PIRAEUS BANK CORPOraTE R1espOnsibiLITY REPORT 2012 Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 PIRAEUS BANK 2 Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 PIRAEUS BANK 3 Light heightens the sense of sight; it makes objects visible and reveals the path to a new step – the next one. There is an image of light in every page of this report. The clarity, purity and allurement of light as they are reflected at Piraeus Group headquarters, at CityLink and at PIOP sites and museums were exquisitely captured by photographer Platon Rivellis. Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 PIRAEUS BANK 4 Final review date for the Corporate Responsibility Report: June, 20, 2013 Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 PIRAEUS BANK 5 CONTENTS Chairman’s Note 7 Selected Figures Αssociated with 2012 Corporate Responsibility 8 Corporate Responsibility Key Actions and Targets 10 Corporate Responsibility Principles 14 Stakeholders’ Dialogue 15 UN Global Compact 17 Participation in Organizations and CSR Indices and Distinctions 18 Chapter 1 Corporate Governance 23 Chapter 2 Customer and Supplier Relationships 35 Chapter 3 Human Resources 47 Chapter 4 Society, Culture and the Environment 61 Ιndependent Assurance Report 89 Appendix GRI Reporting Content 93 Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 PIRAEUS BANK 6 Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 PIRAEUS BANK 7 CHAIRMAN’S Note The Greek banking system is entering a new era, following its stant development and to the necessary balance between restructuring and the recapitalization of Greek banks. For Piraeus personal and professional life, Bank, this new era signals an opportunity for a new start , as it has - our suppliers, our business partners as well as our social achieved, through its business choices in the last few months, a partners on a mutual benefit basis and in harmonious col- much greater presence in the Greek market with strong capital ad- laboration, equacy ratios. - every effort to protect the environment, not only in the At the same time, these achievements create new and increased framework of our internal operation but also by sharing our obligations for the Group. In response to its new role as the largest know-how with all our stakeholders, financial institution in Greece, Piraeus Bank is called upon to ac- - corporate responsibility actions, by systematically fostering complish its social and cultural commitments from a position of the Bank’s relations with all stakeholders, with particular even greater responsibility. emphasis on the preservation of culture, traditional tech- Given these new conditions, Piraeus Group is fully dedicated nologies and industrial heritage in the Greek region, to achieving its targets, facing the current challenges responsibly, through the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation realistically and fully aware that its actions have direct or indirect (PIOP) Museum Network, the principles of the UN Global effect on its customers, households and businesses, as well as on Compact for the protection of human and labor rights, the the Group’s employees in Greece and in the other countries where environment and the efforts to eliminate corruption. it operates. In this Report, we present the corporate responsibility princi- The best antidote during any difficult conjuncture is collabo- ples that we apply and the specific actions and results of 2012, as ration, collectiveness and responsive action. For this reason, we well as the targets we have set for the upcoming period. Among the support: significant distinctions received, the most noteworthy is the first - the efforts for the restructuring of the Greek economy to- prize awarded to PIOP by EuropaNostra in the category “Dedicat- wards a new, sustainable model of development, ed Services”, following a recommendation by the Hellenic Com- - the initiatives aimed at developing entrepreneurship, en- mittee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), making hancing competitiveness and improving productivity of en- it the first Greek foundation to receive such a distinction. terprises and business sectors focused on extroversion, Trust, consistency, solidarity, collectiveness and action are all - our customers, according to their specialized needs and de- basic principles that guide Piraeus Bank Group’s corporate activity. mands, as they have been shaped by the present economic These values are more important today than ever in order for the conditions, Bank to continue to support its customers, shareholders and em- - the development of Greek agriculture on a new, contempo- ployees, as well as to continue to decisively contribute to the stabil- rary basis with the aim of strengthening its extroversion, its ity of the banking system and to the recovery of the Greek economy. competitiveness and entrepreneurship with “contract farm- ing” as the key means of financing, - our shareholders, by shielding our balance sheet and by strengthening the structures and transparency of company governance, Michalis Sallas - our 25,000 Group employees, by contributing to their con- Chairman of the Board of Directors Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 PIRAEUS BANK 8 SELecteD FIGURes AssocIAteD WITH CORPORAte ResPonsIBILITY I N 2012 Piraeus Bank Group Human Resources 18,600 Training Man-hours at Group level 379,000 Volunteerism 60 actions, 2,956 volunteers Customers 5.3mn Customer Satisfaction Index (Greece) 95% of total respondents Shareholders 164 thousand Note: Data as of 31.12.2012. Data refering to 2013 acquisitions are not included. Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 PIRAEUS BANK 9 Culture MUSEUM NETWORK SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT - 7 thematic museums in operation at select sites in the Greek - 40 cases of provision of scientific support to the academic regional areas (Soufli, Dimitsana in Arcadia, Lesvos island, and research community and various research bodies Tinos Island, the mountainous region of Korinthia,Volos, - 828 training hours to young scientists Sparta) - 728 volumes and 113 series of educational material/books, - with 105,000 visitors in 2012, 71% of which was free of charge donations to schools and libraries - 2 museums under preparation: Museum of Chios Mastic on the island of Chios, Silversmithing Museum of Ioannina CONTRIBUTION TO THE SHAPING OF CULTURAL POLICIES CULTURAL ACTIONS AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS - 11 exhibitions DISSEMINATION OF RESEARCH WORK TO VARIOUS - 46 cultural actions GROUPS OF THE PUBLIC - 74 educational programs: ongoing, standalone, lifelong learning (60 programs for minors, 14 programs for adults) The Environment ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION ENVIRONMENTAL RISK - Stabilization of electricity consumption; in the last 5 years - Financial estimation of the Bank’s environmental risk with the total reduction is over 7.5% the pioneer “climabiz” climate risk management model. BUSINESS TRAVEL PREVENTION OF GAS EMISSIONS - Reduction of plane travel by 9% versus 2011 - 775,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions were prevented through the Bank’s investments in RES in 2012. PAPER CONSUMPTION - 13.7% reduction versus 2011 GREEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP NETWORKING - Creation of Green Banking Portal Contribution to Social, Cultural and Environmental Actions, Programs and Initiatives - 0.7% of annual Group pre-tax and pre-provision profits in 2012 - Significant contribution to the reduction of the Greek public debt through its participation in the PSI program and the debt buyback program - Provision of equipment to 85 high schools, primary schools and kindergartens in Greece Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 PIRAEUS BANK 10 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY KEY ACTIONS AND TARGETS Business Environment 2012 KEY ACTIONS - Significant upgrading of Piraeus Bank Group’s position in - €40mn in funding of urban development projects in the re- the Greek banking market with: the absorption of the gions of Central Macedonia and Thessaly in the framework healthy part of ATEbank1 (select assets and liabilities) at the of the JESSICA initiative. end of June; acquisition of GENIKI Bank from Société Gé- - Support of innovative companies successfully active in the nérale in December 2012. fields of cutting edge technology, computing and food on a - Timely disbursement of approx. €2bn in loans to approx. global scale through the participation of Piraeus-TANEO 700,000 farmers. Capital Fund and JEREMIE Technology Catalyst Fund (PJ - €150mn in funding of very small, small and medium-sized Tech Catalyst). Greek businesses through the granting of loans with par- - Over 35% of RES investments in Greece (wind parks, pho- ticularly favourable terms in the framework of the “Innova- tovoltaics) has been funded by Piraeus Bank. tive Entrepreneurship, Logistics, Food, Drinks” Action in - Rescheduled and restructured loans approved by Piraeus conjunction with the Entrepreneurship Fund, which is man- Group due to financial difficulties on 31/12/2012 amounted aged by the Hellenic Fund for Entrepreneurship and Devel- to €5.4bn. opment (ETEAN). 2013 TARGETS - Further strengthening of Piraeus Bank’s capital position with the completion of the recapitalization plan for Greek banks by the end of June 2013. - Smooth integration of banking activities acquired in Greece with the aim of offering unhindered services to our customers and exploit- ing significant synergies. 1 Hereafter ATEbank. Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 PIRAEUS BANK 11 - Strategic focus on the agricultural sector by providing short-term and medium to long-term financing as well as the financing propos- al for Contract Farming3. Forming of agreements with the primary bodies involved in rural development such as: the
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