Editedby DrAnilKakunje MCQ’sinPsychiatry&Psychology 1555PLUS Revised SecondEdition 1555 PLUS Publishedby TheIndianPsychiatricSociety KarnatakaChapter CopyrightwiththeEditor FirstEdition:2017 Printedat:ChetanaPrinters,Milagres,Mangalore Price: Rs.250/- MCQ RapidFire Identifytheperson Fillintheblanks True/false Matchthefollowing RegisteredOffice IndianPsychiatricSociety KarnatakaChapter(IPKSC) #521B,GodavariBlock NationalGamesVillage Koramangala,Bangalore-560034 ii MCQsinPsychiatry&Psychology 1555 PLUS Editor Dr AnilKakunje MBBS, DPM(NIMHANS)MD(Manipal) Professor&Head, Dept. ofPsychiatry YenepoyaMedicalCollege YenepoyaUniversity, Mangalore ConsultantPsychiatrist KakunjePsychiatry&CounsellingCentre IIndFloor, TejTowers, JyothiCricle, Mangalore Ph: 9845312940. Email: [email protected] Dr Anil Kakunje is the Professor and Head, Dept of Psychiatry at Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore. He did his DPM from NIMHANS, Bangalore and MD Psychiatry from KMC, Manipal. He has more than 55 publications, written chapters for 5 books and authored 3 books. He has published articles on unique areas like 'Gas syndrome', News addiction, wanting rhinorrhoea to relieve headache as a culture bound syndrome, sex as a cure for insomnia apart from regular psychiatry topics. He is a guide for MD students and PhD scholars. Received research grants of nearly Rupees 30 lacs from various funding agencies. l Recipient of Young Psychiatrist Track Award by the World Association of Social Psychiatry for the year 2016 at New Delhi. l Received Prof Raguram Distinguished Young Teacher Award from Indian Psychiatric Society Karnataka Chapter for the year 2018. MCQsinPsychiatry&Psychology iii PLUS 1555 Contributors SameeranS.Chate DrSantoshPrabhu Dr.HarishKulkarni Dr.BheemsainTekkalaki AssociateProfessorofPsychiatry, Asst.ProfessorofPsychiatry AssistantProfessorofPsychiatry AssistantProfessorofPsy. J.N.M.C.Belagavi KSHEMA,Mangalore SNMC,Bagalkot JNMC,Belagavi DrKiranKumarPK DrNarayanRMutalik Dr.ShivanandBHiremath, DrGaneshKini ProfessorofPsychiatry AssociateProfessorofPsy. SeniorResidentofPsy. AsstProfessorofPsy. AJIMS,Mangalore SNMC,Bagalkot KIMS,Hubli YMC,Mangalore DrVedaNShetageri Dr.SushmaInamdar Mrs.SowmyaS.Puthran AssociateprofessorofPsy. AssistantProfessorofPsy. Psychologist, YENCOURAGE MVJMC,Hoskote,Bengaluru SNMC,Bagalkot YMC,Mangalore Dr.SandeepPatil DrManojShettar,MD DrSanjayH.C AssistantProfessorofPsychiatry AssistantProfessorofPsy. GeneralHospital J.N.MedicalCollege,Belagavi SDMMedicalCollege,Dharwad Shikaripura,Shivamogga iv MCQsinPsychiatry&Psychology 1555 PLUS Foreword ChittaranjanAndrade, M.D. Dean (BasicSciences) Professor,ClinicalPsychopharmacologyUnit DepartmentofClinicalPsychopharmacologyandNeurotoxicology NationalInstituteofMentalHealthandNeurosciences Bangalore560029,India Email:[email protected] When I was preparing for my final MBBS examinations in 1981, I was faced with the enormous challenge of reading through thick medical textbooks, end to end. I did so; but that was when I discovered that there is also much learning to be obtained from studying the different subjects through multiple choice questions (MCQs), happily, a few books of which were available in my college library. It gives me much pleasure to write the foreword to this book which comprises a multi author compilation of quiz questions in psychiatry. I am sure that this book will help students of psychiatry to revise what they have learnt and to prepare for their examinations, including oral examinations. It would give quiz masters a resource for questions to pose to eager candidates. It would give students an opportunity to prepare for quizzes. And I imagine that examiners would find it easier,using this book, to find ideas for questions for postgraduate students. This book is a worthy successor to the previous book, the IPSKC MCQ's in Psychiatry: 1000+ which was published in 2017. My congratulations to the authors. MCQsinPsychiatry&Psychology v 1555 PLUS Message Prof(Dr.)CVRaghuveer, MD,DCP,FIMSA,FICPath ProViceChancellor, YenepoyaDeemed-to-beUniversity, Deralakatte,Mangalore The role of a Teacher is not only to teach, but also to assess how much the student has learnt. A good Teacher is one who makes the students learn and assesses the students with different tools. This small booklet on MCQs in Psychiatry written by Dr. Anil Kakunje and friends is not only a compendium on questions set by the authors but also a ready- reckoner in the subject. The exhaustive coverage includes questions of varying types, varying difficulty levels and also varying degrees of interest. A difficult subject like Psychiatry is made to look so easy that even a novice in Psychiatry will start liking the subject and the way it is assessed. short answer questions make the subject easy and enjoyable. The authors have toiled much in making the manuscript look modern and current and they have included best of 4 response MCQs, True or False, Fill in the blanks, Match the tables etc. These are all the ways of improving the students' ability to grasp the subject as well. A few more items like K type MCQs, Multiple True or False etc could be included in the next edition. Compliments to the authors for their efforts and interest in making their subject seem more interesting. May their efforts bear fruits. Theadvantageofsuchshortbookletsistheeasewithwhichonecancarryit anywhereforpreparationofanycompetitiveexaminations.Wishtheauthors andstudentsallsuccessinlearningPsychiatry. vi MCQsinPsychiatry&Psychology 1555 PLUS Message DrMadhukarBR,MD DrSunilGPatil,MD President,IPSKC Hony.Secretary,IPSKC On behalf of IPSKC we would like to congratulate Dr Anil Kakunje for bringing out the 2nd & revised edition of MCQ's in Psychiatry- 1555 plus. It's bigger than the hugely successful 1st edition. Within 3 years they have upgraded it. This speaks volumes of their commitment. This has been the most appreciated reference source for quiz for students. IPSKC is proud to be associated with this project. We wish Dr Anil & team many more success. MCQsinPsychiatry&Psychology vii 1555 PLUS Message DrMSMoosabba,MS Principal YenepoyaMedicalCollege Mangalore,India I am extremely happy to know that Second edition of the PSYCHIATRY MCQ BOOK 1555 PLUS authored by our Psychiatry HOD, Dr. Anil Kakunje and his team is getting published soon under the banner of Psychiatry Society of Karnataka Chapter. It reminds me how the previous edition of this book helped the students in getting PG courses in the branches of medicine. In this competitive world of specialization such books are very helpful to the medical students. I congratulate Dr. Anil Kakunje and the associated team for the hard work that has gone in preparation of the 2nd edition of this book. I wish them all the success for their future endeavors. viii MCQsinPsychiatry&Psychology 1555 PLUS Preface I never thought I would go into writing books! A lot of learning material would not be available unless you compile it in a systematic manner and preserve it. This endeavor is yet another step in that direction. The first edition of the book was a dream which became a reality in 2017. I was immensely touched by the appreciations received from the students, readers and question paper setters which motivated me to move on to the revised second edition. This edition is around 50% larger than the first edition. It has more than 1600 questions and answers which would help medical undergraduates, post graduates and also students preparing for entrance / competitive examinations. We have taken utmost care to minimize errors. I thank all the contributors for their whole hearted cooperation. I thank my family members for their immense support especially my wife Sushma and son Ishaan as the time spent on this is majorly from their quota. I extend my thanks to Mr Wilfred of Chetana Printers for his cooperation. “To know what you know and what you do not know is true knowledge” - Confucius DrAnilKakunje 9845312940 [email protected] MCQsinPsychiatry&Psychology ix 1555 PLUS Contents Sl. Topics No.of Page No. Questions No. 1 RapidFireRound 97 1 2 Testyourpsychiatryknowledge 58 8 3 Psychopharmacology 100 12 4 102Notout 102 23 5 IPSKCPGQuiz2020 109 35 6 SUPER80 80 47 7 Pleasant50 50 57 8 PsychologyQuestions 100 62 9 IPSKCUG/InternMCQPrizeExam-2019 100 75 10 IPSKCUG/InternMCQPrizeExam-2018 100 85 11 SixtyPlusSyndromesinPsychiatry 60 96 12 IPSKCUG/InternMedicalPrizeExam-2017 112 104 13 IPSKCUG/InternMedicalPrizeExam-2016 100 117 14 IPSKCUG/InternMedicalPrizeExam-2015 100 129 15 IPSKCUG/InternMedicalPrizeExam-2014 100 141 16 IPSKCUG/InternMedicalPrizeExam-2013 100 152 17 IPSKCUG/InternMedicalPrizeExam-2012 100 162 18 IPSKCUG/InternMedicalPrizeExam-2011 100 173 19 FiftyQuestions 50 186 20 ChallengingQuestions 45 192 TotalNumberofQuestions:1666 x MCQsinPsychiatry&Psychology Dr Anil Kakunje CHAPTER 1 RAPID FIRE ROUND 1. Who was the first person to describe Hebephrenic schizophrenia? 2. What is the preferred mode of administration of Tab. Asenapine ? 3. What is the minimum score in PANSS? 4. Exner & Klopfer system is related to what in psychiatry? 5. STAR-D trial was done for which illness? 6. Who gave the concept of Guru-Chela relationship? 7. Fear of death is called as 8. When do we celebrate HIV/AIDS awareness day? 9. Housebound housewife syndrome is related to which disorder? 10. The name Anthony T Barker is associated with what in psychiatry? 11. Who was the first person to describe Catatonia? 12. What is the ICD code for schizophreniform disorder? 13. Name the special seizure type where
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