Technical Tour 14 December 2010 (Tuesday) Tour A Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited The Western Harbour Tunnel (WHT) is the first dual three-lane harbour tunnel built in Hong Kong, and in South East Asia. WHT directly links expressways and road networks on both sides of the harbour. WHT also links the Northwestern New Territories and, via Lok Ma Chau, connects to many superhighways in *XDQJGRQJ:KHQ:+7RSHQHGIRUSXEOLFWUDI¿FRQ$SULOLWKDVEHJXQDQHZHUDLQ+RQJ.RQJ V WUDQVSRUWDWLRQKLVWRU\1RWRQO\GRHV:+7UHGXFHFURVVKDUERXUWUDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQLWDOVRVWDQGVRXWDVWKH largest single transportation project in Hong Kong ever undertaken by the private sector. Quota: SHUVRQV ¿UVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHGEDVLV Timetable 09:30 - 10:30 Assemble at the Mody Road Garden next to the InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong (see the location of Mody Road Garden on page 24). Shuttle bus departs at 09:45. 10:30 – 10:35 Greetings by representatives of Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited 10:35 – 10:55 Corporate Video on the Western Harbour Tunnel Project 10:55 – 11:15 Introduction to Tunnel Model 11:15 – 11:30 Tour of Central Control Room 11:30 – 12:30 End of Visit. Shuttle bus departs at 11:45 am to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 12:30 – 13:30 Light Lunch in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Programme of the 15th HKSTS International Conference I Transportation and Urban Substainability Technical Tour 14 December 2010 (Tuesday) Tour B MTR Corporation - Operations Control Centre (OCC) MTR Corporation is regarded as one of the world’s leading railways for safety, reliability, customer service and FRVWHI¿FLHQF\7KH075QHWZRUNFRPSULVHVQLQHKHDY\UDLOFRPPXWHUOLQHVWKH/LJKW5DLOV\VWHPLQWKH1HZ Territories and the Airport Express which serves passengers to and from Hong Kong International Airport and WKH$VLD:RUOG([SR,WSURYLGHVIDVWUHOLDEOHDQGHI¿FLHQWVHUYLFHVWRSDVVHQJHUVWUDYHOOLQJWKURXJKRXW+RQJ Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories and across the boundary into the Mainland of China at competitive fares. Quota:SHUVRQV ¿UVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHGEDVLV Timetable 09:30 - 10:45 Assemble at the Mody Road Garden next to the InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong (see the location of Mody Road Garden on page 24). Shuttle bus departs at 09:55. 10:45 – 10:50 Greetings by representatives of MTR Corporation 10:50 – 10:55 Corporate Video “a journey of moving people” at the Viewing Gallery of the OCC,Tsing Yi ± %ULH¿QJRQ2&&RSHUDWLRQV 11:15 – 11:30 Questions and Answers session 11:30 – 12:30 End of Visit. Shuttle bus departs at 11:45 am to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 12:30 – 13:30 Light Lunch in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 22 Programme of the 15th HKSTS International Conference I Transportation and Urban Substainability Technical Tour 14 December 2010 (Tuesday) Tour C Kowloon Motor Bus Company - Headquarter and Depot Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong Founded in 1933, KMB provides extensive public bus services covering Kowloon, the New Territories and +RQJ.RQJ,VODQG:HKDYHDUHSXWDWLRQDVRQHRIWKHZRUOG VEHVWSXEOLFEXVRSHUDWRUVSURYLGLQJFXVWRPHUV with a safe, reliable and comfortable bus service, which gives value for money. Today KMB serves about 2.64 million passenger trips per day on around 400 routes and is the largest bus RSHUDWRULQ+RQJ.RQJZLWKEXVHVRIZKLFKPRUHWKDQDUHDLUFRQGLWLRQHG7KHHQWLUHEXVÀHHW complies with Euro emission standards, making KMB the largest environment-friendly bus operator in Hong Kong. Quota:SHUVRQV ¿UVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHGEDVLV Timetable 09:00 - 10:00 Assemble at the Mody Road Garden next to the InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong (see the location of Mody Road Garden on page 24). Shuttle bus departs at 09:15. 10:00 – 11:00 Arrive at 7/F Training Room of KMB Headquarter - viewing of corporate video - meeting with KMB representatives - question and answer session 11:00 – 11:10 Depart from KMB Headquarter and arrive Depot by shuttle bus 11:10 – 12:00 Depot tour – daily cleaning and maintenance of buses 12:00 – 12:45 End of Visit. Shuttle bus departs at 12:15 pm to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 12:45 – 13:30 Light Lunch in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Programme of the 15th HKSTS International Conference I Transportation and Urban Substainability 23 THE HONG KONG Hong Kong Society for POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Transportation Studies Department of Civil and Structural Engineering The 15th HKSTS International Conference TRANSPORTATION AND URBAN SUSTAINABILITY Technical Tour / Croucher Foundation Special Plenary Sessions “TRANSPORTDYNAMICS” by Prof. Michael Bell, Prof. Terry Friesz, Prof. Kaan Ozbay, Dr. Simon P. Shepherd, Prof. Erik Verhoef and Prof. S.C. (Chan) Wirasinghe 14 December 2010 (Tuesday) Tentative Timetable: Technical Tour (either one of the following): 09:30 – 12:30 A – Western Harbour Tunnel; OR 09:30 – 12:30 B – Operation Control Centre, MTR Corporation in Tsingyi (Mass Transit Railway) (FULL); OR 09:00 – 12:30 C – Kowloon Motor Bus Company 12:30 – 13:30 Light Lunch 13:30 – 17:00 Croucher Foundation Special Plenary Sessions “TRANSPORTDYNAMICS” REPLY SLIP Title: (*Ir./Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms.) Surname: First Name: Post and Affiliation: Mailing Address: E-mail: Paper Reference Number: MS- I am interested to attend the following (Please tick as appropriate): Technical Tour (please tick either one of the following OR mark your preference just in case the tour may be full: 1 – top priority; 2 – 2nd priority; 3 – 3rd priority) A – Western Harbour Tunnel; OR C – Kowloon Motor Bus Co. Ltd. FULL B – Control Centre, MTR Corporation (Mass Transit Railway) in Tsingyi Light lunch Croucher Foundation Special Plenary Sessions “TRANSPORTDYNAMICS” Dietary Preference (please tick as appropriate): No preference Vegetarian Others (please specify): Signature: Date: ** NOTE ** Croucher Foundation Special Technical Tour Light Lunch Plenary Sessions “TRANSPORTDYNAMICS” Target Group All Registered Participants of the 15th HKSTS International All Interested are welcome Conference only (Free-of-charge) Condition First-Come-First-Served basis Only provided to those registered participants who submit this REPLY SLIP by 26 November 2010 To Register Please complete and return this REPLY SLIP to Ms. Connie F.Y. Lam, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Fax: (852) 2334-6389, Email: [email protected] . Remarks Registered participants without Light lunch will NOT be provided Registered participants without submitting this REPLY SLIP are to those registered participants submitting this REPLY SLIP are still welcome to join if there will who do not submit this REPLY still welcome to join if there will still have any vacancy. SLIP before the deadline still have any vacancy. HKSTS homepage address: http://www.hksts.org Please visit “http://home.netvigator.com/~hksts/conf.htm” for periodic update of conference information * Delete where appropriate .
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