ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT TRANSPORTATION & FUELS UNIVERSITY of WASHINGTON Average vehicle fuel consumption: 24 mpg Non-engine components of vehicle ineciency Primary importance for: 3 CHEM E / ENVIR / M E 341, Autumn 2012 Braking: (1/2)(1 – εb)mv /d Stop-and-go 3 Aerodynamic drag: (1/2)ρcdAfv High speed Rolling resistance: crrmgv Low speed εb = hybrid fraction recovery of braking; m = vehicle mass; v = velocity; d = stopping distance; ρ = density of air; cd = coecient of drag (typ. 0.3); 15 Comm. Fuel cost (Dec. 2012) , higher heating value, Primary Energy Consumption by Source and Sector, 2011 (10 Btu) Resident. A = frontal area; c = coecient of rolling resistance (typ. 0.01) 19% f rr and specic gravity Source Total = 97.3 Sector 22% Average fuel consumption of bus: 3.9 mpg Fuel Unit Cost ($) HHV (Btu) Sp. gr. Percent of Source Percent of Sector Passenger capcities of bus (seated and standing): 120 (60 ft. bus), 60 (40 ft. bus) Crude Oil gal 2.38 138,350 0.88 Transport. Industrial Transport. Average fuel consumption in passenger airplanes: 0.014 gal/psg/nmi Gasoline gal 3.39 124,340 0.74 28% 31% Petroleum 71 93 27.0 Kerosene gal 3.30 135,000 0.80 35.3 23 3 (28%) Relationship of Emissions to Combustion of Oxyhydrocarbon Fuel (CnHmOp) 1 4 Diesel gal 4.03 137,380 0.83 5 (36%) CnHmOp + α(O2 + 3.76 N2) ––> (n - β - γ) CO2 + (m/2)(1 - γ/n) H2O + β CO Heating Oil gal 3.96 139,000 0.92 40 Industrial Consumption by End-Use Sector, 2011 6 41 + γ CH(m/n) + δ O2 + [3.76 - ε/(2x)] N2 + (ε/x) NOx Natural gas MCF 13 1.09 x 10 0.65* Natural Gas 8 20.3 (21%) Coal s. ton 41 2.5 x 107 1.3 3 33 11 α = 0.21(A/F) (MWfuel/MWair); (A/F) = air to fuel mass ratio 24.8 32 Biomass (wood) lb 7,755 0.55 75 17 Res. & Comm. α = n + (m/4) - (1/2){β + 2γ[1 + (m/n)] - 2δ - (ε/x) + p} 31 Electricity (Sea./US) kWh 0.10/0.12 2.93 x 10–4 (28%) 1 10.7 (11%) For y = β, γ, δ, or ε/x: y ≈ f (4.76 + 1.44m - 1.88β - 1.88p) <1 7 v *Relative to air, which is 1.205 kg/m3 at STP. Other fv = vol. frac. of y, as measured in emissions test Coal 8 Petroleum Biomass = Lignin (L) + Cellulose (C) + Hemicellulose (H) 20 25% 1 Elec. Power Rening CO, H2 H2, Liq. fuels 19.7 (20%) 92 46 Gasication, 850 °C Fischer-Tropsch Lignin: Aromatic, high strength, resists pretreatment 39.3 32% 13 8 13 Metal Biomass Cellulose: 6 carbon sugars (i.e., glucose) 25 21 Ren. 9.1 (9%) (40%) 8% Bio-oils Liq. fuels Hemicellulose: 5 carbon sugars (i.e., xylose) 54 Paper Chemical Pyrolysis, 500 °C Upgrading Nucl. 8.3 (8%) Carbohydrate unit: [HCOH] 100 11% 24% (C), (H) H , Liq. fuels Some reaction stoichiometries: Pretreatment, < 200 °C Aq. Phase Proc. 2 Hydrogen: [HCOH] ––> CO + H2 Energy Use by Type of Industry (2009) (L) EtOH, BuOH Methane: 2 [HCOH] ––> CH + CO Fermentation 4 2 Process Heat/Upgrading Ethanol : 3 [HCOH] ––> C2H5OH + CO2 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY R-Values (ft2-hr-°F/Btu) of Residential Materials INTERNATIONAL & GHG GOOD TO KNOW Material Thickness (in.) R-Value Rule of 72: i • n ≈ 72 Heat loss: Q = (A/R)(T – T ) = (A/R)D h 1 o d Hardwood 1 0.91 Internation Energy Consumption (kWh per person per day) and i = interest (or growth) rate in %/yr Greenhouse Gas Emissions (ton CO per person per year) Qh = heat transfer rate; A = area of heat transfer; Softwood 1 1.25 2 n = number of years to double amount R = heat transfer resistance; T1, To = outer, inner temperature ; Plywood 1/2 0.62 Country kWh/p/d ton/p/y Remarks Ex: With a 12% growth rate, wind power will Dd = degree days Sheetrock 1/2 0.45 Iceland 390 10 Geothermal double from 3.5 to 7.0 x 1011 kWh/yr in 6 years. Fiberglass Insulation (R-19) 6 19.0 Average annual heating degree days in Seattle: 4,696 Canada 280 22 Hydro ≈ oil ≈ gas; low coal Flat glass 1/8 0.88 0.7 Average annual heating degree days in the U.S.: 4,145 US 250 24 Oil ≈ gas ≈ coal Equipment cost estimation: C1 = Co (A1/Ao) Insulating glass 1/4 (air space) 1.54 France 145 8.5 Nucl > oil > gas; low coal C1 = cost of equipment US population (2012) 314 million Hardwood oor 3/4 0.68 Germany 135 12.5 Coal > nucl > biofuel Co = baseline cost of equipment US households (2012) 114 million Nylon carpet 1 2.0 UK 125 11 Oil > gas; low coal A1 = capacity factor of equip. (hp, kg, etc.) Persons per household 2.75 Asphalt roong shingle 0.44 Average household oor space 1,971 ft2 Denmark 120 12.5 Oi > gas; no coal Ao = capacity factor of baseline equipment Wood siding (lapped) 1/2 0.81 Ex: If a 2.5 MW wind turbine costs $4 million, CFL wattage equivalent to 60 W incandescent light: 23 W Mexico 55 5.5 Oil > gas China 42 4 Coal then a 5 MW turbine will cost $6.5 million. Heating duty of furnace: Qfurn = Qh/(εfurnCOP) Loan formula: A = iP(1 + i)n [(1 + i)n – 1]–1 Furnace type εfurn COP US Energy Usage and CO2 Emissions per Person per Day A = annual payment; P = loan amount Oil 0.8 1 Lighting Space Source kg kWh kg CO2 kg CO2/kWh Natural gas 0.9 1 & A/P = capital recovery factor Heating Gas 4.10 63.3 11.3 0.179 Electric 1 1 Appliances Ex: A $1 billion wind farm nanced at 5% for 41% Oil 7.42 92.7 24.5 0.264 Heat pump (ambient) 1 3 26% 30 yr. requires annual payments of $65 million. Heat pump (geothermal) 1 4 Coal 8.24 61.6 109.2 1.773 Water –4 AC Heating Nuclear 1.8x10 22.1 0 0 References Refr. 8% 20% Biomass 1.70 8.72 0 0 Energy Information Administration: www.eia.gov 5% Hydroelectric 0 7.09 0 0 Annual Energy Review; Annual Energy Outlook Energy Usage in Homes (2005) Total 255.5 145.0 Department of Energy: www.eere.energy.gov International Energy Agency: www.iea.org 1 Btu = 1.055 kJ = 2.931 x 10–4 kWh 1 gal = 3.785 l 1 lb = 0.454 kg Seattle City Light: www.seattle.gov/light 1 quad = 1015 Btu 1 bbl = 42 gal 1 s. ton = 2,000 lb Sustainable Energy – Without Hot Air: www.withouthotair.com 1 MCF = 1,000 std. cu. ft. http:// faculty.washington.edu/stuve; v. 1.2 (c) Eric M. Stuve (2012).
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