H9184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 9, 2004 10545. A letter from the Senior Legal Advi- purposes (Rept. 108–774). Ordered to be H.R. 5358. A bill to eliminate the annual sor, International Bureau, Federal Commu- printed. operating deficit and maintenance backlog nications Commission, transmitting the f in the national parks, and for other pur- Commission’s final rule — Redesignation of poses; to the Committee on Resources, and the 17.7-19.7 GHz Frequency Band, Blanket PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS in addition to the Committee on Ways and Licensing of Satellite Earth Stations in the Under clause 2 of rule XII, public Means, for a period to be subsequently deter- 17.7-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30.0 GHz Frequency bills and resolutions were introduced mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- Bands, and the Allocation of Additional and severally referred, as follows: sideration of such provisions as fall within Spectrum in the 17.3-17.8 GHz and 24.75-25.25 the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. GHz Frequency Bands for Broadcast Sat- By Mrs. KELLY: By Mr. VITTER: ellite-Service Use [IB Docket No.98-172; RM- H.R. 5353. A bill to establish limitations on H.R. 5359. A bill to amend the Tariff Act of 9005; RM-9118] received October 8, 2004, pursu- the utilization and disposal of the Franklin 1930 to allow for improved administration of ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee Delano Roosevelt campus of the Department new shipper administrative reviews; to the on Energy and Commerce. of Veterans Affairs Hudson Valley Health Committee on Ways and Means. 10546. A letter from the Legal Advisor to Care System at Montrose, New York, and for By Mr. DELAY: Chief, Media Bureau, Federal Communica- other purposes; to the Committee on Vet- H. Con. Res. 518. Concurrent resolution tions Commission, transmitting the Com- erans’ Affairs. providing for an adjournment or recess of the mission’s final rule — Amendment of Section By Ms. HOOLEY of Oregon (for herself, two Houses; considered and agreed to. 73.622(b), Table of Allotments, Digital Tele- Mr. HOLDEN, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. By Mr. SENSENBRENNER: vision Broadcast Stations. (Glendive, Mon- SANDLIN, Mr. SCOTT of Georgia, Ms. H. Con. Res. 519. Concurrent resolution cor- tana) [MB Docket No. 04-188] received Octo- CARSON of Indiana, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. recting the enrollment of H.R. 5107; consid- ber 8, 2004, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); RUPPERSBERGER, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. ered and agreed to. to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. HOLT, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. STARK, Mr. By Mr. DAVIS of Illinois: 10547. A letter from the Senior Legal Advi- STUPAK, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. GRIJALVA, H. Con. Res. 520. Concurrent resolution sor, International Bureau, Federal Commu- Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mrs. CAPPS, supporting the efforts and activities of indi- nications Commission, transmitting the Mr. BERRY, Mr. BELL, Mr. LUCAS of viduals, organizations, and other entities to Commission’s final rule — Policy for Licens- Kentucky, Ms. KILPATRICK, Mr. honor the lives of enslaved Africans in the ing Domestic Satellite Earth Stations in the CARDOZA, Mr. ROSS, Mr. SCOTT of Vir- United States and to make reparations to Bush Communities of Alaska (IB Docket No. ginia, Ms. LINDA T. SANCHEZ of Cali- their descendants for slavery and its lin- 02-30; RM No. 7246) received October 8, 2004, fornia, Mr. BISHOP of New York, Mr. gering effects; to the Committee on Govern- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- MCNULTY, Mr. WU, Mr. DAVIS of Ten- ment Reform. mittee on Energy and Commerce. nessee, Mr. HONDA, Mr. LARSEN of By Mr. DAVIS of Illinois (for himself 10548. A letter from the Legal Advisor to Washington, Mr. SMITH of Wash- and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY): the Buerau Chief, Media Bureau, Federal ington, Ms. DEGETTE, Mr. PASTOR, H. Res. 852. A resolution expressing the Communications Commission, transmitting Mr. KIND, Mr. FRANK of Massachu- support of the House of Representatives for the Commission’s final rule — Amendment of setts, Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, Mr. programs and activities to prevent perpetra- Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM MCGOVERN, Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Is- tors of fraud from victimizing senior citi- Broadcast Stations. (Athens and Doraville, land, Mr. STENHOLM, Mr. SERRANO, zens; to the Committee on Energy and Com- Georgia) [MB Docket No. 03-190] received Oc- and Mr. BLUMENAUER): merce. H.R. 5354. A bill to enhance the benefits tober 8, 2004, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. and protections for members of the reserve f 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and components of the Armed Forces who are Commerce. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS called or ordered to extended active duty, 10549. A letter from the Legal Advisor to and for other purposes; to the Committee on Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors the Bureau Chief, Media Bureau, Federal Armed Services, and in addition to the Com- were added to public bills and resolu- Communications Commission, transmitting mittees on Energy and Commerce, Education tions as follows: the Commission’s final rule — Amendment of and the Workforce, Ways and Means, and Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM H.R. 528: Mr. SESSIONS. Veterans’ Affairs, for a period to be subse- Broadcast Stations. FM Broadcast Stations. H.R. 785: Mr. VAN HOLLEN and Mr. WEXLER. quently determined by the Speaker, in each (Caliente, Bunkerville, Lauglin, Longdale, H.R. 1083: Ms. HOOLEY of Oregon. case for consideration of such provisions as Nevada; Mohave, Arizona; St. George, Utah) H.R. 1751: Mr. BOSWELL. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee [MB Docket No. 01-135] received October 8, H.R. 2394: Mr. WYNN. concerned. H.R. 3767: Mrs. DAVIS of California. 2004, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the By Mr. BOSWELL (for himself and Mr. H.R. 4367: Ms. BERKLEY, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. Committee on Energy and Commerce. OSBORNE): UDALL of Colorado, and Mr. TANNER. 10550. A letter from the Under Secretary H.R. 5355. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- H.R. 4585: Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of for Management, Department of Homeland enue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives to Texas. Security, transmitting the Department’s An- encourage small business health plans; to H.R. 4910: Ms. WATERS. nual Report on the Implementation of the the Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5055: Mr. BURGESS, Mr. DAVIS of Flor- Federal Financial Assistance Management By Mr. LANGEVIN (for himself, Mr. ida, Mr. ENGLISH, Mr. FILNER, Mr. FRANK of Improvement Act of 1999, pursuant to Public MCDERMOTT, Mr. PETERSON of Min- Massachusetts, Mr. HOYER, Ms. LINDA T. Law 106–107, section 5 (113 Stat. 1488); to the nesota, Mr. GRIJALVA, and Mr. KEN- SANCHEZ of California, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. Committee on Government Reform. NEDY of Rhode Island): GINGREY, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. 10551. A letter from the Chairman, Federal H.R. 5356. A bill to amend title 38, United ALEXANDER, Mr. BACA, Mr. WALSH, Mr. WOLF, Housing Finance Board, transmitting pursu- States Code, to authorize the placement in a Mr. BELL, Ms. HART, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. SKEL- ant to the requirements of Sections 3 and 4 national cemetery of memorial markers for TON, Ms. LEE, Mr. BURNS, Mr. SOUDER, and of the Government Performance and Results the purpose of commemorating Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. Act of 1993 and Part 6 of Circular A-11 of the servicemembers or other persons whose re- H.R. 5091: Mrs. BLACKBURN and Mr. MEEKS United States Office of Management and mains are interred in an American Battle of New York. Budget, the Board’s strategic plan for FY Monuments Commission cemetery; to the H.R. 5203: Mr. GERLACH and Mr. PLATTS. 2003 through 2008, amended and updated Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. H.R. 5291: Mr. CARDIN and Mr. ETHERIDGE. through August 31, 2004; an annual perform- By Mr. RYAN of Ohio: H.R. 5345: Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. ance plan for FY 2004; and an annual per- H.R. 5357. A bill to direct the Secretary of H.R. 5347: Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. formance budget for FY 2005; to the Com- Education to establish a music education H.J. Res 109: Mr. KUCINICH and Mr. NADLER. mittee on Government Reform. pilot program to make grants to a university H. Res. 851: Ms. KILPATRICK. to fund a music education center for young f f people; to the Committee on Education and REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON the Workforce. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. SOUDER (for himself, Mr. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS BAIRD, Mr. EHLERS, Mr. GRIJALVA, Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors committees were delivered to the Clerk Mr. GORDON, Mr. CASE, Mr. RODRIGUEZ, Mr. MCINNIS, Mr. BOEH- were deleted from public bills and reso- for printing and reference to the proper LERT, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mrs. CAPITO, lutions as follows: calendar, as follows: Mr. HOEFFEL, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. H.R. 2672: Mr. CRANE. Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky: Committee of SNYDER, Mr. UDALL of Colorado, Mr. f Conference. Conference report on H.R. 4567. KILDEE, Mr. MARKEY, Ms. ROS- A bill making appropriations for the Depart- LEHTINEN, Mr. NEAL of Massachu- DISCHARGE PETITIONS ment of Homeland Security for the fiscal setts, Ms. BORDALLO, and Mr. Under clause 2 of rule XV, the fol- year ending September 30, 2005, and for other MICHAUD): lowing discharge petitions were filed: VerDate Aug 04 2004 23:55 Oct 10, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00132 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L09OC7.000 H09PT1 October 9, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9185 Petition 14, October 5, 2004, by Mr.
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