Image Directory Chapter 1 8" x 8" (20.3 x 20.3 cm), fabric markers. Embellished with beads, French metallic thread, hand-dyed rayon motifs; silk Something To Crow About, hand-dyed cotton fabrics, 0001 Block Filmstrip (block) 0002 Block Filmstrip (block) decorative stitches 0048 Side Stepping, 12"x 12" (30.5 x ribbon embroidery 0087 Traditional embellished quilt 0088 machine-pieced and quilted 0126 Grandmother’s Jewels 0003 Block Filmstrip (block) 0004 Block Filmstrip (block) 30.5 cm), commercial cottons, folded log cabin construction, Patchwork Embellished 0089 Guild’s Opportunity (detail), 0127 5 = 2 x 4 (The title refers to 5-inch [12.7 cm] square units), 0005 Commercial cottons 0006 Commercial fabrics 0007 machine-pieced and machine-quilted 0049 Text Me, 14" x 14" miniature, paper-pieced, traditional-pieced 0090 Batik an original block sewn with vintage fabrics 0128 Traditional Commercial fabrics 0008 Commercial fabrics 0009 Eye See (35.6 x 35.6 cm) commercial cottons, folded log cabin jewel-tone fabrics 0091 Scrappy brights and reds, pineapple mixed techniques 0129 Bluetenkranz 0130 Solar Flare, resisted What’s on Your Plate (Kaleidoscope block) 0010 Machine- construction, machine-pieced and machine-quilted 0050 Log Cabin block 0092 Center star of Christmas quilt made of rust on cotton hand-marble dyed fabric, glass beads, copper quilted 0011 Machine-quilted 0012 Machine-quilted 0013 Traditional block from a Dear Jane, traditional Dutch costume half-square triangles 0093 Four paper-pieced fan blocks, foil, silk thread, hand-dyed cotton embroidery floss, and nylon Kansas City Star (sampler), miniature, reproduction fabrics fabrics 0051 Traditional block from a Dear Jane, traditional Dresden plate block with square center 0094 Token Token, thread. Machine-quilted, hand- beaded, hand-embroidered, 0014 Machine-quilted 0015 Sawtooth Star Block 0016 Dutch costume fabrics 0052 Broken Dishes 0053 Raw-edge game boards attached with wooden dominos and beads, hand-appliquéd, bound in copper 0131 Montana Lone Star Hand-dyed fabric 0017 Alabama State Quilt (sampler) 0018 appliquéd, thread sketching 0054 Modern Mini 2 0055 machine-quilted 0095 Carol Doak star pattern, four paper- Center 0132 Traditional pieced 0133 Detail photo by Darren It’s the Little Things That Count, miniature quilt blocks, A Study of Black and White, hand-stitched, beaded 0056 pieced blocks 0096 Carol Doak star pattern, four paper- Takegami; Full shot photo from Houston Int’l Quilt Festival. Pineapple Log Cabin blocks, batiks 0019 Off the Grid, 18"x 18" Inspiration 0057 Laurel Wreath (detail), block developed in pieced blocks 0097 Star Hunter, cotton, hand-dyed and 0134 Traditional mixed techniques 0135 Pinwheel Party block, (45.7 x 45.7 cm), commercial cottons, machine-pieced and Sally Schneider workshop, quilting by Shawna Crawford 0058 Japanese antique fabric; reversible Log Cabin piecing; photo: cotton fabrics, foundation paper-pieced 0136 Broken Dishes machine-quilted 0020 It’s Hip To Be Square, 18"x 18" (45.7 x Scrappy Baskets, block quilt 0059 Scrappy Baskets, block D. James Dee 0098 Heavenly Brilliance, cotton, hand- 0137 Obsession, machine-pieced and quilted, cotton fabrics 45.7 cm), commercial cottons, machine-pieced and machine- quilt 0060 Scrappy Baskets, block quilt 0061 Chicken dyed and Japanese antique fabric; machine-pieced, hand- and batting, 10" x 10" (25.4 x 25.4 cm) 0138 Nightlights, 14" quilted 0021 Traditional pieced quilt 0022 Untitled detail, Feathers 0062 Traditional mixed techniques 0063 Crazy-quilt appliquéd, hand-quilted; photo: D. James Dee 0099 The x 14" (35.6 x 35.6 cm), machine-pieced, appliquéd, machine- traditional costume fabric from Spakenburg; piecing 0023 block, Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) fabric; center Princess of Weaving II, cotton, Japanese antique fabric,Thai quilted 0139 Blue Feathers, 12" x 12" (30.5 x 30.5 cm), Machine-quilted 0024 Angst, miniature, second of a series of fabric, fussy-cut, embellished with decorative stitch 0064 silk, machine-pieced, hand-appliquéd, hand-quilted; photo: machine-pieced, hand-appliquéd machine-quilted 0140 Jazz three quilts, scraps, embellished with beads and fibers0025 Crazy-quilt block, Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) fabric; Kayoko Watanabe 0100 The Princess of Weaving I, cotton, & Blues (center), over-dyed with indigo, arashi shibori (pole This project received first place in a competition.0026 center fabric, fussy-cut, embellished with decorative stitch Japanese antique, self-made, hand-dyed, Japanese antique wrapping) to create the stripes 0141 From Sea to Shining Sea Longarm quilted 0027 Jo Morton star pattern and fabric 0065 Crazy-quilt block, Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) obi silk, machine-pieced, hand-appliquéd, hand-quilted; photo: (center), includes the lyrics to "America, the Beautiful." Center 0028 I Love Baskets, blue-and-white basket blocks 0029 fabric; center fabric, fussy-cut, embellished with decorative D. James Dee 0101 Traditional pieced 0102 Kaleidoscope 0103 quilted with the eagle from the US quarter. 0142 Appliquéd, A Feathered Star (unfinished), paper-piece technique0030 stitch 0066 Crazy-quilt block, Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Kaleidoscope 0104 Design from Kaleidoscope 0105 Design hand-dyed and commercial fabrics 0143 Feathered Stars & A Star in a Star (block) 12" x 12" (30.5 x 30.5 cm), traditional Dead) fabric; center fabric, fussy-cut, embellished with from Kaleidoscope 0106 Design from Kaleidoscope 0107 My Redwork, c. 1900 0144 Star Spangled Banner, c. 1860 0145 block, free-motion quilted 0031 Feathered Rose 0032 Ten decorative stitch 0067 Crazy-quilt block, Dia de los Muertos Album (one block), machine-quilted by Susan Corbett 0108 Scherenschnitte Quilt, c. 1895 0146 Birds & Grapes Appliqué, Minute Block, stitched and stuffed 0033 Flowers and Butter- (Day of the Dead) fabric; center fabric, fussy-cut, embellished From the book, A Perfect Union by Darlene Christopherson c. 1870 0147 Pine Tree, c. 1880 0148 Rose of Sharon, variation, flies (detail) 0034 Flowers and Butterflies (detail) 0035 with decorative stitch 0068 Crazy-quilt block, Dia de los (one block), needle turn appliquéd, machine-quilted by Susan c. 1860 0149 Pots of Flowers with Stars, c. 1860 0150 North Flower Parade Brown, 22" x 23" (56 x 58.4 cm), traditional Muertos (Day of the Dead) fabric; center fabric, fussy-cut, Corbett 0109 Desert Star, machine-quilted by Susan Corbett Carolina Lily with Sunflowers 0151 Single Irish Chain 0152 Ohio costume fabric from Spakenburg, raw-edge appliquéd, embellished with decorative stitch 0069 Crazy-quilt block, 0110 Bird With a Nest (one block), wool-appliquéd on Star with Sawtooth Border, c. 1880 0153 Pineapple Appliqué, free-motion, machine-quilted 0036 Flower Parade Purple, 17" Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) fabric; center fabric, Daiwabo yarn-dyed cotton 0111 Nebraska Navy, machine- c. 1890; 2003 0154 Nine Patch Criss-Cross, c. 1895 0155 x 22" (43.2 x 56 cm), traditional costume fabric from Spaken- fussy-cut, embellished with decorative stitch 0070 Japanese pieced commercial fabrics; longarm-quilted by Colleen Touching Stars, c. 1865 0156 Silk Victorian Log Cabin, c. 1890 burg; raw-edge appliquéd, free-motion, machine-quilted 0037 fabrics, embellished with prairie points 0071 Gewitterhimmel Noecker 0112 Nebraska Navy, machine-pieced commercial 0157 Pineapple Log Cabin, c. 1890 0158 New York Beauty, Mandala in Purple, 22" x 22" (56 x 56 cm) batik fabrics, (Thunderstorm) 0072 Goldenes Vlies (Golden fleece)0073 fabrics; longarm-quilted by Colleen Noecker 0113 Traditional c. 1930 0159 Nine Patch variation, 1920 0160 Lover’s Knot, rhinestones, beads, machine-appliquéd, quilted 0038 Mandala Wirbelwind (Twister) 0074 Gluewuermchen (Firefly)0075 mixed techniques 0114 Lone Star (quilt block) 0115 Cathedral c. 1940 0161 Sampler, c. 1880; 2003 0162 Log Cabin with Star in Pink, 22" x 22" (56 x 56 cm) batik fabrics, rhinestones, Coffee table runner with shooting stars, 16" x 16 " (40.6 x Windows (block), machine pieced, hand-stitched, commercial center 0163 Log Cabin, Courthouse Steps, variation, c. 1890 beads, machine-appliquéd, quilted 0039 Traditional mixed 40.6 cm) cotton, machine-pieced and quilted 0076 Pattern cotton fabrics 0116 A Rose Garden, pattern of right-angled 0164 Spiderweb, c. 1900 0165 Garden Maze with Shoo Fly, techniques 0040 Traditional mixed techniques 0041 Fantastic strip star given a modern spin. Four-block setting. 0077 Batiks isosceles triangles 0117 Work in progress, hand-dyed cotton, c. 1870 0166 Contained Crazy Quilt, c. 1850–1875 0167 Log Cabin 0042 Tangled Web 0043 Ma, How Come She Gets All the 0078 Storm at Sea 0079 Windows, 13" x 13" (33 x 33 cm), pieced, machine embroidered 0118 Traditional Kaleidoscope with Ohio Stars, c. 1900 0168 President’s Medallion, c. 1889 Attention? 0044 T–Carnival, cotton, hand-dyed and Japanese machine-pieced and quilted, cotton fabrics, batting 0080 (quilt block) 0119 Double T 0120 Memories from a Distant Sky, 0169 Vase of Tulips, c. 1930 0170 Hawaiian Floral Urns, c. 1930 antique fabric; reversible Log Cabin piecing; photo: D. James Untitled detail, hand-dyed cotton, shibori, stitched 0081 cotton; machine-pieced and quilted 0121 Chrysanthemum 0171 Prairie Flower, c. 1870 0172 Whig Rose 0173 Pine Tree, Dee 0045 Heavenly Brilliance, cotton, hand-dyed and Splash, 12" x 16" (30.5 x 40.6 cm), hand-dyed cotton, pleated, (variation), batik fabrics, hand-quilted 0122 Twelve Squared, c. 1930 0174 Hawaiian Appliqué, white on green, c. 1930 0175 Japanese antique fabric; machine-pieced,
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