NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee Index to Final Determinations – 1996 –2018 (Updated to 27/4/2018) Listing of threatened species, populations and ecological communities in NSW from 1996 to 25th August 2017 was undertaken by the NSW Scientific Committee established under the Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995. The extinction risk of species, populations and ecological communities were assessed at the State scale under this Act. However, it should be noted that assessments of species endemic to NSW (ie species that only occur in NSW) is equivalent to a national scale assessment. The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee (NSWTSSC) is established under the Biodiversity Conservation Act, 2016 which commenced on 25th August 2017. Under ths Act, species and ecological communities are assessed at the national scale. If a species or ecological community is not threatened at the national scale then it can be assessed at the State scale and can be listed as threatened if it meets the criteria for listing in NSW. The NSWTSSC identifies and assesses species and ecological communities for listing as threatened in the Schedules of the Act as follows: Schedule 1 – Critically endangered (CR), Endangered (E) and Vulnerable (V) species Schedule 2 – Critically endangered (CREEC), Endangered (EEC) and Vulnerable (VEC) ecological communities Schedule 3 – Extinct species (EX), species extinct in the wild and collapsed ecological communities Schedule 4 – Key threatening processes (KTP) Final determinations include the reasons for listing and are available for those entities listed or reviewed by the Committee since the Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995 commenced in 1996. Final determinations made prior to 25th August 2017 refer to the listing criteria and provisons of the Threatended Species Conservation Act and Regulations. Final Determinations made since 25th August 2017 refer to the listing criteria and provisions of the Biodversity Conservation Act and Regulations. Species that were listed in the Schedules at the commencement of the Threatened Species Conservation Act and have not been subsequently reviewed do not have a Final determination. Provisional listings (PL) on an emergency basis are also included in this list until they are superseded by a Final determination. Established under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 PO Box 1967 Hurstville BC NSW 1481 02 9585 6940 ‐ Fax: 9585 6606 [email protected] NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee The Committee may also make a Minor Amendment (MA) Determination (under Section 36a of the TSC Act and Section 4.19 of the BC Act) to correct minor errors or omissions or to make changes to species names as a result of taxonomic revision. Minor Amendment Determinations may relate to one or two species, eg Giant Dragonfly (taxonomic split), and these Determinations have been included in the Index. Other section Minor Amendment Determinations which make changes to a large number of species are not included in the Index. These Determinations may be viewed on the website at: http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/committee/schedulesthreatenedspeciesconservationa ct.htm Some Determinations have been identified in the index for transfer to an Archive Determination page which is yet to be created. Some early Determinations have already been removed from the website while later Determinations may still be available. After checking the website, please contact the NSWTSSC on 02 9585 6940 or email [email protected] if you wish to access a Determination that is not on the website. A year marked with an asterisk (*) in the index shows the year the species was added to the Schedules following a provisional listing on an emergency basis. The later year is when the listing was confirmed with a Final Determination. +Year - Please note that the “Year” column shows the year a Final Determination was made for the listing of the species etc. at the status shown. It should not be assumed that this is the year the species was added to the Schedules. A number of species that were already listed have been either upgraded or downgraded within the Schedules. Please read the Final Determination to check if it is a newly listed species or a change in status of an already listed species. Established under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 PO Box 1967 Hurstville BC NSW 1481 02 9585 6940 ‐ Fax: 9585 6606 [email protected] NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee Animals (Alphabetical order based on common name column) Common Name (where +Year FD Status Scientific Name (for species) appropriate) or Scientific name or MA Alpine She-oak Skink 2011 FD E Cyclodomorphus praealtus Alpine Tree frog 2002 FD E Litoria verreauxii alpina Antipodean Albatross 2001 FD V Diomedea antipodensis Australasian Bittern 2010 FD E Botaurus poiciloptilus Australian Fur-seal (Australian sub- 2002 FD V Arctocephalus pusillus species) doriferus Bardick 2003 FD E Echiopsis curta Barking Owl 1998 FD V Ninox connivens Barrier Range Dragon formerly 2015 MA E Ctenophorus mirrityana Tawny Crevice Dragon amend Formerly Ctenophorus ment decressii Beach Stone-curlew Esacus neglectus see Esacus magnirostris Beach Stone-curlew 2009 FD CR Esacus magnirostris – formerly Esacus neglectus Bell’s Turtle, Namoi River Elseya 1997 FD V Myuchelys bellii (formerly Elseya belli & Elseya sp. (Namoi and Gwydir Rivers) Bellinger River Emydura 2009 FD 0-delist Emydura macquarii Bellinger River Emydura, a turtle 1997 FD V Emydura macquarii (Bellinger River Form) Bellinger River Snapping Turtle 2016 FD CR Myuchelys georgesi Black Falcon 2013 FD V Falco niger Black Flying-fox 2008 FD 0-delist Pteropus alecto Black Grass-dart Butterfly 2002 FD E Ocybadistes knightorum Black-breasted Button-quail 2009 FD CR Turnix melanogaster Black-browed Albatross Diomedea melanophris– see Thalasarche melanophris Black-browed Albatross 1997 FD V Thalassarche melanophris (formerly Diomedea melanophris) Black-chinned Honeyeater (eastern 2001 FD V Melithreptus gularis gularis subspecies) Black-eared Miner 2009 FD CR Manorina melanotis Black-necked Stork 1998 FD E Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Black-tailed Antechinus 2015 FD E Antechinus arktos Black-throated Finch (southern 2016 FD EX Poephila cincta cincta subspecies) Blue Whale 2002 FD E Balaenoptera musculus Blue-grey Mouse 2016 FD EX Pseudomys glaucus Established under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 PO Box 1967 Hurstville BC NSW 1481 02 9585 6940 ‐ Fax: 9585 6606 [email protected] NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee Booroolong Frog 1998 FD E Litoria booroolongensis Border Thick-tailed Gecko 2010 FD V (reject Uvidicolus sphyrurus (formerly delisting) Underwoodisaurus sphyrurus) Brown Treecreeper (eastern 2001 FD V Climacteris picumnus victoriae subspecies) Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby 2003 FD E Petrogale penicillata Common Wallaroo 2015 FD 0-reject Macropus robustus Coxen’s Fig-Parrot 2009 FD CR Cyclopsitta diopthalma coxeni Crowned Gecko Diplodactylus stenodactylus see Lucasium stenodactylum Crowned Gecko 2004 FD V Lucasium stenodactylum formerly Diplodactylus stenodactylus Cumberland Plain Land Snail 1997 FD E Meridolum corneovirens Curlew Sandpiper 2011 FD E Calidris ferruginea Cyclodomorphus venustus 2002 FD E Cyclodomorphus venustus Delicate Mouse 2005 FD E Pseudomys delicatulus Desert Mouse 2009* FD CR Pseudomys desertor 2010 Diamond Firetail 2001 FD V Stagonopleura guttata Dugong 2002 FD E Dugong dugon Dural Land Snail 2016 FD E Pommerhelix duralensis Dusky Hopping-mouse 2003* FD E Notomys fuscus 2004 Dusky Woodswallow 2016 FD V Artamus cyanopterus cyanopterus Eastern Bristlebird 1997 FD E Dasyornis brachypterus Eastern Bristlebird (northern 2011 FD 0-reject Dasyornis brachypterus subspecies) monoides Eastern Bristlebird (southern 2011 FD 0-reject Dasyornis brachypterus subspecies) brachypterus Eastern Fat-tailed Gecko 2016 MA E Diplodactylus platyurus Formerly Fat-tailed Diplodactylus amend formerly D. conspicillatus ment Eastern Grey Kangaroo 2015 FD 0-reject Macropus giganteus Eastern Pygmy Possum 2001 FD V Cercartetus nanus Egernia margaretae (delist) 2005 FD 0-delist Egernia margaretae (delist) Egernia margaretae, a skink 1997 FD E Egernia margaretae (Archive) (Archive) Fat-tailed Diplodactylus 2002 FD E Diplodactylus conspicillatus See Eastern Fat-tailed Gecko See Diplodactylus platyurus Fin Whale 2002 FD 0-delist Balaenoptera physalus Established under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 PO Box 1967 Hurstville BC NSW 1481 02 9585 6940 ‐ Fax: 9585 6606 [email protected] NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee Flame Robin 2010 FD V Petroica phoenicea Fleays Barred Frog 2000 FD E Mixophyes fleayi Gang-gang Cockatoo 2005 FD V Callocephalon fimbriatum Giant Barred Frog 1999 FD E Mixophyes iteratus Giant Dragonfly 1998 FD E Petalura gigantea Giant Dragonfly 2006 MA E Petalura gigantea amend (taxonomic amendment) ment Gibson’s Albatross 2001 FD V Diomedea gibsoni Golden Sun Moth 1996 FD E Synemon plana Gould’s Petrel 2009 FD V Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera Gould’s Petrel (Archive) 1998 FD E Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera (Archive) Grassland Earless Dragon 1996 FD E Tympanocryptis pinguicolla (formerly Tympanocryptis lineata pinguicolla ) Grey Falcon 2010 FD E Falco hypoleucos Grey Grasswren 2004 FD E Amytornis barbatus barbatus Grey-crowned Babbler (eastern 2001 FD V Pomatostomus temporalis subspecies) temporalis Grey-headed Flying-fox 2001 FD V Pteropus
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