Some rare hoverflies in Sweden (Diptera: Syrphidae) JEROEN VAN STEENIS van Steenis, J.: Some rare hoverflies in Sweden (Diptera: Syrphidae). [Nigra siillsynta blomflugor i Sverige (Diptera: Syrphidae).1 - Ent.Tidskr. 119 (2):83-88. Lund, Sweden 1998. Records for rare and redlisted Swedish hoverflies caught by the author in the years 1996 and 1997 are reported. Some additional recent records from other collections are reported too. Short notes are given on some species about the distribution in surrounding countries. One species new to Sweden, Volucella inJlata, is reported here, but the question is raised whether this species and Me rodon clavipes really have been caught in Sweden. A new non- genitalic characteristic is proposed for separating the males of Brachyopa obscura and B. testacea. The most striking difference between the females of Syrphus admirandus and S. ribesii is figured. J. van Steenis, Department of Zoology, Uppsala University, Villav. 9, 5-75236 Uppsala, Sweden. Introduction The family Syrphidae is a species rich group with mentioned. For some species short notes are gi- about 350 known species in Sweden. There are ven about their abundance or identification. genera with some taxonomical problems, but the majority of species are easy to recognize. The number of species can be estimated as considera- Material bly higher than the 350 known so far (Hedstr6m Since 1996 I have been collecting Syrphidae in 1994). Unfortunately there are only a few biolo- Sweden, and my collection now consists of about gists working on Syrphidae in Sweden. Hed- 2500 Swedish specimens. I have also got data strom (1990, 1991) was the first, for a long peri- from the following collections: W. van Steenis & od, to publish about the Swedish hoverfly fauna L. Lankreijer, Utrecht (WvS & LL); J.A.W. Lucas, in general. He made a checklist with provincial Rotterdam (JL); Zotilogisch Museum, Amsterdam records based on available literature and about (ZMA), Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm 14.000 specimens, mostly in the collection of the (NHRM), N. Jansson Motala (NJ), and my own Zoological Museum in Uppsala. With these two private collection (JvS). Some of the specimens papers a base was established for a complete were caught by L.O. Wikars (LW) or F. Zuidhoff checklist of the Swedish syrphid-fauna. Bartsch (FZ), now in coll. JvS. If not otherwise stated the (1995a, b) made a checklist based on additional specimens are leg. and coll. J. van Steenis. literature and 12.000 additional specimens, All Cheilosia species were checked by C. mostly from the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet in Claussen (Flensburg), all Platycheirzs species by Stockholm, his own, and several other private T. Nielsen (Sandness), S. admirandus and all collections. Sphaerophoria species by P. Goeldlin de Tiefe- In this article I will give a list of new and rare nau (Lausanne). The f,rgures were made with the species in Sweden. This list is arranged in alpha- aid of a camera lucida attached to a stereomicro- betical order. For the redlisted species the threat scope. category as given by Ehnstrdm et al. (1993) is 83 Jeroen van Steenis Ent.Tidskr. ll9(1998) Species list the common and widespread B. testacea. Anasimyia contracta Claussen & Torp: Dr Brachypalpoides lentus (Meigen): Sk, Br<j- Borliinge Holmsjdarna, ot Cicuta vlrosa RN sarp 18.VI.97 | o; Sk, H[ckeberga brook 6702-1485 15.V1I.96 I Q . New for Dalarna. 17.YI.97 I cr; Sk, Dalby Sciderskog 15.VI.97 I Anasimyia lunulata (Meigen): Dr Borliinge I ; Sk, Brcisarp, alongVerkein 18.VI.97 I Q all Holmsjdarna RN 6702-1486 30.VII.97 I 9. leg. & coll. WvS & LL. The first record in Skine New for Dalarna. after 1950. Brachyopa obscura Thompson & Torp: Up, Chamaesyrphus caledonicus Collin: Up, Uppsala, Kungshamn-Morga, on Crataegus sp. Uppsala, Siivja-vreten RN 6633-1606 RN 6627_1603 16.VI.96 I cr; Up, Brunna, Fiby 26.Y111.96 1 Q . New for Uppland and also the urskog RN 6641-1586 04.VI.97 1 Cr; and first record for Svealand. Previously known 23-28.VI.97 I cr (malaise trap); Up, Funbo, Fjiill- from Gotland, Lule and Lycksele lappmark, it is nora, on Prunus padus RN 6637-1618 3.VI.97 I maybe not so strange to find the species also cr. Only one male previously known from Swe- here, although it is probably rare. den, Lule lappmark (Bartsch 1997). B. obscura Cheilosia angustigenis (Becker): Up, Oster- looks like B. testacea (Fall6n) and according to bybruk, Andersby Angsbackar, on Caltha palu- Thompson and Torp (1982) the only difference srrls RN 6672-161225.Y.91 I Cr; Up, Uppsala, between these two species is found in the male Fiby urskog, on Prunus padus RN 6641-1586 genitalia. I noticed, however, that all my 4 males 27.Y.97 2oo;Up, Funbo, Fjiillnora, on Prunus of B. obscura lack a brown median line on the padas RN 6637 -1618 3.Y1.97 I Q . Recently re- second tergite, while all my 15 males of B. testa- corded for the first time in Sweden (Hedstrcim ceahave this line (Fig. l). With this character it l99l), from Uppland, and probably not rare. is easy to separate B. obscura in the held from Cheilosia carbonaria Egger: Sk, Brcisarp Fig. I. Male abdomen. A. Brachyopa obscura (Fiby urskog). B. Brachyopa testacea (Fiby urskog). 84 Ent. Tidskr. I l9 (1998) Some rare hoverflies in Sweden 18.VI.97 I cr; Sk, Brdsarp, along Verkein I Q both leg. & coll. WvS & LL. A rare species 18.VI.97 I cr; Sk Brdsarp along Verkein resembling the much more common F. cuprea 19.VI.97 I cr all leg. & coll. WvS & LL. First (Scopoli), except for the yellow arista. Probably record from Skine. occuring in very low densities in old mixed deci- C heilosia frontalis Loew : Gii, Skutskiir, Gus- duous woods, some years more numerous. tavsmyrarna RN 6722-1584 8.VL96 I cr. First Hammarschmidtia ferruginea (Fall6n): Up, record from Giistrikland and Svealand, but Brunna, Fiby urskog RN 6641-158623.Y1.97 4 known from all surrounding areas. Earlier refe- oq,2 9 Q leg. WvS, JvS & LL, and29.Yl.97 rences of this species may concern C. nebulosa. I cr leg. JvS & FZt Sk, Hiickeberga, Naturreser- C riorhina be rberina (Fabricius), (threat cat. vat, brook 17.Y1.97 5crcr, I Q leg. & coll. WvS 3): Sk, Dalby Sdderskog 15.VI.97 I cr; 51, & LL. New for Uppland and Skine. A species Hiickeberga brook 17.VI.97 I I both leg. & preferring pine forests with stands of old Popu- coll. WvS & LL. In Denmark this species is lus tremula, but also occurring in deciduous fo- generally uncommon, but in old mixed decidu- rests for example in England. Predominantly bo- ous woods locally rather common (Torp 1994). reoalpine. As the woods onZealand (Dk) and in Skine are Helophilus groenlandicus (Fabricius): Ly, of the same type, C. berberina is probably also Ammarnds, Laivadalen 620 m RN 7332-1486 rather common in these woods in Skine. I8.VII.97 I cr; and 2|.VII.97 I Q; Hs, Edsbyn Criorhina ranunculi (Panzer), (threat cat. l): Eggisen Malaise trap VI-VII.91 lo leg. LW. A Up, Uppsala, Kungshamn-Morga, on Crataegus rare species with few recent records. Besides sp. RN 6621-1603 16.VI.96 1 cr. The third these three specimens one was reported by known specimen caught this century in Sweden. Bartsch (1997). Bartsch caught the first two in 1992 and 1994 Melanogaster hirtella (Loew): Sk, Dalby 56- north-west of Stockholm (Bartsch 1995b). In derskog 15.VI.97 I 9; Sk, Genarp, Jiimhiittan Holland it is an early spring species and can be naturreservat ll.YI.91 2 q Q all leg. & coll. found in rnixed Fagusl Populus forests in the far WvS & LL. First record from Skine and also the south (Barendregt 1991). Strange that this spe- first for Gdtaland after 1950. cies, which is not known from Denmark, occurs Melanogaster nuda (Macquart) (C. viduata here in Quercus forests. auct. nec. Linnaeus): Sk, Genarp, Jiirnhiittan na- Doros profuges (Harris), (threat cat. 3): Vr, turreservat 17.YI.97 I Q leg. & coll. WvS & LL. Eda kommun, Krila ll-13.VL89 I Q leg. van First record after 1950 in Skine. Rossem coll. ZMA; Up, Uppsala, Nisten RN Neoascia obliqua Coe: Sk Brcisarp along Ver- 6636,8 -1597,8 malaise trap in peat moor 29.VI- kein 19.VI.97 lo leg. & coll. WvS & LL. First 25.YI1.97 I Q . The abundancy of this species record after 1975 in Skine. can fluctuate over several years (Aartset 1994), Parhelophilus versicolor (Fabricius): Dr, and it has probably become more common Borliinge, Holmsjciama, on Cicuta virosa RN during this decade in Holland. In Denmark 6702-1485 l5.VIII.96 I Q . New for Dalarna. (Torp 1994) and Belgium (Verlinden l99l) it is Platycheirus angustitarsis (Kanervo): Lu, a very rare species and many records are from Nikkaluokta, Seitajaure 765 m RN 7518-1629 before 1900. on Eriophorum sp.28.YI.1996 2oo; To, Kei- Eristalis oestraceus (Linnaeus): Dr, Bor- novuopio, north slope 700 m RN 7646-1703 on liinge, Holmsj6arna, on Cicuta virosa RN 6702- Carex sp. I l.V[.1996 I cr. New for Lule lapp- 1485 l5.V[.96 I 9. New for Dalarna. The mark. A rare species resembling the much more number of observations fluctuate over the years. common M e lano stoma species. In Denmark it increased after 196l but now it Platycheirus hyperboreus (Staeger): To, Abi- seems to be decreasing (Torp l99 ). sko 485 m 6.VIL1980 I Q leg. & coll. JL;To, Ferdinandea ruficornis (Fabricius), (threat Keinovuopio, north slope 700 m RN 7646-1703 cat. 3): Sk, Br6sarp, along Verkein 19.VI.97 I on Carex sp.l l.VII.1996 1 Q ; To, Keinovuopio I ; Sk, Briisarp, Verkeins naturreservat 20.VI.97 750 m RN 7639-170l on Carex sp.l2.Yll.l996 85 Jeroen van Steenis Ent.
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