Clackamas Fire District #1 Revised Board Meeting Briefing Packet January 28, 2019 Click on the red page numbers to be instantly linked to the particular report. To safely protect and preserve life and property Board of Directors’ Meeting Monday, January 28, 2019 Meeting Location: Mt. Scott Fire Station 6:00 pm REVISED AGENDA REGULAR SESSION I. CALL TO ORDER PER ORS 192.610 TO 192.690 ORS 192.650 – The meeting is being recorded. II. CHANGES TO AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON DECEMBER 17, 2018 (p. 5) IV. PUBLIC COMMENT (The President will call for statements from citizens regarding District business, not to exceed three minutes per person.) V. PRESENTATION – OP SANTA SUMMARY – Battalion Chief Deters VI. PRESENTATION – LEGISLATIVE OVERVIEW – Lobbyist Genoa Ingram with Court Street Consulting VII. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBER OF THE CLACKAMAS EMERGENCY SERVICES FOUNDATION – Request Approval of Budget 2019 – Chief Charlton / Director Trotter (p. 16) VIII. BUSINESS – Action required B-1 Request Board Approval to Authorize the Fire Chief to Enter into a Contract for a Feasibility Study in Cooperation with Estacada Fire District #69 – Chief Charlton (p. 19) B-2 Request Board Approval to Authorize the Fire Chief to Amend the Current Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Estacada Fire District #69 – Chief Charlton (p. 80) B-3 Request Board Approval of Resolution 19-01 – Adopting and Appropriating a Supplemental Budget for Fiscal 2018-2019 – Finance Director Day (p. 97) 1 Click on the red page numbers to be instantly linked to the particular report. To safely protect and preserve life and property IX. OTHER BUSINESS – No action required. (These items will be presented individually by staff or other appropriate individuals. A synopsis of each item together with a brief statement of the action being requested shall be made by those appearing on behalf of an agenda item.) OB-1 Bond Update – Division Chief Corless OB-2 Board Committee/Liaison Reports Executive Committee – President Syring/Director Wall Interagency Committee – Director Joseph/President Syring Foundation Liaison – Director Trotter OB-3 Board Informational Updates/Comments X. INFORMATIONAL ONLY A. Divisional Reports R-1a. Chief’s Report – Verbal - Chief Fred Charlton R-1b Business Services Division – Deputy Chief Doug Whiteley (p. 107) R-1b.1 Business Services – Division Chief Josh Gehrke (p. 114) R-1b.2 Fire Prevention – Battalion Chief Burke Slater (p. 120) R-1c Emergency Services Division – Deputy Chief Ryan Hari (p. 130) R-1c.1 Emergency Medical Services – Division Chief Bill Conway (p. 131) R-1c.2 Financial Services Division – Finance Director Christina Da (p. 143) R-1c.3 Operations – Division Chief Mike Corless (p. 168) R-1c.4 Training Division – Training Chief Keith Smith (p. 190) R-1c.5 Volunteer Services – Volunteer Services Chief Steve Deters (p. 192) R-1c.6 Volunteer Association President’s Report – Verbal – President Ryan Kragero B. Correspondence (p. 194) C. Informational Items (p. 202) D. Next Meeting The next Board of Directors’ meeting will be on Monday, February 25, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Mt. Scott Station 5. XI. ADJOURNMENT 2 Click on the red page numbers to be instantly linked to the particular report. To safely protect and preserve life and property UPCOMING EVENTS: January 31 – CFD1 Annual Awards Banquet – 5:30 pm – Abernethy Center February 12 – Ribbon Cutting for Station 16 – 11:00 am February 12 – Joint Board Work Session with Estacada Fire District #69 February 21 – Board Work Session – 6:00 pm - TC February 25 - Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting – 6:00 pm March 16 – Clackamas Emergency Services Foundation Auction/Dinner – 5:00 pm Gray Gables 3 Clackamas Fire District #1 REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING (This meeting was recorded.) December 17, 2018 I. CALL TO ORDER PER ORS 192.610 TO 192.690 ORS 192.650 – The meeting is being recorded. President Syring called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Present: Board of Directors Jay Cross, Thomas Joseph, Jim Syring, Don Trotter, and Marilyn Wall; Chief Fred Charlton; Deputy Chief Ryan Hari; Deputy Chief Doug Whiteley; Division Chief Bill Conway; Division Chief Mike Corless; Division Chief Josh Gehrke; Battalion Chief Burke Slater; Battalion Chief David Scheirman; Battalion Chief Oscar Ramos; Battalion Chief Scott Carmony; Medical Services Chief Josh Santos; Volunteer Services Chief Steve Deters; Public Information Officer Lieutenant Brandon Paxton; Senior Accountant Anh Le; Volunteer Aaron Franchuk; Volunteer President Ryan Kragero; Estacada Fire District #69 Interim Chief Jason Crowe and Administrative Manager Rodonna Demeter; Lobbyist Genoa Ingram from Court Street Consulting; Agent of Record from Wilson-Heirgood Associates Jeff Griffin; Citizens John Kihlstrum, and Chris Hawes; CPA Russell Ries from Jarrard, Seibert, Pollard & Co.; Mark Aasland from Pace Engineers, Inc.; and Executive Assistant Karen Strejc. II. CHANGES TO AGENDA Chief Charlton noted that there were no changes, just a few updates. First, Finance Director Christina Day was on vacation. Senior Accountant Anh Le would share the financial information to the Board. Chief Charlton shared that there are copies in front of everyone including: the November board meeting minutes, draft of request for proposal for Feasibility Study, PowerPoint presentation from Jeff Griffin, Special District Board Practices Assessment (SDAO), PowerPoint presentation for supplemental budget, and a new revision of the audit. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON NOVEMBER 19, 2018. President Syring stated that after the minutes were distributed in the board packet last Thursday, a few corrections had been received prior to this meeting. These included: Pg. 1 - Section III - Approval of the minutes from the regular board meeting on Oct. 15, 2018. Director Wall was not present at the meeting, so she abstained from agreeing to the approval of the minutes. Pg. 3 - 4th Paragraph - At the end of the sentence, the word was “merger,” not merge. Pg. 4 - OB-3 Bond Update - In the first sentence, the words were “subcontractor for siding” instead of “contractor.” 1 Pg. 4 – Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) – The sentence should read: The last part of the first line should say “including” instead of “in regards to.” The minutes from the November 19, 2018 board meeting were approved as corrected by consensus. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT Chris Hawes, Citizen Citizen Chris Hawes shared that he rode along in the Operation Santa Claus parade in Damascus. He also stated he heard a thank you from a citizen for the Operation Santa Program. Her family had Christmas several years ago because of the program. V. PRESENTATION – ANNUAL AUDIT CPA Russell Ries from Jarrard, Seibert, Pollard & Co. presented two final drafts: the SASQUA 14 letter and the final draft of the audit report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018. He was pleased to report that there were no issues were found. No new accounting standards or procedures were adopted this last fiscal year. He was pleased to report that there were no difficulties in performing the audit this year and no management issues arose. For the final draft of the audit report, Clackamas County Fire District #1 (CFD) would receive an un-modified or clean opinion on the financial statements. Russell noted that the only significant change was on pages 15 and 16, the New Statement of Fiduciary Position, due to the formation of the Health Trust. The District was required to present two sets of financial statements: 1) Government wide basis. 2) Traditional fund financial statements. Russell provided an overview of the audit. He reported that the records were in great shape. Russell thanked Finance Director Day, Senior Accountant Le and the Chief for their help with the audit. Director Wall asked if there was a schedule included that showed how the figure for net pension liability was calculated or obtained. Russell stated that there were footnotes that disclose d this information. PERS had their own independent audit, and the District was able to rely on their audit information. VI. PRESENTION – SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET Senior Accountant Anh Le shared the background on the 2018-2019 fiscal year supplemental budget. The budget was finalized in March 2018 and at that time, Clackamas Fire District #1 had multiple unknowns. The list of unknowns were included in the PowerPoint handout given at the beginning of the meeting. Assessed value growth estimates were estimated by the county to be 4.75%-5.25%. The budget for the District was based on 4.75%. 2 Chief Charlton discussed the summary of changes. He noted that while the District was working on the budget, we put in a placeholder of $1 million to settle labor negotiations, but now the final figures were known. Conflagration expenses could take up to three years to be reimbursed for when the District’s firefighters were deployed out of the state of Oregon. For California conflagrations, the District did not anticipate receiving the funds during this fiscal year, but it was included in the budget in case these were received. Capital projects funding included the bond and a new loan that the District would be executing this week for construction projects. The Fire District had received multiple grants. A list of these grants was provided in the PowerPoint handout. The District recently received a $45,000 insurance reimbursement for the Station 19 fire. A ladder truck was for sale and the District would probably sell the property next to the current Administration building. Staff would be bringing to the Board a proposed extension of the Estacada IGA at the January board meeting. If and when the Board approves, there will be additional costs with the proposed feasibility study. Chief Charlton shared information regarding the District copiers. He shared that the District used to own the copies, so it was a capital expense.
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