DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2021, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 20 PAGES SINCE 1932 `6.00 (`8 BIHAR &RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM New Delhi WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THEINDIANEXPRESS,TUESDAY,AUGUST24,2021 ''IMPORTANT'' Whilst care is taken prior to acceptanceofadvertising copy,itisnot possible to verify its contents.The Indian Express (P) Limited cannot be heldresponsible for such contents, nor for any loss or damage incurred as aresult of transactions with companies, associations or individuals advertising in its newspapers or Publications. We therefore recommendthat readers makenecessary inquiries before sending any monies or entering into any agreements with advertisers or otherwise acting on an advertisement in any manner whatsoever. GOVT. OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL::ASSAM MEDICAL COLLEGE No. 2021/AMC/15001 RE-TENDER NOTICE e-Tenders are invited online through e-procurement system i.e., through the website www.assamtenders.gov.in from the intending Manufacturer/Accredited Dealers for supply &installation of various equipmentsfor the ICMR NER-Task Force New Scheme entitled, "Advance Molecular Diagnostic and Research Center for Fungal Infections",under the Department of Microbiology,Assam Medical College &Hospital, Dibrugarh, Assam. The E-Tender is Two-Bid System, to be submitted with affixed Court Fee Stamp Rs.8.25 (Rupees eight point two five paisa) only (for local bidders) or IPO of Rs. 10/-(Rupees Ten) Only (in case of bidders from outside of the State of Assam) in favour of Principal, AMC, Dibrugarh". Important dates of the e-Tender Important particulars: Brief Description of Goods Cost of Bidding Document Fee EMD (Bid Security) Equipmentsfor the ICMR NER- Rs. 5,000/- As per Annexure-l of Tender Task Force New Scheme entitled, In the form of BG/FD in favour Terms and Conditions. "Advanced Molecular Diagnostic of Principal, AMC, Dibrugarh In the form of BG/FD in and Research Center for Fungal favour of Principal, AMC, Infections", under the Department Dibrugarh of Microbiology,Assam Medical College &Hospital, Dibrugarh, Follow us on @SCRailwayindia Assam. Details of the Tender Notices of S.C Railway can be seen on our Key Dates: website :www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in SL No. Scheduled Start Date Start Time End date End Time e-procurement Tender Notice PUB/0582 1. e-Tender Publishing 25/08/2021 4.30 PM Metal Liners Manufacturers are 2. e-Tender Download 26/08/2021 12 noon 14/09/2021 4.30 pm requested to visit Railway Web site 3. Pre-bid Meeting 02/09/2021 11.30 am www.ireps.gov.in in which tender 4. Bid Submission 03/09/2021 4.30 pm 14/09/2021 4.30 pm pertaining to Track Procurement 5. Bid Opening 15/09/2021 11.30 am section of South Central Railway, 1. Bidding Documentsare available through online and bids are to be submitted through e-procurement EngineeringHeadQuarters system i.e throughwebsite www.assamtenders.gov.in only on or before 14/09/2021 upto 4.30 pm. (PCE/OL/SC)for procurementof 2. The original cost of Bid Documents(non-refundable)inthe form of Demand Draftand Bids security (EMD) Metal Liner is published and tender deposited in the form of Fixed deposit/Bank Guarantee in favour of “Principal, AMC, Dibrugarh” Payable documents are available. Tenderers at SBI AMC Branch on or before the date and time of opening Technical Bid either by registered post or are requested to submit their offers by hand along with the hard copy of the tender,falling which the bids will be declared non-responsive. online through IREPS website only. 3. The Bid DocumentsFee &EMD (Bid Security) is exempted for the Manufacturer/Accredited Dealers who Full details of Tenders may be seen in had alreadysubmitted earlier. IREPS website. 4. Any futureclarification and/or corrigendum(s)shallbecommunicated throughwebsite Chief Engineer/TP/ Secunderabad. www.assamtenders.gov.in. e-procurement Tender Notice Sd/- Principal GRSP and CGRSP Manufacturers PUB/0583 Assam Medical College are requested to visit Railway Web site www.ireps.gov.in in which Janasanyog No. 4781/21 Dibrugarh tender pertainingtoTrack Procurement section of South Central Railway, Engineering Head Quarters (PCE/OL/SC)for procurementof GRSP and CGRSP is published and tender documentsare available. Tenderers are requested to submit their offers online through IREPS website only. Full details of Tenders may be seen in IREPS website. Chief Engineer/TP/ Secunderabad. A0941 For further tender conditions / details and for downloading the tender documents, Please visit website at https://www.ireps.gov.in or www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in New Delhi DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2021, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 20 PAGES SINCE 1932 `6.00 (`8 BIHAR &RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM WORLD MOVE TO UNLOCK VALUE, CREATE DEMAND Govt tells Infosys to fix Roadstorailways,Rs6lakhcrassetstobe IT portal glitches by monetised,ownershipwillremainwithGovt September 15 GUNFIRE AT KABUL AIRPORT KILLS ONE Private investment sought in brownfield projectswhichare completed, under-utilised, languishing TALIBAN SEND ENSECONOMICBUREAU FIGHTERS NORTH TO mining,aviation,ports,naturalgas NEWDELHI,AUGUST23 SUNNYVERMA SECTOR-WISEMONETISATIONPIPELINEOVERFY2022-25 andpetroleumproductpipelines, ELIMINATE POCKETS NEWDELHI,AUGUST23 warehouses and stadiums. WITH GLITCHES continuing on OF RESISTANCE Finance MinisterNirmala the Income TaxDepartment’s PAGE 16 THE GOVERNMENT Monday Roads `1,60,200cr Urbanreal `15,000cr Sitharaman saidmonetisation Obstaclesknown, newe-filing portal, Finance unveiledafour-year National Railways `1,52,496cr estate will create further value forinfra- resolvingiskey MinisterNirmala Sitharaman Monetisation Pipeline (NMP) structurecreationinthe country has givenproject vendorInfosys EXPRESSNETWORK Power`45,200cr Telecom `35,100cr worthRs6lakhcrore to unlock and exploreinnovative ways of aSeptember 15 deadline to re- transmission value in brownfield projectsby Warehousing `28,900cr private participation without MONETISATION OF assets solve issues being facedbytax- JAISHANKARTOBRIEF engaging the private sector, Power`39,832 cr transfer of government owner- is notnew,but the govern- payers. HOUSELEADERSON transferringtothem the rights generation Mining `28,747 cr ship. “Thereisnoland here, this ment has finallyorganised Twomeetings were heldwith AFGHANISSUE butnot theownership in proj- entire(NMP) is talking about it in baskets, settargets, InfosysMD&CEO Salil Parekh Natural gas`24,462 cr Aviation `20,782cr PAGE 10 ects; and using the funds forin- pipelines brownfieldprojectswhereinvest- identifiedimpediments, and other Infosysrepresentatives frastructurecreation across the Ports`12,828 cr mentshavealready been made, and put in place aframe- in NorthBlockMondayafter the country. Product `22,504cr wherethereisacompletedasset work.While unlocking as- portalwas unavailable fortwo Roads, railways and power pipeline/others Stadiums `11,450 cr whichiseitherlanguishingoritis sets worthRs6lakh crore consecutive days. Jantar Mantar sector assets will comprise over notfully monetisedorisunder- is an ambitiousplan, re- Astatement issuedbythe 66 percent of the total estimated NMP PERIOD: utilised. So by bringing in private solving the impediments Income TaxDepartment said value of the assets to be mone- Finance Minister CO-TERMINUSWITH NIP, `6lakhcr participation in this, youwillbe is expected to bring in- Parekh explainedthat he and his slogans: court tised, withthe balance coming NirmalaSitharaman 4YEARS (FY 22-25) TotalNMP able to monetise it better and vestors. team are“doing everything to from sectorsincluding telecom, CONTINUEDONPAGE4 ensurethe smooth functioning rejects bail of the portal”. “…over750 team members plea, says ‘we areworking on this project and Pravin Rao, COOofInfosys, is Chhattisgarh personallyoverseeing this proj- are not in a Bangle-seller beaten ect. He also assured that Infosys Congress rift is working expeditiouslytoen- Taliban state’ sureaglitch-free experience to widens, Rahul up, then booked for the taxpayers on the portal,” the statement said. ANANDMOHANJ to meet Baghel, Queries sent to Infosyssepa- NEWDELHI,AUGUST23 rately by TheIndian Express re- Singh Deotoday ‘harassment’ in MP mained unanswered. DISMISSINGTHE anticipatory Sitharamansought an expla- bail application of Hindu Raksha This washours afterpolice nation from Infosysonthe “re- Dal president Pinky Chaudhary, MANOJCG IRAMSIDDIQUE had detainedthree peopleover peated issues” facedbytaxpay- underinvestigation forhis al- &GARGIVERMA BHOPAL,AUGUST23 Sunday'sattackonAli. ers and conveyed“deep leged role in raisingofinflamma- NEWDELHI,RAIPUR, Ali's younger brother Jamal disappointment and concerns of tory slogans at aJantar Mantar AUGUST23 POLICE HAVE booked Tasleem Ali told The Indian Express that the government and the taxpay- protest, aDelhi courthas said Ali, who wasbeaten up on police had takenhim away at ers” about the continuing that freedom of speechisnot an STILL DOUSINGthe firesinits Sundayfor allegedlyconcealing 5pmand he hadnot returnedtill glitches in the e-filing portal "unfettered" right, adding, “We Punjab unit, the Congress is bat- his identity while selling bangles Mondaynight. "Officials from the even aftertwo-and-half months arenot in aTaliban State." tling abuilding conflagration in in an Indorelocality,oncharges police station came to since itslaunch, whichwas also
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