THE OLD NORTH STATE Here’s to the land of the long leaf pine, The summer land, where the sun doth shine: Where the weak grow strong, and the strong grow great Here’s to down home, the Old North State. Here’s to the land of the cotton bloom white, Where the scuppernong perfumes the breezes at night; Where soft Southern moss and jessamine mate, 'Neath the murmuring pines of the "Old North State." Here’s to the land where the galax grows. Where the rhododendron roseate glows; Where soars Mt. Mitchell's summit great. In the land of the sky, in "The Old North State." Here’s to the land where maidens are fairest. Where friends are truest, and cold hearts are rarest; The near land, the dear land, whatever our fate. The blest land, the best land, the "Old North State." Pl-NE—TUM 1939 Journal of Forestry N.(L State CoHege CD 1. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA DEDICATION TO Mrs. J. V. Hofmann, Mrs. G. K. Slocum, Mrs. Lenthall Wyman, and Mrs. W. D. Miller, wives of our much loved Forestry School faculty, we, the staff of the 1939 Pl-NE-TUM, dedicate this sixth edition. Thanks to you for the big bright smile your husbands greet us with each morning at eight o’clock. Your sincere under- standing, cooperation, and interest in us is felt by our contact with your husbands. May this dedication be only a small token of our appreciation of you. [ 2] FOREWORD AGAIN this year the Pl-NE-TUM is an annual by and for the students, alumni, and friends of the N. C. State College Forestry School. We have done away with most of the technical articles, with the desire to make the PI-NE-TUM a more humorous publication. If everyone gets a few chuckles and laughs, we con- sider our work a success. As editor would like to express my appreciation to the faculty, alumni, and to my staff for their work with me on this Sixth Edition of the Pl-NE-TUM. Special appreciation extend to Professor Slocum for his untiring assistance and to John Milholland for his lovely full-page photographs. May next year’s staff better carry on the ideals and purpose of this publication. CONTENTS Dedication 2 Foreword 3 Forestry Faculty (5 Seniors 8 State Forestry ('lnl) Menlorizun Seniors at Glance 1(i l’i—Nic-TI‘M Stuff Camp in Minnesota Seniors at Hofmunn Forest ltolleo Summer Camp ...................................... Senior Trip .......................................... Projected 193$) \Vestern Trip Forestry Students in Political Spotlight ....................... 33 Sports in Review Ecology Trip ............................................. Preservation Trip ......................................... Freshmen Hofmunn Forest Progress Report Hofnmnn Forest 11-0 Our Professors Tliru a Student‘s Eyes ........................ Alumni Section ........................................... Alumni Directory (i7 FORESTRY FACULTY Sl.()('I'M SIII'NK BI'I‘IIL WELLS ('I.}i\']fi_\'(il‘ll{ \VYMAX MILLER ”()I’AIXNN FUN'I‘AIXI'I LAMIH“. MI'H'III‘IL L______— FORESTRY FACULTY Dr. J. V. IIofmanniDirector of the Forestry School. I‘ilementary Forestry. and Forest l\lanage1nent. Dr. ‘l'. 1). Miller Assistant Professor of Forestry. Silviculture. Methods of Research. Problems of Research. and Advanced Silviculture. Professor G. K. Slocum—Assistant Professor of Forestry. Wood Technology. BIensuration. Timher Physics. Dendrolog‘y, Timher Preservation. and Seeding: and Planting. Professor Lenthall VVyman—Professor of Forestry. Forest Products. Forest Utilization. Lomrintr. Lumberinr. Seasoninr. Forest Finance. and Timber Appraisal.rm ta fa f3 Dr. B. W. W’ellswl’rofessor of Botany, and Plant Ecology. Dr. I. V. Shrink—Associate Professor of Botany and Plant I‘leology. Dr. M. F. Buell—Professor of Dendrology. and Associate Professor of Botany. *Dr. R. F. Poole Professor of Forest Pathology. Dr. C. l3. Clevcnger—Professor of Soils. Dr. T. B. Mitchell—Professor of Forest Entomology. and Assoeiate Professor of l‘intomolog‘y and Zoology. *l)r. (‘. M. Heck—Professor of Metcrology. *PI‘OfL‘SSOl‘ (l. R. Bralner—Assistant PYOfCSSOI' of CD“ FillU‘llH‘E‘rlll‘)‘h 2" B‘Ill‘Vt‘Vill‘".h 3121 ) )lll‘".i“ and ’r() )00‘1‘33" )lllC ])r{lWill(".2“ Professor C. M. Lambe—Instruetor in Civil Engineering. Surveying, Mapping. and 'I‘opographie Drawing. Professor James Fontaine—Instruetor in Civil Engineering. Mapping. 'I‘opographie Drawing, and Surveying. *(i. E. .lackson—Superintendent of School Forests. * Denotes absent from picture. (iuomm \VINI‘ucLI) Anxo'l'r "U'imly" Cambridge, N. Y. l{.().'l‘.(‘. l. 2. 3. 4; Forestry (‘lub l. Boxing 3. JOHN BLOIs BAILEY “.I. B." Raleigh, X. C. Forestry Club I, ‘2, 3, 4; Military 1, 2. ‘VIIJJAIVI h ‘ooK BAILEY “Zilr-h" Richmond, Va. Swimming 2, 3, 4; Co—(‘uptain 4; Military 1, 2, 3, 4; Colonel 4, Student Government Forestry Club 1. 2, 3, 4; Football1; President1, ‘2;4;Scabbard and Blade 3. 4. J. SIDNEY BARKER, .ln. “>Si(l” Fuquay Springs, N. C. Transfer from I’inelund Junior College. Forestry Club 2, 3. 4. WILLIAM LN: BEASLIIY, JR. “PM "'09” Laurinburg, N. C. PI-N TUM Editorial Staff 3. 4; Tennis 2; Rifle From 2; Forestry Club 3, 4, Pro— 4, President 4; Alpha Zetagram4.(‘hairman A. E. BUTLER “Jmos" Raleigh, N. C. Transfer from Clemson Agricultural (‘ol- lege. Military 2; Forestry Club 3, i. CARLOS Kits NY l).\ltli Portsmouth. Va. Freshman "Y" ('onneil; Military 1. 2; Historian 2, 'l‘reasurerForestry (‘luh3; Wrestlim.rI. 2. 3. Manager7L. ‘1. Pi— Advertising: Manager 2, Assistant xn—TUMBusiness Manager 3, Business Manager !4 .losrzeu 'l'. Flu'lc. Ju. "Joe" \Vardensville. \Yest Va. Alpha Gamma ltho; Forestry ('lnh l’resir Treasurer 2, Viee President 3; dent t, Forestry Sehool Agricultural (‘hairmanFair I‘lxhihit 3. 1-: lt.t).'l‘.('. l. 2. 3, Major 4: President Senior ('lass t; Blue Key: Zeta. (‘ensor t: Pi (lolden Chain;Delta. ViceAlphaPresident 3. Debate SquadKappa 1, 2, 3; President Student Legis‘ lative Assembly 3; Delta I‘Ipsilon Alpha: l’l-Nli-Tl‘M 3. Managing Editor 3. ('namacs l). ILuuus "Ihlleh‘u" Lexington, N. (1 Swimming: 1. 2; Forestry Huh 3, t; Milir tary 1. :3. ll. J. HARTLEY (‘lit'ton Forge, Va. Alpha (iannna Rho: Forestry (‘lnh 1. ‘2, 3. ~t-; Seahhard and Blade 4; lntert'rm ternity (‘ouneil 3, t; Editor NIH/m um/ Edyiuy/s t»; Danee (‘hairnian t. l)1'.\‘(‘.»\,\' l’nmn' llt'onlcs (‘olerailn .\'. ('. Theta Kappa Nu: Military 1. 2, 3, t: ('luh 1 ‘2, 3. t: Seahhard amt BladeForestry4: [‘psiton Sigma Alpha It; Inter- fraternity ('onneil t. ltALl'll SCU’I‘T .lolls’sos "Ki/IN" Raleigh. N. ('. Phi I‘Ita Sigma; lt.().'l'.(‘. l. :2. 3. At. 'l'irn MARVIN Jni‘iun' "l’urmu" Durham. .\'. ('. 'l‘ransi'rr from Mars Vice l’rrsidvnl B.S.I'.Hill3: (hilt-gr 2. First 1: Military 2. l’rvsidvnt “51'. .II‘I.L\N \'. Lynx "Burk" ('rm-(Imnnr. N. ('. Fun-shy l. 2. 3, i. Huh 3. l»; Grange ] : R.().'l'.('. ('um: 1“ PM”: “('lll'l‘f" Fairnmnl, N. ('. R.().'l‘.(‘. l. 2. 3, 1-. (-siry ('luh. Licutcnanl 1: Fur- ("uni PETERSON "I’rtt'" lmvchhurg. Pa. Alpha Kappa I’i; Forestry Swimmng 3, Manager 1-. (‘luh I. 2,3.1: II. \V. I’LI'MMizu. Ja. Ashcvillo. N. (‘. Sigma Nu; Furt'sti‘y tary l, 2. Huh, :3. ii. i; Mili- (‘ch ‘mi J. lhzicn "('Iml" Buuidcr, Colorado Fun-sir)" (‘iuh 2, 3w -i. .lAnizs l". llliltvns Ashm'illo. .\'. ('. ('lub 2, 3, l; llillhilly Club 2, 3.Forestry4-; Mnnograin t'lub 4‘: l’l‘Nl‘I-TI'M Stafl' Student Li‘gislativc Aswmbly l; 'l'vnnis3, 4: 2. 3. |.. llimmun'r IL ltl‘i-l‘ "Sail Erna-ion" _\i('('hanicsburg, l’a, Furmtry ('Iub l. :1, 3. 1-; l{.().'l'.('. I, 2: Y..\I.(‘.:\. l; I’hxiz—Ti'M Stall" it. llYL'ILHH) WAYNE SHELLEY Forksvillv. l’a. Fun-shy (‘lub 3. It. Bomnn‘ \\'|:s'r<>.\' SLIN'I‘M "Zip" Raleigh. N. ('. Alpha (iannna Rho; l’hi I‘lta Sigma 1; Zeta 3, -I~; Fun-stry (‘Iub 1. L’, 3, 4; Alpha (‘nnnnittrv 3: )lil» Chairmanitary 1, 2. nt' Program l‘llmzum Woonsnx SMITH. lll “Null/Lu” Norfolk. Virginia ('uun— Furvstry (‘lub 2. 3. it; Ag—l‘hrt-stry3: Military [. (-il l; l’IvNI-h‘l'l‘)! 3. l‘lditm' Sl-cond 2.Lieutenant3, ll; Scabbardt; Swimmingand Blade1. 22. 3.3:t: Assist— Manager I, 2: Assist— ant Fmsh Football 3: Frnsh antFantballVarsityManagerFanthallI‘: Munng‘raniManager ('lub 1; Publications Board t. Jm: .qurxs S'l‘mzuz "Jae" Lenoir. N. ('. Baseball 1. 2; Basketball 1. lll-ZNRY I" S'!‘(ll“l“ltliultN llnlno, (icnrg'iu l‘zlmlulu (‘lii Alpha: l(.(l.'['.('. l. 2. 3. I. Forestry Club 2, 3, l; llL\ 1.11:: 'l'n’um “Tit-Ir" llurrislnn'g‘, N. (K Fun-slry (‘luh 3. 1». l‘llHVlN M. “Elixir“ “li’Wl” Raleigh, N. ('. Military 1, 2: Furvslry ('lull l. 2. 3. 71‘. lim‘ l.\'.\‘x \\'1:s’n:m~‘n~:lln "ll'rx/y" (inlrslnn'g‘, Illinois l{.().'l'.('. 2: fly 1. l"m‘¢~>l1‘_\' ('luh 3. 1: .'\l'('ll- (illIIS’l‘l‘IR NICHOLAS \Viuull'r “('hrf" llig‘lilumls. N. ('. Fun-shy ('lull I, 2. 3, ll. l’l'fiARSHN lh‘(‘i<|.l:\' Yunnan “I’l'h‘” Mount ['niun. I’M. I'psilun Sigma Alpha 3. l; I. 2, 3. l; Military 1 2. 3. 1-.l-‘m'cslry Club Mox'l‘lc .Vl. Yul'xu "13ml” ('lmrlnHv. .\'. (‘. l‘lnrt'slry Club 1, ".2. 2L 1-; 'I‘ruck ery i. 1: Arch- N. C. STATE FORESTRY CLUB Ernest Roberts, '41 OFFICERS 1938-39 ["1111 Term II'I'IIlr'r Term .1011: Far: .................. President ‘VHJJAM BEAsLEV ltonmei' (‘AIN I'iee President RALPH IJCE .IAMEs BELI................. Seerelary ............... ROBERT (‘AIN Sinxm' INGRAM Treasurer SIDNEY INGRAM “Human BEAsLEr hwy/mm (‘hairnmn 'l‘inconolm SPIKER RALPH BRAKE ......
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