Kentucky Consecutively Capitalized Words

Kentucky Consecutively Capitalized Words

Copyright © 2017 by Christopher Forbis and John Sepich Consecutively Capitalized Words Only: Kentucky WPA Slave Narratives (PG 11920) by Work Projects Administration Number of unique words: 607 Names of persons included in this concordance: KY-1 Bogie, Dan KY-14 Alexander, Elizabeth KY-27 Mitchell, Scott KY-2 Henderson, George KY-15 Jones, Amelia KY-28 A Bill of Sale KY-3 Mason, Harriet KY-16 McKee, Jenny KY-29 Austin, Nancy (Will) KY-4 Mayfield, Bert KY-17 Sanders, Susan Dale KY-30 Hood, Mrs. C. KY-5 Oats, Will KY-18 Anderson, John KY-31 Bruner, Peter KY-6 Robinson, Belle KY-19 Owens, Joana KY-32 Campbell, Easter Sudie KY-7 Shirley, Edd KY-20 Jones, Martha J. KY-33 Dick, Uncle KY-8 Woods, Wes KY-21 Dorsey, George KY-34 Morgan, Annie KY-9 Gudgel, Ann KY-22 Boyd, Annie B. KY-35 Torian, Cora KY-10 Heyburn, Mrs. KY-23 Billingsby, Kate KY-36 Wooldridge, Mary KY-11 Scruggs, George KY-24 Eaves, Nannie KY-37 Lewis, Elvira and Force, Tinie KY-12 Cox, Rev. John R. KY-25 Wright, Mary KY-38 Hudespeth, Esther KY-13 Duncan, Mrs. KY-26 Word, Sophia Consecutively Capitalized Words Only: Kentucky WPA Slave Narrative A B Degree KY-3 Aunt Belle Robinson Ex Slave KY-6 A Dr David Cox KY-12 Aunt Easter M D Hanbery Well KY-32 A Story KY-30 Aunt Harriet KY-3 Abe Lincoln KY-4 Aunt Harriet's KY-3 Abe Wheeler KY-1 Aunt Harriet Mason KY-3 Abraham Lincoln KY-36 Aunt Harriet Mason Ex Slave KY-3 After I'se KY-17 Aunt Harriet Mason Lancaster Kentucky GARRARD CO Albert Wooldridge KY-36 Sue Higgins Story KY-3 Alice Branton KY-5 Aunt Jenny KY-16 American Wheeler KY-1 Aunt Jenny McKee KY-16 Amy Jones KY-3 Aunt Kate KY-23 Andrew Owen KY-35 Aunt Lizzie KY-8 Ann Gudgel KY-9 Aunt Lizzie Wood KY-8 Annie Morgan KY-34 B L KY-14 Annie Morgan Story KY-34 B M Jones KY-3 Ans Sho KY-34 BALLARD CO J R Wilkerson HW Ky KY-37 Arch Bogie KY-1 Baptist Church KY-2, KY-6 Arch Robinson KY-6 Bell Childress Cora's Mother KY-35 At Christmas KY-3 Belle Childress KY-35 Aunt Belle KY-6 Ben Woods KY-8 Bert Mayfield KY-4 Colonel Jack Allen KY-17 Bert Mayfield Bert Mayfield KY-4 Cora Torian KY-35 Bethel A M E Church KY-31 Creamery Street KY-3 Betsy All KY-2 Cutt Off KY-27 Betty Estill KY-3 DAVIES CO Cecelia Laswell Mrs Elizabeth Alexander Betty Oats KY-5 KY-14 Bible Bibliography Interview KY-8 Daddy Ben Eaves KY-24 Bibliography Interview KY-1, KY-2, KY-3, KY-4, KY-5, KY- Dan Bogie's KY-1 6 Dan Bogie Ex Slave KY-1 Bibliography Rev John R Cox KY-12 Dan Bogie Uncle Dan KY-1 Billie Cleveland KY-2 Daniel Garrard KY-16 Billie Rube KY-1 Daniel Scott KY-3 BOYD CO Carl F Hall Rev John R Cox KY-12 Daniel Vanmeter KY-29 Bob Eaglin KY-36 David McKee KY-16 Bob Wheeler KY-1 Daw White KY-15 Bourbon County KY-3 De Ku Klux KY-32 BREATHITT CO Margaret Bishop As KY-27 De Lawd KY-34 Bradford Henderson KY-2 De Lord I'm KY-3 Brother Silas Crawford KY-3 De Nigger Risin De Klu Klux KY-25 Buckingham County Virginia KY-20 Deed Book KY-28 Burdette Kemper KY-4 Deed Book A KY-16 CALDWELL CO Mary E O'Malley Esther Hudspeth KY-38 Den Sam KY-22 CALLOWAY CO L Cherry Story KY-11 Dese Buckners KY-23 Camp Nelson KY-5 Dialect ANDERSON CO Mildred Roberts Story KY-9 Campbells Cave KY-25 Dix Fiver KY-4 Captain Tillet KY-16 Dr Brady KY-24 Captin Hester KY-27 Dr Davis KY-12 Catlettsburg Kentucky KY-12 Dr Fairleigh KY-22 Catlettsburg Kentucky Born KY-12 Dr Pettus KY-4 Catlettsburg Kentucky Interviewed Dec KY-12 Dr Thompson KY-31 CHRISTIAN CO Mamie Hanberry TR KY-22 Drennon If'n KY-21 CHRISTIAN CO Mamie Hanbery HW Ky KY-32 Dupree Alley KY-17 Charles Cammack KY-22 E Breckinridge St Louisville Kentucky KY-19 Christian Church Mrs Dickerson KY-3 E Man KY-4 Christian County KY-22, KY-23, KY-27, KY-35 East Pole KY-14 Christian County Cora KY-35 Easter Sudie Campbell KY-32 Christian County Not KY-36 Eliza Fannie George Julia KY-8 Civil Wah KY-27 Ellen Stone KY-4 Civil War KY-17, KY-20, KY-30, KY-35 Elvira Lewis During KY-37 Civil War Ans Wal KY-34 Elvira Lewis LaCenter Ky These KY-37 Civil War Mrs Jones KY-15 Emancipation Proclamation KY-12 CLAY CO Pearl House Sophia Word KY-26 Emma Barren KY-4 Clarksville Pike R R KY-36 Emma Brother Ned KY-3 Clarksville Tenn KY-25 ESTILL CO Evelyn McLemore Story KY-31 Clay County KY-16 Esther Hudespeth KY-38 Clay Streets Hopkinsville Kentucky Wen KY-22 Evil Spirits KY-35 Clinton County KY-18 Ex Slave Uncle Wes Woods KY-8 COMBINED INTERVIEWS Customs By Counties Slavery February Elder KY-1 Local History KY-9 First Street Hopkinsville Kentucky Born KY-22 Col Allen's KY-17 Five Dollars KY-36 Col Jack Allen's KY-17 Floyd's Mill Preacher Kemper KY-4 Fourth Sunday KY-25 Henry Coulter KY-13 Frank Buckner's KY-23 Henry County KY-21 Fred Roberts KY-21 Henry Mason KY-3 Free For All KY-37 Her Massa KY-25 Friday Good Lawd No KY-35 Hockney Hads KY-8 Garrad County KY-16 Hopkinsville Kentucky KY-24, KY-36 Garrard County KY-1, KY-3, KY-6, KY-8 Hopkinsville Ky KY-23 Garrard County Ex Slave Stories Eliza Ison Aunt Belle Hopkinsville Yes KY-32, KY-36 Robinson KY-6 Hospital Tompkinsville Ky TR Information KY-7 Garrard County Ex Slave Stories Eliza Ison HW Ky KY-1, House Mr Coon KY-38 KY-2, KY-3 However John Frye KY-31 Garrard County Ex Slave Stories Eliza Ison Interview KY- Hugh White KY-15, KY-26 4, KY-8 HW Essay Uncle Edd Shirley KY-7 Garrard County May KY-4 Indian Turnip KY-22 Gates Mill Road KY-23 Indians A KY-33 General Gano KY-3 Irvine After KY-31 General Gano's Brother William KY-3 Irvine Peter's KY-31 George Cox KY-12 Isaac Vanmeter Jones KY-29 George Dorsey KY-21 Ise Marse KY-35 George Eaves KY-24 Jane Welsh KY-3 George Henderson Ex KY-2 Janie Woods KY-8 George Henderson Uncle George KY-2 JEFFERSON CO Byers York Susan Dale Sanders KY-17 Gilmer County W Va KY-20 Jeff Davis KY-37 Gilmer W Va KY-20 Jennie All KY-8 Glasgow Kentucky Then KY-7 Jenny Garden KY-16 God Amen KY-29 Jenny McKee Mrs Jenny McKee KY-16 Good Book KY-8 Jenny Redman KY-16 Good Ebening' KY-32 Jim Coffey KY-5 Good Lawd KY-25 Jim Embry KY-1 Good Methodist KY-3 Jimmy Benton KY-31 Good Ole Boss KY-11 Joana Owens KY-19 Gordonsville Kentucky KY-22 Joe Bruner KY-31 Government Course KY-24 John Anderson KY-18 Gracey De KY-25 John Anderson A KY-18 Gracey Kentucky KY-25 John Bell Bruner KY-31 Grandpap Campbells'' KY-13 John Bruner KY-31 Grandsons Fielding Jones KY-29 John Harrison Jerry KY-4 Hamilton Ohio KY-31 John McKee KY-16 Hanbery Annie B Boyd Annie B Boyd KY-22 John Moran KY-4 Harpers Ferry Va KY-18 John Once KY-31 Harriet Lapham KY-29 John R Jones KY-20 Harrison Daniel Merida KY-3 John Redman KY-16 Harrodsburg As KY-5 John Reed KY-8 Harrodsburg Ky KY-3 John Watts One KY-16 Hawesville Kentucky KY-19 John Yeakey KY-8 Heben Wen KY-34 Joseph W Cromwell KY-28 Hee Hee Dese KY-25 Joseph W Cromwell Martha L Cromwell Recorded KY-28 Hee Hee Hee KY-25 Juba De KY-14 Hee Hee Hee One KY-32 Judge Houston KY-24 Helen Jones KY-29 Judge Williams KY-11 Henry Clay KY-3 Judgment Stream KY-34 Judgment Stream Mammy KY-34 Marse Cleveland KY-2 Julian Thirdly KY-29 Marse Cleveland Married Lucy Mason KY-2 Kate Billingsby Kate Billingsby Ex KY-23 Marse Clevelands KY-2 Kate Missis' KY-3 Marse Hock KY-2 Kentucky Witnesseth KY-28 Marse Jones KY-3 Klu Klux Klan KY-2 Marse Sammy Welsh KY-3 Kluxes Ghosts Sho KY-32 Marse Stone KY-4 Knox County KY-16 Marse Thamos KY-36 Ku Klux KY-25 Martha Cromwell KY-28 LAUREL CO Perry Larkey Amelia Jones Concerning KY- Martha Grooms KY-32 15 Martha J Jones KY-20 Lampton Sts Louisville KY-17 Martha Tillet Aunt Jenny KY-16 Lancaster Marse Bogie KY-1 Mary Ann KY-20 Lancaster Mother KY-1 Mary Beard KY-25 Laurel County KY-16 Mary Wooldridge Clarksville Pike Age KY-36 Laurel River KY-16 Mary Wright Mary Wright KY-25 Lawd Den KY-34 Mas'r Gano KY-3 Lawsey Honey KY-8 Massas Yes KY-25 Leroy Estill KY-1, KY-8 Master Ball KY-9 Lewis Oats KY-5 Master Barr's KY-19 Lexington Kentucky KY-4 Master Dale KY-17 Lexington On KY-31 Master Dales KY-17 Lexington Pike KY-3, KY-4 Master Nolan Barr KY-19 Lexinton Wen Ole KY-11 Matilda Stone Mayfield KY-4 Lick Skillet KY-3 McClain College KY-23 Lige Coffey KY-5 McKee During KY-16 Lincoln County KY-4 McLain County Ky KY-24 Linda Woods KY-13 Media Bledsoe KY-16 Little Sam KY-21 Mercer County KY-5 Little Sammy Duvall KY-21 Mercer County Ex Slave Stories Hazel Cinnamon Look Harriet KY-3 Interview KY-5 Lou Burnsides KY-8 Mercer County Kentucky KY-5 Louisville During KY-20 Meriah Jackson David's KY-16 Lucinda Wheeler KY-1 Methodist Church KY-3 Lucy Wilson Frances Phillips KY-5 Mexican War KY-26 M D H KY-25 Miami University KY-31 Madge De KY-22 Milford Sam KY-2 Madison Co KY-31 Milford Twiman KY-2 Madison County KY-1 Miller's Creek KY-31 Madison County Harrison Brady KY-6 Minister A M E Church First KY-12 Main St KY-36 Miss Americe KY-1 Mammy Massa KY-25 Miss Annie KY-36 Mammy Master Dale KY-17 Miss Annie Of KY-36 Manchester Her KY-15 Miss Annie Wooldridge KY-36 Manchester Ky KY-15 Miss Emily Malone KY-11 Maria Miss Patsy KY-3 Miss Fannie KY-36 Marion Blevin KY-6 Miss Jennie KY-2 Married Wm Sanders KY-17 Miss Jennie West's KY-3 Marse Briar KY-3 Miss Kate KY-3 Marse Briar Jones KY-3 Miss Lucy Elmore KY-2 Marse Catlett KY-22 Miss Lulu KY-10 Miss Mat KY-3 Mrs C Hood Once KY-30 Miss Mat Miss Emma KY-2 Mrs Dickerson's KY-3 Miss Nancy KY-9 Mrs Eliza Kennedy KY-8 Miss Nat KY-3 Mrs Elizabeth Alexander Frederica St KY-14 Miss Patsy's KY-3 Mrs Heyburn KY-10 Miss Puss KY-25 Mrs Jones KY-15 Miss Puss Graham KY-25 Mrs Martha J Jones KY-20 Missus McElroy KY-36 Mrs Martha Tillet KY-16 Mistah Bailey KY-27 Mrs Porter KY-32 Mistah Davis KY-27 Mrs Porter I'se KY-32 Mistah Jenkins KY-27 Mrs Shelton KY-25 Mistress Lyndia KY-26 Mrs Susan Dale Sanders KY-17

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