HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH | July 2011 HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH H U M A N 350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor New York, NY 10118-3299 R I G H T S www.hrw.org WATCH Getting Away with Torture The Bush Administration and Mistreatment of Detainees An overwhelming amount of evidence now publically available indicates that senior US officials were involved in planning and authorizing abusive detention and interrogation practices amounting to torture following the September 11, 2001 attacks. Despite its obligation under both US and international law to prevent, investigate, and prosecute torture and other ill-treatment, the US government has still not properly investigated these allegations. Failure to investigate the potential criminal liability of these US officials has undermined US credibility internationally when it comes to promoting human rights and the rule of law. Getting Away with Torture: The Bush Administration and Mistreatment of Detainees combines past Human Rights Watch reporting with more recently available information. The report analyzes this information in the context of US and international law, and concludes that considerable evidence exists to warrant criminal investigations against four senior US officials: former President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and CIA Director George Tenet. Human Rights Watch calls for criminal investigations into their roles, and those of lawyers involved in the Justice Department memos authorizing unlawful treatment of detainees. In the absence of US action, it urges other United States | governments to exercise “universal jurisdiction” to prosecute US officials. It also calls for an independent nonpartisan commission to examine the role of the executive and other branches of government to ensure these practices do not occur again, and for the US to comply with obligations under the Convention against Torture to ensure that victims of torture receive fair and adequate compensation. Getting Away withTorture Photo credits: President George W. Bush © 2007 AP AMERIKA SERIKAT H U M A N Vice President Dick Cheney © 2006 AP Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld R I G H T S © 2004 AP Jmjmq b_pg Nclwgiq__l CIA Director George Tenet © 2004 Reuters Nckcpglr_f_l @sqf b_l Ncpj_is_l Ich_k rcpf_b_n N_p_ R_f_l_l WATCH Action Memorandum from General Counsel Report of the Central Intelligence Agency, William J. Haynes, II, to the secretary of inspector general, “Counterterrorism defense regarding “Counter-Resistance Detention and Interrogation Activities Techniques,” November 27, 2002. (September 2001 – October 2003) (2003-7123-IG),” May 7, 2004, p. 15. Lolos dari Penyiksaan Pemerintahan Bush dan Perlakuan Kejam terhadap Para Tahanan Copyright © 2011 Human Rights Watch All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 1-56432-991-7 Cover design by Rafael Jimenez Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world. We stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice. We investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers accountable. We challenge governments and those who hold power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law. We enlist the public and the international community to support the cause of human rights for all. Human Rights Watch is an international organization with staff in more than 40 countries, and offices in Amsterdam, Beirut, Berlin, Brussels, Chicago, Geneva, Goma, Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, Moscow, Nairobi, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Tokyo, Toronto, Tunis, Washington DC, and Zurich. For more information, please visit our website: http://www.hrw.org JULI 2011 1-56432-991-7 Lolos dari Penyiksaan Pemerintahan Bush dan Perlakuan Kejam terhadap Para Tahanan Ringkasan .......................................................................................................................... 1 Harga Impunitas ....................................................................................................................... 5 Menetapkan Pertanggungjawaban ............................................................................................ 7 Dasar Penyelidikan ................................................................................................................. 10 Komisi Nonpartisan Independen ............................................................................................. 13 Rekomendasi ....................................................................................................................14 Kepada Presiden Amerika Serikat ........................................................................................... 14 Kepada Kongres Amerika Serikat ............................................................................................ 14 Kepada Pemerintahan Amerika Serikat ................................................................................... 14 Kepada Pemerintah Luar Negeri .............................................................................................. 14 I. Latarbelakang: Sanksi Resmi Kejahatan terhadap Para Tahanan .................................... 15 II. Penyiksaan Para Tahanan dalam Operasi Kontraterorisme AS....................................... 20 Program Penahanan CIA ........................................................................................................ 20 Rumah Tahanan Rahasia .................................................................................................. 22 Kasus Abu Zubaydah: Tahanan Pertama dalam Program Interogasi CIA ............................. 25 Pengembangan Program CIA ............................................................................................. 31 Program Pemindahan Tahanan CIA ......................................................................................... 36 Interogasi Paksa oleh Militer ................................................................................................... 41 Penyiksaan oleh Interogator Militer di Afghanistan, Guantanamo, dan Iraq ....................... 42 Persetujuan Teknik Ilegal untuk Interogasi Militer ............................................................. 44 Pemindahan Teknik Interogasi yang Disetujui ................................................................... 50 III. Pertanggungjawaban Kejahatan Individu ..................................................................... 54 Penyiksaan Sewenang-wenang ............................................................................................... 54 Bentuk-bentuk Pertanggungjawaban ...................................................................................... 58 Waterboarding merupakan Penyiksaan ................................................................................... 59 Teknik-Teknik Interogasi yang Disetujui Menteri Pertahanan Rumsfeld sebagai Penyiksaan dan Tindakan Kejam ............................................................................................. 63 Program Penahanan Rahasia CIA merupakan Penghilangan Paksa dan Perlakuan Kejam ........ 66 Panduan Hukum OLC Tak Mengampuni Para Pejabat untuk Penyiksaan dan Penghilangan Paksa ....................................................................................................... 69 Kewajiban Menyelidiki dan Menyediakan Ganti-Rugi ............................................................... 75 Peran Empat Pejabat Senior .................................................................................................... 78 Presiden George W. Bush ................................................................................................. 79 Bush menyetujui waterboarding dan metode interogasi ilegal lain .......................................... 79 Bush memerintahkan program penahanan rahasia CIA dan menyetujui program pemindahan tahanan ............................................................................................................. 81 Wakil Presiden Dick Cheney ............................................................................................ 82 Cheney menyetujui program pemindahan tahanan CIA ............................................................ 83 Cheney menyetujui waterboarding dan metode interogasi ilegal lain ....................................... 83 Menteri Pertahanan Donald Rumsfeld.............................................................................. 84 Rumsfeld menyetujui metode-metode interogasi paksa yang melanggar hukum internasional ............................................................................................................. 86 Rumsfeld memantau interogasi paksa terhadap Mohammad al-Qathani dan mungkin juga terhadap John Walker Lindh ................................................................................................... 88 Rumsfeld mengetahui atau harusnya tahu pasukan AS di Afghanistan dan Iraq lakukan penyiksaan dan metode-metode interogasi paksa lain dan gagal hentikan perlakuan kejam itu ............................................................................................................... 94 Direktur CIA George Tenet ................................................................................................. 95 Tenet merestui dan mengawasi penculikan dan pemindahan tahanan CIA untuk disiksa ........ 96 Tenet tahu atau harusnya tahu bahwa para tahanan yang dipindahkan akan disiksa
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