Chapter IV Asia and the Pacific The United Nations continued its efforts in 2014 to promoting stability in Iraq. During the year, regional address political and security challenges in Asia and and international partners increased their support for the Pacific with the restoration and establishment of Iraq in its fight against isil. Isil and associated armed peace and stability especially in Afghanistan, Iraq and groups, however, continued to control large parts of the Yemen. The non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in west and north of the country, where they continued the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as well as to inflict civilian casualties, cause massive displacement Iran’s nuclear programme were two major crises also and perpetrate systematic human rights violations. The faced by the United Nations. United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (unami) In Afghanistan, the inauguration of President continued to carry out its mandate, which was extended Ashraf Ghani and the agreement to establish a by the Security Council until 31 July 2015. national unity Government with Chief Executive Of- During the year, bilateral relations between Iraq ficer Abdullah Abdullah brought an end to the elec- and Kuwait were marked by positive developments. toral impasse and marked the first peaceful transfer Kuwait supported the request made by Iraq that the of power in Afghanistan between elected leaders. The Governing Council of the United Nations Compensa- fourth Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process Ministerial tion Commission to defer the requirement that Iraq Conference, held in Beijing, concluded with the adop- deposit 5 per cent of oil proceeds into the Compensa- tion of the Declaration on Deepening Cooperation for tion Fund. Sustainable Security and Prosperity of the “Heart of The Security Council Committees established to Asia” Region reiterating support of the Afghan-owned oversee the implementation of sanctions measures and Afghan-led reconciliation process. The security against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea situation in Afghanistan, however, remained volatile and to address Iran’s nuclear programme continued during the year, with 22,051 recorded incidents, the their work, supported by their Panel of Experts. In second highest number after 2011. The United Nations March and in June, respectively, the Security Council Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (unama) contin- extended the mandates of the Panel of Experts until ued to support Afghanistan’s full assumption of lead- April and July 2015. ership and ownership in the security, governance and The International Atomic Energy Agency con- development areas, as defined by the Kabul Process. tinued to undertake monitoring and verification in The Security Council extended the mandate of unama relation to the nuclear-related measures set out in the until 17 March 2015. On 31 December, the security Joint Plan of Action signed with Iran, which took transition to Afghan forces formally concluded as effect on 20 January. the mandate of the International Security Assistance In Yemen, the Security Council continued its Force, led by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization support for the political transition in accordance (nato), came to an end. In December, the Security with the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative and Council welcomed the agreement between nato and implementation mechanism and the outcomes of the Afghanistan to establish the post-2014 non-combat comprehensive National Dialogue Conference. In Feb- Resolute Support Mission, which would train, advise ruary, the Council imposed an assets freeze and a travel and assist the Afghan National Defence and Security ban on individuals and entities engaging in or provid- Forces. The sanctions regime against the Taliban and ing support for acts that threatened the peace, security Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities re- or stability of Yemen. It established a committee to mained in effect. The Security Council strengthened designate such individuals and entities and to oversee and refined those measures during the year. the implementation of the sanctions measures, and a In Iraq, the threat posed by Islamic State in Iraq and panel of experts to assist the Committee in carrying the Levant (isil) continued to undermine the stabil- out its mandate. ity and political dynamics of the country. Despite the rapidly deteriorating security situation, Iraq held its Council of Representatives elections. The formation of Afghanistan the new Government and the adoption of its ministerial programme, along with its demonstrated commitment In 2014, the international community continued to resolving long-standing issues through an inclu- to assist the Government of Afghanistan to lay the sive political process, was a significant step towards foundation for peace and stability and the restora- 406 Chapter IV: Asia and the Pacific 407 tion of economic and social development in view of Preparations for the 5 April elections remained on the approaching political and security transitions of track. The formal campaign period for the presiden- 2014 through the United Nations Assistance Mission tial elections began on 2 February and on 4 March in Afghanistan (unama), under the direction of the for provincial councils. On 5 January, President Ha- Secretary-General’s Special Representative and Head mid Karzai convened a meeting of the 11 presidential of Mission, and the International Security Assistance candidates at which he stressed the need for trans- Force (isaf) led by the North Atlantic Treaty parent elections and emphasized his commitment to Organization (nato). non-interference by the Government. Election-related During the year, the presidential and provincial violence included an assassination attempt on vice- council elections dominated the political, security and presidential candidate Ismail Khan on 24 January; and economic environment of Afghanistan. Following the fatal shooting of two members of the campaign the presidential election on 5 April, a second-round team of presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah in run-off was held on 14 June between the two lead- Herat on 1 February, with a third killed in Sari Pul on ing candidates. Political tensions over allegations of 7 February. Technical preparations for the elections fraud lead to a political impasse, which prompted a remained further advanced than those for previous comprehensive audit by the Independent Election polls held in Afghanistan. Progress towards the es- Commission. The inauguration of the President of tablishment of a formal peace process with the armed Afghanistan on 29 September and the Agreement of opposition remained limited. Unama continued to 21 September to establish a national unity government facilitate local dialogue to mitigate inter-ethnic and brought an end to the electoral stalemate and marked intertribal tensions and to build confidence among the first peaceful transfer of power in Afghanistan communities. between elected leaders. The fourth Heart of Asia- Afghanistan continued to actively engage its neigh- Istanbul Process Ministerial Conference (Beijing, bours and to promote regional cooperation, includ- 31 October), whereby participant countries expressed ing its lead role in the Istanbul Process on Regional readiness to work with the new Government and Security and Cooperation for a Secure and Stable strengthen cooperation across the region. While the Afghanistan, the pursuit of strengthened political dia- security situation throughout the year remained vola- logue and progress on confidence-building measures. tile in terms of civilian casualties and population dis- On 17 January, India hosted a senior officials’ meeting placements, increased emphasis on regional dialogue in New Delhi, during which “Heart of Asia” member resulted in a series of developments in the areas of States and supporting countries and organizations trade and security cooperation. The security transition focused on issues of security, including the movement to Afghan forces formally concluded on 31 December of extremist elements and the importance of regional as nato-led isaf operations ended. energy cooperation for economic development and The Security Council adopted two presidential state- stability, as well as on reviewing progress on the six ments, on the elections in Afghanistan, S/PRST/2014/11 agreed confidence-building measures and funding (see p. 417), and on Afghan illicit drug production modalities for the Process. Between 26 and 27 Febru- and drug trafficking, S/PRST/2014/12 (see p. 418). ary, Afghanistan hosted a terrorism financing seminar The Council, by resolution 2145(2014) (see p. 408), as part of the counter-terrorism confidence-building extended the mandate of unama until 17 March measure. There were also ongoing efforts to strengthen 2015. The Council also, by resolution 2189(2014) (see bilateral ties between Afghanistan and other countries p. 432), welcomed the agreement between nato and in the region. During the reporting period, senior of- Afghanistan to establish the post-2014 non-combat ficials from Afghanistan met with officials from the Resolute Support Mission. Islamic Republic of Iran, India, China, and Pakistan. On 13 February, President Karzai travelled to Ankara Political and security developments for the eighth Trilateral Summit with the President of Turkey and the Prime Minister of Pakistan; a joint Report of Secretary-General (March). In his statement welcomed the “positive momentum” in bi- March report on the situation in Afghanistan
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