UNICEF Mali Situation Report 29 October 2012 HEADLINES © UNICEF MREThe ToT UN Training, Security October 2012Council Ségou has unanimously approved Resolution 2071 (2012) requesting a plan for a military operation in northern Mali within 45 days. To lay the roadmap the AU, EU and UN met with the Malian Transitional Government and ECOWAS in Bamako on 19 October. UNICEF discussions with the Ministry of Justice have led to develop a communication plan addressing child protection issues such as separation and enrolment in armed conflicts and complex emergencies. In collaboration with UNWomen and UNFPA, training has begun for all military in South Mali on Child and Women’s rights. A UNICEF funded integrated vaccination campaign to reach all children aged 0- 59 months in the northern regions, has to date covered 86% of the targeted children with polio vaccine (265,324 children), 94% with measles vaccines (259,314), 85% with Vitamin A (235,672) and 82% de-worming with albendazole (202,687). Displacement due to the conflict has negatively affected the reach. The 2013 Consolidated Humanitarian Appeal document and budget is being finalized and consolidated with UNICEF led cluster strategies and partners' project documents. © UNICEF MRE ToT Training, October 2012 Ségou Mine Risk Education awareness amongst a displaced family from Timbuktu, children point at images of unexploded ordnances encountered. 1 SITUATION AND HUMANITARIAN NEEDS The African Union readmitted Mali on 24 October after suspending it from the pan-African bloc following a March coup, and backed plans for authorities there to recapture the north from radical Islamists. Mali's membership was revoked after army officers overthrew the elected government seven months ago. FAO has warned that desert locust swarms are likely to head to northwest Africa in the next few weeks may also affect Mali. A very small swarm eats the same amount of food in one day as about 35,000 people. Studies continue on population displacement across Mali with the upper estimation of 203,843 IDPs across 30,470 households. This is a significant increase in the estimated number of displaced people, based upon more complete data from partners in the three northern regions, and an IOM study in Bamako. The estimated numbers of IDPs per region are: Bamako – 46,448, Mopti – 41,239, Kidal – 34,763, Gao – 25,977, Timbuktu – 21,764, Segou – 19,285, Sikasso – 8,250, Koulikoro – 3,357 and Kayes – 2,760. Estimated Affected Population Total Male Female Total population 13,802,000 7,070,697 6,731,303 Children under 18 1 7,453,080 3,818,176 3,634,904 Children Under Five 3,114,000 1,595,287 1,518,713 Children 6 to 23 months 1,245,600 638,115 607,485 Pregnant women 690,100 Not applicable 690,100 Affected population (food insecurity) 4,600,000 2,346,000 2,254,000 Children Under Five with Severe Acute 175,000 96,250 78,750 Malnutrition (SAM)2 Children Under Five with SAM and medical 11,068 5,670 5,398 complications Children Under Five with Moderate Acute 385,000 194,232 190,768 Malnutrition (MAM)2 Total Displaced Population3 203,843 n/a n/a Sources: UNICEF Humanitarian Action Update June 2012; 1UNICEF State of the World’s Children 2010 (proportion of total population); 2Cluster Nutrition, June 2012 – CAP, based upon data from the June 2011 SMART survey; 3 Population Movement Commission ‘Updated Report - Estimated Number of Internally Displaced Persons in Mali October 2012’. INTER-AGENCY COLLABORATION Supported and co-financed by UNICEF, UNWomen and UNFPA a plan on Women and Child Protection before, after and during armed conflicts and complex emergencies has been developed for the Malian army and the first training of trainers sessions commenced 22 October in Bamako. All military in all southern regions of Mali will be trained. With UNICEF’s support a program with key messages has been developed together with the Government of Mali for public awareness on children’s rights violations in armed conflicts including child recruitment. The program starts end of October. The joint humanitarian mission of the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) completed a two-day visit to Mali. During the mission, discussions were held on the humanitarian crisis, with Government, diplomatic corps as well as the humanitarian community and civil society organizations. Participants of the mission also visited a nutritional centre supported by UNICEF in partnership with ALIMA/AMCP, in the district of Kangaba, in Koulikoro region. The mission was very pleased with the visit and data provided by UNICEF and expressed will to support most affected population in Mali. 2 UNICEF EMERGENCY RESPONSE CHOLERA RESPONSE No new cases of cholera have been reported and no deaths since September hence the total number of cases remains 219 and 19 deaths which is a fatality rate of 8,67% compared to 4,1% representing the same period last year when the total number of cases reported was 1,193 and 49 deaths. All cases were confined to Gao region. The UNICEF health program delivered four cholera treatment kits to INGO field partners, capable of treating 400 severe and 1,600 moderate and mild cases. Affected Affected Population No. Current week Cumulative cases regions/districts population in affected affected No. of Deaths CFR No. of Related CFR areas localities cases cases deaths under 5 Gao Region and 542 304 99 455 6 0 0 0 219 19 8,67% Ansongo Districts UNICEF provided 25 WASH cluster partners (NGO, Regional and National Health Authorities) with standardized communication and sensitization material focused on cholera transmission and prevention measures. In total, more than 217,000 flyers and more than 154,000 stickers with instructions on how to use aqua tabs, water flocculent and disinfectant sachets (PUR), how to prepare oral rehydration sachets (ORS). In the north, for the past weeks, UNICEF WASH partners have started a larger scale hygiene kit distribution in order to increase overall capacity and knowledge on cholera prevention and treatment. ACF initiated distribution in Gao circle reaching up to 10,000 households benefitting more than 11 850 people. In the event cholera has spread to Bourem circle, Oxfam is distributing hygiene kits to 32,217 affected people. With the support of UNICEF, IRC and Solidarités continues activities including sensitization, hygiene kits distribution, and chlorine donation in Menaka and Ansongo circles, Timbuktu and Northern part of Mopti. NUTRITION UNICEF and partners’ programming (UNICEF financial/technical support) In 2012 177,766 children under five have enrolled in programmes for treatment of acute malnutrition, according to the Ministry of Health and NGOs. This enrollment includes 105,644 children who have been newly admitted to the programme this year, of whom 6,772 were admitted in nutrition units in northern regions. Data on new admissions has been provided by the National Health Directorate/Nutrition Division (first semester of 2012) as well as NGO partners ACF-E, MDM-B, ALIMA-AMCP, MSF, SAVE THE CHILDREN, IRC, ASDAP, CRM-CRB, CRM-CRF, Ya-G-Tu, and World Vision. To date, UNICEF has provided 39,898 boxes of Ready To Use therapeutic Food across Mali, including 7,196 boxes in the regions of Timbuktu, Kidal, Gao and Mopti. Supplies have been provided to the Ministry of Health and the NGOs ACF- E, ALIMA, AMCP, AVSF, CARE USA, MSF, MDM-B and World Vision. The preliminary results of the SMART 2012 survey are expected at the end of October or beginning of November 2012 Estimated #/% coverage UNICEF & operational partners Sector / Cluster UNICEF Cumulative % of Target Cluster Cumulative % of Target Target results ( #) Achieved Target results (#) Achieved Children 0-59 months with 175,0001 52,553 35% 175,0001 52,553 35% Severe Acute Malnutrition (no complications) enrolled for therapeutic care 2 Children 0-59 months with 7,863 7,863 Severe Acute Malnutrition (with complications) enrolled for therapeutic care 2 3 Children 0-59 months with n/a 34,085 n/a n/a 34,085 n/a Severe Acute Malnutrition (no complications) newly admitted to Therapeutic Feeding programmes) 3 Children 0-59 months with n/a 5,490 n/a n/a 5,490 n/a Severe Acute Malnutrition (with complications) newly admitted to Therapeutic Feeding programmes Health staff personnel trained in 2,965 2,067 70% 2,965 2,067 70% CMAM and IYCF protocol Children 0-59 months with MAM n/a3 385,0001 117,350 30% benefiting from Supplementary Feeding Programmes4 List of UNICEF Operational Partners: Ministry of Health and their decentralized services at regional and district levels ACF-E, Alima, AMCP, ASDAP, Red Cross Belgium, Red Cross France, Red Cross Mali, IRC, MDM-B, Save the Children, RECOTRAD and URTEL. 1Annual targets. 2 Note: UNICEF and Cluster Target are the same with UNICEF the main supplier of RUTF and other therapeutic foods for cluster partners. UNICEF has distributed 39,898 cartons of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food to partners for the treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition (MoH, ACF-E, Alima, Care, MSF-F and MDM-B). 3 UNICEF nor the nutrition cluster have a target for the number of new children enrolled in programmes for the treatment of SAM in 2012, the target is for total enrolment including those children enrolled in the programme at the end of 2011. 4 UNICEF is involved in the response to Severe Acute Malnutrition and is not directly involved in the response to Moderate Acute Malnutrition; therefore the MAM targets is for the cluster only. Nutrition Cluster (http://mali.humanitarianresponse.info/fr/clusters/nutrition) In September 2012, in the southern regions of Mali (Kayes, Koulikoro, Ségou, Sikasso and Mopti) 104,772 children aged 6-23 months and 37,745 pregnant and lactating women benefited from WFP’s blanket feeding programme for the prevention of malnutrition, while 16,926 children 6-59 months and 1,991 pregnant and lactating women are enrolled in programs to treat moderate acute malnutrition.
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