Additional inTormation concerning various individuals and their land claims may 'tis found in "A Report of the Causes Seteimined by the Late Supreme Court for the District of Kentucky, and by the Court of Appeals, in Which the Titles to Land vere in Dispute", by James Ha^es; Publication date - 1803> The following is an alphabetical list of the cases that appear in this book. Page Ammons Thomas against George Spears 6 Berxy Thomas and Thomas McClanahan 170 Bo^s Robert and William Hoy 1 Bowdiy James and William Eagan 7 Bradford John and Daniel against Abraham McClelland & c. 102 Bradford John and Andw. Gatewood and George Bryan and William Smith 55 Briscoe Pazmenas against James Speed Itl Same and Peter Coneilla U3 Same and Thomas Swearlngen heir at lav & c. kl Biyan George and William Smith against John Bradford and Andrew Gatewood 55 Bryan David and John C. Owlngs against Caleb Wallace 19l( Carter Mesheck against Samuel Oldham I8l Clarice Geo. Rogers and Thomas Marshall & c. Superintendents & c. 39 Cleland Philip and James Thorp 100 Cobum John and Christopher Greenup lOU Consilla Peter against Parmenas Briscoe li3 Crawford John against Benjamin Logan 26 Crow William and John Dou^erty 21 Dryden William and Charles Morgan 8 Same against William H'Gee 37 Egan William against James Bowdiy 7 Same against Samuel Hinch, heir & c. and John Jack, heir & c. US Essery John and Benjamin Frye 53 Evans Nathaniel and John Smith 88 Fox's Arthur heirs and Hnnriah Miller & c. Heirs & c. 51 Same and John Craig against Edward Holman 210 Fzye Benjamin against John Esseray 53 Greenup Christopher against John Cobum lOU Grimes Philip and Enoch Smith 18 Hemdon Zachariah against James Hbgan 2 Higgins Heniy and Th<nias Swearlngen U Hinch and Jack's heirs and William Eeigan A3 Hinton Thomas's heirs & c. against William Stewart's heirs & c. ^ Hits, Isaac assignee & c. against Jesse Harrison 15 Same against James Stevenson 16 Holman Edward and Arthur Fox's heirs and John Craig 210 Hoy William against Robert Boggs 1 Jackman John against Geo. Nerriwether's heirs & c. 17 Jackson Joel and Bxackett Owens against George Wilson and wife 6U Same against Aquilla Whltaker and Daniel Sullivan 71 James Abraham and Thomas Maddison 20 Isaacs John aigalnst William Willis assignee & c. 12 Same against Same 13 Kenny James heir at law & c. against Thomas Whltledge 110 la Page Kenton Simon against Alexander M'Connell 13U Lawrence Samuel ani John Reed assignee, & c. 10 Litton Solomon and Ttumas M'Clenahan 178 Logan Benjamin and John Crawford 26 Maddison Thomas against Abraham James 20 Marshall Thomas & c. Superintendents & c. against George Rogers Clarke 39 M'Clenahan Thomas against Thomas Whltledge i;9 M'Clenahan Thomas against Francis Berry 170 Same against Solomon Litton 178 M'Clelland Abram heirs & c. & c. and John and Daniel Bradford 102 M'Connell Alexander and Simon Kenton 13U M'Gee David and William Dryden 37 H'Kee William and William Toung 35 Merewether George's heirs & c. and Henry Pawling assignee, & c. lU Same and John Jackman 17 Miller Hannah & c. heirs & c. against Arthur Fox's heirs 51 Morgan Simon against Peter Pennybakex - 1 Morgan Charles against William Diyden 8 Mirers Jacob against James Speed 95 Oldham Samuel and Mesheck Carter 181 Orr John and William Walker 19 Pawling Henry assignee & c. against George Merewether's heirs \k Pennybaker Peter and Simon Morgan 1 Reed John assignee & c. against Samuel Lawrence 10 Sinclair Alexander against Christopher Singleton 92 Skiith John against Nathaniel Evans 88 anlth Enoch against Philip Grimes 18 Spears George and Thomas Ammons 6 Speed James and Parmenas Briscoe 111 Same and Jacob Myers 95 Stewart William's heirs & c. and Thomas Hinton heir & c. 3 Stevenson James and Issiac Eite assignee & c. 16 Swearlngen Thomas against Henry Higgins h Same heir & c. against Parmenas Briscoe li7 Thorp James against Philip Cleland 100 Walker William against John Orr 19 Wallace Caleb and David Bryan and John Cockey Owlngs 19U Ward William against William Wood, Arthur Fox's heirs and Simon Kenton 2lU Willis William assignee & c. and John Isaacs 12 Same and Same 13 Wilson George and wife and Joel Jackson and Brackett Owens 6k Whltaker Aquilla and Same 71 Whltledge Thomas sigainst Thomas M'Clenahan U9 Same and James Kenny heir at law & c. 110 Young William against William M'Gee 35 This book is available in the Library of the Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, Kentucky. lb Additional information concerning various individuals and their land claims may be found in "A Report of the Causes Determined by the Late Supreme Court for the District of Kentucky, and by the Court of Appeals, in Which the Titles to Land were in Dispute", by James Hu^^s; Second Edition - Publication date - I869. The following is a Table of Cases reported in this Volume. .Page. A H Ammons v. Spears 10 Hoy V. Boggs 1 Hemdon v. Hogan 3 B Hogan ads. Hemdon 3 Boggs ads. Hoy 1 Hinton's heir v. Stewart's heir h Bowdry ads. 12 Higgins ads. Swearlngen 7 Briscoe v. Speed 81 Eite, etc. V. Harrison 29 Briscoe ads. Consilla 8U Harrison ads. Hits, etc. 29 Briscoe ads. Swearingem 91 Hite, etc. v. Stevenson 31 Bryan, etc. v. Bradford, etc. 108 Hinch, etc. ads. Eagan 93 Bradford, etc. ads. Bryan, etc. 108 Eoleman ads. Fox's heirs 399 Bradford v. McClelland, etc. 195 Beny ads. McClanahan 323 I Bryan, etc. v. Wallace 369 Isaacs V. Willis 22 Isaacs V, Willis 25 Crow ads. Dou^erty U2 Crawford v. Logan 51 Jackman v. Merewether's heirs 32 Clark ads. Marshall, etc. 77 James ads. Madison I4O Consilla V. Briscoe 8U Jackson, etc. v. Wilson, etc. 155 Cleland v. Thorp 192 Cobum ads. Greenup 200 K Carter v. Oldham 31*5 Kenny, etc. ads. Whltledge 211 Kenton ads. McConnell 257 D Dryden ads. Morgan 15 Dougherty v. Crow U2 Laurence ads. Reed 19 Dryden v. McGee 71 Logan ads. Crawford 51 Litton ads. McClanahan 337 E Eagan v. Bowdry 12 M Eagan v. Hinch, etc. Morgan v. Pennybaker 1 93 Morgan v. Dryden 15 Essry ads. Frye 103 Merewether's heirs ads. Pawling 26 Evans ads. Smith 169 Merewether'8 heirs ads. Jackman Madison v. James McKee ads. Toung 68 Fox's heirs ads. Miller 100 McGee ads. Dryden 71 Frye v. Essry Marshall, etc. v. Claric 77 103 McClanahan ads. Whltledge Fox's heirs v. Holeman 399 95 Fox's heirs ads. Ward I4O6 Miller, etc. v. Fox's heirs 100 Myer's V. Speed 182 McClelland, etc. ads. Bradford G McConnlel v. Kenton Grimes ads. Smith 35 McClanahan v. Berry 323 Greenup v. Cobum 200 McClanahan v. Litton 337 2a ..Page Paff 0 S (Continued) Orr ads. Walker 38 Singleton ads. Sinclair 176 Owens, etc. v. Whltaker, etc. 123 Speed ads. Briscoe 81 Oldham ads. Carter 3U5 Speed ads. t^rs 182 T Pennybaker ads. Morgan 1 Thorp ads. Cleland 192 Pawling V. Merewether's heirs 26 W R Willis ads. Isaacs 22 Reed v. Laurence 19 Willis ads. Isaacs 25 Walker v. Orr 38 Whltledge v. McClanahan 95 Stewart's heir ads. Hinton's heir k Whltaker, etc. ads. Owens, etc 123 Swearlngen v. Higgins 1 Wilson, etc. ads. Jackson, etc 155 Spears Ammons Whltledge v. Kenny, etc. a&a. 10 211 Stevenson ads. Hite, etc. 31 Wallace ads. Bryan, etc. Smith V. Grimes 35 Ward V. Fox's heirs, etc. 369 Swearingem v. Briscoe 91 t<06 Sbith V. Evans 169 Y Sinclair v. Sin^eton 176 Young V. McKee 68 This book is available in the Library of the Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, Kentuciqr. 2b (iHMMHtT. XHDBX TO KENTDCET SDEVEXS it GBABIS yiiR ORIGINAL 70L. SDBVET 3DEVSY ORIGINAL (SiNT ORIGINAL NO. NO. TgtKB kCBBUSS COONTY WAXBECODRSE DATE BOOK & FAKSt (3AN1BB DATS BOOK & PAQC 2 Il06 Aash, Uriah -• See 1|06 Ash, Francis & Others 10 21)08 Abel, Peter, Hairs of 1,000 Haxdin Blackford Or. 1-25-1797 k 370 Saae & Heirs 6-26-1832 20 20U 3U 7651 Abell, Peter 1,000 Breokenridge Blaokford Cr. 1-25-1827 Original Beirs of Saae & Their Hklzs 6-26-1832 20 20U 5 85 AbercxtHibie, Charles 1,200 Jefferson Kentud^ R. 11- 8-I78U 2o 38 Same & Heirs 2-16-1799 2 Ii2-U3 5 86 If It 600 Fayette Jessamins Cr. 2- 9-1786 2c 38 Same & Heirs 2-16-1799 2 U>-M» 9 2262 Abe^dtard, Martin 500 Shelby 6^(ile Cr. 9-28-1797 U 19U Same & Heirs 5-30-1798 8 126 3 561 Abner, John -• See 561 Todd, Jane & John Abaasr 1 1 Abney, John 500 Mason Nime 3-10-1790 2a 1 Sams & Eslzs 1-29-1793 1 53 30 6603 Adair County Aoadeiqr Trustees 1 1/2 Cumberland Main Ik. Crooua Cr. 2-11-1812 9 1»63-U6U Same & Heirs 12-30-1812 18 39- Ifi 27 6032 Adair County Court Justices 180 Green Dry Br. 12- Jt-l807 9 36 Adair Aoadeay Trustees & 7- 7-1808 16 700-702 n>eir Heirs 28 6089 n n ft It 1,616 Adair Leathsnood Ik. Little 11-25-1807 9 77- 78 Same & Hairs 2-17-1809 17 20- 22 Barren R. & Big Cr. & 18a 28 6181 « It H ft 136 Adair Pettit Ik. Bnssell Cr. ll-2lt-l807 9 1U3 Saae & Heirs 12-13-1809 17 70- 71 28 6182 n If H If 200 Adair Green R. 12- 6-1808 9 1U3-1W* Saae & Heirs 12-1>1809 17 73 28 6183 n If If If 315 Adair Glenn Ik.
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