Smart One App Quick Guide Ver

Smart One App Quick Guide Ver

Rev 1.3 QUICK GUIDE MIR SMART ONE APP FIRST INSTALLATION Few things to check be ore we get st"rte#$ 1. P%e"se ens&re th"t the t&rbine is t&rned com(%ete%) to the right in the *%ock+ position 2. P%e"se ens&re th"t ,%&etooth is en"bled on )our s'"rtphone • Loc"tion Se!-ices "s we%% or some Androi# &sers .Note$ )ou! %oc"tions wi%% not be sh"red with "n)one/0 3. I )ou! de-ice doesn1t see' to be connecting to the S'"rt One "(( 2 %ook in the &ppe! %e t2h"n# corne! of the "(( "n# se%ect the three hori3ont"% bars to open the Sidebar 'en& • Yo& sho&%d see )our S'"rt One1s seri"% n&'be! in the %ist 5 i so, se%ect .t"(/ it to point the "pp to the de-ice .the seri"% n&'ber wi%% t&!n orange/ 4. To pe! orm " Spiromet!) test6 c%ick START on the Ap( "n# then b%ow or " secon# into the (%"stic 'o&thpiece of )our de-ice0 5. To pe! orm "n O7i'et!) test .)ou nee# S'"rt One O7i de-ice/ &se )ou! th&'b to press on the *touch+ sensor or 30 seconds0 SETTINGS 1. I'peri"% or Metric s)ste'$ the App settings c"n be dis(%")e# in c':kg or in:%bs0 To switch to )ou! pre erre# s)ste'6 (%e"se ch"nge the %"ng&"ge in(&t on )ou! s'"rtphone:t"blet60 E.g Eng%ish .USA) to set the I'peri"% s)ste'6 Eng%ish .Can"#"/ to set the Metric inste"#0 2. Person"% "n# "nthropometric #"t" .height6 "ge6 se76 weight "n# origin/$ these "re '"n#"tory to pe! orm " Spiromet!) test "n# we recom'en# )ou kee( the' &(2to- #"te0 These in orm"tion "re s"-e# on )our S'"rt Phone :T"blet 'e'ory on%)0 3. Re# ;one Thresho%#$ " *t!" <c %ight indic"tor” is "-"i%"ble or PEF .Pe"k Flow/0 Yo& c"n set the re# 3one threshol# to " dete!'ine# percent"ge .=9> o! ?9>/0 @e recom'en# )ou kee( the =9>0 Res&%t wi%% be '"rke# re# i )ou! PEF is %owe! th"n the =9> of the *(redicte# -"%&e+0 Res&%ts rom =9> to A9> of the (redicte# wi%% be )e%%ow0 Res&%ts rom 80% of (redicted wi%% be green0 4. T"rget *person"% -"%&e+$ )ou c"n '"n&"%%) re(%"ce the *predicte# -"%&e+ with )ou! *t"rget person"% -"%&e+ "ssigne# by )ou! doctor or the!"pist0 The t!" <c %ight indic"tor wi%% conseB&ent%) "#"pt to )our speci<c %&ng conditions0 RESULTS 1. Abo&t Spiromet!) res&%ts$ According to St"n#"rdi3"tion !&%es in Spiromet!)6 )ou! %&ng condition c"n be considere# good o! ba# when com("re# with the *predicte# -"%&e+ .base# on )ou! ethnic origin6 se76 "ge "n# height/ o! )ou! *t"rget person"% -"%&e+ ."ssigne# by )our doctor or the!"pist/0 2. Abo&t O7i'et!) res&%ts .)ou nee# S'"rt One O7i de-ice/$ test res&%ts wi%% be dis(%")e# #&ring the test "n# the "-e!"ge or SpOC> "n# ,PM wi%% be s"-e# in the res&%ts0 3. Abo&t Spiromet!) Res&%ts$ Not "%% the "tte'pts but on%) the *best+ "tte'pts of e"ch spiromet!) session "re s"-ed "nd %isted in )our Res&%t ("ge0 i. D&st %ike " g"'e6 )ou h"-e " ti'e %"pse of = 'in&tes to e7h"%e )ou! *best+ "tte'pt0 @e c"%% this ti'e %"pse " *spiromet!) session+0 ii. @ithin the = 'in&tes6 )ou c"n pe! orm "s '"n) tests "s )ou w"nt0 For e"ch test )ou h"-e 8 "tte'pts0 ,&t on%) the best re"ding o&t of these 8 "tte'pts wi%% be recorder by the App. iii. Among "%% these recorde# tests .sti%% t"ken within the = 'in&tes %"pse/6 the "(( wi%% pick &p on%) the best of the' "%%6 s"-e it "nd %ist it in the Res&%t ("ge0 Res&%ts c"n be dis(%")e# in$ 2 in Lite!:'in&te . or PEF) 2 in Lite! . or FEVF/ 2 in % (redicted . or PEF "nd FEVF/ To switch rom rom L:' to % or PEF, G&st c%ick on the res&%t in the co%ored circ%e0 4. Abo&t Spiromet!) Trends$ Trends "re di-ide# into #"i%) trends6 week%) trends6 "n# so on0 In e-e!) tren# g!"ph6 there is " thin %ine which is "%w")s %"t6 "s it represents the *(redicted -"%&e+ "nd does not ch"nge depending on )our re"dings0 i. The #"i%) tren# inc%&de "%% the Res&%ts of the #") .see "bove or det"i%s "bout Res&%ts/0 ii. The week%) tren# inc%&de the highest "n# the %owest Res&%t of e"ch #") of the @eek0 iii. The 'onth%) tren# inc%&de the highest "n# the %owest Res&%t of e"ch #") of the Month0 iv. The "nn&"% tren# inc%&de the highest "n# the %owest Res&%t of e"ch week of the Ye"!0 COMMON ISSUES AND FAQ F0 Your S'"rtPhone:t"blet does not connect with )our S'"rt One de-iceH "0 Check the batteries in )our S'"rt One de-ice6 %ow batte!) c"&se ba# connection0 b. Check the ,%&etooth is ON on )our s'"rtphone c0 Acti-"te the ,%&etooth connection '"n&"%%) rom the App: %ook in the &pper %e t2h"nd corner of the "pp "nd se%ect the three hori3ont"% bars to open the Sideba! 'en&0 You sho&%d see )our S'"rt One1s seri"% n&'ber in the %ist 5 i so, se%ect .t"(/ it to point the "pp to the de-ice .the seri"% n&'ber wi%% t&rn orange/ #0 The ,%&etooth of )our S'"rt One Pe"k Flow'ete! '") need "n &(#"te0 You c"n pe! o!' this &(#"te &sing " di erent APP . ree of ch"rge6 "-"i%"ble or iOS "nd Androi#$ FIX SPIRO/0 C0 You G&st (&rch"se# " new S'"rtPhone:t"ble "nd w"nt to t!"ns er #"t" on itH @e recom'end )ou to &se the inst!&ction provided by )our ope!"ting s)ste' provide!6 Android or iOS6 "bout how to t!"ns er #"t" rom "n old to " new de-ice0 80 You on%) see re# re"dings in )our res&%tsH Probab%) the St"n#"rd predicte# -"%&es do not <t on )ou "nd )ou better in(&t )our own *person"% best+ -"%&e into *Settings+0 Ask )our doctor, )our the!"pist or )our t!"iner wh"t is )our *person"% best+ -"%&e0 J0 You need to de%ete "n in"cc&!"te re"dingH D&st se%ect *Res&%ts+ rom the '"in 'en&6 then rom the *%ist+ of res&%ts )ou c"n swipe2%e t or swipe2right the indi-i#&"% tri"% )ou w"nt to de%ete0 =0 @h"t is )our S'"rt One <!'w"re "nd b%&etooth -ersionH On Androi#6 G&st open the Mi! S'"rt One "(( "nd c%ick on the *in o” b&tton On iOS6 open )our iPhone:iPod *Settings+6 se%ect the Mi! S'"rt One "(( rom the %ist be%ow6 "nd the *in o” wi%% be dis(%")e#0 ?0 Kow to prese!-e the #&!"tion of the batteriesH Re'e'be! to *disconnect+ the MIR S'"rt One de-ice rom )our S'"rtPhone when )ou1re done with the test0 D&st se%ect *Disconnect+ on the Mir S'"rt One App. L0 You w"nt to connect the S'"rt One to 'ore th"n " S'"rtphone "nd &se it to 'onitor di erent peopleH Yo& c"n6 the S'"rt One is " re'ote de-ice th"t )ou c"n connect to di erent s'"rtphones "nd c"n be &sed by di erent people6 b&t not si'&%t"neo&s%)0 I di erent s'"rtphones "re in the s"'e room or ne"rby6 (%e"se re'e'ber to keep on%) ONE s'"rpthone with b%&etooth connection ON6 "nd t&!n OFF the bl&etooth connection of other s'"rtphones ne"rby0 This wi%% "%%ow the S'"rt One to connect correct%) -i" b%&etooth with the on%) M-isible" s'"rtphone ne"rby0 A0 Is )our S'"rt Phone com("tible with the MIR S'"rt One APPH Androi#$ 'inin&' ope!"ting s)ste' reB&ire'ent is Android J04 or highe!6 "nd ,%&etooth J00 or highe!0 App%e$ 'inin&' ope!"ting s)ste' reB&ire'ent is iOS 8 or highe!0 Even i the ope!"ting s)ste' is com("tible6 the h"rdw"re '") not0 At the end of this doc&'ent )ou wi%% <nd " %ist of Android "nd iOS S'"rtPhones:T"blets we1-e teste#0 More B&estionsH Em"i% 'i!Nspiromet!)0com List of Android S'"rtphones:T"blet tested "nd com("tible with Mir S'"rt One A(( ASUS ASUSO;00AD And!oi# 509 ASUS ASUSO;017D And!oi# 7.9 KUA@EI CUN2L21 And!oi# 5.F KUA@EI NOEA 2i And!oi# 709 KUA@EI RIO2L01 And!oi# 6.90F KUA@EI SCL-L01 And!oi# 5.F0F KUA@EI TAG2L01 And!oi# 5.F KUA@EI PP lite And!oi# 7.9 Me#i"co' M2PP7GJF9 And!oi# 50F Moto!ola Moto G (<!st gene!ation/ And!oi# 40J0C Moto!ola XTF?8=202 And!oi# 6090F OPPO F15 And!oi# 5.F S"'sung G"%"7) A7 SM2A700F And!oi# 5.90C S"'sung G"%"7) S8 Neo GT2I9301I And!oi# 40J0C S"'sung G"%"7) SJ GT2I9505 And!oi# 5090F S"'sung G"%"7) S? SM2G920F And!oi# 50F0F S"'sung GT2I9505 And!oi# 5.90F S"'sung SM2G=8FF And!oi# 5.F0F S"'sung SM2GA99F And!oi# 6.90F S"'sung SM2GPC9F And!oi# 6.90F S"'sung SM2GP8=F And!oi# 7.9 S"'sung SM2D8C9FN And!oi# 5.F0F S"'sung SM2D=99FN And!oi# 5.F0F S"'sung SM2NPF9F And!oi# 6090F S"'sung SM2T585 And!oi# 6090F @iko RAIN,O@ JAM And!oi# 5.F @iko RAIN,O@ JAM And!oi# 5.F List of iOS S'"!tphones:Tablet teste# and co'(atible with Mi! S'"!t One A(( iPhone 4S iPhone 5C mo#el A1429 iOS 9.80= iPhone 5S iPhone 6 iOS 100C0F iPhone 6 iOS 90C iPhone 6 iOS 90C0F iPhone 6 Plus iOS 10.90F iPhone 6 Plus iOS 10.90F iPhone SE iPhone 6S iOS 10.C0F iPhone 6S Plus iPhone X iP"# Ai! iP"# Mini 2 iP"# Mini iP"# 3!# gene!ation iOS 9080= iPo# Touch 6th gene!ation List of iOS S'"!tphones:Tablet teste# and NOT co'(atible with Mi! S'"!t One A(( iPhone 4 iPhone 3G s iP"#C iP"#F iPo# to&ch 4th gen iPo# to&ch 3r# gen iPo# to&ch 2nd gen.

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