~DHFlA PFlADESH AND GEOLOGY To Sri. e. Rahul Slo. B. Chalapathl Flao, D.No.16·131, lsakanathapalll Near Chandra dairy Industrial Estate, Madanapalll, Chtttoor District. Lr.No;2159/MP·PLNRI2019. Dated: 25·07-2019. Sir Sub: Mines and Quarries - Mining Plan for precise area of Road Metal & Building Stone over an extent of 4. 959 Hects in Sy. No. 755/Part of Burakayatakota VIllage, Mulakalacheruvu Mandai Chittoor District • Alo. Sri B.Rahul · prepared by Sri G.Eswar Reddy, RQP - Approved · Regarding. Ref: 1) Memo.No.23~115/R5·112016, dt:l1.07.2016 of the DMG, lbrahimpatnam. 2) Lr. Dt: 23·07·2019 from Sri B.Rahul along with draft Mining Plan. 3) This office Lr.No.2159/MP·PLNR/2019, dt: 23-Q7-2019 addressed Sri B.Rahul. 4) letter date: 25·07·2019 from Sri B.Rahul alo~ with fair copies of Mining Plan. .......... In exerdse of the powers conferred as per amendments issued to the A.P.M.M.C Rules, 1966 vide G.O.Ms.No.56 of lnd li Com (Mines·ll) Dept., date: 30.04.2016, I hereby approv" the Mining Plan for the predse area of Sri B.Rahul prepared by Sri G.Eswar Reddy, RQP for Road Metal li Building Stone over an extent of 4.959 Hects In Sy.No.755/Part of Burakayalakota VIllage, Mulakalacheruvu Mandai, Chlttoor District. This tentative approval of mining plan Is subject to the following conditions : I. This Mining Plan is approved without prejudice to any otht'r lows applicable to the quarry lease {rom time to time whether such lows ore made by the Central Government, State Government or any other authority. 2. It Is clarified that this approval of the Minlns Plan does not in any way Imply the approval of the Government In terms of any other provl!llons of the Mines and Minerals" (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015 and any other lows Including the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and APMMC Rules, 1966. 3. It is further clarified that the approval of the mining plan/scheme is subject to the provisions of the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and Forest co.nservotion rules, 2003 and other relevant statues, orders and guidelines os may be applicable to the lease area from time to time. 4. This of{ict.> has not undertaken verification of the quarry lease boundary on the ground and dOI!s not undertake any responsibility regarding correctness of the boundaries of the lease hold should on the ground with reference to the tease map and other plans furnished by the applicant. Contd.. 2 ·2· 5. The Q.L. area Is as shown on the statutory plans by tht' applicant Is cercl{lrd by the competent authority with DGPS readl~s of the boundary points of the 14'ase and this office has not under taken the ground truth vt>ri{icotion of the quarry lease boundary ond pillars on tht' ground. 6. The approval authority does not owe responsibility with regard to recovery foetor of Rood Metal ti &Jildlng Stone and ossessmt>nt at reserves, any erroneous certification ~ by the R.Q.P. If ony, since the evaluation is done on random basis. 7. The Mini~ Pion Is apprcJ'Iftl subject to strictly odheri~ to the relevont Reyulortons of MMR, 196 I and obtain/~ prior IX'tmlsslon from the Director General Mines Safety whenever and wherever It Is required. 8. The applicant/ lessee shall safeguard the struccures, public buildings, roods, railway line, electric line and water bodies exists If any as tx"r regulations 109 8 127 of MMR, 1961. 9. The approval authority does not owe responsibility with regard co erroneous certification mad• by the R.Q.P If any and apprqval Is centatlve sub)f!Ct to modification of new flndl~s at a later date as per the prO'IIislons of Rules ln{orce, since the evaluation Is done on rondan basis. 10. The proposals contlllned In the approved mining plan shall be applicable (rom the dote of t>xecullon of the least' and tor the mini~ oct/vltles co be corrlt'd out within the lease hold area as per the approved mini~ plan only. If anything Is found to be concealed as required by the Mines Act In the contents of th<' approved Mini~ Plan and the proposal {or recll{lcotlon has not been mode or If at lott'r stage the Information furnished In the document to be Incorrect or misrepresentation o{focts, the approval shall be revakrd with lmmt'dlote effect. Yours faithfully, Encl: (2 copies of A.M.P.) Deputy D ector of Mtrii!S & Geology, Ka apa, Y.S.R.Dfstrict. CoPY submitted to : 1) The Director of Mines a Geology, lbrahimpatnam for favour of kind Information. 2) The 1\eiional Controller of Mines, IBM, Sultan Baur, Hyderabad for information. 3) The Director of Mines Saf~ty , Hyderabad for favour of kind Information. Copy to the Asst.Dfrector of Mines a Geology, Palamaner a101111 with A.M.P and If any variations noticed In the A.M.P. the same shall ~ brouaht to the notice of the Undersigned Immediately for taking further necessary action. Further, request to collect the financial assurance ~fore execution or the tease. Copy lO Sri G.Eswar Reddy, D.No.13·2·155·1, Slllrdl Nagar, Ahothapuntmu ror inronnatlon MINING PLAN INCLUDING PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSURE PLAN FOR ROAD METAL & BUILDING STONE OVER AN EXTENT OF 4.959 HECTS. IN SY. NO. 755/Part BURAKAYALAKOTA (V), MULAKALACHERUVU (M), CHITIOOR DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH. (Under Rule 7(A) of A.P.M.M.C.R., 1966) OTHER THAN FULLY MECHANIZED OPEN CAST MINING 'A' CATEGORY "A" CATEGORY ROAD METAL& BUILDING STONE QUARRY GOVT. REVENUE LAND FOR Prepared by G.ESWAR REDDY M.Sc., B L. , RQJ> /Geologist, RQP/DMG/AP/07 /2014, RQP/HYD/302/20 13/A' D.No.l3-2-1SS·l,Shlrdi Nagar, ANANTAPURAMU. A.P. 515001. Mobile:09849132789.Phone No:08554 222737. Emall:[email protected] [email protected] '• u jULY·2019 INDEX ' OC:LNn PAGE No. 1.0 )L &< lU" 1 2.0 LOCA1 lu l-l AND 11Y 3 ., 3.0 OF PLAN 5 (" 1.0 GENERAL DETAJLS OF o ' AREA 6 2.0 ;y AND EXPLORATION 6 3.0 MINING 12 4.0 MINE 21 5.0 ;oF " REJECT 22 OF MINFo:!AI, AND tl.. l 22 , OF ROM AND REJECT 22 22 PART-B 9.() ENV1Kui'IMENTAL lENT PLAN 23 PART-C _-. 1().0 PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSURE PLAN (PMCP) 28 1().1 ~ (" ... o 1· BASE UNE INFORMATION 26 10.2 IMPACT ~IC" I 29 10 .3 PROGRESSIVE RECLAMATION PLAN 30 10.4 DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND RISK ASSESSMENT 31 Dllo:!JN(, 1 10.5 CARE AND 7;;!~~F " 32 10.6 FINANCIAL ASSURANCE ~ 10.7 FINANCIAL ASSURANCE PROPFORMA ~G! 11.() CERTIFICATES ~//fA r.- ~' 11.0 PLANS & SECTIONS .. J:j£r OF PI.A~ 0 ~-- ; .. PLATE-I LOCATlON CUM KEY PLAN ~-~'il\ ",~ ' it$ c I'Ll\TE -l LEASE SKETOI 1:4000 · ~ ;«c.. PLI\TE-3 SURii'I\C£ PLAN ltlfOO j:An i\ ~ PLI\TE...I SURFACE GEOLOGICI\L PIAN 1:2.100 PLAT£-5 GEOLOGICAL SECTION 1:2.100 I'LI\1'£·6 YEAR \VISE WORKING PLAN & SEcnONS J :2f00 PLI\TE·6A YEAR WISE WORKII'\G PIAl'l & SEcnONS 1:2.100 PLI\TE-7 CONCEPTUAL PlAN & SECTIONS l:leOO PLATE·8 LAND USE l'LAN t:lfoo PLI\TE ·9 fii\'VJRONMENT PLAN 1:5000 ·- I' LIST OF ANNEX!.! BE:! \ ANNEXURE - I Photograph5 of the Area. ANNEXURE - II Copy of the Notice No: 386/ RMBS/ 20 19, Dated: 17.06-20 I 9, of DOMG. Chittoor. ANNEXURE- Ill Copy of the Determination Procds. of OOM&G, Kaaapa. ~. ANNEXURE - IV & IV-A; Copy of the Registration Certificate of R.O.P "' L ' ·- DECLARATION This mining plan for quarry lease applied area for Road Metal & Building Stone over an extent of 4.959 Hects. In Sy. No. 755/Part of Burakayalakota Village, Mulakalacheruvu Mandai, Ch ittoor District, Andhra Pradesh State, prepared In consultation with me and I understand its contents and agreed to implement the same in accordance of APMMC Rule 28. Date:24-07-2019. Signature of Applicant '~u l) Sri.B.Rahul Precise area for grant of quarry lease for Road Metal & Building Stone over an extent of 4.959 Hects. In Sy. No. 755/Part of Burakayalakota Village, Mulakalacheruvu Mandai, Chlttoor District, of Andhra Pradesh State has taken into consideration all statutory rules, regulations, orders made by the Central or State Government, Statutory Organization, Court etc, and where ever any specific permission Is required I will approach the concerned authorities. 1 also give an undertaking to the effect that all the measures proposed in this closure plan will be implemented in a time bound manner as proposed. : Date:24-07-2019. Place: Burakayalakota. ,, .. ,, CERTIFICATE c. This Is to certify that the Mining Plan & Progressive quarry closure Plan of ~ precise area for grant of quarry lease for Road Metal & Building Stone In r favour of Sri.B.Rahul over an extent of 4.959 Hects. in Sy. No. 755/Part c of Burakayalakota Village, Muiakalacheruvu Mandai, Chittoor District, has been prepared in full consultation with me. 1 have understood the ' contents of the Mining Plan & Progressive quarry closure plan and agreed to implement the same In accordance with all statutory provision of the r rules and wherever specific permissions are required, I Will approach t he D.G.M.S. Further, standards prescribed by D.G.M. S. The standards prescribed by the D.G.M.S will be strictly Implemented.
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