Redlands Aikikai Glossary For a more indepth rendering of some of the terms below, please refer to the Student Handbook of the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba In general, each syllable in a Japanese word is pronounced with equal emphasis. Some syllables, though, are hardly pronounced at all (eg. Tsuki is pronounced as “tski”) Techniques The name of each technique is made up of (1) the attack, (2) the defense, and, if applicable, (3) the direction. There are four sets of directional references used in Aikido techniques (Some techniques do not have a specific “direction”): 1. Irimi (eereemee) refers to Yo (Chinese: Yang ) movement which enters through or behind the attacker and Tenkan (tehn-kahn) refers to In (Chinese: Yin ) movement which turns with the attacker’s energy. 2. Omote (ohmoeteh) refer to movements in which nage’s action is mostly in front of the attacker (also "above"), while Ura (oorah) movements take place mostly behind the attacker (also "below"). Omote and Ura also have the meanings of “exoteric” and “esoteric” (secret), respectively. 3. Uchi Mawari (oocheemahwahree) is a turn “inside” the attacker, i.e., within the compass of his arms, while Soto Mawari (sohtoemahwahree) is a turn “outside” the attacker, i.e., beyond the compass of his arms. Hence also Uchi Deshi : inside student, living in the dojo; and Soto Deshi : outside student. 4. Zenshin (zenshin), towards the front; Kotai (kohtie), towards the rear. Attacks: Japanese Word Approximate Pronunciation Approximate Meaning Eri Dori Ehree Doeree Collar Grab Gyakute Dori; Ai Hanmi Katate Dori Gyahkooteh Doeree Kosa Dori (see below) Hiji Dori Hejee Doeree Elbow Grab Kata Dori Kahtah Doeree Shoulder Grab Katate Dori; Katate Mochi; Gyaku Hanmi Katate Dori Kahtahteh Doeree Single Wrist Grab, Sameside Hand Kosa Dori; Gyakute Dori; Ai Hanmi Katate Dori Kohsah Doeree Single Wrist Grab, Oppositeside Hand Kubi Shime Koohbe Sheemey Neck Choke Morote Dori, Katate Ryote Dori, Katate Ryuote Mochi Moeroetoe Doeree Two Hands on One Forearm Grab Muna Dori Moonah Doeree Lapel Grab Mune Tsuki Moonetskee Chest/Stomach Punch or thrust Ryo Reeoh Both (eg., Ryote Dori: each wrist grabbed) Shomen Uchi Showmehn Oochhi Top of the Head Strike Sode Dori Soeday Doeree Sleeve Grab Ushiro Oosheroe From the Rear Ushiro Dori Oosheroe Doeree Bear Hug From Behind Ushiro Tekubi Dori Oosheroe Taykoobe Doeree Wrist held from behind (opposite hand) Yokomen Uchi Yocomehn Oochhi Side of the Head Strike Defenses: Japanese Word Approximate Pronunciation Approximate Meaning Ago tsuki Age Ahgohskeeahgay Chin twist strike Aiki Nage Eyekey Nahgee Hip Throw Holding Both of Uke’s Legs Gokyo Gokyoh Fifth Form Hiji Nage Heegee Nahgee Elbow Throw Ikkyo Eekyoh First form; “putting the weight on”. Also Ikkajo Irimi Nage Eereemee Nahgee Entering Throw Juji Garame Joogeeguhrahmey "Crosstwine" throw Kaiten Nage Kighten Nahgee Rotary Throw “Breath method”: the fundamental teaching Kokyu Ho Cokew Ho of Aikido technique Kokyu Nage Cokew Nahgee Literally: Breath throw; not one of the other throws Koshi Nage Coshe Nahgee Hip Throw Kote Gaeshi Coteh Gahehshe Wrist Twist/Return Nikkyo Kneekyoh Second form. Also Nikkajo Rokyo Roekyoh Sixth Form Sankyo Sahnkyoh Third form. Also Sankajo Shiho Nage Sheeho Nahgee Four Direction Throw Sumi Otoshi Suemee Ohtoeshe Corner Throw Tenchi Nage Tehnchee Nahgee Heaven and Earth Ude Osai Ooday Ohsahay Arm Pin Yonkyo Yohnkyoh Fourth form. Also Yonkajo 1 Weapons Terms Japanese Word Approximate Pronunciation Approximate Meaning Paired Partner Practice: Harmonious Awase Ahwahsay Movement Without Contact Bokken Bowken Wooden Practice Sword Buki Bookee Weapons, arms Ha Hah Blade Edge Jo Joe Wooden Staff, Approximately 50 in Kashira Kahsherah Butt Cap of sword Katana Kahtahnah Sword Ken Ken Sword Kesa Giri Kaysah Giree Diagonal Cut Across Body Kissaki Kisssahkey Tip of sword Kobudo Kohboodoe Traditional Weapons Arts Kumi Jo Koomejoe Paired Partner Staff Practice with Contact Kumi Tachi Koome Tahchee Paired Partner Sword Practice with Contact Muna, Mune Moonah, Moonay Chest Saya Sahyah Scabbard Shinai Shenie Bamboo Sword; if Covered: Yagyu Shinai Shoto Showtoe Short Sword Suburi Suebooree Solo Practice Movement Using the Ken or Jo Tachi Tahchee Sword Tanto Tahntoe Wooden Knife Tsuba Tsuebah Guard Tsuka Tsuekah Hilt Sword Stances & Cuts Japanese Word Approximate Pronunciation Approximate Meaning Chudannokamae Choodhahnnokuhmahey Middle stance Gedannokamae gaydaannohkuhmahey Low forward stance on right Gyaku gedannokamae gyahkooh " Low forward stance on left Gedanhassonokamae gaydaanhahsohnohkuhmahey Low rear stance on right Gyakugedanhassonokamae gyahkooh " Low rear stance on left Hassonokamae hahsohnohkuh.mahey "Figure 8" stance near right shoulder Gyaku Hassonokamae gyahkooh " "Figure 8" stance near left shoulder Jodannokamae Joedahnnokuhmahey High Stance; sword hilt over head Jodanhassonokamae Same as Hassonokamae Kesa Giri Kaysah Giree Diagonal Cut top to bottom Kiri Age Keyreeahgay Diagonal Cut bottom to top Makuri Mahkooree Continuous swinging cuts Nagashi Nahgahshee Looped cuts transitioning from one to another cut Seigannokamae Saygahnnohkuhmahey Middle Stance Wakinokamae Waahkeehnohkuhmahey Side stance with sword to the rear Yoko Giri Yohkohghiree horizontal cut Yoko kamae Yohkohkuhmahey side stance with sword to the front Common Words Used in Aikido Japanese Word Approximate Pronunciation Approximate Meaning Aikido Eyekeydoe Ai=harmony, Ki=spirit, Do=The Way or Path Aikidoka Eyekeydoekah Aikido Practitioner Aiki Taiso Eyekey Tieso Aikido Solo WarmUp Exercises Aiki Sotai Eyekey Sotie Aikido Partner WarmUp Exercises Atemi Waza Ahtehmee Wahzah Striking Techniques Bushido; Budo; Budoka Booshedoe Warrior's Code; The Way of the Warrior; Warrior Chuden Chewthen Inner, or Middlelevel Teachings Dan Dahn Black Belt Rank Deai Dayeye Timing in Action Deshi Dayshe Student, Pupil, Disciple Way, Path, Truth. Also torso (attack point in kendo; Do Doh often to the exclamation “Do!”) Dogi Dohghee Training Costume Dojo Doejoe “Place of the Way”; Training Hall Doshi Doeshe Comrade, Friend (Used Among Fellow Aikidoka) En En Circle (as in Ennoirimi: Circular Entering) Gaeshi; Kaeshi Guyehshe Reversed; To Reverse Gi Ghee Training Costume (Dogi) Hakama Hahkahma A Divided, Pantskirt that goes over the gi Hanmi Hahnme Triangular stance Hanmi Handachi Hahnme Hahndahchee Nage (thrower) Kneeling; Uke (the attacker) Standing Hantai Hahntie Opposite Common Words Used in Aikido (Continued): Japanese Word Approximate Pronunciation Approximate Meaning Hara Harah Lower abdomen, physical and spiritual center Henka Waza Henkah Wahza Multiple techniques off one attack Hidari Hedahree Left (direction) Hiji Hejee Elbow Aikikai shihan, second chief instructor of Aikido Schools Ikeda Sensei Ihkaydhah of Ueshiba (note the soft “d” sound) Irimi Eereeme Entering movement Jiyu Waza Jeeyou Wahzah Free style techniques/practice Kaeshi; Gaeshi Kahehshe To reverse Kaeshi Waza Kahehshe wahzah Reversal technique Kaiten Kaiten To revolve or rotate Kamae Kuhmahay Stance, posture Shoulder. Also means "form practice of Kata Kahtah prearranged exercise(s)" Katate Kahtahtay Wrist Keiko Kayko Practice session; training Kohai Kohhi Junior student Kote Kohtay Wrist (attack point in kendo; often to the exclamation ”K’te!”) The spiritual function of sound. Each Kotodama Coethoedhamah syllable sound has its own spiritual vibration. Spirit, the vital force of the body; Universal Energy; Ki Key A flow of positive energy Energy emerging from hara and focused to a point; Kiai Keyeye may be accompanied by a piercing yell. Ki No Nagare Keynonahgahray Flowing movement Kihon Waza Keyhonewahzah Basic technique Kokoro Cocoroe Heart, spirit ("keiko, kokoro, keiko, kokoro…") Breath power, the coordination of ki flow with Kokyu Cokyuh breathing, rhythm of technique Cokyuh Doesah; Kokyu Dosa; Kokyu Tanden Ho Cokyuh thanden ho The foundational centering and connection practice in Aikido Koshi Kohshe Hips, waist Kubi Coobee Neck Kyu Cue Aikido rank before black belt. Maai Maheye Distance between uke and nage, meaning "harmony of space" Face, head (also, an attack point in kendo; Men Men often to the exclamation “Men!”) Migi Meeghee Right (direction) Misogi Meesoghee Cleansing, inner and outer Mudansha Moodahnsha White belt grade holder(s) Mushin Mooshin No mind, a mind without ego. Connection (literally: the steam that connects Musubi Moosuebee the grains of cooked rice) Nage Nahgay Throw, or the person who throws Obi Ohbee Belt Okuden Ohkoothen Higher, or secret teachings O Sensei Ohsensay Great teacher: Morehei Ueshiba Randori Randohri Multiple attack Rei Ray Salutation, bow Reigi Saho Raygi Sahhoe Etiquette Ryote Ryoutay Both hands Aikikai shihan, founder of Aikido Schools of Ueshiba Saotome Sensei Sahohthoemay (note the soft “t” sound) Samurai Samoorye Military retainer (feudal period) Sankaku Sahnkahkoo Three cornered (as in Sankakunoirimi: triangular entering) Sempai Sempie Senior student Sensei Sensay Teacher (literally: “born before”). At 4th Dan or above Seiza Sayzah Formal sitting posture Shiho Sheho Four directions Shihan Shehahn Master teacher. At 6th Dan or above Shikko Shecoe Kneefoot walking Shime Shemay To choke Shizen Tai Shizentie Natural posture Shodan Showdahn Holder of the first grade black belt; first step; low sword stance Shoden Showthen Outer, or beginning teachings Shomen Showmen Front or top of the head Common Words Used in Aikido (Continued): Japanese Word Approximate Pronunciation Approximate Meaning Shugyo Shuh ghyoh Daily practice
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