INSIDE THIS ISSUE: zarka Equine Manage- 2 ment Class O Added for Fall Ozarka Ash Flat 2 College Connection Open House VOLUME VIII, ISSUE 13 SEPTEMBER 2-SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 Slated Emerson Drive to Perform at Ozarka Money 3 Management Fair The Ozarka College Foundation Board an- Success nounced in August an upcoming fundraiser at the John E. Miller Auditorium in Melbourne. Emerson Drive, nominated for various Coun- LPN Applications 4 try Music Awards, and Dove Awards this past Being Accepted year, will be performing at Ozarka College on for Spring 09 Friday, September 26, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Foundation Special Events Chair Son Lamb expects the concert to be an exciting event for all who attend, much like the popular group two years ago, Little Big Town. Lamb said “We want people to come out to enjoy a fun evening of entertainment while supporting an important cause of helping Ozarka College build their scholarship program. Emerson Drive is an emerging country group and we are excited to bring them to Melbourne.” Ozarka Emerson Drive is comprised of five musicians originally from Canada, who have the distinc- tion of being one of the very few bands playing their own instruments on all of their records Kitchen – a rarity in the music industry. Some of their more popular hits include: "Moments", "A Good Man", and "Fall Into Me". Check out Emerson Drive on their official website Lunch Served www.emersondrive.com. 11AM-12:30 PM Daily. According to Suellen Davidson, development officer, several corporate sponsors are helping to make the event possible, NEW MENU including: Mark’s Pharmacy, Arkansas 103 KWOZ, Hometown Around Campus OPTIONS Radio KSAR 92.3 True KKountry 95, Tom Cone and Son Lamb, ♦ 2008-2009 Scholarship in the Mark Martin Chevrolet, North Arkansas Electric Cooperative, Reception September 4th Dining Room!!! GH Miller & Sons, First Community Bank, Skeeter Beene's Car @6PM in the Dining Hall of the Care, and Bancorpsouth. Main Building. Check ♦ Foundation Retreat & my.Ozarka each Tickets for the concert are $30 and $40 with all seating as- Meeting September 8th @ day for the most signed in advance. Tickets will be available for purchase begin- Ozarka - Ash Flat 9:30AM accurate menu ning Monday, August 18, at Ozarka College locations in Ash ♦ Ribbon Cutting & Open House selections. Flat, Melbourne, or Mountain View; and at all First National Ozarka College - Ash Flat Banking Company locations in Ash Flat, Batesville, Cherokee September 8th - Noon - 6PM Hamburger, GAP Testing - Sept. 8 @1Pm & Village, Hardy, Highland, Horseshoe Bend, Mammoth Spring, ♦ Chicken Strips, Sept 9 @9AM in the Learning Lab Melbourne, Mountain Home, Salem, and Wal-Mart in Ash Flat. Hot Dog and/or Tickets can also be purchased online at www.ozarka.edu, under Salad may also ONLINE CAMPUS CALENDAR the Foundation page. be available AT WWW.OZARKA.EDU each day. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Ozarka College Prices vary. REMINDER!!!! Foundation Endowment for scholarships. For more infor- Desserts every mation contact the Development office of Ozarka College All Ozarka day $.75 at 870-368-7371. campuses are now tobacco free. PAGE 2 Equine Management Class Added - The Continuing Education ning October 7th. Sauer’s horse, horse nutritional Department at experience in equine man- needs, equine balance, Ozarka College agement includes over 40 determining age, heredity will offer an eight- years as owner of a horse and breeding, and physical week class this fall for ranch, horse trainer and facilities to accommodate persons inter- instructor. horses. ested in learn- Cost for this course is ing ‘how to “How to Live with a $60.00 per student. To live with a Horse” will meet from 5-7 pre-register call Karla horse.’ pm on October 7, 14, 21 Rush at 870-368-7371 or and 28 as well as Novem- email [email protected] Tom Sauer will ber 4, 11, 18 and 25. Top- before October 1st. teach this ics to be covered during beginner this class include: how to level class select a horse, basic horse at the Melbourne campus handling and safety, groom- on Tuesday evenings begin- ing, loading and driving the Ash Flat Open House Planned for September 8 Ozarka College will host a Johnston expressed his Flat, and the passing of ribbon cutting and grand excitement about opening statewide bond reissue last opening for September 8th the state-of-the-art facility year, the Ozarka College to officially celebrate com- designed by Rico Harris of Board of Trustees and ad- pletion of the new facility in Harris Architecture in Hot ministration began planning Ash Flat. Springs and built by Tate the new construction ear- General Contractors of lier this year. Ozarka College Jonesboro. "This new 9,200 Culinary Arts will square foot facility houses a College officials will be on provide hors nursing lab and classroom, hand to participate in the d'oeuvres depart- a study center; two general dedication of the new ment from Noon classrooms, office space, a building and to provide until 2 PM and conference room, a spa- tours on September 8th. the new student cious student center, and center/nursing the cyber café, which building will be was funded by a gener- New facility open for tours until 6 PM. ous donation from Cen- at Ozarka - President, Dr. Dusty R. turyTel to the Ozarka Ash Flat College Founda- and students tion." utilizing the student center With increased complete with number of stu- WIFI and dents and the ex- cyber café. panding LPN pro- gram to Ash Flat, the support of the local sales tax base in the City of Ash COLLEGE CONNECTION VOLUME VIII, ISSUE 13 PAGE 3 First Money Management Fairs Deemed Successful about their services. Most of- kind of financial aid, make their fered giveaways and door prizes money stretch further. With and students had the opportu- the feedback we nity to open new accounts at received, we antici- most of the banks. Career pate another Money Pathways also sponsored a free Management Fair hot dog lunch for students and again next year. guests. Planning is already underway to make The local banks who partici- any adjustments pated were: Bancorpsouth, needed so we can Bank of Mountain View, First provide as much Community Bank, First National beneficial informa- Banking Company, First Na- tion to students as tional Bank of Izard County, possible and make First Security Bank, First Service this an annual event Bank, Liberty Bank, Pulaski for the college.” Bank, Simmons First National More than 200 students at- Bank, and State Farm Insurance tended the Money Management Financial Services. Fairs last week at Ozarka Col- Various lege. The event, a first for the The feedback from students institution, was held at each was positive. In fact, according Pictures Ozarka location in Ash Flat, to Director of Financial Aid and from all Melbourne and Mountain View. co-chair of the event, Joyce three events. Student Services, which in- Goff, the feedback was 99% cludes Financial Aid, Career positive. “Some of the com- Pathways, and TRiO sponsored ments we received was: ‘This the fairs. was great – very helpful! I loved it! It was very educa- The Money Management Fairs tional and I look forward to the began with short presentations next one. Very good presenta- which included Director of Ca- tions, and this was very infor- reer Pathways, Kim Lovelace, mative.’” offering tips for budgeting; Sandy Beaty from the Student Goff adds, “We hope this event Loan Guarantee Foundation of will help our students, the ma- Arkansas who presented stu- jority of whom are on some dent loan information; Sharp County Sheriff, Dale Weaver, who provided information and Kim Lovelace tips to avoid identity theft and other "get rich quick" online schemes; and TRiO Transfer Specialist, John Petersen, who ended the presentations with some additional money manage- ment tips. Sandy Beaty Students were then able to browse the many financial insti- tutions’ booths to learn more Ozarka College P.O. Box 10 218 College Drive Melbourne, AR 72556 Our Mission is to Provide Life Changing Experiences Through Education. Applications Accepted Now for Spring 09 LPN Program Ozarka College is currently accepting applications Melbourne. Students interested in applying may do College website at LPN as the programwww.ozarka.edu of study. for the Spring 2009 Practical Nursing program at and completing soan untilonline November application 1 byfor logging admissions on to and the selecting Ozarka To be eligible for the nursing program, students have previously completed the required pre-requisite derlic exams offered either on November 10th or 11 must be currently enrolled at Ozarka College or tober 1st, students may schedule assessment with the testing coordinator. s. Students must also take the NET and Won- In addition, letters of work experi th at the Melbourne campus. Beginning on Oc- more information about the LPN programs offered at please contact either Nursing or Admissionsence should at be870-368-7371. submitted directly Ozarka College to or the if younursing have department. any questions For Ozarka College Foundation Presents: Emerson Drive Tickets are on sale now with proceeds to benefitSeptember the scholarship 26th program at 7PM through the Ozarka Foundation Board. John E Miller Auditorium Call the Development Office for details: 368-7371 . .
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