ASTBURY (ARTHUR KENELM). The black fens. 8 0 Cambridge, 1958. .91(4259) Ast. ASTBURY (JOHN). Diss. ... inaug. de morbis cutaneis. 8 0 Edin. , 1781. Att. 77.7.7/16. --- Another copy. Att. 77.7.8/16. ASTBURY (NORMAN FREDERICK). Introduction to electrical applied physics. 80 Lond. , 1956. Engin. Lib. ASTBURY (WILLIAM THOMAS). Fundamentals of fibre structure. With an introd. by Sir W. Bragg. 80 Lond.. 1933. C. M. L. --- Textile fibres under the X-rays. 80 Birmingham pr., n. d. 5397:. 6335 Ast. [ASTELL (MARY). ] An essay in defence of the female sex. In which are inserted the characters of a pedant, a squire, a beau, a vertuoso, a poetaster, a city-critick, &c. In a letter to a lady. Written by a lady. 2nd ed. 120 Lond. , 1696. GGE . a—.4. E-B. 39e Asf ADDITIONS 1 AST B URY (RAYMOND) . --- ed. Libraries and the book trade; papers delivered at a symposium held at Liverpool School of Librarian- ship, May 1967 ... Lond. , 1968. .6555:.02 Ast. --- ed. The writer in the market place. See WRITER (The) in the market place. ASTELL (MARY) continued]. --- A fair way with the Dissenters and their patrons. Not writ by M. L ----- y, or any other furious Jacobite . but by a very moderate person and dutiful subject to the Queen [i.e. M.A.]. Lond., 1704. *A.7.15 4- --- An impartial enquiry into the causes of rebellion and civil war in this kingdom in an examination of Dr. Kennett's sermon, Jan. 31, 1703/4, and indication of the royal martyr. LAnon.1 Lond., 1704. E.B.P .9(42062) Ast. --- Reflections upon marriage, to which is added a preface, in answer to some objections. [Anon.] 3rd ed. Lond., 1706. E.B. .396 Ast. --- Some reflections upon marriage. With additions. [Anon.] 4th ed. Lond., 1730. 6rivi}r$hr E,I3 -39b As/ . --- See SMITH (FLORENCE MARY). M.A. ASTER (ERNST VON). --- Geschichte der Philosophie. Mit einem Anhang: Wie studiert man Philosophie? [Kroners Taschenausgabe, Bd. 108.1 . loll Aiit . Leipzig (1932.) luSb- ASTER (SIDNEY). --- 1939; the making of the Second World War. Lond., 1973• •9(4053112) Ast. ASTERIUS, Bp. of Amasia. --- Studien and Texte zu Asterios von Amasea; von A.Bretz. [Texte u. Untersuch. Bd. 40, Hft. 1.] Leipzig, 19 14- New Coll. Lib. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS ASTER (SIDNEY). ---- ed. British foreign police, 1918- 19LL5; a alude to research and reeearuh materials. [Guides to Lhiropean Diplomatic Hist. Res. and Res. Materials.] Wi]miwk,on, Del . , 1984. Ref. .327(42083-085)016 Ant. ASTERIUS, Bp. of Amasia continued]. --- Homilies I—XIV. Text, introd. and notes by C. Datema. Leiden, 1970. .2814 Ast. --- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. --- Homil ge. See RAYNAUD (THEOPHILE) ed. Leo Magnus ... ASTERIUS, of Cappadocia. --- Asterii Sophistae commentariorum in Psalmos uae supersunt. Accedunt ali not homiliae anonymae. Ed. M. Richard. [Symbol Osloenses, Fasc. Suppl. 16.1 Osloae, 1956. .2236 Ast. --- Index Asterianus; index de 1 1 edition d'Asterius le Sophiste etablie par M. Richaz Symb. Osl. Fasc. Supplet. XVI, Oslo 1956. Par E. Skard. [Symbolae Osloenses, Fasc. Suppl. 17.1 Osloae, 1962. .2236 Ast. ASTERIUS, the Sophist. See ASTERIUS, of Cappadocia. ASTERIUS (JUSTUS). --- Deploratio pacis Ger anicn: sive dissertatio de pace Pragensi, tam infauste quam injuste inita Pragae Bohemorum, 30/20 Maji, anno M. DC . XXV ... Juxta exemplar LutetiTe Parisiorum, 1636. RQ.5.70/2. ASTESANO (ANTONIO). --- A. Astesani de ejus vita et fortunae varietate carmen. [AA.380-1341.] A cura di A. Tallone. [Muratori, Rerum Ital. script. xiv, 1.] Citta di Castello, 1912. F .9(45) Mur. ASTHMA and hay fever in theory and practice; ,. See COCA (A.F.), WALZER (M.) and THOMMEN (Q.A.). ASTHMA RESEARCH COUNCIL. --- Physical exercises for asthma. Approved by the Honorary Medical Advisory Committee of the Asthma Research Council. 3rd ed. 1939• Lond., 1939• C.M.L. ASTI ( ALFxANDER DI). --- Military observations: humbly inscribed to ... L. Craigie, Lord Provost, Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Glasgow Volunteers ... Glasgow, 1803. Q P• 956/5• ASTI. --- Statuti communali di Villanova d'Asti. Introd., testo, franchigie, documenti, indici e glossario a cura di P. Savio. [Studi e Testi, 61.] Citta del Vaticano, 1 934• •9(4515) Ast. ASTA (JEAN FRADARIC). --- La theologie allemande contemporaine. Avec une lettre-preface a la jeunesse theologique des pays de langue franpise. Geneve, 1874. Yi.5.17. ASTIER (EMD4kNUEL DI). --- Sur Saint-Simon. [Paris, 1962.] .9(44033-034) Sai. Ast. ADDITIONS ASTESIANO (E.). --- and AlU (0.). — ads. t.Aw 0 01. i-roaeediuge ... See COLLOCLUIUM ON TRER") IN AJ CFJiRA A.ND PROGRMVDI G, 5th, Genoa,1981. ASTIER (PIERRE A.G.). --- La crise du roman franjais et le nouveau realisme; essai de synthese sur les nouveaux romans. Paris [1969.] .8439109 Ast. ASTIER DE LA VIGERIE (El" 4ANUEL D I ). See ASTIER (MULNUEL DI). ASTIN (ALAN EDGAR). --- The Lex annalis before Sulla. [Coll. Latomus, Vol. 32.] Bruxelles, 1958. .3451 Ast. --- Another copy. Classical Lib. --- Politics and policies in the Roman Republic. An inaugural lecture delivered before the Queen's University of Belfast on 1 May 1968. [New Lect. Ser. No. 41.1 Belfast [1968.] . P 3z (3'7)Asi --- Scipio Aemilianus. Oxford, 1967. .9(3704-05) Sci. Ast. --- Another copy. Classical Lib. ASTIN (HELEN S.). --- The woman doctorate in America; origins, career, and family. [Russell Sage Found. Publ . ] - M 5 (73) Ast. New York [1969.1 . --- See FOLGER (JOHN K.), A. (H.S.) and BAYER (ALAN E.). ADDITIONS ASTILL (ALAN WALTER). --- and MARTIN (LAURENCE HAROLD). -- Elementary sturctural design in concrete to CP 110. Lond. , 1975 • —;gib, .621183 Ast. ASTIN (ALAN EDGAR). --- Cato the Censor. Oxford, 1978. Classical Lib. --- Another copy. .907010 Cat. Ast. ASTIN (ALEXANDER WILLIAM). -- Four critical years; (effects of college on beliefs, attitudes and knowledge). 2nd pr. ^Jossey-Bass Ser. in Higher Educ.] S an Francisco,1978. .378(73) Ast. ASTING (RAGNAR). --- Die Heiligkeit im Urchristentum. [Bousset and Gunkel, Forsch. z. Relig. u. Lit. d. A. u. N. T., N. F., 29.1 Gottingen, 1930. .208 Bou. --- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. ASTIR. See ASATIR. ASTIUS. See AST. ASTLE (THOMAS). --- An account of the seals of the kings, royal boroughs, and magnates of Scotland. [5 pls., with text. Soc. of Antiq. of Lond., Vetusta Monumenta, vol. 3, 1796.] n.p., n.d. 0.15.10. --- The origin and progress of writing, as well hieroglyphic as elementary, illustrated by engravings taken from marbles, manuscripts ... also, some account of the origin ... of printing. Lond., 1784. E.B.F .417 Ast. --- Another ed. Lond., 1876. Window II.74. --- See GROSE (F.), A. (T.), etc. ASTLE (WILLIAM ERIC). --- Shipowners' cargo liabilities and immunities. 3rd ed. Lond., 1967. Law Lib. ASTLEY (HUGH JOHN DUKINFIELD). --- Biblical anthropology, compared with a4illustrated by the folklore of Europe and the customs of primitive people. Lond., 19 29• •398.221 Ast. 1 ADDITIONS As=r ( MmEN). --- Get the meaeagei LAwareneee of Lang.] Cambridge, 1983. P .3726 Ast. ASTLEY (HUGH JOBN DUKINFIELD) [continued]. --- Prehistoric archaeology and the Old Testament. Donellan Lectures, Dublin, 1906-7, enlgd. Ellin., 1908. Yd-7-17- --- Scandinavian motifs in Anglo-Saxon and Norman ornamentation. Repr. from the Saga-Book of the Viking Club, Jan., 1905. n.p., n.d. P .74544(4201-02:48) Ast. An offprint. Baldwin Brown Bequest. ASTLEY (JOHN). --- The art of riding. London, 1584. [The Eng. Experience, No. 10.1 Amsterdam, 1968. .79823 Ast. ASTLEY (ROY). --- Radiology of the alimentary tract in infancy. Lond., 1956. E.M.L. ASTLEY (THOMAS) ed. New general collection of voyages and travels, consisting of the most esteemed relations ... in any language, comprehending everything remarkable in its kind in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ... 4 vols. Lond., 1745-47. E.B. .9108 Ast. ASTLEY AINSLIE INSTITU'T'ION, Edinburgh. --- Annual reports of the Medical Superintendent, years 1923-28 (- ). [Ellin.] LL.138.3. 6. Title varies. ASTLEY-MABERLY (CHARLES THOMAS). --- The game animals of Southern Africa. Johannesburg, 1963. Forestry Lib. ADDITIONS .kSTIjY (a''_Ialp). --- " twley ly system of equestrian education, exhibiting the beauties and defects of the horse. With ... advice on its general excellence, preserving it in health, grooming Lond. , 1801. Vol. Lib. ASTMANN (CHRISTOPHORUS SIGISMUNDUS). --- Valetudinarium peregrinantium ... in diss. inaugurali ... examini submittit C.S.A. Lugd. Bat., 1697. QP.888/14. ASTOLFI (RICCARDO). --- La lex Iulia et Papia. [Padua, Univ. Fac. di Giurisprudenza, Pubbl. 55•1 Padova, 1970. Law Lib. --- Studi sull g oggetto dei legati in diritto romano. Vol. 1. [Padua, Univ. Pubbl. della Fac. di Giurisprudenza, 38.] Padova, 1964- Law Lib. --- Another copy. Law Lib. ASTON (Family of). --- Tixall letters, or, the correspondence of the Aston family, and their friends, during the seventeenth century. With notes and illustrations by A. Clifford. 2 vols. (in 1). Lond., 1815. EE.13.94• ASTON (DONALD CHARLES). --- and RICKARD (JOHN HELLYAR). --- Macro-economics; a critical introduction. Lond., 1970. .330182 Ast. ASTON (E.). --- See URWICK (L.F.), A. (E.) and CORDUKES (F.H.) ASTON (FRANCIS WILLIAM). --- Isotopes. Lond., 1922. .54138 Ast . --- Another copy. JCM Lib. --- 2nd ed. Lond., 1924. Chem. Lib. --- Mass-spectra and isotopes. This volume incorporates the substance of lectures delivered at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, on the Aberystwyth Lectures Foundation during ... 1931-1932. Lond., 1933• Chem. Lib. --- Another copy. JCM Lib. --- The structural units of the material universe. (Seventh Earl Grey Memorial Lecture delivered at King's Hall, Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, March 5, 1925.) Lond., 1925. P .54124 Ast. ASTON (FREDERICK ALFRED) . --- The challenge of the ages; new light on Isaiah 53. 22nd ed. rev. New York, 1971. New Coll. Lib. ASTON (HELEN I.). --- Aquatic plants of Australia; a guide to the identification of the aquatic ferns and flowering plants of Australia, both native and naturalized ... Carlton, 1973. Botany Lib. ASTON (HENRY HERVEY). --- A sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul, before the sons of the clergy.
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