JANUARY 28, 1969 Heroes Without Headlines MARY LOUISE CHEATHAM While I admire the astronauts Who calmly stroll in space, I still maintain it's no small feat To walk the earth with grace! Sabbath School Lessons for February 1 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTORS How Scarce THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR is a non- fiction weekly. It is published for young adults who are capable of asking sincere questions, and who seek to know the counsels of Scripture. Its contents are Are Your Dollars? chosen to serve readers who want to reach maturity—spiritually, socially, in- tellectually, and physically. Its staff by GORDON BUTTS holds that God is man's heavenly Fa- ther; that Jesus is man's Saviour; that genuine Christians will strive to love money. Where there is no clear-cut God supremely and their neighbors as O YOU need money? Do you themselves. D know how to get it? Do you distinction of this kind, suggestions Its pages reflect an expanding ob- jective from 1852 to 1969. First it know how to use it? Do you know will be limited to useful goals and was essentially a vehicle for providing how to save it for future use? How how to make decisions that promote youth Sabbath school lessons. Now it also provides many added services for scarce are your dollars? happiness and well-being. While a generation that should witness the The need for money is constantly written from an American stand- literal return of Jesus and the restora- tion of a sinless world to the universe with us in every activity in our pres- point, variations for other lands will of God. ent society. The dollar has changed be suggested. so much in the past ten years that A little history and some biog- we hardly even measure its value be- raphy will be studied in an ap- Editor WALTER T. CRANDALL fore that. Earnings and budgets of proach to this modern subject. The only five years ago are completely history will be for background and Associate Editor JAMES JOINER irrelevant. Money is one of the big- the biography will be for application Art Editor T. K. MARTIN gest problems that haunts the Presi- of personal principles. Who was the Layout Artist ALAN FORQUER dent of the United States. There richest man in the world? How did SHARE Editor MILDRED LEE JOHNSON seems to be no acceptable solution he get that way? Did he tell us any- Editorial Secretary MILDRED ADAMS for this national and international thing that would be helpful now? Editorial Consultants problem. Where can we learn about him? THOMAS S. GERATY What about you? Do you think There is good news! We have all THEODORE LUCAS, DONALD E. MAN- there is an answer to your money heard about the wisdom and wealth SELL, CALVIN E. MOSELEY, JR., GERALD problem? Do you think there is an of Solomon. In the following months R. NASH, F. DONALD YOST approach that will be both useful let's study about him and see if we Circulation Manager S. L. CLARK and attractive? can learn some principles that still It need not be a problem for any apply. If anything, perhaps we need Field Representatives C. M. WILLIS CLIFFORD OKUNO Christian who has normal intelli- more than Solomon's wisdom in our gence and health. But solving the modern competitive society. problem will take more than a will- Rather than try to do too much ingness to work hard. It will take wis- at once, perhaps it would be best to Published by the Seventh-day Advent- read Solomon's wisdom for only one ists. Printed every Tuesday by the Re- dom, applied to specific opportunity view and Herald Publishing Association, with willingness and enthusiasm. purpose at one time. Read the Prov- at Takoma Park, Washington. D.C. 20012, U.S.A. Second-class postage paid This is the first of a series of arti- erbs in your Bible. Go all the way at Washington, D.C. Copyright, 1968, cles about money—how to acquire, through, making a "G" in the mar- Review and Herald Publishing Associa- tion, Washington, D.C. 20012. use, and conserve it to reach goals gin by each verse that tells you how To contact the editorial staff, write, natural to young men and women to "G"et money. For example, stop or telephone Area Code 202, 723-3700. from academy age to early married right here and read Proverbs 6:6-8, Subscription rates to U.S. and U.S. possessions: one year, $7.95; in clubs of years. The series will cover as much then make a note of one of the prin- three or more, one year, each 56.25. as possible of the entire range of ciples of making money. Rates slightly higher in Canada. All other countries: add 80 cents postage interest. The articles will recognize This is not the beginning, however each year per subscription. and encourage development of indi- much it might look like it. The way A month before you move, notify THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR of both vidual abilities to satisfy individual to the real beginning is in Proverbs your old and new address. Any cor- needs. There will be specific ex- 1:7. Solomon got off to the right respondence about your subscription should enclose the address label from amples for illustration and encour- start. Read about it in 1 Kings 3:7-9. the magazine or wrapper. If the post The next article will deal with office is unable to make delivery, your agement. Dogmatism will be subscription will be suspended until a avoided. real problems to be faced in earning correct address is supplied. All the way through it will be as- money to help with academy ex- sumed that you are a Christian— penses. From that point we will pro- that you want to serve your Lord and gress through the academy years, His church with your money, as well college, entrance into a completely Photo credits: Cover, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; p. 3, Keystone View Com- as provide for your own needs. There self-supporting adult world, court- pany; p. 8, Loma Linda University Audio-Visual Service; p. 18, Ted Pyke. will be suggestions of what is right ship, marriage, family, and long- VOLUME 117, NUMBER 4 JANUARY 28, 1969 and wrong in earning and using range planning. 2 The Youth's Instructor, January 28, 1969 Five Words That Made a President by JAMES J. SHORT, M.D. Taciturn Calvin Coolidge was President of the United States from 1923 to 1929. HE result of the words was un- the threat of a strike by the politically him what had happened. "I know it calculated. In fact, it was expected powerful union. Coolidge countered will mean the end of me politically," by all those involved, including the fu- by asserting: "There is no right to he wrote, "but I am in duty bound to ture President, to send him into total strike against the public safety by any- preserve law and order." The strike and permanent political eclipse. Four body, anywhere, any time," and threat- materialized. The Guard was called and two thirds words to be exact were ened in case of a strike to call out the out. There was some rioting and loot- to lift a man from relative obscurity National Guard to preserve order. ing, but by and large order was main- to nationwide prominence and finally As the deadline for the strike ap- tained and the strike was broken. The to the highest office in the land! Who proached, a delegation called on the letter to his father predicting his own was the man? When did it happen? governor at the Capitol to inform him political demise was not made public What magic formula did he employ? that if he rendered the strike ineffec- until years later. Would it work again for someone else? tual by invoking the services of the His courageous action, in which he What were the circumstances? Here's National Guard, he would be put principle and the public welfare the story. "through" politically. In his high- ahead of political expediency, made It was in 1919. Calvin Coolidge was pitched New England Yankee twang, headlines throughout the country. Ev- governor of Massachusetts. Born in the Coolidge replied, "Gentlemen, that erywhere his courage was applauded, "Green Mountain State" of Vermont doesn't matter." These words and this and he became a nationally known in 1872, Mr. Coolidge had progressed attitude toward his own political fu- figure overnight. When the Republi- through various public offices in Mas- ture made him Vice-President and fi- can convention came round in 1920, sachusetts until he was elected gover- nally President for almost six years. his popularity was such that delegates nor in 1918 by a heavy majority. In That same evening Mr. Coolidge nominated him for Vice-President as that same year there had been a union- wrote his aging father at the old family the running mate of Warren G. Hard- ization of the Boston police force, and home in Plymouth, Vermont, and told ing. On the death of Harding, August The Youth's Instructor, January 28, 1969 3 2, 1923, Coolidge succeeded to the On the occasion of one season's And don't overlook the underlying Presidency. opening ball game, a messenger ap- humor in the occasion when the Presi- News of his succession reached him proached Will Rogers, the half-Chero- dent was chided for attending frequent at his humble boyhood home in Ver- kee cowboy humorist, with the word dinner parties.
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