PLANTS FROM NEW CALEDONTA -4ND THE ISTJE OF PINES, 245 A Systematic Acsount of tlie Plants collected in New Ciiledonia and the Isle of Piiies by Prof. R. H. C‘onipton, M.A., in ~I)~I.-PARTI. Flowering Plants (Angiosperini). By A. B. RENDLE,L).Sc., F.H.S., F.L.S., E. G. BAKER,F.L.S., iind SPEKCERLE 31. NOORE,B.Sc., P.L.S. (PLATES13-24.) [Rend 2nd February, 1920.1 INTRODUCTION. THE collection of which the following is a systeniatic account was made by Prof. R. H. Compton in New Cdetlonia and the Isle of‘ Pines dnriiig 1914, with the aid of grants from tlie Royal Society, tlie Percy Sliicleii Trust Fund, and tlie Worts ’l’ravelling Fund of (‘ninbridge Universi tp. C’ollecting materials were also provided by tlie Cnmbridge Botaiiy School and tlic British Museum, Natural History. The sliecimens collected have been prescnted to the British Museum, where the greater part liave been determined. Prof. Coinpton liopes Inter to publish a paper or papei*s dealing with the New Cldedonian vegetation froin the slandlioints of Ecology and Geographical Distrihtion. A considerable quantity of materid WIS pre- served in a condi tion buitable for iriorphological and nnatomical research, and several papers are f‘orcshaclowccl on these aspects of sonie of the interesting forms in wliicli tile Flora of New Caleclonin is 50 extraordinarily rich. A general account, including a description of the geology, topograpliy, and clininte of the Islnnds 11ns been co~nniunicateclhy Prof. Compton to the Royal Geographical Society *. The various groups have I~etwclahoratetl as follows :--Flowering Planti : Angios~~eriiisLy Dr. A. B. Rendle (Monocot~leclons), Mr. E. G. Baker (Polypetalous Dicotyledons), and Illr. Spencer Moore (Sympetalous and Apetaious Dicotyledons) ; Gjninosl~ermsand Ferns 1)y Prof. R. H. C‘ompton ; Moszes 1)p 11. Tlieriot ; Hepatics by Prof. J. B. Fnriner ; Characm by BIr. J. Grotcs ; Marine Alas by Mr. A. Gepp; E’ieh-water Alp Ly Dr. Nellie Carter ; Fnngi ly 1liis E. 31. 1V:iliefield ; Lichens by 3Tiss A. Lorrain Sinitli, and Mycetozoa IJ~Miss G. Lister. At Piof. Conil)ton’s reqnest I undertook the task of arranging the iiiaterial for publication. The present paper contains n systematic account of the nngiospermous Flowering Plants, and enunierates 830 species, 230 of which are new ; and * “New Caledoriia aud the Isle of Pines.” By R. H. Compton, J1.A. Geographical Journal, xliv. No. 2, Feb. 1917. LINN. J0URN.-BOTANY, VOL. XLV. u 246 FI.,\NTR FRO31 NEW CALEDONIA. there are ten new genrr~. Tii~flora oE New Claledonia is of exceptional interest, e~pc(*i:tllyin regcird to the large number of peculiar endrmic forms, and Prof. Conildon has ncliletl iiialei idly to our linowledge of the vegetation aiid its di~tri1)ution. 111 :iclditioii to the large proportion of new genera aid spec*ies, n nonil)er arc now recorcled for the firat time froin the Island. The 1;Ltter iiiclaclr tlic :ii~oii~:tIo~~genus of Am:irylli~lacep,P(i/t/pgtze/tio, hitheito linown only in one (or perh:ips t \yo) specios froin Y';isn~niiin,the Australian genus of Eu1)liot bixcem, Riciiioca~~~ts,the 3lal:ij a11 geiias Luc'imu (Rubiacez), :iud the Indo-Mnla~:in xiid Austr,ilinn geuera Gttidim (Verbenacen.) and Litsou (Laurace:c). The iiew genera are Coitiptottdlu (Hutnce:e), ,Yulnc.iops;s (Chlastrinez), ilfoittaytreiu (Anacarcliacerc) (comi~ieiiiorati~i~tlie late Mr. I'. D. Rloii tngue, zoologist to the cspcdition), PcituwyplAz (k;ucryl)liiauftie), Etiocliorict (dra- Iiace:a), ,Ilei'ist/iostii/t/~~~(Ilubiacew), li~oplaiitlie(Sapotncez), Ilepcriiflrzis (Gesneracez), dtletiodnplt~ie(L:iur:[ceE), and Ile,zcl/~o~)hyZl~?ithus(E~~plior- biacete). The four faitiilies reprrssnted Iiy tlte greatest nnriiber of species ill the collection are Orcliidacep, Eul)horbiaceze, Rubiacez, and MyrtaceE, ant1 these families also liead the list in 11. Guillaumiu's :' Catalogue des pl:iiites phaiierogames de la Noiirelle-(laledoiiift " (Anii. Mus6e Colonial tle Marqeille, 1911), and provide a large proportion of the novelties described in the present papx. Tlie fiimilies Sasifragaceze, Apocynxcere, mid Leguiniiiosz are also well represented. IIIoitler to s:ive space nud reduce the cwt of printing the systematic account has hecn contlcnieil as n~oc11as possible. Distribution is indicated only in \pixies wlrich are not endcwiic. It has been convenient to follow the arrangenient of tlie faiiiilies, under 3lunocotyledons and Dicotylctlon~, :tdopteiJ in Rriithain and Hooker's ' Genera Plnntaru~ii.' A. B. RBNDLE. MONOCOTYLEDONS. By A. 13. RENDLE. ORCHIDACE B. J~ICROSTYLIS rOJ,YPH\Tr,T,A ltitll. Colnboui Mth. ; foreyt hutnu, ; serpen- tillc ; 3000 t't. 21S5. Flowers dull red 011 yellowisli grou~id,lip with deep criiiisoii blotch. T,IPARIY LAXA Sciilechtcr. Chmboui Mts. ; bare rocks in iYpeTtnoZepis forest, near strenin ; serpentine ; 1500 ft. 2176. Flowers red-brown. DENDROBIUMFIXETIANUM Schlechter. Igiiainbi ; epiphyte ; forest ; 3500 ft. 15%). Nt, lioglii; 011 tree-trunks in forest ; 3000 ft. 727. River NgoyC.; Spemolrpiuis forest; 500 ft. 1003. Flowers greenish yellow, lightly streaked with brown, lip creaniy white with Iirown-purple strealis: DENDROBIUMFRBCTIP'LES~JM Finet. Iiunkub ; terrestrial, in woods on steep hill-sides ; 500 ft. 897. Lip oscillating, dark green inside at hase, full iriageiita in niiclclle, pile at apex ; otlier i~eriantli-seginPiits turned upwards and oiitwarcls, pale dull magent'a, finely spotted and veined. D. VERRUCIFERTX Rchb. f. Presqn'ilc Bogota ; terrestrial ; serpentine scrub ; 1500 ft. 1331. Lip hinged, green, otlier peri~tntli-se~~non~s brownish. D. PECTINATUBI Finet. Mt. Paiiid ; epiphyt,e : forest ; 4000 ft. 1816. Tonine; on trunks in scrubby summit woods ; 3500 ft. 1947. Flowers pale yellow with reddish longitudinal stre:il<s except on lip. D. AUSTBO-CALEDOKICURI Schlechter. River Ngoy6 ; on trunks, forest margin ; 400 ft. 2050. Plomers apricot-coloured : fruit with-dnll yellowish ridges and green furrows. D. ELEUTHERUGLOSSUBI Schlechtei.. PoUllle ; on trees in scrubby woods ; 1200 ft. 2372. Flowers pale yellowish green with purple pattern on lip. D. COMPTONIIRendle, sp. iiov. (PI. 13. fig. 13.) Planta epiphyticn ; cnnlibzts cylinclricis'circn 1 cni. cr:isJis, siccis vnlde sulcatis ; ,fi)liis 4-5, npicem versus congest.is late lanceolatis npice bilobnlatis coriaceis 12-13 cni. long., 2,s-3.S cm. Iat. ; wcemia folia padlo excedeiitJihus innltifloris 12-14 cm. long. ; ,floi-ir'iis carnosalis lateis esterae s:iiifiuiiieo-l'uiict:Itis, pedicellis tenuibus 1-1.5 mi. lotig. ; hmctpis Iiiiniitis, liuenri-niignstatis ; sepalis et petalis 8-0 mni. long. ; sep. clorsale 01)loiigo obtuso, sep. lateralia e basi lii1,iore kite ~J~)lOlIgO-f~lC;\talxiiil~o escedcnte ; petabis subfnhte oblongis ohtusis at1 sepalornin ninrgines cohwrentihus ; 1abello 5 niin. loiig., :j-lobo, lobo inedio ohlato 3.5 inin. long., 3 mil. lat., superne breviter nciitninato disco liiieis 2 elevat.is iiistriicto, lobis Internlibns vis 1 nim. longit. escecleiitibus snberectis obtnsis ; colzitma brei-e Ii~ta2 min. long. Mt. (lmnla ; forest ; 1000 ft. 1151. 111 flower June. Steins yellow, :il!nost coveretl with the whitish thinly inembranous remains of the leiif- sheaths. A member of the Speciosn group, recalling the Australian .D. gi-acilicaule F. Muell., but :L ninch larger plant. BULBOPIIYLLUMxEocAr,moxIcuM Sclileclitcr. Ignaiiili ; iiioist forests ; attached to trunks by long sleiider roots ; 3000 ft. 1702. Plowers trans- prent greeiiisli. B. NGOYENSE Schlechter. No note of locality. 2044. B. LINGULATUM Rcndle, sp. nor. Plaiita parva epipliytica repens, rhizo- ,)late eloiigato rninoso tereti vaginato lase pseudobulbis ohsesso polyrliizo ; u2 mdicihus filiforrnibus flesuosis glalris ; pseiidobitlbis ovoideis 4-7 niin. long. 3.5-4 tntn. cras3. ghlris nnifolintis ; #folio piite11te vel erecto-pntente oblongo-eIlir)tico ohtiiso glalwo cori:icpo 1%-15 em. long. 3.5-5 111111. kit. ; sczl )is fi I i for 111 i his g 1ah 1% i I I t er cl u in fol in e wede n ti 11 ~is i ii terd ti tn b revi oribu s hnsi et sub mcdio 1 :iginulir ol)+ssib unifloris ; 1wac.ten ovnto-ncuiiiinatn circ. 1 tniii. long. ; wpalis <uImquiloiigiq, ti nini., :her\:itis, vp. dorsnle onto sI11);iciito, sep. lutcrnlibus late oxitis Imliter acutis hasi ad c0111111;132 pedetn colixxentibus et inentum efl'orlnntitibus ; petutlis l,inceolatis, snbacutis, 4 nim. long. ; ZdvZlo eraso apico coluiniire peclis crirvato owillante, sub iiietlio dde rcfleso, prte inferiore ~75inin. long. trapezoideo laterihq superne incur- vatib, pat tc snpcriore linguifortne sub iriedio sulcnto 1.2 mm. long. ; coZzimitn b1eve Fix -75 tiini. long. pede product0 deinuiii sursutii curvato ; ooa)*iograciliter puclicellato clavato angu~teahto. No note of locality. 1818. Iiesenibles in size and habit tlie endeniic B. ngqense Sclrlechter, but differs in floral detailq. BULBOPHYLLITM('ONPTOXII Renclle, sp. iiov. Plantn epiphyticn, pedobiilbo oblique o~oitlec?1.4 cm. l., 1.1 cin. eras. e rhizoitxtte repetite oriundo, uni- foliato ; ,fXo petiolato, oblongo-elliptico, glitbro, coriacco, 9 CI~.1. (petiolo 1.9 cm. incluso) 2.4 ctn. lat. ; sc~tpoerecto foliurn escedente teiiui terete glabro vaginiq paucis superne :icuinin:itis dissitis obsesso, npicc pticifloro 13 ctn. I., 1 nitti. cra4s. ; hmrteis distichis nrcte coiu~~rcisisInto ovatis ncuininalis glabris ovario hreviter petlicellato paullo LrevioiiLus 5 nini. 1. ; Pore (unus adest) inter tnccliocres erccto ; se)mZo do?*sde 1:inceolato ncuiiiiti:ito apice cnrinato-incrass;ito 1.2 cin. I., sep. 1cite)wlibirs c hsi latiorc, 5.5 inin., oblique o1:itis apice falcate :icutninntis carinulntis 1.2 iim. 1. ; pefNlis columnw subreqnilongis lignlato-ohlongiz :ipice tridenticulntir carinulntis .itiiin. 1. ; luhello cr~ssohisi cot1c:ivo challis 2 instruct0 ct lateribus eloF atis torn ovato- :icuniiiinto et inargine crenu1:ito in facie superiore sulcato 11 inin. 1. ; colzim)tn el ecta ill p!ciii subzquiloiiguiii transeuti te ; nvcwio clawto sulcato. No note of lowlitj . 1790. Hec:ills another c~iicleniicspecies, B. p~~hy~~~ztlimiSclilcchter, in habit aiid genera1 strurture, but is :t smaller plant with flowers about lialf the size.
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