Thursday, May 11, 1950 Thursday; May 11, 1950 THE JEWISH POST .-"~ ________________~P~a~g~e:S~~:~ THE JEWISH POST • Page Six - • EGYPT'S 2ND ROUND , I told him I might see him soon- in during the past year. Is the Z.O.C. and outspoken leaders such as the pealed to President Truman to per­ (Cont. from. page 3) Alexandria or umaybe Tel Aviv." going to degenerate to a mere fund­ late Rabbi Stephen Wise, Dr. Abba mit Israel to buy heavy armaments. FAURER PLANINOORPORATES GARDEN AREA IN , HOME A simular request was recently ;:::ircumstances. He laughed and said, "Perhaps we raising body? Are we going to fail Hillel Silver, Louis Lipsky, Henry Morg,{nthau Jr. and others? Let the turned down by Great Britain. On. A l~ttle group in grimy dungarees shall meet at Haifa." Israel in the hnportant field of pub­ April 13, Senator Herbert Lehman gathered around me. Using my lic relations and political action? Z.O.C. h1erarchy stand ).lp and be urged th.e United States to take the French-speaking friend as an inter­ WHITHER ZOC? Since Rabbi M a uri c e Pel'lzweig, counted! Israel needs your help now, lead in halting the re-armament of preter, I inquired if Egypt really (Cant. from page 3) former co-chairman of the Z.O.C. not tomorrmv. public relations committee left Can­ On February ,14, the Israeli gov­ the Arab states. He warned that the had a good navy. This question he are great possibilities for trade be­ ada a year ago, there has been little, ernment supplied data about Egyp­ Arabs are re-ar'ming for a "second answered himself, somewhat indig­ tween Canada and Israel which P if any, public reations activity. The tian re-armament simultaneously to round of warfare against Israel and nantly. I ought to se some of the should be developed. Senator Arthur , public relations committee of the the State department in Washington. appealed for an American effort to '~otherl! ships, he said, and not pass Roebuck told me recently that he Z.O.C. central reg ion (Ontario) help avoid a new war threat in the judgment 0111 "these two" which sees no reason why Canada should and to the United States embassy in hasr1t even held a meeting during lVIiddle'East. needed paint. He added something not send diplomatic and trade repre­ Tel Aviv. According to this informa­ the past year. Did not the proposed tion, the Egyptians are raising a Surely this information is suffi­ about the engines needing repair. sentatives/ to Isra.el. If a Christian internationalization of Jerusalem and fully equipped armoured division cient to convince the United Zion­ Zionist can adopt suc~ an attitude HOLY YEAR PILGRIMS the re-arming of the Arabs warrant ist Council and the Z.O.C. executive. - why cannot the Jewish Zionists in and have bought 100 jotplanes, 10 DRAW LAUgH a convening of the public relations Centurion tanks and 260 Sherman Gent].emen, when are you going' to Canada do likewiSe? I then said that I heard these committee, both national and local, tanks as well as "pocket" subma­ act? Is the State of Israel going to be two ships were to be used to carry There are many indications that in Ol'der to discuss possible action? 'rines, destroyers and motor torpedo permitted to go under in another, Holy Year pilgrhns between .the the Z.O.C. has relaxed, if not com­ Are we going to wait until the Arabs boats. These can hardly be described (Cant. on page 10) Red Sea and Indian Ocean ports. pletely abandoned its public rela­ attack Israel with "jet planes, de­ as needed for internal security, it is He translated and they roared with tions program. Certain Zionist lead­ stroyers ar..d heavy tanks before we maintained in Israel. So grave is the faughtcr., ,ers are of the opinion that now that raise our voices in protest? Every situation that on April 9, President The first officer with whom I! the State of Israel has been estab- Zionist club and organization in Chaim Weizmann personally ap- talked reappeared and I said good- lished there is no need for a public Canada should write Prime Minister bye, adding that I was going to the relations program. This policy ap­ St. Laur.ent and Hon. Lester Pearson Egyptian Embassy in Washington. paTently has prevailed in Canada protesting the re-arming of the Arab states by Great Britain and the Rooling additional bedroom, guest room or portant to our present day free has influenced house design to the United States. den can be added, if and when society. Within the last ten or fifteen extent that it is no longer necessary and desired, without disturbing the ori­ years, many new materials have to resort to the traditionally typ.ed WINDOWS - DOORS While canvassing for the United ginal house. been developed and new methods of and dated Colonial, Old English, Jewish Appeal and while speaking to Spanish or Mediterranean .designs. PLATE GLASS the rank..:and-file Zionists, I hav.e, Insul , The kitchen and bathroom are 'construction and heating systems , ., have been devised, all of which We, of this generation, feel that we be'en, constantly asked why the , plac;ed to the back,. to minimize OUR PRICES ARE LOWER Brie -Siding • plumbing, The kitchen is so planned ................................. are just as capable of designing and Comparl) and Save United Zionist Coun~il and the that there is a continuity through­ creatir...g our ovtn style) as were our Z.O.C leadership have remaitled 1.Iore than 200 styles and sizes for home. industrial and ESTIMATES FREE out without the interruptions of forefathers. commercial use are shown in our 1950 iUustrated free silent on the threat of another Arab­ price list. CaH. phone or write for copy today, No Jewish war. Why must Canadian doors or staircases. s=ek a framework in which such a WHITEWASH BID STYMIES falsely denying affiliations with the obligation - Dea.lers enquiries invited. Zionism have such timid leader­ The architect has expressed some PADLOCK ATTACK Communist party. At that time, in­ fight need not involve the defending Canadian Home of th.e ideas of artistic iotegrity and ship? Why cann'ot we have fearless (Cant. from page 2) terested liberal circles sincerely re­ counsel in gratuitous whitewashing Shore Glazing Co. cl'eative freedom that are very im- gretted the failure of at least one of known Red groups. The issue i3 251 Jarvis Ave. Phone 53323 -............................ .. We recall the Rapp-Couderl leg­ defendant to acknowledge his Com­ not the l'ight of leftist groups ,,, Improvement Co. islation of New York state nine years WOLFE'S IRON WORKS THE FAMOUS munism. They would then have operate in Ontario. The issue is the Ornamental Iron Railings 347. NOTRE DAME AVE. £eautil!l ago, in which Communist teachers attacked the legality of the law's consonance with democratic pro· G-E ACTIVATOR YOUR HOME were to be evicted from teaching operation in his case. Resemblances cedures of the Padlock Law. HOME INSULATlON PHONE 935 192 posts in state-supported public with the cun.ent U JPO cases are SPECIALISTS Washes all clothes cleaner Let us estimate your schools', high schools, and municipal obvious. PLATFORM FOR SURVIVAL ••• At with its three. zone l'equirements colleges. A pretty thorough job of We thing the. Padlock Law is rep­ (Cant. fro~ page 2) Reasonable washing action of expelling Conununist teachers was ROCK WOOL • INSUL BRIC SIDING rehensible. We regret that the A Jewish conununity in America 1. Dipping • ASPHALT SHINGLES done ... all with expulsions ordered Rates KUMMEN·SHIPMAN manner in which the UJPO conducts can be preserved from dwindling, Scientifically B1oWl\ with Special 2. Flexing • ALL TYPES OF BONDED on the grounds of the defendants Machines by Experienced Crews ELECTRIC, LTD. COMMERCIAL ROOFING its case has made it impossible for from corruption and decay, only by 3. Gently Scrubbing committing perjury in/ court by Estimates Cheer!ully Given Electric Wiring & Repairs • BEAUTIFUL ASPHALT Congress and the Public Relations Jews, by individual Jewish men and Eledrical Apl'liances & Fixtures TILE FLOORING Phone 54755 .......... -................ .. committee to give it any answer women who, having descended to Bus. Phone 21 628 Res, Phone 54262 270 FORT ST. PHONE 931577 508 Selkirk Avenue 'I . Estimates cheerfully given other than the flat "no" offered at FURNACES the depth of their souls1 have l'e­ Easy Terms I, : the last national meeting a few i J • INSTALLED covered themselves and with those weeks ago. , SUPERIOR ROOFING .• OVERHAULED selves have recovered and regained , i C. A. KILLEEN & SONS CONSULT Specializing in We still thing it to the ioterests of the history-willing, the. histor),­ Cor. Sherbrook & Notre Dame, Wpg. P. A. MOLARO • CO. LTD. • SHEET METAL WORK the Can~dian Jewish community to detennining 'power of the Jewish GENERl\.L SEE THE NEW • Am CONDITIONING • Marble aod Tile Contractor 91 MARION ST., NORWOOD fight the Padlock Law ... and to people. Phillips Bros. THOR WASHER· • ROOFING HEATING ENGINEERS ELECTRIC PHONE 201141 T. W.· DUNN Tile Floors ;md Walls on Display at our Showrooms Roofing Products & Tile Supply Co. FOR • GOOD TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE 1162 Portage Ave, Ph. 36 200 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY Vitrolite Glass • 18 MONTHS TO PAY . BUILDING SUPPLIES BY BuYING YOUR Am CONDITIONING WASHER Your old washer taken as Asphalt - Tile· down PlL7lDent Drapes and Slip Covers Applicators of: VENTILATING SALES AND SERVICE • Asphalt Shiogle Roofs • InsDlated Brick Siding AUTOMATIC STOKERS Come in today for IDEAL ELECT RIO Guaranteed Plumbing AT THE Phone 722 183 and Heating Supplies· • Blown Insulation • Plastic Wall Tiles STEEL COAL CHUTES a demonstration RIVERTON UPHOLSTERING • Asphalt aod Rubber Floor Tiles 90 NOTRE DAME AVE.
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