The original documents are located in Box 22, folder “Press Guests at State Dinners - Candidates for Invitation (1)” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. Digitized from Box 22 of The Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library PRESS INVITED TO SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Newspaper - News Service_ Executives Washington Post Editor Washington Post Publisher . Washington Star Publisher New Yerk Times Publisher Los .Angeles Tirr es Publisher Cleveland Plain Dealer President Cincinnati Enquirer President Florida Tines Union President Contra Costa caLif _ Publisher c. ~ ;J_. ~~~~ r; u~ Knight-Ridder Newspapers President Copley Newspapers Chairman of the Board Panax Corporation President Gannett Newspapers Publisher Editors Copy Syndicate Publisher Hearst Newspapers Editor-in - Chief Time Inc. Chairman of the Board National Newspaper Pub. President Asso - San Fran Spidel Newspapers-Nevada President Network Execus CBS Chairman of the Board NBC Chairman and Chief Executive Officer ABC President (invited and regretted, invited again) / • POSSIBLE !NV ITA TIONS TO STATE DINNERS Regulars who haven't been: Other Press: Sandy Socolow pb;J iikaeecoff p IE! - "' _. Don Meany <!le.o~e Watson ...i'w od i8atnss Lou Cannon Jules Whitcover Adam Clymer Dave Broder Pat Sloyan Neil McNeil (Time - Hill corres.) ~~ Don Thomason (Scripp-Howard Hill) Bob Lewis (Booth Newspapers) Betty Beale (has been once) Edward P. Morgan (retired) Kenneth Crawford (retired) Connie B. Gay Bill Lord 1' 1 Saul Friedman Darwin Olofson ~\A..~~ tu~ j L &~ G.J.D) "'iM~ I <' l' ~ u .... ~~ ~c ~~~ Columnists Editors and Publishers Scotty Reston I, JL Mll'£5 lt!li£!' Dave Broder Mike O'Neill - NY DailY. New~ ,J, I 1 ' Tfztd!t Philadelphia Bulletin · ~ r: George Will St. Loqis Post Dispatch Bill Safire Pittsburgh Post Gazette tHclc 'Pltlnnnesch ~ s~e:i.-. 1 Omaha World Telegram Robert Novak Denver :Post Portland Oregonian US News and World Report :lh 2 S'upley ~ Everett Collier Houston Chronicle James Chambers- Dallas Times-He: Others: 'J-oe p~aley - Dallas News M/M Anthony L. Conrad Richard Johrison-Housfon,_ Chronicle (President of RCA) • ------..:;-- ..Maury S, 197S Dear Betty: Thaat you ffW your Alpport. The rns14ea.t also wu pleued acl -•• by J'0111' eel- a hls aracefulaesa oa the dace floor. He looks f....,..1'4 to a early opportuaity to 4uce with you aaab. Jest wishes to you ad your Jaubu.4 fo1' tbe Jlew Tear. loa Messa Press Secretary to tJae Pn•ictnt Mrs. Ietty Beale Tlae Wuld.Qtoa Stu zzs Viqiala &....... s.e. Waslliaatcm. D.C. 20061 NOTE TO CONNIE GERRARD: The President wants Betty Beale invited to a White House dinner as a guest soon. Patty IN/pp October 7, 1975 Ron-- FYI Barry Zorthian called today to ask that the following gentlemen be invited to a White House function (in other words, S te Dinner) at some point: 10020 aza York, New York -755-8717 Mr. and Mrs. James;It'. Shepley President / Time, ~c. / Time I Li\e Buildifg Rockefell::{ Cen1er New York,~N· i York 10020 212-556-36 7; / \ 300 East 5(-Jth\Street Apartmeny/23-D-.i' ' New Yorli, New York 10022 212-75;16794 They are the two top,h'nen at Time, as you know. I told Zorthian we would certainly put them d~wn for some time -- but didn't give a definite commitment for any time soon. Do you want to put them on a near-future dinner? Right now we have the Sadat dinner for late October coming up, which is theonly one I know of. Put ----------------on the Sadat dinner Not the Sad at dinner, but let's keep them in mind for another dinner in the future c g NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL I~ II MEMORANDUM NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL July 28, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: The State Department has suggested that we ask the White House to include Mr. Erwin D. Canham on some social occasion at the White House. Mr. Canham, who is the Editor Emeritous of the Christian Science Monitor, was personally appointed by the President to be the administrator of the plebiscite recently held in the Northern Marianas. Mr. Canham has also been. an effective witness before Congress on behalf of the resolution approving the convenant for commonwealth. It is also thought that Mr. Canham will be called upon when the United States seeks U.N. approval regarding the change in the status of the Northern Marianas. Given Mr. Canham's previously prominent position and his recent dedicated service on behalf of the President, I recommend that the , Social Office include him on some future event. " THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON .:? ~ brna..:-y 13, 1976 ~: 0 . sure that the 1nvitation for the President to attend the annual GoveT!lffient-Industry dinnel" by the Electronic Industries Association is given serious consideration. I also will see what I can do about having Mr. and Mrs. Conrad invited to a State dinner, c: Sincerely, Ron Nessen Press Secretary to the President Mr. Ray Scherer Vice President, Washington RCA 1800 K Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20006 ·. • '. ' .,.! - .· • I ~ I I ' Honorabh~ JRo nald H. Nes;:;en neil ·· Press Secrdary to the President I The White House 1- \\ ·n.~ r.c.: sn -· ~ ,... Dea1 H.on: .t · , uar~ ~1, :i •6 .. .;. F-res•dPnt. Wastu'lgtol\ The EIA. p~ople ,(to,which we belong) are anxious to have the ~~esident. -They feel they have a charice . ~ . )>ecau.-se l _~they have a raincheck from 1974 and 2) he appreciates the importance of communications. Please let... .me know if you think there is any chance. of . ~.a L . his, coming• . ~.1 ~ .......... .. _ On another matter, may I nominate the president of RCA and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Conrad, for one of your State dinners. He is new in the job as RCA chief and, I think, a particularly personable fellow. ·p; Otherwise,.. I see those beasts in the pressroom are .. letting up a bit. Maybe it's because they now have Reagan to be beastly to also. Yours, ; .. ' ... .., . ·;' . ~f- rsr. V. · .J. Adduci President · • ·' THE- WHil'E HbU'Sll , WASHINGTON NOTE FOR.: FROM . RON NESSEN .. THE CHIEF OF PROTOCOL DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20520 June 18, 1976 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Ronald H. Nessen Press Secretary to the President The white Hot~~o~~ce FROM: Henry E. Cat~~~~ SUBJECT: Suggested invitee to the White House Marilyn Berger mentioned to me the other day that she had never been invited to the White House and would so much like to go. I pass this FYI. THE WHitE H6U~E WASHINGTON FROM : RON NESSEN cd' 7 ~ J (}-t{'J\ [0~ut~ ~ ~_,_fl ~ «- If-~~ v~ - ~ (R- f\j,V NHW"VOHR,NHW"VORK 10019 .JOHN A, MILLER CHIItl" EXECUTIVE O,.,.ICitft (212) 262·7?82 August 11, 1976 Mr. Joseph Kingsbury-Smith National Editor The Hearst Newspapers Washington Headquarters 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. c. 20006 Dear Joe: How thoughtful of you to have written on August 6th about the possibility of Bunny and me attending a dinner at the White House. We would indeed be interested. JRM:cl September 1974 WHITE HOUSF. CORRESPONDI!:NTS CALL LIST WIRE SERVICES ~ctrornedia•••••••••••••••••••••• 244-6220 Bill McCloskey•••• ZZ?-7846 ~ociated Press •••••••••••••• ~.833-5310 Ed Tobias •••••••• 587-Z559 White House booth ••••••• 833-5397 + 98 Mutual•••••. •••...•••••••..•.•••• 785-6340 ~Frank Cormier ••• .Z73-3560 ......'tllaylord Shaw ••••• 938-7684 White House Booth••••••••• 785-6415 + 16 ])Fran Lewine •••••• 333-1745 , Forrest Boyd•••••• 949-6195 Dick Barnes. ••••••462-560?. Bill Greenwood•••• 338-7477 Bob Moore ••••••• 667-0260 Thurmont direct line••••• 301/271-7225 City Wire ••••••••••••••• 833-5366 ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 36Z-4000 Television Desk.. • • • • • • • • • X ZO 1 United Press Internati011al •••••••• 393-3430 Radio Desk. • • • • • • • • • • • • • X371 Tom Brokaw (tv) • ,337-2754 White House booth • • • • • • O£f UPI board Ruas Ward (radio). .320-41~3 l>Hclen Thomas •••••a32-3838 Richard Lor ncr, •• 544-0370 ~~~~1'10 G•tlaea •• ' , a:il6 N96 Natioaal Public Radio, ••••• , •••••• , 785-5500 .8 rc..IC.HIVR~~ 6£DIVAJ. /) . Tllu!'mont- dl•ect Une..... , 301/211-7618 E. Di~k Holwill•••••• 941-9386 CitJ Wire •••••••••••••• Off UPI boanl Joeh Da'sa •• ~····659-2642 BJCO General Broa.dcaatiq•••••••••• 965-1500 Reuters ...•.••. ..•••••· ••••••••• •6.Z8-9JIJ Dbect Dial to Clill1a cloak • ·••••• 965-ZZU White House booth ••••••• 628-7633 White Hov.se Booth •••••••• 638-4110 Cliff Evans ........ 362-7.424 or 3) Ralph Harris ••••• 365·3571 . 36Z-Z3Z3 -.-E:Roland Dallas ..... 686·9-Z·tT Storer Broadea~tHy •••••••••••••••331-9884 Agence France Pre sse ••••••••••• 628-8570 White House Booth••• , • • • • 6Z8-5033 White House Booth ••••••• 638-6466 Fay· Wells •••••••• 332-3855 Claude Moisy ••••• 229-5635 Jean IeCierc wSab~. 966-1054 Television News · •••••• , •••••••••• 347-9333 Louis Foy•••••••• 338-4789 Charlie Lord•••••• 338-4779 Bill KlilaJI •••••••• 280-4224 Judy Ballange• ••••965-1699 TELEVISION AND RA~ UPI Audio ••••••••••••••••••••••• 628-2688 ~-·························· 393-7700 White House Booth•••••••• "347-8042 TV Desk after Uours ••••• 393-2579 or Don Fulsom•••••• ;293-7128 •••• ~ 2?.3-3357 e;, Roger Gittines •••• 547-7950 -l)Tom Jarriel•••••• 299-2349 +46 ,3»Jerr y Land:1y ••••• 2(,5-0?.?.6 .:!:.IQ!'••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 686-6095 .l> Stephen Bell•••••• 299-4?.57.
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