Chicago O’Hare International Airport Final EIS CHAPTER EIGHT REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION This Chapter consists of the following sections: • 8.1 List of Abbreviations and Acronyms • 8.2 Glossary • 8.3 Environmental Laws and Regulations • 8.4 Reference Documents • 8.5 List of Preparers • 8.6 List of Recipients • 8.7 Index 8.1 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AACGR Average Annual Compound AGL Above Ground Level OR FAA, Growth Rate Great Lakes Region AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic AGI Airport Group International AAIA Airport and Airway AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Improvement Act Response Act AC Advisory Circular OR Asphalt AIA American Institute of Architects Concrete AIP Airport Improvement Program ACF Advanced Chemical AIR-21 Wendell Ford Aviation Fingerprinting Investment & Reform Act for ACHP Advisory Council on Historic the 21st Century Preservation AISC American Institute of Steel ACI Airports Council International Construction, Inc. ADA The Airline Deregulation Act of ALP Airport Layout Plan 1978 ALPA Air Line Pilots Association ADC Animal Damage Control ALS Approach Light System ADG Airport Design Group VI ALSF-2 High Intensity Approach ADO FAA Airports District Office Lighting System with Sequenced Flashers AEM Area Equivalent Method AMC Airport Maintenance Complex AF Airway Facilities Division, FAA AN Ammonia Nitrogen AFTPro Advanced Flight Track Procedures ANCA Airport Noise and Capacity Act Reference Documentation 8-1 July 2005 Chicago O’Hare International Airport Final EIS ANMS Airport Noise Monitoring ATS Airport Transit System at System O’Hare AOA Aircraft Operations Areas BA&H Booz Allen & Hamilton AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots BMP Best Management Practices Association BCA Benefit-Cost Analysis APA Allied Pilots Association BOD Biological Oxygen Demand APE Area of Potential Effect BPR Bureau of Public Roads APM Automated People Mover BRAC Base Realignment and Closure APO FAA Office of Aviation Policy BRL Building Restriction Line and Plans CAA 1970 Clean Air Act APU Auxiliary Power Unit CAAA 1990 Clean Air Act AQIMs Air Quality Improvement Amendments of 1990 Measures CAAP Clean Air Act Permit Program AQIP Air Quality Improvement Program CAT I Category I Instrument Landing System ARFF Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting CAT II Category II Instrument Landing ARM Ambient Ratio Method System ARSR Air Route Surveillance Radar CAT III Category III Instrument ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center Landing System ARTS Automated Radar Terminal CATS Chicago Area Transportation System Study ASDE Airport Surface Detection CBD Central Business District Equipment CBRA Coastal Barrier Resources Act ASNA Aviation Safety and Noise CDL Construction, Demolition, and Abatement Act of 1979 Land Clearing Waste ASPM Aviation System Performance CDM Camp, Dresser, and McKee Metrics CDOT Chicago Department of ASR Airport Surveillance Radar Transportation AST Aboveground Storage Tank CE Categorical Exclusion AT Air Traffic Division, FAA CEQ Council on Environmental ATA Air Transport Association Quality ATADS Air Traffic Activity Data System CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and ATC Air Traffic Control Liability Act ATCT Airport Traffic Control Tower ATL Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport Reference Documentation 8-2 July 2005 Chicago O’Hare International Airport Final EIS CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental CWA Clean Water Act Response, Compensation, and CWE Clean World Engineering Liability System, also known as Superfund CWF Cubic/Weight Factor CFFP Clean Fuel Fleet Program cy Cubic Yards CFO Central Field Office CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations CZMP Coastal Zone Management Program cfs Cubic Feet per Second dB Decibels CGX Chicago-Meigs Airfield dBA Decibels, A-weighted C.I. Report Construction Impacts Technical Working Report DCFPD DuPage County Forest Preserve District CLE Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport DEA Draft Environmental Assessment CLOMR Conditional Letter of Map Revision DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement CMS Congestion Management System DME Distance Measurement Equipment CMSA Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area DNL or Ldn Day-Night Average Sound Level CMT Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly DO Dissolved Oxygen CO Carbon Monoxide DOA City of Chicago Department of CP Canadian Pacific Rail Aviation CPI Consumer Price Index DOE U.S. Department of Energy CTA Chicago Transit Authority DOI U.S. Department of the Interior CTAP Chicago Terminal Airspace DOT U.S. Department of Project Transportation CTAS Center/TRACON Automation DOWR Division of Water Resources System DTW Detroit Metropolitan-Wayne CTE Consoer, Townsend, County Airport Envirodyne Engineers, Inc. EA Environmental Assessment CTPP Census Transportation Planning Package EAV Equalized Assessed Valuation CVG Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky EDCT Expected Departure Clearance International Airport Time CVHA Commercial Vehicle Holding EDMS Emission Dispersion Modeling Area System CVIA Construction Vehicle Inspection EED European Economic Areas Community Reference Documentation 8-3 July 2005 Chicago O’Hare International Airport Final EIS EFH Essential Fish Habitat FMS Flight Management System EIS Environmental Impact FMUECP Federal Motor Vehicle Statement Emissions Control System EMF Electromagnetic Fields FMV Fair Market Value EO Executive Order FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact EOE Elgin-O’Hare Expressway FOST Finding of Suitability to EPS Elevated Parking Structure Transfer ESA Endangered Species Act OR FPPA Federal Farmland Protection Environmental Site Assessment Policy Act ESPA Endangered Species Protection FR Federal Register Act of Illinois FS Flight Standards Division, FAA ETMS Enhanced Traffic Management System FTA Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of F&E Facilities and Equipment Transportation FAA Federal Aviation FWS U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, see Administration also USFWS FAR Federal Aviation Regulation GA General Aviation FBO Fixed Based Operator GAO General Accounting Office, FCC Federal Communication FAA Commission GARB General Airport Revenue Bonds FEA Final Environmental GATT General Agreement on Trade Assessment and Tariffs FEIS Final Environmental Impact GDP Gross Domestic Product Statement GIS Geographical Information FEMA Federal Emergency System Management Agency GLC Great Lakes Corridor FHWA Federal Highway Administration GLR Great Lakes Region, FAA FIA Federal Flood Insurance GNP Gross National Product Administration GNSS Global Navigation Satellite FICAN Federal Interagency Committee System on Aircraft Noise GPS Global Positioning System FICON Federal Interagency Committee GS Glide Slope on Noise GSE Ground Service Equipment FICUN Federal Interagency Committee on Urban Noise GYY Gary/Chicago Airport FIS Federal Inspection Services HABS Historic American Building Survey Reference Documentation 8-4 July 2005 Chicago O’Hare International Airport Final EIS HC Hydrocarbons IHPA Illinois Historic Preservation Agency HCM Highway Capacity Manual ILEAV Inherently Low-Emission HDR High Density Rule Report Vehicle H & R Heating and Refrigeration ILS Instrument Landing System HIRL High Intensity Runway Lights IMC Instrument Meteorological HMMH Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Conditions HR&A Hamilton Rabinovitz & INAI Illinois Natural Area Inventory Alschuler, Inc. INM Integrated Noise Model HSGT high-speed ground INS Immigration and Naturalization transportation Services HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste ISTEA Intermodal Surface Amendments Transportation Efficiency Act HUD U. S. Housing and Urban ISTHA Illinois State Toll Highway Development Authority HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air ISWS Illinois State Water Survey Conditioning ITE Institute of Transportation IAC Illinois Administrative Code Engineers IAP Inaugural Airport Program IUP Independent Utility Projects ICAO International Civil Aviation JAWA Joint Action Water Agency Organization KHA Kimley-Horn and Associates, IDEM Indiana Department of Inc. Environmental Management LAHSO Land and Hold Short IDNR Illinois Department of Natural Operations Resources LAWCON Land and Water Conservation IDNR-OWR Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Office of Water LDA Landing Distance Available Resources LDPT Lower Des Plaines Tributaries IDOT Illinois Department of Study Transportation Ldn or DNL Day-Night Average Sound IDP Integrated Design Plan Level IDS Intersection Design Study Leq Equivalent Sound Level IEMA Illinois Emergency Management Lmax Maximum Level Agency LOI Letter of Intent Application IEPA Illinois Environmental LORAN Long Range Navigation Protection Agency LOS Level of Service IFR Instrument Flight Rules LTO Landing and Takeoff Cycle Reference Documentation 8-5 July 2005 Chicago O’Hare International Airport Final EIS LUST Leaking Underground Storage MWRDGC Metropolitan Water Tank Reclamation District of Greater Chicago MALS Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System MWX Great Lakes Midwest Expansion MALSF Medium Intensity Approach NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Light System with Sequential Standards Flashing Lights NAFTA North American Free Trade MALSR Medium Intensity Approach Agreement Light System with Runway NAR National Airspace Redesign Alignment Indicator Lights NARI Natural Areas Rating Index MARS Midwest Archaeological Research Services, Inc. NAS National Airspace System MBI Macroinvertebrate Biotic Index NAS Plan National Airports System Plan MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration MCY Million Cubic Yards NATCA National Air Traffic Controllers
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