WTU Herbarium Specimen Label Data

WTU Herbarium Specimen Label Data

WTU Herbarium Specimen Label Data Generated from the WTU Herbarium Database September 26, 2021 at 6:25 am http://biology.burke.washington.edu/herbarium/collections/search.php Specimen records: 150 Images: 15 Search Parameters: Label Query: Genus = "Myosurus" Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Myosurus apetalus Gay var. borealis Whittem. Myosurus apetalus Gay var. borealis Whittem. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, ADAMS COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, LINCOLN COUNTY: 2 miles southwest of Ritzville. Sprague. Elev. 1814 ft. Elev. 2000-3000 ft. 47.107024°, -118.408979°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., 47.30028°, -117.97444°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Fine sandy soil in bunchgrass. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. H. T. Rogers 229 2 Apr 1940 J. H. Sandberg s.n. Jun 1893 with C. Boothroyd, Fred G. Meyer, Marion Ownbey with J. B. Leiberg WTU-83228 WTU-269484 Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Myosurus apetalus Gay var. borealis Whittem. Myosurus apetalus Gay var. borealis Whittem. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, BENTON COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SPOKANE COUNTY: 4 miles up Webber Canyon Road from Hwy 12. East Boone Street, Spokane. T8N R7E S5; WGS 84, uncertainty: 300 m., Source: 47.65889°, -117.425°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Scattered on flat land at base of east facing slope. Artemisia In thin soil on edge of street. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. tridentata present on slope. Poa secunda more abundant on flat land. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Sister Mary Milburge 280 20 Apr 1932 M. Barkworth 687 30 Mar 1973 WTU-23210 WTU-267268 Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Myosurus apetalus Gay var. borealis Whittem. Myosurus apetalus Gay var. borealis Whittem. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, STEVENS COUNTY: 10 miles south of Kettle Falls, on level alluvial bench just above U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: margin of Columbia River. Colockum Creek about 1/2 mile from mouth. 48.572811°, -118.086806°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., 47.299574°, -120.08966°; WGS84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Open disturbed ground. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. In wet soil along creek, giving dense, mossy apprearance. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. C. W. Sharsmith 4010 22 Apr 1939 George H. Ward 208 9 Apr 1946 WTU-82134-B WTU-139028 Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Myosurus minimus L. Myosurus apetalus Gay var. borealis Whittem. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, WHITMAN COUNTY: East of Pullman. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, GRANT COUNTY: 46.73139°, -117.17861°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Coyote Springs Canyon, about 1.5 miles south of Coulee City. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff 47.589678°, -119.29111°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: Wet ground. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff On lower levels of slope of canyon. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: William H. Baker 7477 22 May 1951 Native. WTU-300157 Xerpha M. Gaines 398 12 May 1950 with T. H. Scheffer Ranunculaceae WTU-169478 Myosurus apetalus Gay var. borealis Whittem. Ranunculaceae U.S.A., WASHINGTON, YAKIMA COUNTY: Myosurus apetalus Gay var. borealis Whittem. Yakima Indian Reservation, head of Dry Creek. Elev. 4000 ft. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KITTITAS COUNTY: 46.25341°, -120.397861°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Ginkgo Petrified Forest Park. Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff 46.94945°, -120.00305°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 4000 m., Source: Arid sagebrush slopes. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff At mouth of Rocky Coulee. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. J. William Thompson 17536 22 May 1953 Harold W. Smith 251 7 Apr 1936 WTU-171166 WTU-221249 Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Myosurus minimus L. Myosurus minimus L. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, JEFFERSON COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, WHATCOM COUNTY: Olympic Mountains. Sandy Point. 47.80682°, -123.61225°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 40000 m., Source: 48.78639°, -122.70389°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. In moist depressions in sandy soil near shore. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. A. W. E. Elmer 2674 Jun 1900 W. C. Muenscher 9784 2 May 1939 WTU-23215 WTU-56027 Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Myosurus minimus L. Myosurus minimus L. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, ISLAND COUNTY: Whidbey Island. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, WHITMAN COUNTY: 48.146201°, -122.552685°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 30000 m., East of Pullman. Source: Digital Map, Georef'd by Joseph Stormer 46.73139°, -117.17861°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Moist ground. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Moist pond margins. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. N. L. Gardner s.n. 24 Apr 1897 William H. Baker 7479 22 May 1951 WTU-7894 WTU-300229 Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Myosurus minimus L. Myosurus minimus L. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KITTITAS COUNTY: North of Ellensburg. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, YAKIMA COUNTY: 47.187322°, -120.532163°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 15000 m., Mabton. Source: Digital Map, Georef'd by Joseph Stormer 46.215°, -119.99556°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Wet places. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Subirrigated fields. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. J. William Thompson 8374 5 Jun 1932 J. S. Cotton 321 24 Oct 1901 WTU-23212JWT WTU-7933 Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Myosurus minimus L. Myosurus ×alopecuroides Greene U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KLICKITAT COUNTY: Bingen. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, ADAMS COUNTY: 45.71495°, -121.46462°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 500 m., Source: [locality and coordinates withheld; status in Washington: G3?/S2 GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff (Threatened; WANHP)] Wet places. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Found in hard, dessicated claypan of a vernal pool with few competing plants. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 5575 3 May 1906 Curtis R. Bjork 3315 3 Jul 1997 WTU-70604 WTU-339489 Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Myosurus minimus L. Myosurus ×alopecuroides Greene U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SAN JUAN COUNTY: Odlin County Park, Lopez Island; ca 1 mile south of ferry landing. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, LINCOLN COUNTY: 48.556667°, -122.887222°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 300 m., Source: [locality and coordinates withheld; status in Washington: G3?/S2 Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU Staff (Threatened; WANHP)] In vernally moist sites on lawn, with Montia howellii, Montia fontana, Growing on dense, dried claypan of a vernal pool. Phenology: and Gnaphalium palustre. Common annuals. Phenology: Fertile. Fertile. Origin: Native. Origin: Native. Curtis R. Bjork 3210 6 Jun 1997 Scott R. Atkinson 351 25 Apr 1992 WTU-340215 WTU-325144 Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Myosurus ×alopecuroides Greene Myosurus minimus L. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SPOKANE COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SAN JUAN COUNTY: [locality and coordinates withheld; status in Washington: G3?/S2 San Juan Islands National Wildlife Refuge and Wilderness Area. (Threatened; WANHP)] Castle Island. Growing in very dense dried claypan of a shallow vernal pool. Elev. 0-98 ft. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. 48.42104° N, 122.82176° W; T34N R1W S21; WGS 84, uncertainty: 100 m., Source: Digital map Curtis R. Bjork 3215 9 Jun 1997 Steep, cliffy island with many rock ledges, cracks and beaches. Occasional in vernal crevices. Phenology: Fruits. Origin: Native. WTU-339479 Ben Legler 2527 28 Apr 2005 Ranunculaceae WTU-383946 Myosurus minimus L. Ranunculaceae U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KLICKITAT COUNTY: Krep's Lane, 0.5 miles west of powerline near bridge. Conboy Myosurus ×alopecuroides Greene Wildlife Refuge. Elev. 561 ft. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, BENTON COUNTY: 45° 56.546' N, 121° 20.042' W [locality and coordinates withheld; status in Washington: G3?/S2 Open meadow, roadside ditches. Fruit green, beaks ascending. (Threatened; WANHP)] Growing in bare, exposed soil of vernal pool in north roadside ditch. Elev. 640 ft. Phenology: Fruits. Origin: Native. In dried edges of vernal pool in depression of top of basalt layer. Aspect: 315 degrees, slope 1%. Associated species: Veronica Sharon Rodman 540 15 Jun 2001 peregrina var. xalapensis, Camissonia andina, Myosurus apetalus, Eplobium munutum, Artemisia ridida, moss sp., lichen sp. On WTU-352144 northwest-facing side of small vernal pool. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Ranunculaceae Kathryn A. Beck 97014 7 May 1997 with Florence E. Caplow Myosurus minimus L. WTU-359415 U.S.A., WASHINGTON, GRANT COUNTY: Unnamed springs along east side of Hwy 155, 8.7 air miles north of Coulee City. Ranunculaceae Elev. 1890 ft. 47° 44' 11.6" N, 119° 14' 15.5" W Myosurus ×alopecuroides Greene Flowing spring in stand of aspen, with open meadows and moist sagebrush slopes. Sepals reddish; plants forming dense carpet in U.S.A., WASHINGTON, BENTON COUNTY: open disturbed wet meadow. [Mixed collection. Also on sheet: [locality and coordinates withheld; status in Washington: G3?/S2 Myosurus apetalus var. borealis? Filed under Myosurus minimus.] (Threatened; WANHP)] Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Elev. 640 ft. In dried edges of vernal pool in depression of top of basalt layer. Ben Legler 238 21 Apr 2003 Aspect: 315 degrees, slope 1%. Associated species: Veronica peregrina var. xalapensis, Camissonia andina, Myosurus apetalus, WTU-353625A Eplobium munutum, Artemisia ridida, moss sp., lichen sp. On northwest-facing side of small vernal pool. Phenology: Fertile. Ranunculaceae Kathryn A. Beck 97010 6 May 1997 with Florence E. Caplow Myosurus minimus L. WTU-359416 U.S.A., WASHINGTON, ISLAND COUNTY: Pulloff along West Beach Road 0.8 miles south of Joseph Whidbey State Park, Whidbey Island. Ranunculaceae Elev. 30 ft. 48° 17' 51" N, 122° 43' 35" W; NAD 27 Myosurus apetalus Gay var. borealis Whittem. Compacted gravel with grasses, weeds, overlooking saltwater. Common in compacted sandy soil. Phenology: Fruits. Origin: Native. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KLICKITAT COUNTY: East of Bickelton enroute to Rattlesnake Hills from top of Roosevelt Ben Legler 1439 13 Apr 2004 grade.

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