^-SIDELINES, Friday, Oct. 9, 1970 Meanwhile With Lynch Gubenatorial race offers little choice With most of the attention centered lately, es- out at over 50 dollars a share. Good way to make pecially at the SIDELINES, on the upcoming sena- By Jim Lynch friends, or buy them at any rate. Too bad the com- torial race, far be it from me to ignore the, also, pany failed. upcoming gubernatorial election between Dr. Win- and left 15 minutes earlier than his published The failure of Minnie Pearl, or as latter called field Dunn, John Jay Hooker and Douglas Heinsohn. schedule indicated. alter some stock transactions. Whale Inc., is not O.K., so let's have a look at the candidates. I'll So there 1 stood. Wlio is Winfield Dunn? solely Hooker's fault. The economy of the country start with Heinsohn. Here is a man who has been He spoke later at the square downtown, and again backfired on him, there was a degree of mismana- quoted as saying, "If guys like William Kunstler related to me what a great guy he is. He did men- gement on the part of the franchise buyers (Whale came to Tennessee to speak, 1 would have the state tion that he was opposed to the busing of school- was contingently liable on many of their debts), troopers meet him at the airport and escort him children. To that I will agree because, 1 don't and supply and demand caught up with him. out of the state as an unwelcome guest." believe that is the answer to the integration prob- However, quite a bit of the fault lies with him. Hallelujahl It's about time that some self-ap- lem. But then, anybody who has any sense knows Perhaps his attention was centered too much on the pointed messiah came along to protect my tender that. upcoming election for him to realize that this type ears from all that nasty, vulgar, communistic gar- He also indicated that he was in favor of Section of situation was developing. Or perhaps he doesn't bage that Kunstler dishes out. 14B of the Taft-Hartley Act, commonly referred to really know anything about business except tlie And of course, if Kunstler has no right to speak as the federal "right to work" safeguard. In other stock specualtion end of it. here than neither does Dick Gregory. OrEldridge words, he is opposed to labor unions having too Hooker has charged that Dunn will fire at least Cleaver. Or Al Capp. Or Spiro Agnew. Or even much coercive power. O.K., I'll buy that. And a majority of current state officials. O.K. Let's look at this charge. Most of the current state em- Heinsohn himself. so will most Tennesseans. A man should have the A document I once read stated that "Congress right to work wherever he chooses, without fear ployees were hired during the administrations of shall make no law respecting an establishment of of oppression. But that's not much of an issue Buford Ellington and Frank Clement. Now who was religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; this year in Tennessee. it in 1966 who criticized the Clement-Ellington or ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH." Lastly, he brought up the point that he was a- "leapfrog" brand of political patronage? Who That comes from the first amendment of the U.S. gainst the registration of firearms in Tennessee. of the current gubernatorial candidates would be Constitution. I wonder if Heinshohn has ever read He noted that it would be a shame to take the guns the most likely to continue his same criticism out of the hands of the Tennessee "sportsmen possibly to the extent of discharging these same that particular document, and if he has, does he state employees? None other than John Jay him- understand it, and if he does understand it, 1 won- »nd patriots." Good grief I Gun legislation is not self. der why in the hell he wants to change it. going to outlaw firearms, only to register them. Also Hooker has charged that Dunn has allowed Needless to say, 1 shall not cast my vote for 1 cannot see any harm in that. I personally would himself to be manipulated by Memphis Mayor Hen- Douglas Heinshohn, because, in my heart, 1 know not be offended if, upon the purchase of a new shot- ry Loeb whom Hooker has charged with attempting he's wrong. un, the merchant asked me to fill out a card which to become the "new Boss Crump of Tennessee Now let us turn to Winfield Dunn. My first kept the authorities notified of where weapons are going, to whom they're sold, and so forth. What's politics." thought of Dunn when 1 heard his name in the pri- I wonder what man has ever taken Tennessee's maries was "who"? 1 still wonder who he is. the harm in it? Dunn was on campus Wednesday to conduct a The last point Dunn mentioned was that his first highest office without an overabundance of advise -ct as governor would be to eliminate "the states and advisors? Even Hooker himself has the powers question and answer session with the students, of Annabelle Clement O'Brien, Koss Bass and a faculty and staff, sol eagerly prepared about three of Tennessee," and unite us one and all under the great flag of the Volunteer State. Whoopee. Who multitude of others who will sweep into office on or four questions to find out, as best 1 could, who his coattails. Winfield Dunn is and what his beliefs are. is Winfield Dunn? And on and on. As you can tell, I'm having a However, Dunn showed up about 10 minutes late, Then there is the chicken king, John Jay Hook- personal struggle deciding which man 1 would pre- told us in five minutes what a great guy he is, er. Hooker had the foresight to let many of his fer in the governor's seat. Or which one 1 don't shook hands with as many people as he could as he friends in on the initial issue of Minnie Pearl stock when the company was formed. These want the most. I wonder if Tennessee could func- was trying to leave, did answer a couple of ques- tion without a governor. It may have to. tions that I could not hear because of the crowd. friends bought in at 50 cents a share and later sold Editorial Bill Mauldin Peace proposals should continue The rejection by the Communits of Pre- sident Nixon's five-point Indochina peace plan is an indication that the administra- tion will not be able to negotiate at the peace table with talk alone. In order for the peace talks with Hanoi to be successful, there will first have to be an indication in the battlefield that the United States intends to do what it claims. Nixon's proposals do show that the ad- ministration is attempting to go a step beyond proposals that have been made to this time to gain a reasonable peace. During the first year of his term of office, Nixon spoke again and again of achieving a "just peace" in Incochina. He also spoke during his campaign of a plan to gain a reasonable settlement in the war. However, during the administration's term of office there has been very little evidence of what this plan is or when it is going to be put into effect. Much of the world greeted the Presi- dent's proposal with praise, but there is some concern among the Communists that the plan might "legalize American ag- gression in Indochina." As it now appears, the proposal will have little effect on peace talks in Paris. «*^7. ■<!>■»» Sv.~--f,i It is hoped, however, that the proposal VN % for a standstill ceasefire is not the end ?£A(E' 15 WHEN NOBKWS SHOOTING A JU5t PEACE' of the President's campaignplay for achiev- 15 WMEN OUR Slt>E 6ET; WHAT IT WANTS." ing peace in a war that should have ended peacefully long ago. .
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