Gnome-Session Gzip Less 2.14888718342 Lzop Lib64gpgme-Devel

Gnome-Session Gzip Less 2.14888718342 Lzop Lib64gpgme-Devel

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lib64xcb-dri2_0 0. 0. lib64boost_wserialization1.42.0 2.45398773006 0. 0. 0.0. 3.63825363825 0. 0. 3.76175548589 lib64ggzcore9 0. 0. cryptsetup python-twisted-lore lib64boost_program_options1.42.0 0. 0. 4.158004158 2.1472392638 0. lib64xau6-devel 0. python-clientform 4.07523510972 0. 0. 0.287356321839 0.287356321839 0. 4.05405405405 lib64xcb-xevie0 0. 3.76175548589 2.45398773006 0. 0. 0. hal-info 0. 0. x11-proto-devel lib64skgbasegui0 lib64skgbankgui0 3.59281437126 0. 0. 0. 1.97505197505 0. 0. 3.59281437126 python-axiom 0. 4.075235109722.1472392638 python-coherence usbutils 3.5343035343 0. 2.2869022869 0. lib64xcb-devel lib64xdmcp6-devel 3.76175548589 2.45398773006 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. hal 0. 0. 2.18295218295 lib64boost_math_tr1l1.42.0 acl 3.761755485894.07523510972 python-twisted-words python-celementtree 3.37423312883 0. lib64boost_graph1.42.0 lib64sysfs-devel 0. perl-Text-Diff 2.1472392638 0. migration-assistant lib64x11_6-devel 0. lib64xcb-shm0 lib64skgbankmodeler0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.1472392638 0. 0. 3.76175548589 python-twisted-names lib64SDL-devel lib64directfb-devel userdrake 0. perl-Algorithm-Diff 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64boost_signals1.42.0 lib64boost-devel 2.1472392638 0. 3.76175548589 lib64xcb-screensaver0 0. 0. python-nose python-epsilon 0. 0. 2.1472392638 0. 0. lib64kdevplatformutil1 0. 0. 0. transfugdrake perl-Test-Differences 3.76175548589 lib64sysfs-static-devel 2.1472392638 0. 3.76175548589 lib64boost_filesystem1.42.0 python-twisted-mail lib64xcb-sync0 lib64boost_date_time1.42.0 3.76175548589 2.1472392638 python-twisted-runner 2.1472392638 lib64kdevplatformproject1 python-configobj eclipse-swt 2.1472392638 3.76175548589 0. 2.1472392638 2.1472392638 0. 0. 3.76175548589 0.0. 0.0. 0. udisks libpthread-stubs 0.0. 3.76175548589 javassist perl-AppConfig perl-Template-Toolkit perl-Pod-POM lib64kdevplatformlanguage1 0. 0. jrexx 3.76175548589 0. lib64kdevplatformdebugger1 3.76175548589 eclipse-rcp 0.0.0. eclipse-jdt 0. eclipse-ecj 0. 4.34782608696 4.34782608696 0. gnu-trove 0.0. 0. 0. libchipcard lib64xcb-glx0 0.0. 0. 0. 0. 2.32558139535 0. gnome-disk-utility 0. lib64gdu-gtk0 perl-List-MoreUtils 0.0. 0. 0. 0. lib64kdevplatformshell1 concurrent 0.0. 0. 0. lib64boost_prg_exec_monitor1.42.0 eclipse-platform 0.0. lib64chipcardc2 0. 0. lib64xcb-xtest0 4.54545454545 4.54545454545 0. 0. lib64boost_unit_test_framework1.42.0 0.0. 0.0. 0. 0. lib64uClibc0.9.30.1 0. 0. aspectwerkz lib64chipcard0 lib64gdu0 lib64drm-devel lib64mesagl1-devel mesa 0. lib64xcb-xprint0 rpm-manbo-setup-build 3.84615384615 2.5641025641 3.9428420217 perl-Test-Base lib64kdevplatformvcs1 0.0254647313471 0. 0. 0. lib64kdevplatforminterfaces1 lib64xcb-record0 2.38095238095 3.15291644771 uClibc 0. 0. 0. 0. rpm-mandriva-setup-build piccolo 0. 0. 3.12664214398 lib64xcb-damage0 lib64kdevplatformoutputview1 perl-YAML 0. 0. 0. lib64xcb-res0 lib64boost_python1.42.0 0. zlib1 lib64xcb-randr0 0. sqlite-tools f-spot gnome-keyring-sharp 0. 0. perl-JSON lib64boost_math_c99f1.42.0 0. apache-mod_perl xml-commons-jaxp-1.2-apis quadrapassel 0. 4.6511627907 lib64sublime1 perl-Spiffy swell-foop gnobots2 0.0. 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64boost_thread1.42.0 spec-helper xconsole glines iagno xfindproxy lib64ndr-devel asm lib64boost_system1.42.0 0. xfwp perl-Apache-Test 0. perl-BSD-Resource 2.38095238095cglib 4.6511627907 xfsinfo 0. 0. 0. lib64boost_math_tr1_1.42.0 pwdb-conf lib64dcerpc-devel x11-scripts lib64boost_math_c99_1.42.0 glchess 2.32558139535 0. 0. 0. 4.7619047619 0. x11-font-arabic-misc gir-repository 0. xsetpointer 0. 0. 0. 0. x11-font-misc 0.0. 0. rstart 0. lib64pwdb0-devel perl-Apache-Reload 0. 0. bea-stax bea-stax-api 0. lib64gensec-devel 4.25531914894 0. 0. 0. lightsoff 0. xsetmode 0. 0. 0. lib64pwdb0 seed 4.7619047619 0. 0. 0. lib64ldb-devel proxymngr 0. 2.32558139535 0. 4.7619047619 2.32558139535 ws-jaxme x11-font-schumacher-misc gnotravex gnome-games 0. lib64tevent-devel 0. gnotski xstdcmap lib64uim6 0. 0. x11-font-sony-misc 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64gcroots0 gnome-mahjongg 0. editres 0. 0. 0. 0. dmraid-events 0. 2.22222222222 jaxen 0. 0. 0. 2.38095238095 2.38095238095 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. xtrap 0. gnome-sudoku 0. 0. 0. lib64dmraid1 0. uim-base uim uim-gtk 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.44444444444 0. 0. 0. 2.12765957447 appres gnomine xmldb-api 0. x11-font-micro-misc dmraid 0. 0. python-gamin sabayon pessulus 0. 0. 0. lib64uim-scm0 popt-data 0. gtali 3.09777347531 0. 0. x11-font-sun-misc 2.32558139535 0. rpm-helper 4.25531914894 xrx 0. 0. 1.65869218501 0. 1.96837689577 0. lib64uim-custom2 aisleriot chkconfig 0. 1.17162761241 icu4j 0. gnibbles 1.90383994837 4.44444444444 x11-font-mutt-misc 0.0633312222926 3.48499515973 0. gnect 0.0625 2.04146730463 x11-tools x11-font-bitstream-type1 tcb 0. 0. 0. gnome-games-common lib64gda4.0_4 0. lib64json-glib-devel 1.00032268474 1.55161494617 xpp3 0. 0. x11-font-dec-misc 0.981633945535 1.90383994837 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64popt0 xkill 1.17162761241 4.44444444444 0. 0. 0. 0. adaptx castor ldapjdk 0. libgda4.0-sqlite 0. 0. 0.0633312222926 xom 0. 1.90383994837 0. 0. lib64soprano4 0. 0. 0. x11-font-type1 0. 1.17162761241 0. 0. bitmap 0. 0. 0. lib64clutter-gtk0.10-devel 0.lbxproxy x11-apps 1.16279069767 lib64dbnss4.8 xpp2 4.44444444444 0. soprano-plugin-virtuoso 0.0633312222926 2.22222222222 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. libgda4.0 0. 1.55161494617 aspell-en0. 0.879073756432 dom4j 0. 0.214408233276 0. 0. xorg-x11 0. 4.6511627907 1.93610842207 2.22222222222 0. 3.44827586207 0.981633945535 0. xcalc 0. 0.214408233276 0.0643224699828 0.0316656111463 1.55161494617 0. 0. 0. x11perf 0. 1.16279069767 lib64iodbc2 3.00096805421 0. 0. ico 0. 0. lib64clutter1.0-devel shadow-utils1.05060034305 0. 0. 0.981633945535 tomcat5-jasper 1.07663077897 1.90383994837 1.2052013955 0.158579130986 0. 0. 0. xeyes 1.16279069767 0. 0. 0.0951474785918 x11-font-xfree86-type1 0. 0. 0. 0.664665523156 xvidtune 0. 0. 0. 1.90383994837 0.1585791309860. 0. 0. 0. virtuoso-opensource 0.214408233276 0. 3.44827586207 0.0316656111463 1.16279069767 pam_tcb 0. oclock 0. 0. grep 0.0. 0. 0. 1.58579130986 tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api 0. 2.09745079058 makedepend aqbanking 0.214408233276 0. 0. 1.16279069767 0. 3.44827586207 0.983190612115 0. 1.90383994837 0.0214408233276 0. 0. 0. xbiff 0. 0. 0. 1.17162761241 0.03166561114630.189993666878 0. 0. 1.07663077897 0. 0. 1.17162761241 0. 0. 1.162790697670. 0.06333122229261.90383994837 0.0214408233276 coreutils 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api 0. 0. 0. 1.16279069767 1.07663077897 0. 0.935785737335 0. findutils tomcat5 0. 0. 0. 3.44827586207lib64sopranoindex1 0.981323203545 0. 0. 0.0633312222926 0.158579130986 0.0. viewres 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.31560891938 0. 0. 0. 1.55161494617 0. 0. xclock 3.44827586207 0.943396226415 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.16552315609 0. 0.918302723243 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64aqbanking29 0. aqhbci 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.158579130986 1.55161494617 0. xcmsdb 0. lib64acl1 0. 0.981633945535 0.189993666878 lib64attr1 tomcat5-common-lib 0. xlogo 0. 0. 1.87833511206 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64audit1 0.0634316523945 0.214408233276 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64sopranoserver1 0. 0.981633945535 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.214408233276 0. 0. 0. xz 0. listres 0. 0.1899936668781.23691722169 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. xfontsel 0. 0. 0.37037037037 lib64aqhbci17 0. 0.918302723243 0. tomcat5-server-lib 0.278730703259 0. lib64lzma2 lib64ppl7 0.907634810464 0. 1.07628996518 0. 0.214408233276 setup xev 0. 0. lib64sopranoclient1 0. 0.918302723243 0. xmag 0.1585791309860.0316656111463 1.25467164976 0. 0. 0.621783876501 0.214408233276 info-install 0.03166561114630. xkbprint 1.28440366972 lib64gmpxx4 0. 1.28440366972 1.07663077897 soprano-plugin-common lib64pam_userpass1 0.34887408817 xfd 0. 1.07663077897 0.158579130986 xcursorgen lib64cloog0 lib64amaroklib1 soprano 0. xmldb-api-sdk 0.158579130986 plexus-i18n x11-docs 0. xgc 0.919758959721 xrefresh 0. 0. 0. run-parts lib64silc1.1_2 plexus-interactivity plexus-archiver lib64amarokcore1 xgamma 0. xload 2.5641025641 0.949667616334 0.189993666878 0. 0. 0. 0.189993666878 xwininfo nss_tcb lib64netcdf_fortran5 xwud 0. 2.5641025641 0. 0. 2.5641025641 xlsclients 0. 0. lib64silcclient1.1_3 python-qt4-designer python-qt4-svg 0. xlsatoms 0.918302723243 lib64tcb0 xedit 0. xkbevd php-pear-Net_SMS 2.5641025641 xkbutils lib64amarokocsclient4 maven-shared aspectj 0. 0.918302723243 2.5641025641 0. xman 0. 0. lib64crack2 4.05953991881 xclipboard silc-toolkit cracklib-dicts 2.5641025641 xwd 0. 2.5641025641 python-qt4-sql perl-Jcode python-qt4-network 0. 2.5641025641 lib64gcr0 2.5641025641 0. lib64hdf5-devel lib64netcdf-devel 0. php-pear-Net_IMAP 0. 0. lib64amarokpud1 0. php-pear-VFS 2.65060240964 lib64netcdfmm5 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ganymed-ssh2 libgnome-keyring-i18n 3.16301703163 gnome-keyring 2.5641025641 maven-shared-plugin-testing-harness 0. lib64amarok-sqlcollection1 php-pear-File_PDF 0.

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