San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1930 Special Libraries, 1930s 2-1-1930 Special Libraries, February 1930 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1930 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, February 1930" (1930). Special Libraries, 1930. Book 2. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1930/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1930s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1930 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 21 February, 1930 No. 2 Business Builders Business Book Reviews THE PACIFIC COAST Librarians' Mecca in June S* L* A. San Francisco, Calif, JUNE 18, 19, 20, 21 A* L* A* Los Angeles, Calif. JUNE 23.28 Entmd u msmnd clu matter at the Pod Ofice, Pmvldence, R. I. under the Act of March 8, 117B. Aemptma for mltllne mt .peeid mta of postago pmvldcd for in don 1105, Act of October 8, 1B11. authorLed October 22, 1921. Rata: 15.00 a year. Fomlgn $6.60; sinela mpla W olltr Contents ' ARTICLES Business Builders. By Margaret Reynolds .............. 39 Digest of Business Book Reviews. By the Staff of the Newark Business Branch Library .................... 46 Commendation.. ...... 59 National Character of 5.L.A.................... 55 Fellowship Grants. ... 59 Sqn Francisco Conven- Japanese Classification 52 ti....................... 53 Milwaukee Municipal Trayslators' Associa- Library .................. 59 tion ............................. 59 DEPARTMENTS Associations ................ 56 Events and Publica- tions ........................... 57 Editorials .................. 54 Personal Notes............. 60 Special Libraries Published Monthly September to April, bl-monthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Publicat~onOffice, 11 Nisbet Street, I'roviclence. R. I. All payments ahorlld be made to Special Libraries Association, 11 Niabet Street, Providence. R. I. SPECIAL LIBRARIES Institutional Members California Social Law Library, Boaton Lor Angeles Public Library, Loa Angelea Stone & Webster, Boston Standard Oil Company of Glifornia, San United Fruit Company, Boston Francisco *Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Francisco Michisan Connecticut Dctroit News, Detroit Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford 'Detroit Public Library, ~etroit Yale University Library, New Haven General Motors Corporation. Detroit Delaware Missouri du Pont de Nernours, E. I., Wilmington Kansas City Power & Light Company, Illinois Kansas City Byllesby & Co., H. M., Chicago New Jersey Chicago Tribune, Chicago ,Atlantic City Press-Union, Atlantic City Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago Bakelite Corporation, Bloomfield. Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, Chi- Combustion Utilities Corporation, Linden, -go N. J. Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Chicago New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, Newark Insurance Library of Chicago Newark Public Library, Business Branch, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago Newark Public Service Corporation of New Jersey. Indiana Newark Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., Fort Standard Oil Development Co., Elizabeth Wayne New York Maryland Consolidated Gas, Electric Light & Power Alexander Hamilton Institute, New York Co., Baltimore American Bankers' Association, New York Maryland Casualty Co., Baltimore American Electric Railway Association, New York Massachusettr American Geographical Society, New York Baker Library-Harvard School of Business Administration, Boston American Institute of Accountants, New York Boston Elevated Railway, Boston American Management Association, New York Boston Globe, Boston American Museum of Natural History, New York Christian Science Monitor, Boston Ed~sonElectric Illun~inatingCo., Boston American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston New York First National Bank, Boston American Telephone & Telegraph Co., General Insurance Library Association of Boston Library, New York Jackson & Moreland, Boston American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Law Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Li- Library, New York brary, Cambridge Association of Life Insurance Presidents, New *Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., York Springfield Baker & Taylor Co., New York *Massachuselts State Library, Boston Bankers Trust Co., New York Metcalf & Eddy, Boston Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, New York 'New memben ~olnsd~ince llat lssua 01 Spadal Libradu. February, 1930 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 37 Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York Standard Stat~sticsCompany, New York Blackman Co., New York Sutro & Company, New York Brit~shLibrary of Information, New York Time, Inc., New k'ork Brooklyn Edison Company, Brooklyn United States Rubber Company, New York Brookmire Economic Srrvice, New York Walker Brothers, New York. Child Study Association, New York Western Union Telegraph Company, New York Cleanliness Institute Library, New York White & Kemble, New York Consolidated Gas Co. of New York Wilson Co., H.W., New York Davisson, 3Ianice, Ncw Yorlc 0 hi0 Dohert~,Hen~y L & Co, New York Battelle Memorial Inst , Columbus. Electric Bond & Share Co., New York General Elcctric Co., Reswrch Laboratory, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Cleveland Ford, Bacon & Davis, New York Ohio Oil Co., Findlay General Electric Co., Main Library, Sche- Proctor & Gamble. Cincinnati nectady Oklahoma Grant Co., W. T., New York Grosvenor Library, Buffalo U. S. Bureau of hlines, Bartlesville Guaranty Company of New York Pennsylvania Haskins & Sells, New York Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster Industrial Relations Counsclors, New York Franklin Institute, Philadelphia John Price Jones Corporation, New York Houghton, E. F. & Co., Philadelphia Library Bureau Division, Renlington Rand Jones & Lnughlin Steel Company, Pittsburgh Busincss Service, New York Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh. McCall Company, New York Ncw Jersey Zinc Co., Palmerton McGraw-I-Iill Publishing Co. Inc , New York Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Merchants Association of New York Philadelphia Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New *Philadclphin Co~npany,Pittsburgh York Philadelphia Electric Company, Ph~ladelpl~ia Municipal Reference Library, New York Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, Phila- National Association of Manufacturers, New delpl~ia York Pittsburgh Railways Company, Pitteburgh National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, Provident hfutual Lifc Insurance' Co., I'hlla. New York School of Fine Arts, Univ. Pe~~na.,Phila. National City Financial L~hrary,New York Westir~gi~ouseElectric Reae.l~*cllLibrary, E. National Investors Corporation, New York Pittsburgh New Jcrsey Zinc Company, New York Wyomissing Trade School, Wyomissing New York Telephone Con~pany,New York Rhoda Island New York Times, The, New York Rhode Islnncl State Library, Providence North American Company, New York Wisconsin Port of New York Authority, The, New York First Wisconsin Mat~onalBank, AIilwaukce Putnam's Sons, G. l'., New York Marshall Ilslcy Bank. Rlilwaukee Railway Rr Utilities Investing Corp., New York Canada Russell Sage Foundation, New York Hydroelectric Power Commission of Ontnrio *Schwartzcldd, Otto P.,National Statistical Toronto Scrvicc, New York Imperial Life Assurance Co or Canada, Toronto Selected Industries, Inc., New York Insurance Institute of Montreal, Montreal. Sinclair Refining Co., New York Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal 'Standard Brands, Inc., New York Toronto Transportation Commission, Toronto 'New manban Jolned ainm lut lvus of Sprcld Ubrarlu. Special Libraries Vol. 21 FEBRUARY. 1930 No. 2 Business Builders By Margaret Reynolds, Librarian, First Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee EARS ago, John Cotton Dana advertisers, accountants, credit men, thought that the public libraries commercial artists, buyers-all these wereY neglecting the business man. The employed in the various processes of results of his straight thinking are now retail trade from the large department seen in the Newark Business Branch. store to the corner grocery. The maga- It may not be possible for all of us to do zines recommended were: Dry Goods as Newark and Indianapolis have done Economist, Sales Managemenl, Adwcrlis- but it is possible to have material in our ing and Selling, Printers' Ink and Syslem. libraries which will attract business men. Perhaps with the present vogue for What wares have we for them? In a dollar .books you'll not want to listen to talk prepared for the Atlantic City meet- me for few business books may be pur- ing of the A. L. A. Ethel Cfeland said: chased at that price. However, there is "Recent changes in husiness methods, much good pamphlet material that may in business literature and in the attitude be obtained free. Have you shown your of the business man towards sources of oil people a copy of the Survey of the business information, make the speaker petroleum industry made by Robert urge on the libraries of smaller com- S. Fowler, which Wade Rrothcrs & munities that they try out on their pub- Company of 55 Broadway, are dis- lic some of the modern business litera- tributing free? Are you familiar with ture of which the business and trade the Annual review of the tobacco in- magazines seem the most popular,and dustry issued by Charles D. Barney & vital form. Company, 65 Broadway, New York These changes in business, in its
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