Rev 1.3 QUICK GUIDE MIR SMART ONE APP FIRST INSTALLATION Few things to check be ore we get st"rte#$ 1. P%e"se ens&re th"t the t&rbine is t&rned com(%ete%) to the right in the *%ock+ position 2. P%e"se ens&re th"t ,%&etooth is en"bled on )our s'"rtphone • Loc"tion Se!-ices "s we%% or some Androi# &sers .Note$ )ou! %oc"tions wi%% not be sh"red with "n)one/0 3. I )ou! de-ice doesn1t see' to be connecting to the S'"rt One "(( 2 %ook in the &ppe! %e t2h"n# corne! of the "(( "n# se%ect the three hori3ont"% bars to open the Sidebar 'en& • Yo& sho&%d see )our S'"rt One1s seri"% n&'be! in the %ist 5 i so, se%ect .t"(/ it to point the "pp to the de-ice .the seri"% n&'ber wi%% t&!n orange/ 4. To pe! orm " Spiromet!) test6 c%ick START on the Ap( "n# then b%ow or " secon# into the (%"stic 'o&thpiece of )our de-ice0 5. To pe! orm "n O7i'et!) test .)ou nee# S'"rt One O7i de-ice/ &se )ou! th&'b to press on the *touch+ sensor or 30 seconds0 SETTINGS 1. I'peri"% or Metric s)ste'$ the App settings c"n be dis(%")e# in c':kg or in:%bs0 To switch to )ou! pre erre# s)ste'6 (%e"se ch"nge the %"ng&"ge in(&t on )ou! s'"rtphone:t"blet60 E.g Eng%ish .USA) to set the I'peri"% s)ste'6 Eng%ish .Can"#"/ to set the Metric inste"#0 2. Person"% "n# "nthropometric #"t" .height6 "ge6 se76 weight "n# origin/$ these "re '"n#"tory to pe! orm " Spiromet!) test "n# we recom'en# )ou kee( the' &(2to- #"te0 These in orm"tion "re s"-e# on )our S'"rt Phone :T"blet 'e'ory on%)0 3. Re# ;one Thresho%#$ " *t!" <c %ight indic"tor” is "-"i%"ble or PEF .Pe"k Flow/0 Yo& c"n set the re# 3one threshol# to " dete!'ine# percent"ge .=9> o! ?9>/0 @e recom'en# )ou kee( the =9>0 Res&%t wi%% be '"rke# re# i )ou! PEF is %owe! th"n the =9> of the *(redicte# -"%&e+0 Res&%ts rom =9> to A9> of the (redicte# wi%% be )e%%ow0 Res&%ts rom 80% of (redicted wi%% be green0 4. T"rget *person"% -"%&e+$ )ou c"n '"n&"%%) re(%"ce the *predicte# -"%&e+ with )ou! *t"rget person"% -"%&e+ "ssigne# by )ou! doctor or the!"pist0 The t!" <c %ight indic"tor wi%% conseB&ent%) "#"pt to )our speci<c %&ng conditions0 RESULTS 1. Abo&t Spiromet!) res&%ts$ According to St"n#"rdi3"tion !&%es in Spiromet!)6 )ou! %&ng condition c"n be considere# good o! ba# when com("re# with the *predicte# -"%&e+ .base# on )ou! ethnic origin6 se76 "ge "n# height/ o! )ou! *t"rget person"% -"%&e+ ."ssigne# by )our doctor or the!"pist/0 2. Abo&t O7i'et!) res&%ts .)ou nee# S'"rt One O7i de-ice/$ test res&%ts wi%% be dis(%")e# #&ring the test "n# the "-e!"ge or SpOC> "n# ,PM wi%% be s"-e# in the res&%ts0 3. Abo&t Spiromet!) Res&%ts$ Not "%% the "tte'pts but on%) the *best+ "tte'pts of e"ch spiromet!) session "re s"-ed "nd %isted in )our Res&%t ("ge0 i. D&st %ike " g"'e6 )ou h"-e " ti'e %"pse of = 'in&tes to e7h"%e )ou! *best+ "tte'pt0 @e c"%% this ti'e %"pse " *spiromet!) session+0 ii. @ithin the = 'in&tes6 )ou c"n pe! orm "s '"n) tests "s )ou w"nt0 For e"ch test )ou h"-e 8 "tte'pts0 ,&t on%) the best re"ding o&t of these 8 "tte'pts wi%% be recorder by the App. iii. Among "%% these recorde# tests .sti%% t"ken within the = 'in&tes %"pse/6 the "(( wi%% pick &p on%) the best of the' "%%6 s"-e it "nd %ist it in the Res&%t ("ge0 Res&%ts c"n be dis(%")e# in$ 2 in Lite!:'in&te . or PEF) 2 in Lite! . or FEVF/ 2 in % (redicted . or PEF "nd FEVF/ To switch rom rom L:' to % or PEF, G&st c%ick on the res&%t in the co%ored circ%e0 4. Abo&t Spiromet!) Trends$ Trends "re di-ide# into #"i%) trends6 week%) trends6 "n# so on0 In e-e!) tren# g!"ph6 there is " thin %ine which is "%w")s %"t6 "s it represents the *(redicted -"%&e+ "nd does not ch"nge depending on )our re"dings0 i. The #"i%) tren# inc%&de "%% the Res&%ts of the #") .see "bove or det"i%s "bout Res&%ts/0 ii. The week%) tren# inc%&de the highest "n# the %owest Res&%t of e"ch #") of the @eek0 iii. The 'onth%) tren# inc%&de the highest "n# the %owest Res&%t of e"ch #") of the Month0 iv. The "nn&"% tren# inc%&de the highest "n# the %owest Res&%t of e"ch week of the Ye"!0 COMMON ISSUES AND FAQ F0 Your S'"rtPhone:t"blet does not connect with )our S'"rt One de-iceH "0 Check the batteries in )our S'"rt One de-ice6 %ow batte!) c"&se ba# connection0 b. Check the ,%&etooth is ON on )our s'"rtphone c0 Acti-"te the ,%&etooth connection '"n&"%%) rom the App: %ook in the &pper %e t2h"nd corner of the "pp "nd se%ect the three hori3ont"% bars to open the Sideba! 'en&0 You sho&%d see )our S'"rt One1s seri"% n&'ber in the %ist 5 i so, se%ect .t"(/ it to point the "pp to the de-ice .the seri"% n&'ber wi%% t&rn orange/ #0 The ,%&etooth of )our S'"rt One Pe"k Flow'ete! '") need "n &(#"te0 You c"n pe! o!' this &(#"te &sing " di erent APP . ree of ch"rge6 "-"i%"ble or iOS "nd Androi#$ FIX SPIRO/0 C0 You G&st (&rch"se# " new S'"rtPhone:t"ble "nd w"nt to t!"ns er #"t" on itH @e recom'end )ou to &se the inst!&ction provided by )our ope!"ting s)ste' provide!6 Android or iOS6 "bout how to t!"ns er #"t" rom "n old to " new de-ice0 80 You on%) see re# re"dings in )our res&%tsH Probab%) the St"n#"rd predicte# -"%&es do not <t on )ou "nd )ou better in(&t )our own *person"% best+ -"%&e into *Settings+0 Ask )our doctor, )our the!"pist or )our t!"iner wh"t is )our *person"% best+ -"%&e0 J0 You need to de%ete "n in"cc&!"te re"dingH D&st se%ect *Res&%ts+ rom the '"in 'en&6 then rom the *%ist+ of res&%ts )ou c"n swipe2%e t or swipe2right the indi-i#&"% tri"% )ou w"nt to de%ete0 =0 @h"t is )our S'"rt One <!'w"re "nd b%&etooth -ersionH On Androi#6 G&st open the Mi! S'"rt One "(( "nd c%ick on the *in o” b&tton On iOS6 open )our iPhone:iPod *Settings+6 se%ect the Mi! S'"rt One "(( rom the %ist be%ow6 "nd the *in o” wi%% be dis(%")e#0 ?0 Kow to prese!-e the #&!"tion of the batteriesH Re'e'be! to *disconnect+ the MIR S'"rt One de-ice rom )our S'"rtPhone when )ou1re done with the test0 D&st se%ect *Disconnect+ on the Mir S'"rt One App. L0 You w"nt to connect the S'"rt One to 'ore th"n " S'"rtphone "nd &se it to 'onitor di erent peopleH Yo& c"n6 the S'"rt One is " re'ote de-ice th"t )ou c"n connect to di erent s'"rtphones "nd c"n be &sed by di erent people6 b&t not si'&%t"neo&s%)0 I di erent s'"rtphones "re in the s"'e room or ne"rby6 (%e"se re'e'ber to keep on%) ONE s'"rpthone with b%&etooth connection ON6 "nd t&!n OFF the bl&etooth connection of other s'"rtphones ne"rby0 This wi%% "%%ow the S'"rt One to connect correct%) -i" b%&etooth with the on%) M-isible" s'"rtphone ne"rby0 A0 Is )our S'"rt Phone com("tible with the MIR S'"rt One APPH Androi#$ 'inin&' ope!"ting s)ste' reB&ire'ent is Android J04 or highe!6 "nd ,%&etooth J00 or highe!0 App%e$ 'inin&' ope!"ting s)ste' reB&ire'ent is iOS 8 or highe!0 Even i the ope!"ting s)ste' is com("tible6 the h"rdw"re '") not0 At the end of this doc&'ent )ou wi%% <nd " %ist of Android "nd iOS S'"rtPhones:T"blets we1-e teste#0 More B&estionsH Em"i% 'i!Nspiromet!)0com List of Android S'"rtphones:T"blet tested "nd com("tible with Mir S'"rt One A(( ASUS ASUSO;00AD And!oi# 509 ASUS ASUSO;017D And!oi# 7.9 KUA@EI CUN2L21 And!oi# 5.F KUA@EI NOEA 2i And!oi# 709 KUA@EI RIO2L01 And!oi# 6.90F KUA@EI SCL-L01 And!oi# 5.F0F KUA@EI TAG2L01 And!oi# 5.F KUA@EI PP lite And!oi# 7.9 Me#i"co' M2PP7GJF9 And!oi# 50F Moto!ola Moto G (<!st gene!ation/ And!oi# 40J0C Moto!ola XTF?8=202 And!oi# 6090F OPPO F15 And!oi# 5.F S"'sung G"%"7) A7 SM2A700F And!oi# 5.90C S"'sung G"%"7) S8 Neo GT2I9301I And!oi# 40J0C S"'sung G"%"7) SJ GT2I9505 And!oi# 5090F S"'sung G"%"7) S? SM2G920F And!oi# 50F0F S"'sung GT2I9505 And!oi# 5.90F S"'sung SM2G=8FF And!oi# 5.F0F S"'sung SM2GA99F And!oi# 6.90F S"'sung SM2GPC9F And!oi# 6.90F S"'sung SM2GP8=F And!oi# 7.9 S"'sung SM2D8C9FN And!oi# 5.F0F S"'sung SM2D=99FN And!oi# 5.F0F S"'sung SM2NPF9F And!oi# 6090F S"'sung SM2T585 And!oi# 6090F @iko RAIN,O@ JAM And!oi# 5.F @iko RAIN,O@ JAM And!oi# 5.F List of iOS S'"!tphones:Tablet teste# and co'(atible with Mi! S'"!t One A(( iPhone 4S iPhone 5C mo#el A1429 iOS 9.80= iPhone 5S iPhone 6 iOS 100C0F iPhone 6 iOS 90C iPhone 6 iOS 90C0F iPhone 6 Plus iOS 10.90F iPhone 6 Plus iOS 10.90F iPhone SE iPhone 6S iOS 10.C0F iPhone 6S Plus iPhone X iP"# Ai! iP"# Mini 2 iP"# Mini iP"# 3!# gene!ation iOS 9080= iPo# Touch 6th gene!ation List of iOS S'"!tphones:Tablet teste# and NOT co'(atible with Mi! S'"!t One A(( iPhone 4 iPhone 3G s iP"#C iP"#F iPo# to&ch 4th gen iPo# to&ch 3r# gen iPo# to&ch 2nd gen.
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