BRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY VYSOKÉ UČENÍ TECHNICKÉ V BRNĚ FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OF RADIO ELECTRONICS FAKULTA ELEKTROTECHNIKY A KOMUNIKAČNÍCH TECHNOLOGIÍ ÚSTAV RADIOELEKTRONIKY DIFFRACTION EFFECTS IN TRANSMITTED OPTICAL BEAM DIFRAKČNÍ JEVY VE VYSÍLANÉM OPTICKÉM SVAZKU DOCTORAL THESIS DIZERTAČNI PRÁCE AUTHOR Ing. JURAJ POLIAK AUTOR PRÁCE SUPERVISOR prof. Ing. OTAKAR WILFERT, CSc. VEDOUCÍ PRÁCE BRNO 2014 ABSTRACT The thesis was set out to investigate on the wave and electromagnetic effects occurring during the restriction of an elliptical Gaussian beam by a circular aperture. First, from the Huygens-Fresnel principle, two models of the Fresnel diffraction were derived. These models provided means for defining contrast of the diffraction pattern that can beused to quantitatively assess the influence of the diffraction effects on the optical link perfor- mance. Second, by means of the electromagnetic optics theory, four expressions (two exact and two approximate) of the geometrical attenuation were derived. The study shows also the misalignment analysis for three cases – lateral displacement and angular misalignment of the transmitter and the receiver, respectively. The expression for the misalignment attenuation of the elliptical Gaussian beam in FSO links was also derived. All the aforementioned models were also experimentally proven in laboratory conditions in order to eliminate other influences. Finally, the thesis discussed and demonstrated the design of the all-optical transceiver. First, the design of the optical transmitter was shown followed by the development of the receiver optomechanical assembly. By means of the geometric and the matrix optics, relevant receiver parameters were calculated and alignment tolerances were estimated. KEYWORDS Free-space optical link, Fresnel diffraction, geometrical loss, pointing error, all-optical transceiver design ABSTRAKT Dizertačná práca pojednáva o vlnových a elektromagnetických javoch, ku ktorým dochádza pri zatienení eliptického Gausovského zväzku kruhovou apretúrou. Najprv boli z Huygensovho-Fresnelovho princípu odvodené dva modely Fresnelovej difrakcie. Tieto modely poskytli nástroj pre zavedenie kontrastu difrakčného obrazca ako veličiny, ktorá kvantifikuje vplyv difrakčných javov na prevádzkové parametre optického spoja. Následne, pomocou nástrojov elektromagnetickej teórie svetla, boli odvodené štyri výrazy (dva presné a dva aproximatívne) popisujúce geometrický útlm optického spoja. Zároveň boli skúmané tri rôzne prípady odsmerovania zväzku - priečne posunutie a uhlové odsmerovanie vysielača, resp. prijímača. Bol odvodený výraz, ktorý tieto prípady kvan- tifikuje ako útlm elipticky symetrického Gausovského zväzku. Všetky vyššie uvedené modely boli overené v laboratórnych podmienkach, aby sa vylúčil vplyv iných javov. Nakoniec práca pojednáva o návrhu plne fotonického optického terminálu. Najprv bol ukázaný návrh optického vysielača nasledovaný vývojom optomechanickej sústavy prijí- mača. Pomocou nástrojov geometrickej a maticovej optiky boli vypočítané parametre spoja a odhad tolerancie pri zamierení spoja. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA Optický bezdrôtový spoj, Fresnelova difrakcia, geometrický útlm, chyba zamierením, návrh plne optického spoja. POLIAK, Juraj Diffraction effects in transmitted optical beam: doctoral thesis. Brno: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Department of Radio Electronics, 2014. 113 p. Supervised by prof. Ing. Otakar Wil- fert, CSc. DECLARATION I declare that I have written my doctoral thesis on the theme of “Diffraction effects in transmitted optical beam” independently, under the guidance of the doctoral thesis supervisor and using the technical literature and other sources of information which are all quoted in the thesis and detailed in the list of literature at the end of the thesis. As the author of the doctoral thesis I furthermore declare that, as regards the creation of this doctoral thesis, I have not infringed any copyright. In particular, I have not unlawfully encroached on anyone’s personal and/or ownership rights and I am fully aware of the consequences in the case of breaking Regulation S 11 and the following of the Copyright Act No 121/2000 Sb., and of the rights related to intellectual property right and changes in some Acts (Intellectual Property Act) and formulated in later regulations, inclusive of the possible consequences resulting from the provisions of Criminal Act No 40/2009 Sb., Section 2, Head VI, Part 4. Brno . ................................... (author’s signature) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my Professor Otakar Wilfert, who was great mentor in my countless queries. Without his guidance and persistent help this dissertation would not have been possible. I would like to thank to Professor Zdeněk Kolka, who provided me not only a unique opportunity and free hand during development and testing of the optical and optome- chanical parts of the photonic FSO link, but also financial support without which this would not have been possible. In addition, many thanks to Professor Jiří Komrska, who introduced me to the beauty of Wave Optics and mainly to the theory of diffraction, and whose enthusiasm and physicist’s point-of-view were a motor in the theoretical part of the research. A big thank you to Professor Erich Leitgeb whose guidance and nice words came always at the perfect time for encouragement, professional and personal advices as well as for the introduction (not only) to the European OWC community. I would also like to thank to the OptaBro team, Department of Radio Electronics and to SIX Research Centre for their financial and personal support granted through my doctoral studies. Last, but not least, I would like to thank to my family and to my life partner Lucia for their continuous support during my studies and for always believing in me. Brno . ................................... (author’s signature) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Brno University of Technology Technicka 12, CZ-61600 Brno Czech Republic http://www.six.feec.vutbr.cz ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Výzkum popísaný v této doktorské práci bol realizovaný v laboratóriách podporených z projektu SIX; registračné číslo CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0072, operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace. Brno . ................................... (author’s signature) CONTENTS Introduction 14 1 State of the art 16 1.1 Optical wireless communications . 16 1.2 Atmospheric effects in FSO systems . 16 1.3 Deterministic effects in FSO systems . 21 1.3.1 Thermal and wind effects . 22 1.3.2 Geometrical loss . 22 1.3.3 Diffraction effects . 23 2 Objectives of the thesis 25 3 Wave effects in OWC 26 3.1 Gaussian beam . 26 3.2 Fresnel diffraction integral . 31 3.3 Fresnel diffraction in form of integration of Bessel functions . 36 3.4 Fresnel diffraction in form of FFT . 38 3.5 Diffraction effect assessment . 39 3.5.1 Experimental verification of models . 39 3.5.2 Model based on the Bessel functions integration . 41 3.5.3 Model based on the FFT . 43 3.6 Summary . 44 4 Geometrical and pointing loss 49 4.1 Derivation of exact expressions . 50 4.2 Derivation of approximative expressions . 54 4.3 Misalignment loss . 58 4.4 Experimental Verification and Discussion . 62 4.5 Summary . 69 5 All-optical FSO transceiver 71 5.1 Dual-wavelength single-aperture transmitter . 71 5.1.1 WDM-based DAS . 72 5.1.2 POF-based DAS . 73 5.1.3 Dual-core fibre-based DAS . 75 5.2 All-optical receiver: optomechanical design . 78 5.2.1 Telescope selection . 78 5.2.2 Fibre-coupling elements . 79 5.2.3 Final RX OMA design . 80 5.2.4 OMA alignment tolerances . 81 5.3 Non-standard atmospheric effects . 84 5.4 Summary . 87 6 Conclusion 89 Bibliography 91 List of symbols, physical constants and abbreviations 98 List of appendices 105 A Sheet specifications of used components 106 Curriculum Vitae 110 List of Publications 112 LIST OF FIGURES 1.1 Atmospheric transmittance based on absorption analysis using LOW- TRAN. A zenith path from 0 km to 120 km altitude as well as the midlatitude summer atmospheric model are assumed. Atmospheric transmission windows are highlighted in grey color [3]. 18 1.2 Schematic of dual-wavelength FSO system . 21 1.3 Realisation of the dual-wavelength testing FSO transmitter at the Department of Radio Electronics, Brno University of Technology. 21 1.4 Experimental observation of the Fresnel diffraction in the planar op- tical beam transmission. Wavalength 휆 = 632.8 nm, TXA radius 푟TXA = 4.0 mm, beam radius in the TXA plane 푤TXA = 14 mm, distance 퐿 = 6.32 mm, which corresponds to the number 푁f of ob- servable Fresnel zones at the distance 퐿 푁f = 4............. 24 3.1 Evolution of the beam widths 푤푥(푧) and 푤푦(푧) (a) and evolution of the beam radii 푅푥(푧) and 푅푦(푧) (b) along the 푧 axis, where nega- tive and positive values represent a converging and a diverging wave, respectively. 푧 = 0 corresponds to the location of beam waist. Sim- ulation parameters: 푤0푥 = 0.1 mm, 푤0푦 = 0.25 mm, 휆 = 633 nm, distance Δ푧 between both beam waists was 360 mm due to astigmatism. 30 3.2 To the explanation of Huygens-Fresnel principle in Cartesian coordi- nates. 32 3.3 To the derivation of the Fresnel zone diameter 푟푛 [25]. 푀0 is point in the plane ΣTXA and 푃 point in the plane ΣRXA............. 34 3.4 To the explanation of Hyugens-Fresnel principle in cylindrical coor- dinates. 37 3.5 Simulation of Fresnel diffraction effect in FSO systems. Top left- primary elliptical Gaussian beam with beam-widths 푤푥 = 1.72 mm and 푤푦 = 0.48 mm in 푥 and 푦 axis, respectively. Top right - circular aperture (TXA) with radius 푟TXA = 1 mm. Central plot shows the diffracted beam in the plane of observation 푟RXA and bottom left and right - optical intensity of the diffracted beam along 푥 and 푦 axis, re- spectively. In the bottom left section, power 푃out transmitted through the circular aperture is calculated relative to the total radiated power 푃in of the optical source. 40 3.6 Measured data (×) is in very good agreement with the model based on the integration of the Bessel function (3.44) (*) and FFT-based model (3.29) (♢).
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