light When the brothers moved to the city of Higuey, they took the of the world (John 8:12). As we take action in our communities, image with them. Later they offered it to the parish church so that may we be witnesses to the Light, letting Jesus dispel the dreaded everyone could venerate it. The first shrine was completed in darkness of injustice. 1572, and in 1971 the present Basilica was consecrated. Popular piety has it that the devout daughter of a rich merchant St. Sebastian - January 20 had asked him to bring her a portrait of Our Lady of Altagracia He is heralded as the Patron Saint of Athletes, and though little is from Santo Domingo. The father tried to get it for her, but with no known about the details of St. Sebastian’s life, the information success. Neither clergymen nor tradesmen had ever heard that available shows him to be a man devoted to God to the very end. Marian title. Meanwhile, back at Higuey, the merchant decided to It took several attempts on his life before St. Sebastian gained the stay overnight at a friend's house. After dinner, feeling sorry for glorious crown of martyrdom in the year 288, in Rome, Italy. The his daughter's disappointment when he should arrive empty- specifics of St. Sebastian’s birth and childhood have been lost handed, he described to those present his unsuccessful search. As through the ages. It is believed that he was born in Gaul (modern- he spoke, an old man with a long beard, who was passing by, day France) to a wealthy Roman family. He was raised as a took out of his knapsack a rolled-up painting and gave it to the Christian in a time when being a Christian was very dangerous. In merchant saying, "This is what you are looking for." It was the the year 283, St. Sebastian joined the Roman army. He kept his Virgin of Altagracia. At daybreak, the old man had disappeared. Christianity a secret so that he would be able to act as a spy in the army. St. Sebastian was promoted to become a guard in the The portrait of Our Lady of Altagracia is thirty-three centimeters Praetorian Guard, which was a group of men who served as the wide by forty-five high. Expert opinion has it that it is a primitive emperor’s bodyguards. The Emperor Diocletian hated all Christians work of the Spanish school, painted towards the end of the 15th and ordered many to be tortured and killed. Diocletian did not or beginning of the sixteenth century. The painting, which depicts know that St. Sebastian was a Christian, which allowed him to a Nativity scene, was restored successfully in Spain in 1978, and lead this double life, in which he was able to both be a spy in the its original beauty and color can now be appreciated. The rigor of army and be a faithful follower of Jesus. St. Sebastian’s spying time, candles' smoke and rubbing by the hands of the devotees may have resulted in him finding out information that helped to had so altered the surface of the portrait that it had become save Christians. He also secretly visited Christians who had been nearly unrecognizable. imprisoned for their faith, bringing them supplies and comfort. The scene of Jesus' birth is painted on fine cloth. The Virgin, lovely and serene, occupies the center of the picture; she is One day, a woman named Zoe was brought to St. Sebastian. She looking with tenderness at the child who lies nearly naked on the was the wife of a soldier St. Sebastian was in the army with. Zoe straw of the manger. A blue cloak sprinkled with stars envelops had lost her power of speech, and hoped St. Sebastian would be her and a white scapular closes her garments in front. Maria of able to help her. He prayed with her and made the Sign of the Altagracia wears the colors of the Dominican flag; anticipating in Cross over her. When she was healed, many learned of what had this manner the national identity. A radiant crown and twelve stars happened and became Christians, too. Diocletian heard of Zoe and frame her head which now has a crown on it. The frame which the other Christians and had them all arrested. He ordered them holds the painting is probably the most refined example of fine to be put to death. St. Sebastian heard of this, and since he had Dominican goldwork. This marvel made of gold, precious stones, been close with Diocletian, went before him to try to change his and enamel, is the work of an unknown eighteenth-century artist. mind, telling Diocletian that he, too, was a Christian. Diocletian Possibly he used the jewels that the Virgin's devotees gratefully would not be persuaded, and instead, ordered that St. Sebastian offered her. be killed, too. Because Diocletian was angry that he had been tricked all along by St. Sebastian keeping his Christianity hidden, The image of Our Lady of Altagracia had the privilege of being he ordered that St. Sebastian would be put to death in a terrible crowned twice: on August 15, 1922 - during the pontificate of Pius way St. Sebastian was stripped of his clothes, tied to a tree, and XI - and by Pope John Paul II, who on January 25, 1979, during treated as “target practice” by his fellow soldiers. They shot him his visit to Santo Domingo, personally crowned the image with a with arrow after arrow. When they left, a Christian woman named golden silver tiara, his personal gift to the Virgin, who was the first Irene came to him, untied him, and seeing that he was still alive, evangelizer of the Americas.
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