PAGE SIXTEEN T H E LKADER THURSDAY, JUNE 20,1968 Commercial Leader Leader-Free Press And The South Bergen Review Official Newspaper of the Vic Frangipane: Teacher O f The B lind Boroughs of Lyndhurst's Official Newspaper East Rutherford Ic C a rls ta d t Since m i It seems but yesterday a s m i l­ then on served as relief organ­ Publication Office 276 Grove St., East Rutherford ing youngster, carrying a b r u t - : ist at theaters in the vicinity. 151 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst, N J. 417 Second St.. Carbtadt ease full of music, would arrive "M any years ago a group call­ T elep h o n e G E n ev a 8 870ft— 81*1 Telephone GEneva 8 8706—8701 a! the old Rei Theater in East ed the King Sisters played th e Second Class Postage Paid At Editbr John Savin« Rutherford, N. J. t r o w K ß s r a Publication Office Rutherford or the Rivoli in Ruth­ P.uslie Cabipto Route 9W , Engle­ E d ito r John Savlno 251 Ridge Road, Lyndhnrst, N.J. erford or the Capital in Passaic wood Cliffs. 1 palyed the piano Subscription $3.00 Per Year Second Class Postage Paid At icady to play the organ. for them. They are now famous Ten Cents Per Copy t h n / p ' Rutherford, N. J. But t was +4 years ago. in television. — -------- Subscription J2.50 Per Year Ten Cents Per Copy Today Victor P. Frangipanc, "I began to teach very early 7 0 0 0 * W eek ly ,34!, Still filled with the youthful and gave lessons for an hour for gusto with which he attacked the 30 rents. At the same time I "T h e LEADER keys of the theater organs ¡is a played at churches including Im ­ No. Arlington Leader SPEAKS for boy. devotes his time to teach­ maculate Conception in Wayne, And The Bergen Sunday Leader SOUTH BERGEN” ing, composing and reflecting. St. M ary's in Rutherford, Sacred North Arlington's The reward financial and spiri­ Heart in Lyndhurst, St. Cecelia’s Official Newspaper tual has been great. And Vic, 157 Ridge Rd. No. Arlington. N.J muicai khs in Kearny. Queen of Peace in Phone 991 6051 or GE 8-8700 A P Assicumi who now lives at 551 Fern Ave­ North Arlington — ami m a n y Editor John Savino nue, lyndhurst, says he would o t h e r s . Social Editor — 991 1839 not ohar.ge a minute of it. “I continued m y educatiin, of Second Class Postage Paid At A native of Lyndhurst.- Vic re­ Kearny, N. J. 07032 < curse. I was graduated from Subscription $3.00 Per Year calls with enthusiasm the barber­ I.ymttiurst public schools, Kearny Ten Cents Per Copy shop operated for many years II.gh School and studied at Col­ by his father, John, umbia University. T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 20. 1968 "W e lived in I tv rear of the. "I was always lucky because I shop," recalls Vic. "It was the knew just what I wanted to be center of our lives. Very often — jc music teacher. And to that we had unexpected guests. A late­ purpose I have devoted a very To The Graduates comer to the shop would be in­ full and happy life. I have stu- There are those who warn the gradu­ Do you wish to hear a famous orches­ vited to dinner by m y mother. r!( nts today whose grandm others ates that thev are entering a world of tra? And sei it? Vitina, and often a haircut and ( taught 44 years ago. violence, selfishness, materialism and sin. Your television set will bring it into shave would be given between “My happiest day is Saturday This is true. your living room. ,. the appetizer and the dessert."* when I am engaged from 7 a.m. "I started m y music llessons at, It h a s always been thus. Were it not The museums in our nation grow more to 7 p .m . 9. Mrs. Hyatt, organist for Sac­ th e re would be no need for the steeples expansive every year. They are open to "And today I have two special red Heart Cathofie Church* was that point warning fingers heavenward all, most of them without cost. students — Bernadette Barrows m y teacher. Later on I played un­ a n d for the bells that tell the passing Our educational processes grow by leaps and Susan Enriress o f' Rnther- der the direction of M r. Wooby, days. and bounds. No one who wants more edu­ foid. They are wonderful child- a fine, professional musician. But the graduates should also under­ cation is denied it today. With education <'n whose hands carry a message stand that they are entering a world of comes the great capacity for enjoying the M y uncle, Stephen Frangipane, f joy and hope. They have a great beautv, of great excitement, of essentially true gifts of life. vvho lived in the Bronx, -rwcetness of touch and of inter- prof ¿«fSblM I musician wlio was great promise. Yes, it is a grim world in many respects. nictation that marks them as the master of nearly every string The real rewards of life that come from It is a demanding world. '.rifted young people. instrument, M y father wanted me great books, great music, great art are But it is also a rewarding world for to em ulate him . Uncle Steve play­ "Bernadette and Susan are now more available than at any other those who know what to seek. WHO SEE MACitC OF THE SOUL — Vic Frangipane, 44 'ears a teacher of music, supervises ed at the Hotel Commodore for blind. It gives me the greatest two in whom he sees future greatness. They are Susan Enilress and Bernadelte Burrows of time in history. The graduate has the ability to make 15 years with the Bernard Levi- of pleasure to watch them deve­ Rutherford. Both are blind. Do you wish to attend the festivals in his own world. tow orchestra. The orchestra was lop. Bernadette how plavs at M l. Spelete? There are facilities at modest tence, the pianist and organist at er and director, and my daugh­ eer lie has staged innumerable We wish him well, feeling at the same an early performer on radio and Carmel Church in Lyndhurst. I Holsters in Wayne. There arc ter, M rs. Jean Weiscb, teachers benefits'and played at m any oth­ cost at your beck and call to whisk you time no small pang of envy because of his I can remember eating dinner have great hopes for both these th e re . - Jill Striesant. now playing on in the same studio. e r s . | youth, his vitality and his preparation. with earphones connected to the 7»irls y/ho are triumphing over Broadway in "The Prim e of Jane “M y piano and organ composi­ "It seems p*rt of a musician's crystal set so I could hear Uncle handicaps- of stteh extiflordinaiy Brody,’' and Chris Strahler, Who tions have been published in m a­ life to give,” said Vic. "Perhaps Steve's orchestra. dimensions. i« in the m ilitary presently. There ny countries and have been play­ that is the joy of it, — giving. "M y brother, Red Frange, who Self Policing «Some of m y other pupils, are tie many others. M y son, John, ed around the w orld.” For kindness has a special re­ has had his own orchestra for well.known. There is Alfred Law- fperates Music Tim e as a teach- During the course of Vic’s car­ w a r d . " Out of the Colujnbia campus troubles dressing habits and characteristics? rqany years, came under the may come a lesson. The Columbians in­ Why shouldn’t students police their same sort of influence. ' "I. forked busily in the barber­ sist they have not had enough to say own rooming and their own dress styles? Realtors Seek Inal development and the result­ about the operation of their college. Why shouldn’t students be responsible shop at the age of 10. I w o u l d ant new jobs and tax ra tables, Carol Jean Kientz Wins P e rh a p s. for the conditions of their own rooms, lather a customer’s face. When Meadows Support ‘he riparian lands pr&blem af- m y father had finished shaving lrcts thousands of homeowners Masters In Nursing In Cal. One is hardly to doubt, however, that including the rest rooms? Adelaide Shaffer Campbell, him I would apply witch hazel along the Jersey shore. students have not had enough responsibil­ Why shouldn’t students make the ef­ 1 resident of the New Jersey As­ Miss Carol Jean Kientz, a gra­ Officer and Mrs. Charles A. and powder and comb his hair. If the question is to be placed ity . “ ““r-r-— ■ ■ ‘ fort IcTstop the smashing of windows7~by sociation of Real Estate Boards duate of Cornell University - New Kientz of North Arlington, was Often I got .a £ive-cent tip. on the ballot for the Novem ber e- That goes for the high schools, too. doing some policing after“ dark ? and the 2,900, Realtor members \ ork Hospital School of Nursing, recently inducted into Sigm a The­ “When there Were no custom­ ’cction a 3-5's affirm ative vote is The vandalism in the schools today is a Why shouldn’t students coach those are urging the.
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