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Lukito “That institutionselements in in the Indonesia, entire foo ared adapting education and (formersimply requiresPresidential Advisor hostingchain. Everybodya high-level here training and creating tens of oncooperation, Public Health) at all have levels”, roundtablebrings in one to jumpstartelement of the a President Joko Widodo, in resources notably through 2017 it was agreed that thousands of jobs was joinedhe said. the And PA heInternational delegated Tasikpicture project. – one piece of a the past months, delivered foreign direct investment. Tasikmalaya will implement addressed through a second FoundationMuhammadiyah’s and the Secretary Tasik puzzle – which is going to strategic messages to the After officially all of this. multi-stakeholder dialogue ChildrenGeneral Foundationto help us do to this. Suharsolook beautiful Monoarfa even before worldForeword and to his own by H. commissioningUu Ruzhanul a new Ulum, opened by Bupati Uu assistIndeed. the Cooperation Tasik authorities, Member2050. By of then, the Presidenour childrential people. For a working Mosque Hasyim Ashari on A first high-level roundtable (Pendopo Tasikmalaya, 5 NGOstranslates and enterprises wishful thinking to Advisorywill be in Council leading positions meeting of the Indonesian 15 April 2017 the President in Tasik gathered high-tech, NovemberBupati 2016). of In thethe Regencyrealizeinto practical a holistically of results. TasikmalayaForeword What Novemberin Indonesia’s 2017 leading Regency Administration called for enhanced global and multinational past weeks documents were integrateddoes that agri/inframean for all of economy. No more hunger Association Apkasi on 19 international trade. During organizations and exchangedby His in preparationExcell ofency modernizationus? Patrick A change ofproject. mindset Herman, In and Ambassador poverty. No more July 2017 he promoted that my meeting with Bupati Uu institutions including FAO the visit of a High-Level theand past eating 15 yearshabits the, said PA Pak mothers with children in particularly Indonesia’s poor Ruzhanul Ulum of and ASEAN calling for a Delegation from the InternationalAbdul Mu’ti. Foundation’sSo now we their arms that cannot walk regionsof The will develop Kingdom their Tasikmalaya of Belgium on 31 August radical modernization and Sultanate of Oman to Tasik Secretaryknow what General to do. Rio of hunger. Wealth will be andWhatever Jakarta problemin November we may Praaning Prawira Adiningrat shared by all layers of 2017.have, The the commonTasik people can hasThe been condition involved for insuccess many is society and so money will roadmapresolve it. foresees All the brainsin the projectsthe togetherness in Tasik, including of our be invested in a stable, signingrequired of Memorandato resolve issues Of thebrains. repair Allah and gave equipping us brains. of healthy and forward-looking Understanding,onForeword our way to successthe by are H. overUuBrains 60 Ruzhanul areschools. without The limit. Ulum,society. The investors will establishmenthere. Pak Bupati of Special presents FoundationThere is nothing is assisting that can this be even more happy: a PurposeclearBupati signals, Vehicles ideas, of and plansthe the Regencyprojectstop brains free ofto of charge.create Tasikmalaya as Return on Investment that executionand programs. of business They are plans the brains are created and wets anybody’s appetite. including partnerships with Aftermotivated many meetingsby Allah. And and if key to success. powerful partners and goingthose through brains are combined, So Tasik is about our institutionsReligion is thesuch door as the to rapid professionallyBelgian Ambassador prepared successor generation. What IndonesiansocioForeword-political infrastructure development. by Mr documentsHerman Rio isPraaningForeword right:I conclude Indonesia’s that our children use by by 2050H. Uu fundI asked PT. mySMI, revered the Asian friend thisroad project to 2050 is amongstarts here, the in will be jointly built by all of InfrastructureProf Ahmad Syafii Investment Maarif, bestTasik. organized OK, we haveand most41% us here today. But building BankformerRuzhanul and Chairman Port of of Ulum,promising malnourished to lift children. regions outThat is no longer a matter of Rotterdam.Muhammadiyah: How can ofcan pover andty must on a be sustained changed . bricks and mortar. We can weBupati combine all of the powerthe in Regency and sustainable of basis. TasikmalayaForeword That use locally produced the mosques, all the Not one life should be lost Bamboo. Bandung’s ITB goodwill,by His all the Excellency prayers, all just P becauseatrick we did Herman, not together Ambassador with INBAR – the our brains into lifting all of integrate and we did not bamboo science center in us up and creating the real cooperate. That’s why Beijing – will guide us to low reasonof The why Indonesia Kingdom will we’reof Belgium all here. cost-high performance. grow to become the world’s Bamboo also produces rich fourth largest economy by food, furniture and biofuel. Foreword by H. Uu Ruzhanul Ulum, Bupati of the Regency of TasikmalayaForeword 16 by His Excellency Patrick Herman, Ambassador of The Kingdom of Belgium FOREWORDFOREWORDOUR JOINTOUROUR JOINTBRAINS: JOINT BRAINS: BRAINS: HIGH- LEVELHI HIGHGH-LEVEL- ROUNDTABLELEVEL ROUNDTABLE ROUNDTABLE CONFERENCE CONFERENCE CONFERENC EFOREWORD expansionTasikHE Suharso ofBupati its agriculture Monoarfa,H. UuIndonesia’s Ruzhanul top Member advisors forUlum: isof why the Transportation Advisory (University Siliwangi, 14 health, the economy, Minister Budi Karya Sumadi August 2014). The required infrastructure and now guides Tasikmalaya to infrastructure“WeCouncil are to dealofready” withthe President: education and training “This such projectthe construction is ofamong a Special safe, if not organic, high- as Dr Bayu Krisnamurthi Port and why we, jointly valuethe agrifood best export organized and (former and Vice Minister most of promisingwith all other relevant to lift simultaneously with combating Thus,Trade we and have of Agriculture)Panca Siap or Ambassadordepartments of andthe Kingdom infantregions malnutrition, out of poverty”‘Fiveand Readinesses’ Dr Widjaja Lukito . ofinstitutions Belgium, who in Indonesia,se country are 4 adapting education and First(former, we are Presidential ready to Advisor is hostinginterested a high to -worklevel with training and creating tens of implementon Public Health)the minimum have androundtable in Tasikmalaya. to jumpstart the 6 PresidentthousandsForeword Joko of jobs Widodo, was by in Mrstandardresources joinedRio the thatPraaningForeword notably PA has International been through My2017Tasik hope itproject. was is that agreed bythis that H. Uu theaddressed past months, through delivered a second determinedforeignFoundation direct by and theinvestment. the Tasik confereTasikmalaya nce would will implementbreed strategic messages to the After officially all of this. multiForeword-stakeholder dialogue by H.government. ChildrenUu Ruzhanul Foundation Second, we to Ulum,benefitsSuharso and Monoarfa good things. 7 worldopenedRuzhanul and by to Bupati his own Uu Ulum, are commissioningassist ready the to Tasik create aauthorities, new quality Member of the Presidential people.(Pendopo For Tasikmalaya, a working 5 humanMosqueNGOs resources.and Hasyim enterprises Ashari Third ,to on MayAAdvisory first God high bless Council-level us all.roundtable meeting of the Indonesian 15 April 2017 the President in Tasik gathered high-tech, NovemberBupatiBupati 2016). of of In the thethe Regency RegencyTasikrealize is r eadya holistically toof of compete Tasikmalaya TasikmalayaForeword in November 2017 9 Regency Administration called for enhanced global and multinational past weeks documents were theintegrated agrobusiness, agri/infra tourism, H. Uu Ruzhanul Ulum Association Apkasi on 19 international trade. During organizations and exchangedby His in preparationExcell ofency smallmodernization Patrickand medium project. Herman, In Bupati Ambassador of the Regency of July 2017 he promoted that my meeting with Bupati Uu institutions including FAO the visit of a High-Level enterprises,the past 15 and years creative the PA Tasikmalaya 17 TheparticularlyDelegationForewordof vision The of fromIndonesia’sTasikmalaya Kingdom the by poor is Mr economyRuzhanul International Rioof Belgium sectors.Praaning Ulum
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