Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2007 Effects of Illuminants and Retail Enviornments on Color of Textiles Fabric Gallayanee Yaoyuneyong Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact [email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF HUMAN SCIENCES EFFECTS OF ILLUMINANTS AND RETAIL ENVIRONMENTS ON COLOR OF TEXTILES FABRIC By GALLAYANEE YAOYUNEYONG A Dissertation su mitted to the Department of Textiles and Consumer Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Degree A,arded: Fall Semester, 2007 The mem ers of the Committee approve the Dissertation of Gallayanee Yaoyuneyong defended on August 20, 2007. Mary Ann Moore Professor Directing Dissertation Fred Huffer Outside Committee Mem er Eli3a eth Goldsmith Committee Mem er Pauline Sullivan Committee Mem er Kathryn Bo5c3yk Committee Mem er Approved: Bar ara Dyer, Chair, Department of Textiles and Consumer Sciences Billie Collier, Dean, College of Human Sciences The Office of Graduate Studies has verified and approved the a ove named committee mem ers. ii I would like to dedicate my dissertation to: my eloved family, for supporting and allowing me to pursue my dream8 my eloved ma5or professor, Dr. Mary Ann Moore, for your guidance and teaching me to e a true scholar as well as your love and encouragement8 my eloved Heavenly Father, for glory and honor to you alone, A a. iii AC4NO9LEDGEMENTS I would like to express my appreciation to many people in alpha etically order. Thank you very much for everything everyone has done for me at Florida State University. Please know that the word —Thank you“ is not enough for what your have done for me. 1. All my TCS adopted moms, Paula Gray, Susan Lindgren and Susan Skornia, thank you for your love and support. 2. The Bi le study at TCS Department, Erin Drake, Lauren, Judette, Ruth Yoon, Ta itha, Yunily Ug, Thank you girls for your prayers. 3. Ms. Jennifer Boyle, thank you very much for your love, prayer and encouragement. 4. To the committee- Dr. Catherine Bo5c3yk, Dr. Eli3a eth Goldsmith, Dr. Fred Huffer and Dr. Pauline Sullivan, your contri utions to my dissertation were so valua le for my research. 5. Dr. Mary Ann Moore, You are my inspiration. You are my role model of excellence. You al,ays e there for me and elieve in me. You are everything a student could ask for and everything that I could imagine of a ma5or professor should e. I cannot make this without you. 6. Dr. Orapin Chuanrommanee, thank you very much for introducing JESUS to me, all your wise counsels, prayer and e a good spiritual mentor for me. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Feeners, thank you very much for your love, prayers and financial support. 8. Mrs. Jenny Fish ough, thank you very much for your prayers that get me though the tough time of my life and this degree. 9. Freedom Church, I thank you very much for your welcome me to e part of godly family. Thank you very much for all supports and prayers for all these years of my hard work. 10. My friends, Lauren Beth Alley, thank you very much for mental support and were ,ith me through the whole process and Marianne Krupic3e,ic3, thank you very iv much for helping me during my data collection and mental support. I love you t,o. 11. The Grays, thank you very much for everything. Thank you for welcome me to the family and your love. Thank you Papa Eric, you are a computer genius. Thank you Mama Paula, you are a great support and helping me to remem er 9ho is in control in my life. Thank you Danny, I had fun having you around ,hen I worked. Thank you Pippin, I am touched y your love and gentleness. Thank you for staying up all nights with me. 12. International Bi le study at Freedom Church, Boo Griffin, Charles Lonaise, Iva Pelkova and Miao, thank you very much for your prayers. 13. JESUS, You are the reason that I have today. You are my Lord, Savior, Best friend, and Big Brother. Thank you very much for the opportunity, Your love, Your patience, Your promise and Your kindness. I love You ecause of who You are. 14. The Ko es, thank you very much for your prayers and supports, Mr. Gene, and Ms. Monique. 15. Heavenly Father, thank you very much for ans,ering my prayers and give me ,hat I long for since I was young. Thank you for my salvation!DD I love You ecause You first love me. I am so impressed when I learn that —You see the depth of my heart, ut You love me the same.“ You are ama3ing God. 16. Holy Spirit, Thank you very much for eing my Counselor and NEVER leave me. Thank you very much for Your patience and Your hugs every times I cry. 17. To the Purintans, thank you very much for listening to all my presentations, Khun Larry. Pe Lek, I love you and thank you very much for every support that you provided to me. Thank you, mom. 18. Susan Skornia, You are the est editorDD v TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Ta les ................................................................................................ Page VIII List of Figures ................................................................................................ Page XII List of Equations ................................................................................................ Page XIV A stract ...................................................................................................... Page XV 1. Introduction ................................................................................................ Page 1 Purpose ................................................................................................ Page 3 Theoretical Frame,or6............................................................................... Page 3 Rationale ................................................................................................ Page 6 Research Questions and Hypotheses .......................................................... Page 8 Scope ................................................................................................ Page 11 Limitations ................................................................................................ Page 11 Assumptions ................................................................................................ Page 11 Conceptual Definitions ............................................................................... Page 11 2. Revie, of Literature ....................................................................................... Page 13 Purpose of the Revie, Literature ............................................................... Page 14 Opponent Color Theory .............................................................................. Page 15 Descri ing Color......................................................................................... Page 16 Spectral Power Distri ution........................................................................ Page 19 Visi le Spectrum......................................................................................... Page 23 Spectral Power Distri ution of Light Source ............................................. Page 24 Color and Light........................................................................................... Page 24 Standard Illuminants and Stand Sources (for Colorimetric Assessment)... Page 26 Color Rendering Index (CRI) ..................................................................... Page 30 Retail Lighting ............................................................................................ Page 31 Color Measurement..................................................................................... Page 44 Color Measurement Technique................................................................... Page 57 Sample Conditioning .................................................................................. Page 59 Color Difference ......................................................................................... Page 60 Color Tolerance .......................................................................................... Page 63 3. Methodology ................................................................................................ Page 65 Research Design ......................................................................................... Page 66 vi Research Setting ......................................................................................... Page 73 Statistical Analysis...................................................................................... Page 75 4. Results and Discussion ................................................................................... Page 76 Research Question and Hypotheses............................................................ Page 76 Research Question One............................................................................... Page 77 Summary of Research Question One.......................................................... Page 81 Research Hypothesis One .......................................................................... Page 82 Summary of Hypothesis One...................................................................... Page 96 Research Hypothesis T,o .......................................................................... Page 96 Summary of Hypothesis T,o …… ............................................................ Page 122 Research Hypothesis Three ....................................................................... Page 123 Summary of
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