WWE WWWWK1TW i A Flora Lewis Award- winning New York v J Times columnist Flora Lewis V will deliver the Commence X ULS ment address May 26 A w L J jJ pegs 6 L J JLS MBWBMBiWliWMWMMlMMWBIIIWfflWlBllllflWI1liliill IIHIIWI JIWHtfli I lllB mliili i Students build 0 shantytown 1 at Dube Hall By FELICE BELMAN Review News Editor 1 In its most dramatic action since the December die- in Oberlins divestment movement is on its feet again As T J students enjoyed the sunshine in Wilder Bowl yesterday afternoon four shanties were built on the lawn in front and back of the Cox Administraton Building renamed Dube Hall by activists last year i Students slept in the woodandca- rdboard shanties last night and plan to occupy them around the clock through next week in protest of the Colleges continued investments in South Africa- related companies Its disgusting that the College hasnt done anything yet on this issue said senior Meg Whitlock who plans to spend a night next week in one of the shanties The shantytown is a good symbol of the situation in South Africa but its not too confrontational Maybe we should build a shanty on the walkway theres nothing wrong with challenging people a bit According to Amy Schur a shantytown organizer v ReviewAlbert Kim Eric Budd additional will probably be built around Dube Junior Jon Nistenbaum and senior help construct one of four shanties on the lawn of the Dube shanties building yesterday An ad group on Wilder Bowl kind of response administration hoc of students built shanties yesterday protesting the over the weekend It depends on what Colleges continuing investments in South Africa- related stocks See SHANTYTOWN page 8 Libya bombing protested DSA SBC presses and several newspapers including the fight By RACHEL SEIDMAN Cleveland Plain Dealer covered the march Review Associate News Editor The demonstration was lively as banners flags and signs waved and chants and folk songs filled sexual ignorance Not about to be counted as part of the 77 percent the air At the outset the group gathered in of the population that supported President Reag- Harkness Bowl Small at first the groups chants to on 14 12- ans decision bomb Libya April a group of 34 We dont want Reagans war soon rf7 control touted at OHS of Oberlin students marched through campus and attracted more marchers Crossing through tion the diaphragm cervical into the town last Saturday to air their grievances Wilder bowl the demonstrators passed a perform- By CATHIE KNOX caps which King said are still and demonstrate their dismay over the govern- ance by the Can Consortium as well as hordes of Review Staff Writer difficult to get in this ments irresponsible action sunbathers prospective students and their In a continuing effort to make country and birth control pills The rally was organized by a group of students parents A few joined in the march as it progress- sex education and the contra- the method which elicited the who gathered after the Libya teach- in last Thurs- ed across Tappan Square to the circular memorial ceptive resources of SIC available most questions from students The day night The teach- in sponsored by DSA filled on the corner of Main and College streets to high school students DSA SIC counselors also provided King 306 with students interested in learning more Gonna lay down my sword and shield down by Democratic Socialists of Amer- information about the normal about the history and military situation in Libya the riverside sang Carlos Colon whose guitar- ica the Sexual Information prices for all the methods as well I feel like Oberlin has to show that we do ob- playing and singing lifted peoples and spirits Center and Oberlin Highs Social as the places where high school ject said freshperson Terry Marony Its gave the group a feeling of cohesion as all joined Awareness Club last week spon- students could obtain birth con- important for people to hear why we dont support in traditional anti- war songs sored a workshop on the basic trol materials this action because most Americans do support You have to say something said sophomore methods of birth control King also discussed what she it The organizers of the rally had notified local LIBYA See page 6 non- 1 The workshop Thursday methods of birth L- iMV last called started with a presentation by SIC control such as douching Counselors Cynthia King and withdrawal before male orgasm Lauren Brown of the various and the misinformed ideas that methods of prescription and non- one cannot get pregnant the first prescription birth control and time one has sex and that if their relative effectiveness orgasm occurs a woman cannot They included in their discus- become pregnant sion a relatively new nonpres- cription You really should use some method contraceptive form of birth control just to make sponges The sponges work sure King said but nothing similarly to the diaphragm and kills sperm immediately like foam or suppositories con- After the presentation the stu- tain a concentrated spermicide dents broke into sex- segregated Contraceptive sponges are small groups for discussion currently being advertised on Jessica Bucciarelli co- chair of television which as King said is the OSA Feminist Committee and a new thing King were disappointed at the King and Brown also dis- small turnout only 20 students I i i i tfWiMiimii a fininiwiiiiTim- ir ill mill Vinil rii IT iiriiTffriiin- iv mtftmM i- Wl f iiliiia cussed the birth control options Angered at the US attack on Libya last week students marched from campus into town Saturday which involve a doctors prescrip See CONTRACEPTION p 8 Commentary r A powerful symbol Missing Ever wonder whats become of the pigeons Recently Steve DeCastro revealed in his col- They used to be everywhere They flapped umn that the administration sends spies in the may with a calculating dispassionate A critic of student activism against the windows of Mudd and slept on the form of appropriately faceless bureaucratic of pet issue at many colleges eye view divestment as something a ledges alternately dirtying the windows and deans to campus meetings for the purpose of of rebellious one which students have chosen as a youthful assertion wakening us from our midafternoon naps with monitoring student activity and to keep an ear opportunity to cause a ruckus through discontent giving them ample their carryings- on In other areas they foraged open to what sort of rhetoric is being aired that sit- take- a would be quick to ins die- ins and building overs Such critic and stood together in groups discussing intently week Whatever the true extent of this espionage of questionable value And charge that divestment is a symbolic act whatever pigeons do in this modern world Nary a may be items like this and the one before it have would the construction of a shantytown such a critic probably view yearbook was without a shot of the famous Tal- made me increasingly aware of something that of whimsical activities But the real here yesterday as one in a long list cott pigeons darkening the sky as they lay aloft in we all should remember not but a well- root of the fight for divestment is youthful restlessness an undulating cloud A hell of a lot goes on around here that we for of role however reasoned and passionate understanding Oberlins However sometime this year curiously all our involvement know nothing about small in cooperating with South Africas system of racial separation nobody can remember exactly when the pi- If you are still having trouble let me jog your the plight of the people of It is easy for us to remove ourselves from geons disappeared as quickly and as silently as imagination Who really decides where to plant not a clear- cut issue as it is South Africa To many divestment may be the missing of South America leaving only the trees and what were those holes really for cents and of the future financial a matter of economics of dollars and streaks of pigeon lime and a strange hush to mark Is Mudd sinking What happened to the ivy on Africa situation of the College But the reality of the suffering in South their passing Wilder Hall Whats happened to our Commence- no cannot be subordinated to mere financial considerations There is ment speaker How can George Langeler fixed price for justice To weigh the escalating violence and re- seemingly do anything he wants with the admin- pression in South Africa in terms of monetary value of stocks and to istration ignore the call for divestment voiced by the black South African OFF THE CUFF From here even greater leaps into darkness of human majority is to act with flagrant disregard for any notions become possible Is B G actually a nuke Is the commercial age Elliot Rappaport rights or morality Difficult though it may be in this Co- op using its massive profits to finance the there are times when we must transcend material considerations contras How do we know that Fred and Christina the The shantytown is a powerful symbol in that it drives home Not long ago I heard a rumor that B G Starr are not using College funds to stockpile As the immediacy of the suffering in South Africa under apartheid tired of cleaning up after them hired a special Selmer clarinets and Christian Dior original ballet of South Africans own shanties represent the actual living conditions black outoft- exterminator to dope the birds while costumes arguments they invariably draw our attention away from abstract we were away Here the details become more The answer is that we dont In all of our us to ponder the reality of South Africa about stock portfolios and force vague
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