MRADMC John Mallia’s Restoration Project ISSUE: V38 – 2— December 2019 A00038005 MOTOR MOUTH The voice of Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club As this is the last magazine to be issued his time in showing me, and before Christmas I would like to take the talking to me about his cur- opportunity to wish you and yours all the rent restoration project, a very best for Christmas and for 2020. 1932 Wolseley Hornet Spe- Like a Christmas stocking, this edition of cial, that appears on the cover of this the magazine is stuffed full of things that month’s magazine and features in the “The seemed like good ideas at the time, but Shed” article, a cross between Deb Wil- Remember Me with the benefit of 2020 hindsight opinions liam’s “ ” articles and the Centre Stage may need to be revised. “ ” articles that I initially intro- duced as editor of the magazine in 2001. We have, of course, the usual array of Any member, whether you have been with “official” Club reports from the President and Vice President, plus the Minutes of the club for thirty years or thirty minutes, November’s General Meeting from the who would like to feature in the February Secretary. magazine (there will be no January maga- zine) should form an orderly queue near I would like to thank Paul Pounder for the bar in the clubrooms after supper at heeding my call at the November General the December General Meeting. Meeting for magazine contributions, with the series of photos he has sent in of his Failure to secure a victim for the February pilgrimage to the Iconic Bright Rod Run. article will, of course, result in a long, mind - numbingly boring, and soul destroying Similarly, I would also thank Pam article on the political and social influences Amezdroz for her photos of the November on Alfa Romeo design in the 1940’s or, if Mid-week Run and Peter Amezdroz for his space within the magazine is limited, a contributions this month: so many in fact very short article on the benefits of owning that several of these will need to be carried an MG. over to subsequent magazines. - Robin Fletcher / Editor In particular, I must thank John Mallia for 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne Vic. 3438 PO Box 84, Gisborne Vic 3437 www.mradmc.com.au MOTOR MOUTH The voice of Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Inc. Www.mradmc.com.au Clubrooms: 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne Correspondence: PO Box 84 Gisborne 3437 Phone: 03 5420 7683 President—Adam Furniss Welfare/ Grievance—John Parnis Phone 0404 034 841 Phone: 0425 802 593 e: [email protected] e: [email protected] Vice President—Alan Martin Property Officer—Joe Mediero Phone: 0402 708 408 Phone: 0432 810 202 e: [email protected] Secretary—Graham Williams Rally Director—Richard Onyon Phone: 0419 393 023 Phone: 0414 466 966 e: [email protected] e: [email protected] Treasurer—Drew Jessop (OAM) Webmaster—Sarah Furniss Phone: 0412 085 624 e: [email protected] e: [email protected] Catering—Clara Tine Membership—Michael Camilleri Mid-Week Run Committee Phone: 0423 718 250 Phone: 0427 804 803 e: [email protected] e: [email protected] AOMC Delegates Head Scrutineer—Brian Jayasingha Robert Green ph:0408 532 603 Phone: 9330 3331 B.H. Mon-Fri Don MacGregor Sales—Lina Bragato Librarian Phone: 0432 583 098 Alec Mead (OAM) e: [email protected] Liquor License Nominee Editor-Robin Fletcher Trevor Elliott Phone: 0434 604 896 e:[email protected] Club Objective: To encourage the restoration, preservation and operation of motorised vehicles. Meetings: First Wednesday of every month (except Jan) at 8pm Disclaimer: The opinions and ideas expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the club or the committee. No responsibility can be taken for accuracy of submissions 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne Vic. 3438 PO Box 84, Gisborne Vic 3437 www.mradmc.com.au # MOTOR MOUTH The voice of Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Reports: Welcome to the November edition of Motor Mouth, I have personally been busy with work and family commitments and because of that I was unable to be in attendance at the last general meeting or attend club runs this month. The club has been busy with Coffee and Cars, Mid-week run to the Bernie Smith museum and the Children’s First Foundation in Kilmore. Thank you to those people who organized these events and to the members who attended. At the last Committee meeting, we started planning for 2020 by starting to put together a 12- month plan. We share our clubrooms with the Running club and they have forwarded to us their calendar of events so that we don’t have any dates that clash. As you all are aware, we have a new Events Coordinator. If you have any ideas for a run or want to help organizing an event please contact Richard Onyon. Hanging Rock is not far away - 9th February 2020. This is our clubs’ biggest event on the calen- dar. We would like as many people as possible to attend and to volunteer to put your name on the roster. The weather over this last month has been unpredictable, so who knows what February will dish out. Currently it’s an opt in system but by 2021 I would like it to be compulsory, like it was a few years ago as it is a club event and I don’t like the segregation of members on the day. Alec Mead is no longer our Liquor License Nominee. I would personally like to thank you for your dedication to the club in this roll. Trevor Elliott has taken on this position. The December Meeting is our Christmas meeting. Like every year, we will have an early meeting followed by a meal afterwards. Details further in magazine. This is our only Christmas party for the year as December is such a busy month for us all, so please come on down to the meeting, have a bite to eat and have a chat with the members of our club at such a jolly and festive time of the year for everyone. Looking forward to catching up with you all See you on the road, Adam 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne Vic. 3438 PO Box 84, Gisborne Vic 3437 www.mradmc.com.au MOTOR MOUTH The voice of Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Reports: MACEDON RANGES AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB General Meeting 6th November 2019 The Vice President called the meeting to order at 8:05 pm Members were reminded to scan in near the Committee Room. Approximately 102 members were in attendance Apologies: Adam Furniss, Bob Walters, Alan Potter, Drew Jessop. A number of others were advised but not noted New Members/Visitors: None for this evening Minutes of Previous General Meeting: The Chairman asked if everyone had read the minutes of the last General Meeting as dis- tributed in MotorMouth. Moved Rod Sinclair & seconded Carmelo Tine “that they be accepted” PASSED Business Arising: Nil Executive Reports President’s Report: N/A Vice President’s Report: Alan advised we had a guest speaker for the evening and Adam had advised he had little to report for the past month Secretary’s Report: Incoming magazines as distributed Outgoing – letters for members for CPS registration renewals, Lease renewal follow-up Treasurer’s Report: Drew reported that the club’s bank balance remained healthy. Drew also advised that the Executive had reviewed and approved all payments for the month past and indicated that members could enquire as to the details of any payments as usual. The total accounts ap- proved for payment was $1,709.66 which included the purchase of a trophies, badges and AOMC membership fees. A copy of the payments were available for review if required by members Moved by Graham Williams Seconded Rod Sinclair “that the bills continue to be paid” CARRIED 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne Vic. 3438 PO Box 84, Gisborne Vic 3437 www.mradmc.com.au MOTOR MOUTH The voice of Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Reports: Membership Officer’s Report: Michael reported that memberships were slow at present and that there were a number of new Membership cards and badges available for collection. Please pick these up and re- member to carry them when in your club vehicles. General Reports Mid-Week Run Co-Ordinators Report: Pam gave a brief report on the last month’s run and provided details of the next midweek run for November (on a Saturday – just for something different). Bernie Smith’s collection followed by lunch at the Bulla Black Horse Hotel. RSVPs please so tables can be booked Sales Report: Lina advised on ongoing sales of badges etc Technical Officer’s Report: Brian reported that he was still inspecting cars on a regular basis and would publish the Red Plate days for 2020 at the December meeting. AOMC Report: No report on AOMC other than to remind members to have their membership card with them when driving their CPS vehicles Events: The Chairman ran through the upcoming events noting again that there had been some- thing almost every week over the last few months available to club members General Business: Cars and Parts for sale or wanted – reminder to give the editor an email for the details for inclusion in MotorMouth ([email protected]) – no paper please Editor advised he would be happy to include ads for cars and parts and was happy to re- ceive paperwork from members.
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