Com¬ market without qualification or reserve. Nova th.it there was ness the closing formulu: "('od BATO the WEDDINGSBAST AND TO lie tried in court. Tlie com¬ "broke into laughter" and said Scotia can send ita coal into New-England COMB. 3.tnnennrnM. should never open lt is always monwealth of .Massachusetts!" has a right to demand that they be not a word of truth In the story, without any scaling down of the Canadian Merchant of Venice. munity breaks Into The marriage of Miss Florence Bands, ABBEY'S THEATRE.8.The important, when au eminent man tariff against Pennsylvania or Ohio coal which of daughter OF (Md Kentucky. heard by a referee behind dotted doors. Mr. and Mrs. James Woodville Sands of Na. ACADEMY Ml*8IC-_-s.In that an historian should be ls used In Ontario. Canada can have every¬ 76 AMERICAN ART C.AM.ERIES-0 a. m. to 6 p. ra.-Ei- laughter, iinpartial GRESBARPS REPLY TO HIMSELF. East Flfty-slxth-st.. to william Hamilton the kind lt wants without concession an Ruseelt hlhltlon. on convoys to for a ginni deal (loin inls apon in mind thing making any architect of this city, wan celebrated at noon Daughter. A news article another |wge present, aro It should be clearly lixod everybody's AMERICAN THEATRE~8-The Prodigal of Into which bs breaks. There in whatsoever In return. This ls the Democratic yesterday. In St. Thoma.', church, Flfth-ave. and A Parlor Match. our Toaders the intercut it.;; information that laughter the which Cleveland, ii roslin and Ill-Ill' THEATRE--'.'-Sri-- of as of any¬ that charge idea of an International bargain: To give Flfty-thlrd-st. The church was filled to the doo. BROADWAY THEATRE- 8-Ermlnle. boen the fer a small almost as many varieties laughter Miulster Stevens is inter¬ with land lias acquired by city for instance, Blount bring against away everything and to get nothing. the friends of the couple. There was a pro* CASINO-S:15.Th* Princess Nlootln*. lu the of Macomh's Dam Bridge thing else In the world of tears, that his acts amounted to In¬ fusion of white and pink COLCMlrl'S THEATRE-2.H.Land of th* Midnight Sun. park vicinity hollow, hearty, ference. They say chrysanthemums and t\ve»t.v-tiv<' or Cheese. It may lie hoarse, unlawful and tall tropical plants In the while on DALY'S THEATRE-K:l--The Algerian. The propo.'ty, consisting (if about or terference, aud wore therefore "The Committee have welcomed information chancel, the 7th-ave..Exhibition, IS is so situated sardonic, merry, grim, pathetic, uproarious Is lt. to handsome altar were two large vases which held DOKE GALLERY. KW-st. and lots, was sei'iiroil for ?1S<I.'>00. lt unjust. Thea- what do they propose. and counsel from every trustworthy source." bunches of n. m. lo G p. m. and until we know with which lt pink roses. The marriage ceremony that it can lie converted into a handsome park, suppressoil. tho Hawaiians alone? On the contrary, what an of EDEN MU8EB.2r80-«-*ft*orld in Wax. Smith to refute lot Oh-h-h-h, elasticity conscience you waa performed by the cousin of the bride, the Rey CouncllloFs Wife. will, of course, add to the at- kind the Hon. Hoke endeavored And propose to do Wilson! Dr. William mfni THEATRE..: 1&-Th. which greatly l<» surrender his is moro Interference. they must have, Chairman Dtnsmore Maxon. rector of Trinity "¦'FTH AVEvn: THEATRE.8:IB.Shore Acres. the assertion that he was abOBt and Church. Utica, who was tract!mm of that part of the city. and as if it were lawful Just, pre¬ assisted by the Rev ' Prof*-sor's Love to arrive at an openly, Dr GARDEN THEATKE-Krir*.The Story. it will be Impossible as an abuse A for to John Wesley Brown, rector of st. Thomsa's Ths ' portfolio cisely what they have condemned vigorous prosecution perjury ought \RLEM Ol'EltA HOUSE.S.Vaudevllle. infallible conclusion as to his purpises. bridal party walked up the aisle to the strain* of HARRIGAN THEATRE-2.8--Th* Woollen Stocking. Those Democrats who wish to reorganize the of and an assumption of rights which follow the decision of the scandalous Bates 'fl reason that we have power Soderman'i Swedish Wedding March. It was HKHIIMA.N.VS THgATW I _B-f Rene's Daughter and in this Stab" mean business. Tho only and .sufficient of and do not claim. case. The boldest and most persistent lying led lrrnicls. party apparently as to his we are not possessed by the ushers, Robert Alexander Rutherford. Philemon i.nd ex for boiling that he is misinformed Mr. (ir.'sh- under oath hus been practised In court by one HOYT'S MAHISON SQPARE THEATRE-8:30.A The address issued yesterday by Secretary Tho fact flint the rresidetit and Oouverneur Morris. Edward De Peyster Livingston Town. own intentions is derived from one of the in¬ side or the other. If the has sworn and William Temprran.-e Fairchild duos not consist of more idle words. am are satlslhil that our Government has plaintiff Pierrepont, of Brooklyn, cousins at IMPERIAL MOatC HALL.8.Vaudeville. tho announcement of his she has earned a term In the the Robert un anil statement of tho terpretations put upon Mr. In falsely peniten¬ bridegroom; Van Boskerck and Fred¬ IRVING FLACK THEATRE-8:1&-Der L.*b*mann. It is earnest cogent of the no right to do what Oteshim, erick Deland Weeks. Behind all Democrats to the Ilill- determination to retire from the practice has advised tiary. If the evil-minded, boorish and impudent them walked the four KUSTKH _.- BIAL'S.8.Vaudeville. reasons why opposed tin- his letter to tlie President, defendant has committed he to bridesmaids. Miss Katherine Douglas. Mles LVCEI'M THEATRE--8:l.V-An American Duch***. machine should gel to¬ law. This ls takeu in Atlanta, telegraph lotter of In¬ perjury, ought Georgette Murphy-Shcchan-Crokor Moke Smith will ls set forth In Mr. Greshum'l go to prison. The District-Attorney's oh.ce Kidd. Mlsa Anna Rutlrerford Peabody, a niece of MADISON SQUARE GARDEN-8:80-German Military and lake the leadership BL tlie parly In informs us. "as meaning that Bimini. That extra- the bridegroom, and Miss Florence Bund. gether after tho structions to Commissioner pursued the p rjurer Hayes with relentless rigor Hlldreth, at¬ NATIONAL AC.M.EMY OF DESIGN-Exhlbltlon. own hands. A committee of either settle in New-York expiration the Presi¬ tired alike In rose-colored satin, made with their composed to eonstitutioiial otllccr wis clothed by and brought signal punishment upon him. The small, NEW METROl-oUTAN OPERA HOUSE-S.Phll-mon aro mon of his term iu office." or will return Atlanta close-fitting collars of ermine fur and wearing und Cavalleria Lins) Democrat! is announced. Th.y with authority higher and vast.tr leaden heel to do some uncom¬ largs et Buuel* Rustlcana. Now if ho is mis¬ dent alone of Ju-tlee ought hats trimmed with pink roses and tips of the terna NIBLO'S-S:ir.-Olaf and influence. If this move¬ and enter tin- Senatorial race. of weight, standing thnn that which only bf tbe concerted net of monly hard kicking in the Bates case. color. They each carried a bouquet of rotes. PA LM ER'¦ THEATRE-2-8:15.1402. the taken ns to his desire to make a vacancy In the pink ment is carried forward in tlie right way. the President and Hie Senate can be given to Miss Jessie Murchison, the maid of honor, in a KTANl.AI-Ii THEATRE-_:15.8:3-*-Charley's Aunt. from and intends to get out In the Donioiia.y of tho State will soon be freed Cabinet, really Minister. Hut even willi all this If South American Presidents could engage similar costume, walked ahead of the bride, who STAR THEATKE.8-Kalvlnl. seemi to be no reason an American TONY PASTOR'S THEATRE-8.Vaudeville. the that has done it M much harm. Immediate future, there he mtisi "abstain B few North American football elevens for was escorted by her father. The bridal robe was Iseabal w-Yoik about greatness ho was told that of made with UTH ITMR THEATRB-_-*-Maln* and Georgia. why ho should not settle in Xi with the do¬ active campaign work In the lower continent heavy white satin, long, full trala course, that fruin any mann t of Into!terence and trimmed with old lace. The veil was also of Transit Com¬ the 1st of January, of tli.i.. would bo an end of their revolutions. No After their long rest the Rapid provided, mestic affairs of the Islands..Ihe I'nitod lace and was held In place with several diamond tho oilier alternative of entering the a Jn&cx to AilrcrtiDcm.nis. missioners are seemingly patting forth strenu¬ he rejeots to Hlount, "claim no rebel troops would dare face Yale, Harvard, star., crescents and a large sunburst of dia¬ And on that point States," said Greohum ous to make for lost tiino. Tlie four Senatorial race in Georgia. or Princeton or Pennsylvania rush line. monds. She carried a large bouquet of lilies of tho Fag*.Col. , Page.Col. efforts up to interfere lu the domestic .ll 5-(l .1 Smith is nut in the right political Munroe attended the AmtiK'-nienia Hotels .ll now iu the Starla ll la Europe) have we feel no solicitude.
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