538 Jacobsite from the Tamworth district of New South Wales. By F .L. STILLWELL, D.Sc., and A. B. EDWAP~DS,D.Sc., Ph.D., D.I.C. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization, Melbourne. [Taken as read November 2, 1950.] WO new occurrences of the rare manganese mineral jacobsite T (MnF%0~) have come to light in the course of mineragraphic studies carried out as part of the research programme of the Mineragraphic Section of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. The jacobsite occurs as a constituent of small bodies of high-grade manganese ore at Weabonga, near Danglemah, and at the Mount Sally mine, about 6 miles west of Danglemah, both in the Tam- worth district of New South Wales. The deposits occur in altered sediments, within a mile or two of a granite contact. 1 They are irregular lenticular veins ranging from a few inches to several feet in thickness, between altered slate walls. The veins do not exceed a length of 200-300 feet. The lode material consists of manganese oxides, chiefly psilomelane and pyrolusite, associated with quartz, rhodonite, and iron oxide. The manganese oxides are mainly supergene, and although the deposits are of high grade near the surface, it is doubtful whether they can be worked below the depths of 50- 60 feet, owing to the increase in the amount of rhodonite and quartz relative to manganese oxides at this depth. In the Weabonga ore the jacobsite occurs as narrow seams and lenticles, about 0.5 cm. across, and 3.0 cm. long enclosed in, and partly replaced by, pyrolusite and psilomelane. The seams consist of clusters of small crystals, which in the central parts of the seam show well-shaped octa- hedral form, with smooth facial contacts (fig. 1). Towards the margin of the seam, and where in contact with pyrolusite or psilomelane, the crystals are corroded and rounded (figs. 1 and 2), and at the margins of the seams small corroded grains of jacobsite are isolated as residuals in larger areas of pyrolusite and psilomelane (fig. 2). The range in grain-size of the jacobsite crystals is from about 0"15 ram. across (large unreplaced grains) to about 0.01 mm. across (small resi- duals). Away from the immediate edge of the seams and clusters of i C. L. Knight, Mineral resources of Australia, Summary Rept. no. 7, Manganese, Bureau Min. Res., Geol. Geophys., Australia, 1947, p. 13. JACOBSITE FROM NEW SOUTH WALES 539 jacobsite the pyrolusite and psilomelane are free from inclusions of this mineral. The Mount Sally occurrence is similar. Here the jacobsite seams are 1:0-2-0 cm. long and 0'2-0"3 cm. wide, with the ~individual octahedra of jaeobsite ranging from 0"025 to 0"055 mm. across. Psilomelgne is the dominant enclosing mineral, and the proportion of jacobsite seams is rather less than in the Weabonga ore. Fla. 1. Centre of a jacobsite seam, showing the crystal outlines of jacobsite grains (white outlined by black lines) where they are in contact with one another, and their embayed character where they are in contact with psilomelane and pyrolusite (black). Etched with SnCl~. • 60. Fla. 2. Marginal portion of the same seam of jacobsite as in fig. 1, showing more advanced replacement of the jacobsite (light) by the psilomelane and pyrolusite (black). Etched with SnC12. • 60. The jacobsite is strongly magnetic. It takes a polish readily, and in polished sections exhibits its characteristic grey colour with an olive- yellow tint, which distinguishes it from magnetite or other strongly magnetic minerals. It is isotropic, and is negative to all standard etch- ing reagents, but tends to be slightly tarnished brown with stannous chloride. In all these respects it exactly resembles a specimen (779a) of jacobsite presented by Dr. J. A. Dunn, from the Beldongri mine, in the Central Provinces of ]ndi~, x except that the yellow tint is slightly less pronounced. It is harder than the pyrolusite and psilomelane, and this i j. A. Dunn, A study of some microscopical aspects of Indian manganese-ores. Trans. Nat. Inst. Sei/India, 1936, vol. 1, no. 7, pp. 103 124 {p. 108). [M.A.7-157.] 540 F.L. STILLV~'ELLAND A. B. EDWARDS ON" combined with its crystalline form permits it to be broken free from the other minerals, when it can be concentrated magnetically. Several grams of the Weabonga jacobsite were separated with a hand magnet from crushed ore, and passed through a 100-mesh sieve. The minus 100-mesh fraction was cleaned as far as possible with a magnet, leached with dilute HC1, and dried at 60 ~ C. A portion of the final pro- duct was mounted in a bakelite briquette and polished. Exanlination Under the ore microscope revealed that it consisted essentially of jacobsite and psilomelane, with some finely microcrystalline pyrolusite intergrown with the psilomelane. A micrometric analysis of the opaque constituents gave jacobsite 91"4, psilomelane (and pyrolusite) 8"6 volume per cent. The differences in specific gravity of these minerals are so slight that these figures may be taken as weight percentages. A chemical analysis of the powder has been made by Mr. G. C. Carlos in the C.S.I.R.0. Mineragraphic Laboratory, with the following result: F%Os. FeO. MnO. MgO. CaO. insol. H20. Total. 62.67 nil 32.97 0.08 nil 0.19 3.70 99.61 Allowance can be made, within narrow limits of error, for the 8.6 ~,~ of psilomelane (plus pyrolusite) in the analysed powder by assuming (1) that all the impurity was psilomelane and (2) that its manganese con- tent is similar to the ideal composition of psilomelane given in Dana's System of mineralogy, 7th edit., 1944, vol. 1, p. 669. Psilomelane on this basis contains 7-4 % MnO, and 72.8 % MnO~: 7"4 -- • 8"6 = 0.64 MnO 100 72.8 10~ • 8.6 = 6.26 Mn02, equivalent to 5-11 MnO. The total MnO contributed by the 8-6 ~ of psilomelane to the chemical analysis is thus indicated as 5"75 %, leaving for jacobsite Fe20 s 62.67, MnO 27-22, MgO 0.08. Assuming that the H20 of the analysis belongs to the psilomelane or is otherwise adventitious, and recalculating to 100 ~ , gives the com- position of the jacobsite as that shown in column 1 below. It is thus apparent that the composition of the Weabonga jacobsite, like the jacobsite-of Nordmark, 1 corresponds closely to that of the theoretical MnFeeO a ; and that it contains notably less magnesium than the jacobsite from Jakobsberg, the type locality. In this respect it 1 L. J. ]gelstrSm, Sur la jacobSite de Nordmark et sur les jacobsites ell g6n6ral. Bull. Soc. Franq. Min., 1887, vol. 10, p. 185. JACOBSITE FI~OM NEW SOUTH u162 541 resembles the Indian jacobsite, but is otherwise different in that it contains more iron and less manganese. Since much of the jacobsite in the Beldongri mine is intimately intergrown with ex-solution lamellae of hausmannite, it seems likely that the analysed specimen, which was optically homogeneous, still retained some hausmannite in solid solu- tion, whereas the Weabonga jaeobsite does not. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fe~O 3 ......... 69'7 69.24 69.4 68.25 59.31 FeO ......... nil .... Mn20 s ......... -- -- - 4"03 8.36 MuO ......... 30.2 30.76 30.6 20.72 32.20 MgO ......... 0.l -- -- 6.41 0.13 l. Jacobsite from Weabonga, New South Wales. 2. Composition of MnF%O~. 3. Jacobsite from Nordmark, Sweden (IgelstrSm, 1887). 4. Jacobsite from Jakobsberg, Sweden (Dana's System of mineralogy, 6th edit., 1892, p. 227. 5. Jacobsite (779a) from Beldongri mine, Central Provinces, India. Calculated from the composition given by Dunn (loc. cir., p. ll0). A jaeobsite so closely corresponding to the ideal composition MnFe~O 4 is of interest in view of the statement by Mason I that although jacobsite has generally been considered as manganese ferrite, none of the published analyses of jacobsite corresponds to the theoretical MnF%0 a. 1 B. Mason, Mineralogical aspects of the system FeO-F%O3-Mn0-Mn~O a. Geol. FSr. FSrh. Stockhohn, 1943, vol. 65, pp. 97-!80 (p ]57). [M.A. 9-32.] .
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