SATURDAY AUGUST 10. 1*33 The ADVOCATE: PAOB T H R U THEATRES - SPORTS ■ SOCIETY & WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES I Mr». Rebecca U e . , ot Memphis, ma M t m ¡Tennessee arrived lu Portland Prl<lay Kli’PNG August 12th to make bar home with KOOK • STORY OF BEP herbrotber. Mr. George Mullen ot l i t (Eljtirdjpfi- Theatres - FIT- SocietY E. tint Htreet. Mm. I»w e was nccom REVIEW panted by ber nephew, Mr. David Coll A Health Column wbo will nleo make hie home with hie FOX PARAMOUNT uncle, Mr. Mullen. m imiau m ¿ By DrNorval Untbank, M. D. — BAPTISTS— Cirratrr talklr araaoii baco tu aa up LIGHT WEIGHT CHAMPION OP "THI INTI NNI" The Searchlight Club presented Mt. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH parmi on l'ortland'a rialto with J J TO EXHIBIT WARES HERE llv Wallnt «* l inn in.ni nini A I. Ktir* ______ i BRINGS OUT SOME STARTLING play entitled, "Wanted, A Husband' East First and Schuyler Stt. in mi 1'arkar‘a "at «•*' houar - tin* l'ara to a large and appreciative audience Rev. J. 0 Wilson, Pastor of Europe. I PACTS lievlrwml for III«« Ad Vor» In mount o prillila with th«* Knur at tbe Nount Ollvett Uaiptlst Church When Hep Veil Klaveren, light- ^ SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH MARX IIHOTHKHH In ihrlr latrai 11 y Clifford C VUI«Im«II| weight etiaiuploii of Eunape, recently j Winifred If.Nathan, Ph. I ) , Profee* on last Monday night East 7th and Everett Sts. Rev. O. 0. Gardener. Pastor (T lir Mm au ln V CuaiptU)' N Y City) cltirmn rrlraar, "llorar Kruthrra“, arrived m Ihla . ountry, wua posing'»or of Education at Atlanta Unlversl- ami lllaiitli« Hwart, motion pit tura o l d i i 0!2 ir! , « I . V uf * ‘ «y In hi. theela for hi. degree - Health Miss »Elizabeth Summers is passing Hiivlii» huí i «••••nt ly to.til Kdwarct atar, lu prraoii ou thr atu»«« lu th«« aiutno. Ilie covey of onlooklng boalng „ _ ,, . her summer vacation at Gearhart — EPISCOPALIAN— writer, noticed a buueby »car on hla Condition» In North Harlem, 1*23 to Hwaat and Imvaly" rrvua rwp««clally During her absence, Mrs. W. B. Brown (I l'«*rry‘* |»i«**» rrlntio« oil Ihr iirw right lilrepa down near the crook of 1927 Hla atudy la rhiefly a atudy of St. Phillips Mission liinifti y polit i« « of Walla««* Ttmrm»n. tlraiinrd for tmr by Katichou and the elbow ¡Negro health, giving rgtber telling la In charge of the Williams Avenue Knott and Rodney Sti Marco. Branch Y. rtfiMi without kiio» lu» mi) thin» of III«« huav'dh. h,t?" .‘* 7 . “ h* 4, autlatlc. and dl.cue.lug very frankly Blaine Coles, Lay Reader IttrrMry work of AhraliMin I. Kurman, “ llorar Krathrra" la aald to Iw tha how d he get Ibat funny looking scar .. , .. / . aomebody bite lm In a brawl*" ' ,h® u n ^ 'y 'n g problem» that muat be nutttrat of all of thr Mara boya* ar I ran uiitlt i «land Ihr *r«*ai dIffarancB, "No," replied l,ew Myera, hla A- »Hacked to get any appreciable lm* ----------- The Lillian bridge Club waa enter­ — HOUSE OF PRAYER— torta, though It alati la aald to hava tained on last Wednesday by Mrs. B III trtt Mild thrltU*. l»«*t ta «••*»! Itili* lut nierican manager, "he got that when j provemenl. While hla atatiatlca are Mra. Laura William», of Muakugee, House of Prayer «•at Thurtumi hook mid miythlii» |»rv* mora atory to It than any of thrir Bannister at her attractive bungalow East 10th and Grant Sts prev loua pic turra. M '"¿"I ,«ndc“ r,a.0dd the' bof™ ,or Nor'h H,rl*m f>r"l>*r' ,h*r ° kU' t»” « 1 “»«»“«h »’« « ‘•nd Tue.' In Alberta. Robert Searcie, Pastor vIoun that h«« lina wrlttm, or ut Imnt alvpped on lila arm, laklug a piece r**)ly • glowing example of condition» day, euroute to Meattle. After paaalng publlahiHl out of the »ofl flesh. The kid didn't '«mm>g Negroea In every large center a few days with friends there sbe a a a RKO ORPHIUM howl much and for a long time of Negro population-probably on a will return to Portland to visit. The Japanese Tea at the home of — METHODIST— Contrary to all tin* pravhma worka they thought hla right arm waa para somewhat smaller scale Therefore bla ______ Mrs. A. Morton ln Alberta on Sun­ SIX PROBLEM BASH OF Bethel A. M E. Church tif Thurman tlicit 1 liavr nud tl»«»r«« ly*4*U You a«**, ha couldn't flex Ihe , , . ... .. day was reported a huge success. HKO PICTURE arm while Ihe muaclea were healing conrlu*lrtn* * r* »l*nlflcgnt for the A party of five boy», consisting of Be» Daniel G. Hill Jr. Minister la nothin» rat lul «th«»ut ” Th«’ Inlarna", j “Comlucathtiial c o I1m » i *h hr«««»d liiorr and knitting together." (avbole Negro group. I shall attempt Melvin Dawson. Ivan Cannady, bill and wn »tu«|» III** fait that ull tfln Friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. First A. M E. Z io« Church Immaturr a n prohlmtia than any Anil so it was that little hep devel- to review applications to Ihe whole .LaW, Donald Rutherford and Harold tharartrra In th«< hook muai h«« whlta. Morrow will lie Interested to know 417 Williams Ave 'nthrr luatltutlona In thr country to* hut Thurman arvma «juif«« aa familial that they have moved from Berkeley Rev W R. Lovell, Minister iB9 that even hla own parent» resigned Th o*nl'»rk '‘ v# trend» of Negro guests of Mr. and Mr». Ralph »low ers , with motlvra und (barar tarlai Ir» of to San Leander. California. j "For tha normal, hralthy youn» themselves to the general belief that * n<) mortality rates In Ihe Uni- at their cabins at Oceon Lake, Ore. Ih» whttr» aa lila prvrliHW worka tu mail and woman who n p ret to err­ the child's right was paralysed For ted Slate» la very Interesting While The Flower» have viaitlug with them dlrata hla familial It y with racial cha ata a liotiif with childrrn, thr turd i!lT h »u ir,h e 'w » 7 ,!h-0,o f ? e . r l|l.C « « lb r m orUl" ,, rMt- U ■“ rP f " * « l y high „ lhe beach. Alice and Inga MRS H. M CUNGNO BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH NOTES rartara ucatloual c*ollr»r offrra and IiivmIu le.rn lu Itutlerdaui on September 2«. tOT Se* ™ " ** romP«I'e<1 *° whites. Wilson of Tacoma. Tbe boys all a — Presents— (Rev. D. G. HIU, Jr., 4>aator) • • • Aa tha nam«» liti ahlr acboollu» in thr achlavrmant ot l#ua. and haa four brothers and on#|«h*‘ r* haa been a very consistent de- Krf.e that the Ocean at thla point U pli«*» tha hook coin r r » » fin- ItUHlrru "LIVING STATU E 8" much dralrrd adjuatuirtit »later. These other little Van Klaver- cllue In Ihe Negro rale over a period mucj, prettier than they have ever Next Sunday will be Men's day. At and popular problam of liil«’in«»a. Nur Hu* h arr thr uiia«*rttniiM o f uu ouln- 11 o'clock Rex Hill will preach. Music ara and Ihukpltala And lu thr typra r“ w 2 llf^ ,VBBtaK ^ ,r2 2 !S rr y"*r" Th'' d,?*'h *m0n', N*' “ before The enormou. appe Portraying BIBLICAL Characters lonaft-d rrformar and an rrudlti» rdl* and lhl>. coupled with the fact that "i*"1 iV * tU* lh* 1 U>e *e“ ho''e brings waa sat- by the men’s choir under direction of IMirtrayml, aa lu ail othar lyp*«. wr tor of a national uia»aaiiir war cloudn 1><*»uii ««nvaloptnK ICurop«. u‘I ” on 'n ‘ * to 11 s ln T “ e ufled by wonderful meals Mrs. Flow* FRIDAY EVE.. SEPT 2, 1932 Mr. E. C. Bartlett, and Allan Ruther­ Irani of thr wrakuraara and thr “ used t Injury to be forgotten., white rate declined from 14 « per 1, , nd g,rU pret^ red for tht. Whriiwvar (rachara Mini atudmila 8 O'clock ford, accompanist. The eldest men: atrrii»th Of varloua Individuala whit'll Apparently liep la whal might be ©00 In 1*10 to 10 S In 1*27. Tbua the , Th h . »athrr. drbat«« tiu thr co rdut utlonul Joeeph Wisdom. A. E. Flowers, and wr Irani ar« fairly rwprraaiitatlvr of called a natural fighter" Hie uncle. N e. ro lhow, . nromirtlonate larger . J f ! ‘ te‘ WILLIAMS AVE. Y. W. C. A. ■yatriii la lu ««mutant motion It haa Nol Steenlioret, himself e fighter of . ,, . mlnated by a beach party on Saturday Fred Thomas who are honorary trus­ Ihr »roup aa a whtdr no meau ability—for be held the wel* fe lin e than the white» at a higher uig|,t The (eft on Sund„ . morn. 274 Tillamook Street • a • l»rru a lou» ami flary ar»umt«nt It tees and other old residents will be haa barn coutratad, refuted, auatuln- erweight and middleweight chain- lug at i:45 A. M. Admission .... 25Cents honored at the moralng service. Ar A aprlukltn» of politica. IlllcIt lovr plonship« of Holland dtocovered mi». That there la such a decline in the rd and diaarctml. and filially the con­ 8:00 a special program haa been ar­ »ay partira, »raft In hoapltal maua»r allhough he as not the pioneer In death r«te among Negroea la a very „ Benefit Mount Olivet Church flict hua been inadr thr thenir of a making Ihe discovery.
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