Next 'Messiah' Fiat Lux Sunday, 8:15 p.m. Jan. 14,1964 FIAT LUX Men's Gym Vol. 51, No. 12 ALFRED, NEW YORK, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1963 Phone 587-5402 Alfred Singers Perform Psychologist-Performer x Messiah' this Sunday The annual presentation of G. H. Handel's "The Messiah" will be performed by the Alfred University Singers Sunday, To Speak February 11 at 8:15 p.m., in the Men's Gymnasium. Herbert Berry, who has made Dr. Murray Banks, a psychologist-perform er from New York City will speak at Alfred sis on the chorus itself. Dr. Le University Feb. 11. He will be presented by the Student Nurses Association of New York several 'guest appearances at Al- Mon will conduct. fred, and had the tenor lead In The orchestra, which will ac- State—Area XI under the sponsorship of the Student Senate and Women's Student Gov- Dr. LeMon's opera "Donw, Down, company the chorus, is to be ernment. Dawn," will .supplement the (uni- augmented by six guest players Dr. Banks' topic is entitled versity singers. from the Eastman School of Mu- "What to do Until the Psychia- Among the players will be Jac- sic. Audrey Hardy, who played trist Comes". He has presented Quelin Gunthrie and Christina- last year, and Daniel Nimtz, a 'Amahl and the Night Visitors' Wright, sopranos, Elain Bremer, 1963 graduate, will be among this topic to other audience! contralto, and Michael Abelson, these performers. more than 5000 times. Consid" Will Be Presented Thursday ered 'by many to be one of the baBS. "The Messiah' is the story of For a second season, Gian- given Thursday, Dec. 12 in Alum- most sought after speakers in For better acustical effect, ex- the life and resurection of Christ. Carlo Menotti's Christmas opera, ni Hall, at 11 a.m. for a student America today, his press releases plained Dr. Le Mon, the chorus It was written in 1741, and per- "Amahl and the .Night Visitors," assembly program and at' 8:15 describe him as "a psychologist will be singing from the east formed for the first time in 1859, will be presented by the depart- p.m. for the public. with a sense of humor." Bide. Fewer arias have been choi- one week before 'the death of the ment of music and the Footlight The opera tells the story of en in order to place more empha- composer. Club. Two performances will be three kings, on their way to He was formerly visiting pro- Bethlehem, who stop one night fessor of psychology at Fair- to seek shelter and rest at the leigh Dickinson University, a full Two Students hut of a poor widow and her professor of psychology at Long Entire Alfred Community Joins crippled shepherd boy, Amahl. Island University, and at Pace Arrested for The role of the Mother will be College, where he headed the In Memorial for Kennedy played by Betty Riggenbach Psychology Department or over The following is a reprint from "Because the bullet does not. Clock Damage Giles, special instructor of voice five years. He is a graduate of the Nov. 28, 1963 issue of the precisely solve this problem and Two Alfred Tech students were at Alfred. Amahl will be por- New York and Columbia Uni- Alfred Bun. President Kennedy's words not arrested Monday morning and trayed 'by Dorothy Binaghi, a versities, and did his clinical pay« The entire community of Al- only contradict the meaning of charged wtith third degree burg- mathematics major from Nyack. chopathology study at Bellvue fred was encouraged during ft the bullet, but indeed, transcend lary for breaking and entering The parts of the three kings will Hospital in New York City. Firemen's Hall last month and 1 memorial service for the late it, it remains our task— as the be sung by Paul D. Giles, assis- On the same day, St. Jame^ President John F. Kennedy Mon- shock wave recedes, as the ab- causing damage estimated in ex- tant professor of music at Alfred, cess of $200 to the town clock. Mercy Hospital will sponsor the day to "educate ourselves to the surdity recoils and dissolves, and Herbert M. Berry of Dansville, annual mock convention of the meaning of his life, the meanings as the sadness ebb—to educate A third student, arrested Sun- and Roger Feldman, psychology Nurses Association using univer- of his words." ourserves to the meaning of his day morning and charged with major from Yonkers. Michael sity facilities. At this conven- Dr. Mielvin Bernstein, profes- life, the meanings of his words." first degree grand larceny in the Abelson, music major from Far tion^ next year's SNANYS officer« Bor of English, spoke to students, Dr. Bernstein offered quota- theft of an Ag-Tech state car, was Rockaway, will play the part of will be elected. Another purpose faculty and townspepole, some tions from the addresses by the implicated in the clock 'incident the page. A student chorus of of the convention, said Kathy Si- 750 of whom crowded into Alum- late President and from his book by the other students. All three shepherds have been selected mons, area president, is to en* ni Hall at 10:30 a.m. All classes "Profiles in Courage" which he are presently in thè Allegany from the Alfred University Sing- able student nurses who were un- had been suspended for the day said are to become a part of County Jail at Belmont. ers. able to attend the state conven- Of National Mourning. "the American Anthology, the Wilbur Rounds, Alfred police Dancers from the Alfred tion in N. Y. C. to participate In "The speeches and writings of American Scriptures . the ac- chief, said the arrests ended a School of Ballet will appear under a similar program and convention President Kennedy have the re- cumulation for our public and 30-day "process of elimination and the direction of Betty Gray. Pi- atmosphere. quisite sense of history and pur- private inspiration of . history, investigation." Rounds said he anist Ada Becker Seidlen, specia Area XI is made up from the pose, the eloquence,- and ideas law, prophecy, poetry, and wis- learned that some students liv- (instructor at the University, will • following five schools of nursing: that make God's time and man's dom literature." ing near the clock did not like the play the instrumental accompani- Alfred University School of nurs- purpose partners in enterprise, The memorial service ln<£tided ringing of the chimes. The only ment. ing ; Arrot-Ogden Memorial Hos* and the phrases that make our selections from Handel's "The actual clue found was a match- There is no admission charge pi tal, Elmira; St. James Mercy heart and head want to obey each Messiah" sung by the Alfred Uni- book from a bar in Hornell. No for this program. Hospital, Hornell; and St. Jo- other," Dr. Bernstein said. versity singers under the direc- fingerprints were found. seph's Hospital of Nursing, S3« tion,-of Dr. Melvin LeMon, chair- The students will come before "His lucid rhetoric published Peace Corps mira. The thirteen areas within man of the music department. the Allegany County Grail® Jury one simple fact: his political pre- Area XI of the Studeqt Nurse New York State are divided geo- "The Lord's Prayer" was sung by when it next meets dn '^ky. If dicaments were ours — yours and * Association of New York State graphically. mine. His task was to show v - Mrs. Paul Giles. indicted, they will probably be wltt present a program on the inescapable congruence of po- At the close of the day, com- brought to trial in June. In the "Nursing and the Peace litical and moral imperatives—to panies of the U. S. Army RJOTC meantime, they may post bail. Corps", at Susan Howell Hall Drake Chairman Of use a phrase from Prof. Raymond at Alfred University held a Mem- Rounds said the three could either at 8:15 p.m.. A representa- Ares of the Sorbonne — 'in the orial Retreat ceremony in front receive a Jail sentence or a sus- tive from the Peace Corps will Rhodes Committee atomic apocolypse.' of their - ^ampus headquarters. (Continued on Page Three) be the guest speaker. Pres. M. Ellis Drake will serva again this year as chairman ot the New York State committee ot Alfred Welcomes Four Preps With Speeding Tickets selection for the Rhodes Scholar- ships. He will meet with the five oth- Gail Greqory Crowned Interfraternity Ball Queen er members of the committee in New York City tomorrow to con- sider all applicants for the schol- arships from colleges and univer- sities in the state, and nominate two candidates to the district com- mittee. Serving on the state committee with President Drake will be Charles F. Barber, an attorney, ot New York City; Pres. James Hea- ter of New York University; W. Farnsworth Fowle of the Bronx, a member of the staff of the New York Times; the Rev. Philip T. Zabriskie of the National Coun- cil of the Episcopal Church, and Prof. J. Ramsey Bronk of Colum- bia University. Similar committees in New Jer- sey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Dis- a highlight of the I FC Weekend was the crowning of the queen^ i he f-our Preps arrived siightily late for their performance in trict of Columbia, Delaware and Gail Gregory, Friday night in the men's gym. Miss Gregory, a senior Alumni Hall Saturday afternoon as part of IFC Weekend. The vocal West Virginia will submit two English major from Port Allegany, Pa., is a sister fo Sigma Chi Nu.
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