Himematsu and Furuya Earth, Planets and Space (2016) 68:169 DOI 10.1186/s40623-016-0545-7 LETTER Open Access Fault source model for the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence based on ALOS‑2/PALSAR‑2 pixel‑offset data: evidence for dynamic slip partitioning Yuji Himematsu1* and Masato Furuya2 Abstract Series of earthquakes including three Mw > 6 earthquakes occurred in Kumamoto prefecture in the middle of the Kyushu island, Japan. In order to reveal the associated crustal deformation signals, we applied offset tracking tech- nique to ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 data covering three Mw > 6 earthquakes and derived the 3D displacements around the epicenters. We could identify three NE–SW trending displacement discontinuities in the 3D displacements that were consistent with the surface location of Futagawa and Hinagu fault system. We set three-segment fault model whose positions matched the displacement discontinuities, and estimated the slip distributions on each segment from the observed pixel-offset data. Whereas right-lateral slip was dominant in the shallower depth of the larger segments, normal fault slip was more significant at a greater depth of the other segment. The inferred configuration and slip distribution of each segment suggest that slip partitioning under oblique extension stress regime took place during the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence. Moreover, given the consistent focal mechanisms derived from both the slip distribution model and seismology, the significant non-double couple components in the focal mechanism of the main shock are due to simultaneous ruptures of both strike-slip and normal faulting at the distinct segments. Keywords: ALOS-2/PALSAR-2, Offset tracking, Crustal deformation, Triangular dislocation element, Slip partitioning, Non-double couple component Introduction some focal mechanisms of the aftershocks indicate normal Two Mw > 6 earthquakes hit Kumamoto prefecture on faulting. Moreover, not only the main shock but also the April 14, 2016 (Mw 6.2 [MJMA 6.5] 12:26:41.1 UTC; Mw 6.0 foreshocks and the aftershocks included significant non- [MJMA 6.4], 15:03:50.6 UTC), followed by another shock double couple components (Fig. 1), suggesting complex (Mw 7.0 [MJMA 7.3]) on the next day, 15 April (16:25:15.7 mechanisms of the Kumamoto earthquake sequence. UTC) (Fig. 1); the Mw is based on Japan Meteorologi- Previous geological and geodetic observations pointed cal Agency (JMA) catalog (http://www.jma.go.jp/jma/ out the presence of Beppu-Shimabara rift system across en/2016_Kumamoto_Earthquake/2016_Kumamoto_ the Kyushu island (Ehara 1992; Matsumoto 1979; Tada Earthquake.html). After the main shock, the epicenters 1993), along which the NE–SW trending seismicity of the of aftershocks migrated from Kumamoto in NE and SW 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence was distributed. The direction (Fig. 1). According to the JMA focal mechanisms, northeastern edge of the rift system is located at the most right-lateral slip is the dominant component, whereas western part of the Median Tectonic Line that is the long- est fault system in Japan (Ikeda et al. 2009). Meanwhile, the northernmost end of Okinawa trough reaches the south- *Correspondence: [email protected] western edge of the rift system (Tada 1984, 1985). The rift 1 Department of Natural History Sciences, Hokkaido University, N10W8, Kita‑ku, Sapporo 060‑0810, Japan system contains geothermal area and active volcanic sys- Full list of author information is available at the end of the article tem including Kujyu, Aso and Unzen volcanoes. Based © The Author(s) 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Himematsu and Furuya Earth, Planets and Space (2016) 68:169 Page 2 of 10 on geodetic observations by the first-order triangulation Because the InSAR data were missing near the faults survey (Tada 1984, 1985) and GPS network (Fukuda et al. due to the problem in phase unwrapping, we applied 2000; Nishimura and Hashimoto 2006), the central Kyushu offset tracking technique to ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 data so region is inferred to be under N–S extension stress regime. that we could detect robust signals even if the displace- Matsumoto et al. (2015) analyzed the focal mechanisms ment gradient was high (Tobita et al. 2001; Kobayashi of shallow earthquakes in Kyushu from 1923 to 2013 and et al. 2009; Takada et al. 2009). We set the window size showed that Kyushu island was overall under extension of 32 × 64 pixels for range and azimuth with the sam- stress regime with some modifications due to the shear pling interval of 12 × 24 pixels for range and azimuth, zones from the Median Tectonic Line (MTL). respectively. The processing strategy in this study is In order to understand the mechanism of any seismic mostly the same as our previous studies (Furuya and event, a variety of sources are available such as seismic Yasuda 2011; Abe et al. 2013). The technique originates wave, tsunami height, Global Navigation Satellite Sys- in the precision matching of multiple images, and the tem (GNSS) network and SAR data. The focal mecha- local deviations from globally matched image indicate nisms reported by JMA are based on seismological data the displacements. Offset tracking technique allows that are acquired at distant stations from the hypocenter. us to detect both range offset and azimuth offset. The Regarding the “main shock” of the Kumamoto earth- range offset is a projection of the 3D displacements onto quake sequences, however, it has been pointed out that the local look vector from the surface to the satellite, another earthquake (MJMA 5.7) occurred 32 s after the whereas the azimuth offset is a projection of the 3D dis- main shock at Yufu City, ~80 km to the NW from Kuma- placements along the satellite flight direction. Using the moto (JMA hypocenter catalog in Japanese [http://www. 3 pairs of ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 data (Table 1), we could data.jma.go.jp/svd/eqev/data/daily_map/20160416. obtain six displacement data projected onto six different html]). Hence, the estimated mechanism solution based directions (Fig. 2). on the far-field and long-period seismic data could be We can identify three NE–SW trending signal discon- biased due to mixed-up wavelets. In contrast, co- and tinuities in the pixel-offset data (dotted curved lines in post-seismic displacements derived by geodetic tech- Fig. 2), which we attribute to the surface faults due to niques indicate permanent deformation signals in the the earthquake sequences and hereafter denote F1, F2 near-field around the hypocenters, and thus, the esti- and F3, respectively. Geologically inferred fault traces mated fault model could be less ambiguous, at least, in by Nakata and Imaizumi (2002) are also shown in Figs. 1 terms of the location and the geometry of these faults. and 2. The longest discontinuity (NE–SW), F1, is located Over the last two decades, a growing number of fault at a part of Futagawa fault system (Watanabe et al. 1979; models have been derived from geodetic data such as Okubo and Shibuya 1993), extending from the north- GNSS and Interferometric SAR (InSAR). Regarding western area of the Aso caldera to Kumamoto City. the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequences, Geospa- Another signal discontinuity, F2, branches off from the tial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) has already southern part of the F1 toward SSW, which seems to be reported InSAR (Hanssen et al. 2001; Massonnet and a part of Hinagu fault system (Watanabe et al. 1979). We Feigl 1998) and Multiple Aperture Interferometry (MAI, can point out the other short signal discontinuity, F3, Bechor and Zebker 2006) observation results using the parallel to the F1 segment at the southwest flank of Aso L-band ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 images (http://www.gsi. caldera. The F3 segment is situated 2 km away from the go.jp/cais/topic160428-index-e.html, last accessed on longest F1 segment. May 27, 2016). In this paper, we show the three-dimen- Based on these pixel-offset data, we derived the 3D sional (3D) displacements associated with the Kuma- displacement field from tracks 23 and 130 by solving moto earthquakes derived by applying offset tracking an overdetermined least-squares problem without any technique to ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 data. Using the derived weight functions (Fig. 3). Although there are three availa- pixel-offset data, we develop a fault slip distribution ble tracks, the data coverage becomes more limited when model based on triangular dislocation elements in an we use all the tracks (Additional file 1: Figure 1), because elastic half-space and discuss its implication for the rup- we solved for the 3D displacement where the employed ture processes of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes. tracks are completely overlapped. Also, because the tracks 29 and 130 are viewing the surface from nearly Methods and results the same look direction, we consider that the tracks We processed ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 data (L-band, wave- 23 and 130 are the best combination to derive the 3D length is 23.6 cm) acquired from stripmap mode with displacements. HH polarization at three tracks (Fig. 1; Table 1), using Considering the NE–SW striking of the F1 segment, GAMMA software (Wegmüller and Werner 1997). the focal mechanism of the main shock (Mw 7.0) suggests Himematsu and Furuya Earth, Planets and Space (2016) 68:169 Page 3 of 10 mainly right-lateral motion with a near-vertical dip angle. solve the slip distributions as a linear problem with the Nonetheless, the northern side of the deformation area constraints noted below.
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