Greater Birmingham & Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership Programme Delivery Board Agenda Wednesday 03 March 2021 – 9.30-11.30am Remote meeting via Zoom Video Conference – Includes Papers Partially Exempt from Publication Under Section 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 AGENDA Start Subject Pre Read Purpose Presenter Ref Time 1 09:30 Welcome & Apologies N/A - Chair 2 09:35 Declarations of interest N/A - Chair Decisions and Actions from previous To agree the decisions and actions of the previous 3 09:40 Programme Delivery Board Meeting Attached meeting and update on any matters arising. Chair and Matters Arising Presentation: 5G Application Verbal / To give an overview of the roll out of the 5GAA and Christian Cadwallader / 4 09:45 Accelerator Presentation impact on the region. West Midlands 5G To note the LGF programme update and 2020/21 5 10:00 LGF Programme Update Attached Kerry Billington financial position. To note the updated position of the Getting Building 6 10:10 Getting Building Fund Update Attached Kerry Billington Fund. To note the updated position of the progress to LGF (Department for Transport Major 7 10:20 Attached commit the Department for Transport Returned Kerry Billington Schemes Returned Funding) Report Funding to the LGF Programme. EZ Programme Update To note the EZ project, programme and financial 8 10:30 Attached Christian Cadwallader (Partially Exempt from Disclosure¹) update. Levelling Up Fund/UK Shared To provide update on the intelligence around Levelling 9 10:40 Verbal Kerry Billington Prosperity Fund Up/UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 1This report is partially exempt from disclosure because it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) Page 1 of 83 Start Subject Pre Read Purpose Presenter Ref Time Investment Reports a) To approve the Full Business Case and a) Christian Cadwallader a) EZ, Digbeth High Street (FBC) investment of £15.72m from the Enterprise Zone. 10 10:45 Attached b) To approve the Full Business Case and note b) Kerry Billington b) M&P Hometel (FBC) investment of £1.7m capital grant funding support required should funding become available. Change Requests a) Christian Cadwallader a) EZ – Birmingham Smithfield a) Increase in project development funding, £0.975m b) Change in timescale for delivery of outputs and Attached b) Kerry Billington b) Growing Places Fund – The outcomes. Grand Hotel 11 11:00 c) Kerry Billington c) Growing Places Fund - Jewellery c) Change in financial profile and delivery dates of Quarter Townscape Heritage outputs. Project d) Exempt from Publication under Clause 3 of Section d) Christian Cadwallader d) Change Request 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Exempt from Disclosure¹ To recommend Board approval to extend the 12 11:20 Assurance Framework – Accountable Attached Accountable Body Joint Working Protocol to 31 March a) Kerry Billington Body Joint Working Protocol 2022. 13 11:25 Any Other Business Page 2 of 83 Dates and Forward Plan Items for Future Meetings: PDB Meeting Location Item Date Wednesday 31 TBC • Presentation – Martineau Galleries (Provisional, Hammerson’s) March • Programme Updates – LGF, GBF, EZ, GPF • Investment Reports – LGF, EZ o TICE Phase 2 (Addendum Phase 1) (FBC) o EZ - Paradise Phase III (IBC) - Provisional o EZ - Birmingham Smithfield (Enabling Works, OBC) o Birmingham Life Sciences Campus Change Request Wednesday 19 TBC • Presentation - TBC May • Programme Updates - LGF, GBF, EZ, GPF. • Investment Reports - LGF, EZ: o LGF - Hagley Road Sprint (FBC) o A457 Dudley Road (FBC) o Martineau Galleries (OBC) o EZ - Birmingham Smithfield (Enabling Works, FBC) Wednesday 23 TBC • Presentation - TBC June • Programme Updates – LGF, GBF, EZ, GPF Investment Reports – LGF; EZ Time unless stated otherwise is 9:30 - 11:30am Note: Special PDB Meetings may be held to consider major LGF or EZ projects as appropriate. Page 3 of 83 Item 3 GREATER BIRMINGHAM & SOLIHULL LOCAL ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP Programme Delivery Board – Decisions & Actions Wednesday 03 February 2021, 09:30 – 11:30 By ZOOM (online meeting) Present: Mike Lyons (ML) – Connectivity Director, GBSLEP (Interim Chair) Michelle Nutt (MN) – Assistant Area Director, WM&SW, CLGU City Council (Accountable Body Representative) Paul Faulkner (PF) – Chief Executive, Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce Ian Miller (IM) – Chief Executive, Wyre Forest District Council Roger Mendonça (RM) – Chief Operating Officer, West Midlands Growth Company Phil Edwards (PE) – Assistant Director, Birmingham City Council Alison Jarrett (AJ) – Assistant Director, Development and Commercial, Birmingham Tony McGovern (TM) – Managing Director, Cannock Chase District Council City Council Apologies: Mary Morrisey (MM) – Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Louise Brook-Smith (LBS) – Development & Strategic Planning Advisor, Arcadis Patrick Hanlon (PH) – GBSLEP Representative In Attendance: Kerry Billington (KB) – Consultant Programme Manager, GBSLEP Ed Watson (EW) – Interim Chief Executive, GBSLEP Christian Cadwallader (CC) – Consultant Programme Manager, GBSLEP Kate Shaw (KS) – Chief Operating Officer, GBSLEP Krystalla Michael (KrM) – Head of PMO, GBSLEP Satnam Rana-Grindley (SRG) – Head of Communications, GBSLEP Greg Raybould (GR) – Project Support Officer, GBSLEP Minutes and Decisions: # Agenda Item Minutes Decisions & Actions The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Programme Delivery Board (PDB). Action Reference 25 - Circulate Investment Paper Apologies were noted as above. to absent Board Members for written approval, as Welcome and investment decisions not quorate. 1 apologies It was noted that, in accordance with the Assurance Framework, three private sector representatives were required for investment decisions to be quorate. For the investment decisions on Creative Content Hub and Curzon Station Public Realm Change Request quorate decisions would not be possible due to declared interests. Therefore, these two investment decisions will be subject to a Page 4 of 83 Item 3 GREATER BIRMINGHAM & SOLIHULL LOCAL ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP Programme Delivery Board – Decisions & Actions Wednesday 03 February 2021, 09:30 – 11:30 By ZOOM (online meeting) # Agenda Item Minutes Decisions & Actions written communication of approval from the absentee PDB members acting as private sector representatives. Post Meeting Note: Approvals were submitted from Pat Hanlon and Louise Brook-Smith. Declarations RM declared an interest in the Creative Content Hub (Investment Decision) of Interest TM declared an interest in Lichfield Motion Capture (Investment Decision to 2 note) PE declared an interest in EZ Southside Public Realm (Investment Decision) ML declared an interest in EZ Curzon Station Public Realm (Change Request) Decisions The decisions and actions of the PDB meeting that took place on 11 November and actions 2020 were agreed. 3 of previous It was noted several open actions are to be covered as part of the agenda. meeting Page 5 of 83 Item 3 GREATER BIRMINGHAM & SOLIHULL LOCAL ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP Programme Delivery Board – Decisions & Actions Wednesday 03 February 2021, 09:30 – 11:30 By ZOOM (online meeting) # Agenda Item Minutes Decisions & Actions LGF The LGF programme update was presented to PDB, it was highlighted 83% of GBSLEP PDB Members: Programme the full year spend target has been achieved to date. The programme is ahead Update of profile within just under £9,000,000 to be claimed in Quarter 4. As previously 1. Noted the Local Growth Fund (LGF) 2020-21 reported, for the Snowhill Public Realm project the use of programme ‘freedoms latest spend and remaining financial profiles and flexibilities’ will be used to ensure full draw-down of the remaining grant by compared to the projected spend target; 31 March 2021. 2. Noted the risks associated with not achieving £124,000 of funding held against contingency for the Journey Time Reliability spend of the LGF programme by 31 March 2021, Project has been released back into the programme. Approval for additional including a further expected release of funding of grant of £10,000 to the Old Print Works and £114,000 to the Open House REP £0.225m back into the programme; projects was given by the Chief Executive against this programme headroom which will be claimed by 31 March 2021. 3. Noted the proposed use of ‘freedoms and The programme team has been notified that the Unlocking Stalled Housing flexibilities’ available to the GBSLEP to manage Programme has two schemes which are not likely to require £163,000 of grant budgets between capital programmes to ensure 4 and the Construction Skills for Work Readiness project will not utilise the full spend of the LGF programme award by the 31 remaining £10,0000. It was noted, a proposed investment report to support the March 2021; and Creative Content Hub to be discussed later in the meeting, can claim this money. 4. Noted the indicative rating of meeting Government’s expectations on Governance, Strategic Impact and Funding Delivery ahead of The chair noted the excellent progress, towards the LEPs targets and it was a the Annual Performance Review meeting on 10 credit to team to keep us on track. February 2021. A question was asked by PDB if the resources were secure with Birmingham City Council as the Accountable Body and that they were not at risk of being lost. This was confirmed to be the case. A discussion took place regarding the Snowhill Project, stating the need to keep pressure on the contractor to prevent any more
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