DES LACS RIVER FLOOD CONTROL STUDY BURKE, WARD, MOUNTRAIL, RENVILLE COUNTIES NORTH DAKOTA CANADA UNITED STATES BURKE COUNTY MOUNTBAIL COUNTY RENVILLE COUNTY WARD COUNTY MINOT PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT SWC PROJECT NO. 1772 NORTH DAKOTA STATE WATER COMMISSION APRIL, 1984 lti\,i PRELII4INARY ENGTNEERTNG REPORT DES LACS FJ\ÆR BASIN STUDY SWC PROJECT #L772 APRTL, t9g4 NORTH DÃKOT"A STATE VIATER COMII{ISSION 900 EAST BOIIITEVARD BTSMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA 58505 PREPARED BY: WATER ENGIIÏEER DALE L. Þfa HYDROLOGY AND ITWESTTGATIONS ENGINEER D¿$ID A.. -8. DIRECTOR. OF ENGINEERING VERNON FAHY, STATts SUMMARY In May, 1983 the North Dakota State blater Commission entered into an agreement v¡ith the lrlard county Water Resource District to develop a hydrologic model and evaluate flooding problems in the Des Lacs River Basin. A hydrologic computer model was used to estimate discharges on the tributaries and at selected points on the river. Eight potential d.am sites were investigated for their potential to reduce flooding in the basin. It should, be pointed out that this report is not proposing that these dams be constructed at this Èime. If the lrlater Resource District. desires to pursue any particular dam or Èype of dam, a more detailed investigation would be reguired,. The dams studied both individually and coll-ectively do not provide a large degree of flood. protection. The study shows that several dams would be required to reduce the flood peaks significantly. The follow- ing results pertain to the placement of dam sites. 1. Dams placed north of the Des Lacs Refuge would have litÈIe downstream effect d.ue to the combined capacity of the refuge reservoirs. 2. Dams placed. in the middle portion of the basin provide the greatest fl-ood, red,uction. This is due to timing of flow from the tribuÈaries being fairly cl-ose to the timing of the Des Lacs River. 3. In the l-ower portion of the basin, the peak flows from Tasker, Lloyd.s, and Larson Coulees were slightly ahead of the main stem peak. This would lessen the flood reduction benefit of dam sites. In addition, it appears that dams eonstructed in the upper aseas of the triþutaries may be more sosÈ ef,fecÈive than tlre larger daqrs Located on the do¡¿rrsÈream end of the tributaries. For .exam¡lle' upstrean and, downstream dar¡rs were studied on f'laùen Coul,eer in Èhe Carpj.o area. A da¡q siite on the uPstream end of Ëhe cou]-ee re{uced the 100-year fLood peak at FOxlpIm by ?tr with a cosù of ,a¡rBroximately $305rO00. The doqnstrea:n d"anr reduced the peak by t2*, but the cost increased to $1'3 niltrion. t¡erall, the results of, the studli provide an esÈírnate of the costs and benefits that could be expected from dams of, various sizes and locations A review Ìras rnade of, the i:npact of drainage in the basin. Although, the gtudy showed that drainage could resul-t in an increase in peak fLows" it j-s unlikely thaÈ siqnif,icanÈ increasas have occuffed as a result of drainage. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I INTRODUCT]ON.. I II. DESCRIPTION OF THE BASIN 2 A. Location and Size 2 B. Topography and Geology. 2 C. Climate. 2 D. Flooding Probl-ems 4 III. EXISTING V,TATER PROJECTS 5 A Northgate Dam.. 5 B Des Lacs National füildlife Refuge Dams. 5 c Burlington Dam No. I 7 D Burlington Dam No. 2 7 IV. EXISTTNG STR.EA-M GAGE DATA 8 V STUDY APPROACH. 13 A. General 13 B. ¡4odel Development for Existing Conditions.... I3 C. Mode1 Development for Tributary Dam Analysis. 16 VI . STUDY RESULTS 19 A. Model Results for Existing Conditions l9 B. Model Results for Tributary Dams 2L C. Impacts of Drainage... 30 D. Souris River Flooding fmpacts 31 VTI. CONCLUSIONS... 33 TABLES Table l- Des Lacs Ri-ver Basin Stream Gage Discharge Frequencies... 9 Table 2 Des Lacs River at Foxholm Stream Gage Data Summary. 11 Table 3 Des Lacs River at Foxholm Volume of Frequencies. L2 Table 4 Drainage Areas of Tributaries and. Des Lacs River. 15 Tab1e 5 l-979 Peak Discharge Times. 16 Table 6 Des Lacs River Frequencies... l9 Tabl-e 7 Statistics Summary of Potential Dam Sites. 23 Table 8 Peak Ðischarges on Des Lacs River at Foxholm with Individual Tributary Dams. 24 Table 9 Peak Discharges on Des Lacs River at Souris River Confluence with Individual Tributary Dams. 25 Table 10 Cost vs Flow Reduction, Tributary Dams SO-Year Flood. 27 Table l-l- Peak Flow Þy Frequencies with Multiple Dam Proj ects. 2A FIGURES Figrure I General Location l,lap of t'he Des Lacs River Basin. 3 Figure 2 Existing lilater ProJects. ..... 6 Fig:ure 3 Hydrograph of 1969, L97O, and l-979 Recorded Floods on Èhe Des Lacs River at Foxholm IO Figure 4 Watershed LocationS L4 Figure 5 Hydrograph of 1979 Recorded Flood vs 5O-Year À4ode1ed Flows. 20 ')) Figure 6 Potentlal- Dam Site LocaÈions. !... .Figrre 7 Hydrograph of 5O-Year Flow: Existing vs Pl-an Three Dams, Des Lacs River at Foxholn.. - - 29 APPENDICES .A.. InvestJ-g-ation Agreenent B. Area-CapaciÈy Curves for Potential Dam Sites C. Preliminary Cost Estimate for Potential- Dams D. Individual- Dam Loeation MaPs I. INTRODUCTTON The Des Lacs River has a history of flood problems. The lower Des Lacs River has several steep coulees that enter the river from the west and cause extensive agricultural floodíng. In addition, minor urban flooding is experienced. There has been considerable speculation as to Èhe measures that can be taken to decrease the flooding in the basin. On May 6, l-983, the North Dakota State $Iater Commission entered into an agreement with the Vüard CounÈy V'later Resource Board. The pur- pose of this agreement was to develop a hydrologic computer model of the Des Lacs River Basin. This modet would be capable of analyzing the general flooding problems in the basin as well as evaluating potential water projects. A copy of the agreement is included. in Appendix A. The dams evaluated in this study were selected to provide a general analysis of different projects in terms of size, type, and. Iocation. The basin has the potential for the construction of several other d.ams in addition to those included in this report. -] - II. DESCRTPTTON OF THE BASIN A. Location and Size The Des Lacs River, a tribuÈary of the Souris River, has a total drainage area of Lr042 square miles. The head.waters of the river are in southern Saskatchewan. The Basin includes portions of Burke, Renville, Mountrail and lfard counties in North Dakota. Figure 1 is a general Iocation map of the Des Lacs River Basin. B. Geology and Topoqraphv Ground moraine "pothole areas" and the broad river va11ey is char- acteristic of the Ðes Lacs River Basin. The soil consists mainly of well-d.rained loams and clay loams which are gently undulating. The southwest drainage d.ivide follows a band. of dead-ice moraines, wíth the basin having surficial glacial d.eposits which contain a broad pattern of meltwater channels. Generallyr the upper reaches of the tribuÈary strearns have the major concentration of pothoJ-es. Many poÈhole areas are considered as non-contributing due to their lack of an outl-et. The downstream seg- ments of the tributaries have steep, well defined channels. This causes flooding to occur extremely fast from both rapid snowmelt and summer thunderstorms. C. Climate The Des Lacs River Basin climate is characterized by extreme varia- tions in temperature, variable rainfall and moderate snowfalt. Record.s of the National- Vùeather Service show thaÈ temperatures have varied from -2- cAx^DA utattEo lf^lEl FLAXÎON' ,- -, l NM -l a F ts 2 t, t zÞ o o Ð o o o !l o o I G o G E f ! ¡ t MOUHTNAI 1Y AURELIA o DES LACS RIVER BASIN XHOLM t .î' lfltloT General Location Map Figure 1 -3- the lows in -5Oor to highs in llOor range. Annual- mean temperature is 39oF. Annua1 precipitation averages 15.5 inches. The mean precipita- tion ranges from a minimum of 0.4 in February to a maximum of 3.4 in June. The average annual snowfall is 33 inches.V D. Fl-ood.ing Problems Almost every year the Des La,cs River overflows its banks Èo some extent. Most floods are small and short in d.uration-! Severe floods have occurred in spring of L949, 1969, L97O, L975, L976, and 1979. I'lood.ing can also occur in the area of blocked. culverts or storm drains during periods of severe rainfall because of steep va1ley watts.V Only a few studies have been completed on flood problems in the basin. The Federal Huergency Management Agency has completed Flood. fnsurance Studies for the CiÈies of Burlington, Donnybrook, Carpio, and the unincorporated areas of Vtard County. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have studied the lower Des Lacs River from Foxholm to the mouth in conjunction with Burlington Dam invesÈigations. IJ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Flood Control Lake Darling, Design Memorandum No. 3. 2/ North Dakota State üIater Commission, 1983 State trfater PIan. !/ Federal tnergency l4anagement Agency, Flood Insurance Study of Ward County. -4- III. EXISTING VüATER PROJECTS Several water projects have been construcÈed in Èhe Des Lacs River Basin. Figure 2 shows the location of the larger projects. Below is a brief description of these projects: A. Northgate Dam Northgate Dam is located in Section 19, Township 163 North' Range 89 V'Iest, on SÈony Run Creek in norÈheastern Burke County.
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